Then the next step is when the song is played, then all matter changes, and now all existence is like this

This is the age of rebirth, at least all of them here. "Squinting eyes, the criminal suspect at this time is crazy

Lin Chen suddenly became excited. This was his first emotional expression, because the murderer's tactics in a Beijing Opera murder case were indeed terrifying, and his skills were extremely terrifying.

But he still didn't know that someone would be able to see the line of sight from the pupil of the deceased, see the line of sight of the dead wide

He has a long face, triangular eyes, and an extremely pale complexion. This is a Chinese face. There is a scar on the right side of his eye. This scar is terrifying. Now, everyone can't help but tremble.

The main one is not here. The suspect has a Germanic tattoo on his chest. This is a very strange tattoo.

What tattoos represent? Now to everyone, it is a curious case investigation. This is when the case broke out. In the collapse of major criminal cases, it was a fearful step.

This represents darkness. In the current tattoo, this represents the ultimate darkness. At least at this time, everyone's face is iron.

Lin Chen regained his sight. Now his head is no longer there, but he has become accustomed to this extreme dizziness, and now he is accustomed to the sight of the deceased.

He has a long face, a height of [-] meters, triangular eyes, short hair, and a tattoo of Germanic language on his chest. This is the tattoo of the suspect's Germanic language. This is a Germanic tattoo with various records of ancient times.

"The criminal suspect has a Germanic tattoo on his chest, so he just said it!" Lin Chen didn't say much at the crime scene, watching everyone frown tightly and said Germanic language

Before Lin Chen could finish speaking, Chu Yuan's face was ashen in an instant. Chu Yuan knew too much about the language of Wang. If this language was tattooed on his chest, it represented some kind of sin.


137 Reproduced language

The Germanic language, in the previously recorded Protoss language, in the current record, can be said to have reached a joint point of a certain state of affairs. In the joint investigation of the previous case, it has reached an uncontrollable nature.

Now that the language is reappearing, everyone's face is ashen, and they can't help frowning at the current development of the case.

Lin Chen frowned. On the suspect's chest, he saw a Germanic language tattoo on the deceased's chest. This tattoo represented too many meanings, and even this tattoo record indicated some kind of killing.

In the past, President Zhang, a chain murder case, in which the victim looked like a woman, and the perverted murderer had a Germanic language mark on his chest.

Now Lin Chen saw this mark again, and his face was ashen in an instant.

"The suspect's appearance and characteristics are as follows. He is one meter tall, has a long face with an inch scar on his chin, short triangular eyes, and a colored Germanic tattoo on his chest. He doesn't need to know about his clothes, because it is too replaceable." Lin Chen frowned, Be polite to everyone

Now everyone is going to investigate. The data form of the investigation is the appearance characteristics of the criminal suspect, and then the physical characteristics of the criminal suspect are found in the area of ​​​​Modu. This is the entire image investigation of the criminal suspect.

In the area of ​​the deceased, with the northern suburbs as the center point, all the places where the cameras can take pictures, and the places where the major ID cards are taken and checked, are all beginning to be investigated.

Case development, data investigation, and now it is just beginning


This belongs to the Nanshan area, mostly from the area of ​​driving and barbecue.

In front of the villa of the deceased, the camera has been destroyed

The body of the deceased was temporarily taken to the post-mortem mound of the Modu Police Brigade. This is the era of freshmen

The camera investigation here, the development of the case and the changes in major materials are all without the presence of criminal suspects.

Metropolitan Police Brigade, Major Crime Squad Meeting Room

Everyone is debating, debating the development of the current case, and the changes in the current plot

So at this time, everyone's face is ashen, and the investigation of this kind of case has a headache.

The reappearance of Germanic language, and the murderer of the Peking Opera murder case is actually related to Germanic tattoos, then the top-level serious case and the first-level serious case are completely implemented, but if the Germanic language is involved, the perverted suspect is terrible

"Germanic language, Zhang Tian, ​​that bastard, the head of the neurological hospital, damn it!" Li Tian frowned deeply, he knew the development of the case, among the various changes

Germanic language, once it appeared

Germanic language appeared, what do you think, Chu Yuan. "Lin Chen frowned, before everyone had a confrontation with a Germanic language suspect.

Naturally it is terrible to know this language

Germanic language, representing too many sub-criminals and criminal cases recorded in the summary of suspect information

Now everyone is frowning, and they can't help frowning deeply when investigating and controlling this kind of case.

Now that the consultation materials are summarized, in the case description, the controllable nature is that

What happened now is recorded. "At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, feeling the description of this case.



The whole city is searching for language tattoos, the criminal suspects are special-looking, and they are entered into the top list of criminal suspects. Now I am calling on everyone in the city to cooperate with the investigation. I don’t believe it. "Team Liu is very angry with a wry smile in his eyes.

What if the suspect is in a hurry. "Li Tian frowned, in the face of such a horrific existence of a crime that is extremely vicious, people do not want to imagine, because the criminal suspect has various thoughts, that is a perverted existence.

This is the former criminal suspect in the current case collection and data investigation.

In the past, the criminal suspects explained various data descriptions of the criminal suspects, among which the criminal suspects were in the data records. There is only this kind of investigation. I now seriously suspect that the suspect is not a split personality, not even the director of the mental hospital. You must know that during our investigation, the director of the mental hospital has no thoughts of all kinds. any problem

"He has two personalities, and both of them are perfect manipulation personalities, so this kind of terrifying existence, this level of character, is now facing the case investigation.

Nuo Zhao

There are two personalities, one is that he is the director of the mental hospital, and the other is Zhang Tian's drug experiment. The drug experiment of those neurotic patients has always been correct during the killing process.

"There is also a data investigation, that is, the summary of the criminal suspect's data, among which is the personality metamorphosis, that is, the criminal suspect used Chu Yuan's girlfriend to threaten Chu Yuan and then conduct a data investigation.

"This kind of clear thinking routine, how do you say he will be a normal person, so this kind of guy is not a normal person himself, but all kinds of thinking have reached the limit"

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