I'm tapping on a certain boundary, and then I tap it tick tock, and feel that very comfortable feeling

"World Detective Studies, Peking Opera Murder Case, this case is indeed very difficult. In all kinds of criminal investigations, I think one question of criminal suspects is that they are very curious.

That is Peking Opera. Every time a criminal suspect kills the deceased, he will play the killing process during the death process, which is accompanied by huge criminal evidence. "Chu Yuan couldn't help frowning.

Peking Opera investigation, now the suspect and its difficulties.

Among all the motives now, the investigation of criminal information is extremely difficult now

In the investigation of Peking Opera, the situation of the criminal suspect is very difficult now, and everyone is squinting at this time.

In this process, the criminal suspects enjoy the process of being killed, and in the present, they have entered a difficult situation. "Investigating Peking Opera fans, and now confronting everyone.

Investigating Peking Opera fans, now everyone is investigating

To investigate the whole city, Lin Chen chose the easiest way and the easiest way to record data.

Peking Opera lovers, starting from the magic capital, and then starting to investigate, this is the current case investigation

Anyone who loves Peking Opera

Taking the magic capital as the boundary, and then suddenly broke out, the case has reached an uncontrollable point

Even now everyone's face is ashen, because of the development of the case and its difficulties

Du Sanshuishan, now the case is developing, and it has begun to enter the industrial investigation

Sanshuishan, tenth villa area

The scene of the deceased's death, and now at the scene of the deceased's death, various investigations have reached the point where the deceased's bedroom is extremely appalling.

The two deceased, a man and a woman, were all naked, lying on the bed with terrifying eyes

There are no traces of fighting on the ground, which is something people have suspected for a long time

And one of the most suspects among them is that the suspects kill all lovers

From Europe all the way to Southeast Asia, then from Southeast Asia to now

This is the case investigation at that time. From the death of more than 0.7 people in Europe, they were all recorded in the crime.

The deceased male, Ma Tianfeng was 56 years old. The main wound of his death was a severe rupture of the left side of the neck artery. The time of the deceased was [-] hours.

The deceased female, Zhao Ai, was two men and one year old. The main injury to the death was that the aorta on the right side of the neck was violently severed. The time of the deceased was 78 hours. The top forensic team has detected the time of death of the deceased, and the autopsy situation of the book.

Lin Chen frowned and carefully looked at the time of death. Now in Chen's thinking, the most complicated thing is the time of death of the deceased.

Haven't you noticed, the time of death is very problematic, that is, the woman died an hour before the man


136 Dead Time Conquer

Conquering from the time of death is now Lin Chen's thinking

Among them is the time when the suspect died. At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning. Now everyone is on the suspect's motive or autopsy, and completely forgot to investigate the details.

This is the investigation of the case, that is, the development and inference of people about this kind of case.

Is there a crime problem at the time of death, and what is the problem with criminal cases now? "Chu Yuan couldn't help frowning. The main investigation of Wang's case is what Chu Yuan is good at. Singular and other investigations into various criminal cases have developed. There are no strange investigations and developments. Now everyone's face is ashen. , looking at the death scene

dead time

Detailed investigation of the death scene, and various autopsy reports, in which the details of various details were not noticed by everyone.

The characteristics of the deceased's death, the female deceased died an hour earlier than the male deceased, so what happened in the 15 hours? "Li Tian reacted extremely quickly, and he reasoned the moment he entered his fixed thinking.

What did the suspect do during this hour?

Lin Chen frowned, he didn't think so now, but outlined the plot in his mind, and the situation changed

This is the investigation of the case. In the current criminal process, the criminal suspect is enjoying the thrill of killing wings.

Opening the pupils of the deceased, Lin Chen's eyes were swollen, and he couldn't help frowning deeply.

The last picture of the deceased, reappears now, this is the picture of the deceased

Villa bedroom, man's point of view He is beside the computer, playing a game that is very popular recently, suddenly the doorbell rang

Hello courier. "

There was a voice from the door, the voice was very clear and bright

Express? Liu Ai, do you have express? "The man said, and then went to open the door.

With a scream, the picture changed again. It was a picture of men and women bound together. In the current picture, Lin Chen saw the suspect for the first time.

It was a long white hug, tall, almost [-] meters tall, wearing a black children's mask, it looked childish and ridiculous, but those eyes had no desire and were full of violent slaughter.

Right now, in this kind of thinking, everything unfolds is terrifying

White robes, children's masks can't help but terrify

Those eyes, with the color of the ultimate tiger, are currently under investigation.

The dark black pupils, with the color of Wu abuse, the people at this time, the gods are deeply with killing intent

You are all going to die! "

"We represent the darkness, you all are going to die

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