So to deal with this existence, now we have only three ways. "Lin Chen's brain is quickly sketching out a plan


138 The Cunning Seventh

three-point element

In the face of a dual personality with clear logic and indifference, he can perfectly control a violent tiger and a murderer, and he is good at all kinds of secret agents. Boxing or holding is terrible.

Anti-tracking and camouflage have reached the limit. The suspect may even be an honest businessman in reality, or a white-collar worker from [-] to [-] in the morning, but who would know

When the night is knocked on your door, sin alcohol reappears

He must know Zhang Tian, ​​so he came here, not for revenge, but to rank us. "Lin Chen smiled wryly, his mind capture is terrifying, naturally he knows the purpose of the criminal suspect.

Originally the suspect was in Europe, in Southeast Asia, and even in the midst of traveling and killing people, and suddenly came to Asia, and now he has come to the magic capital. The plan is obvious.

The purpose of the criminal suspect is obvious, and it is obviously the most important point, that is, the criminal suspect knows the description and records of the case, and the investigation of the information is extremely difficult.


Zhang Tian died here, and the 517 suspect came

Chu Yuan's face suddenly turned ashen. Although Zhang Tian's death was said to be the result of a police shooting, but for a perverted murderer, this kind of information is extremely simple to obtain.

Then the suspect did not come to Zhang Tian, ​​but to find Chu Yuan and the detective who arrested the suspect

Then it is Chu Yuan, Lin Chen, Li Tian

Interesting, the thinking of looking for the three of us to fight wits and courage as a criminal suspect is really scary, and now I am even more curious about what the criminal suspect's means want to get. "With his eyes closed, Lin Chen said coldly.

Extremely perverted

This term should not describe the Peking Opera massacre, or the murder in search of death.

The suspect did not care about Zhang Tian's death, nor did he come to take revenge, but wanted to experience the thrill of being hunted down

If it is analyzed like this, then the purpose of the criminal suspect and why the woman will die an hour earlier is that there is information. All investigations are logical and the development of the case can all be traced back. Now the variable data is summarized. and investigation, but I didn't expect the case to get stuck at this point.Looking at his eyes, Lin Chen's thoughts were instantly clear at this time.

Now all the thinking, all the cases are instantly clear, the case is organized, the investigation of the criminal case, in all the criminal records, all are rooted.

Now let's talk about it, that is the investigation of details." Lin Chen frowned, looking at the crowd.

Now is the detailed investigation of the case, in the current data record

Your problem is!

At this time, Chu Yuan frowned, and now Chu Yuan has deeply frowned because of the current situation.

In the current data records, everyone is investigating the motives of the criminal suspects, but they completely ignore one point, that is, the most basic details.

"New Festival, that is the motive of the criminal suspect, and the current motive can be divided into two points.

The first point is the woman. One hour before the victim's death, the suspect has been slowly slitting the victim's throat, and then to experience the extreme pleasure, which is All thoughts of the suspect

The second point is the display of thinking, that is, the suspect is questioning us, and now these are the thoughts. "Lin Chen looked at everyone and smiled bitterly.

Harvest cattle (bfbf life, now is the thinking of the suspect

So now it is, the suspect's thinking is two points

The first is that the suspect's loved one is being tortured, and then the suspect is enjoying the process of dying

The second is the provocation of the criminal suspects. Because people from the same organization died, the criminal suspects are very curious, and they are curious about detectives and investigations.

Now what everyone is facing is no longer a criminal, but a criminal suspect with clear thinking logic and an extremely terrifying criminal suspect. Here is a criminal suspect and an important person who will encounter difficulties.

Criminal cases are now two major steps, each of which has been investigated

Then our current investigation is "Zhang Tiannuan asked curiously, looking at the crowd.

In the current case, the information of various criminal suspects, the description of the crime certificate, and the comparison of the information of the criminal suspects are now compared with the consulting materials.

When Lin Chen said that the motive of the criminal suspect is now condensed, everyone is very surprised, not only surprised by the case, but also surprised that this development has reached its state of surprise and thinking.

Arrest or say the suspect is planning a showdown with us. "Lin Chen was expressionless, looking at Case Zongdao.

This is the criminal suspect, any of his thoughts is a showdown, and even the criminal suspect is waiting for a showdown, that is, a showdown with everyone

This is what the suspect is showing in his various thoughts.

The suspect is in a confrontation with everyone, at least killing people, that is just the perverted thinking of the criminal suspect.

This is in the later stage, Lin Chen felt this abnormal dimension, in all the current thinking, it is a terrible thinking display

Killing is not the suspect's main purpose. He wants to experience the ultimate murderous pleasure. This is the way of thinking.

Then come to confront the police, this is the reason why the suspects are also very angry

Starting in Europe and then starting from Southeast Asia, in order to satisfy his perverted thinking, the criminal suspect does not know how many of his own thinking methods have come out. This kind of criminal suspect can be called perverted to the limit.

Among the various criminal record certificates in the present various thinking demonstrations, this is the introduction and development of the recorded cases.

The whole city, the major news media, are all waiting for a situation to explode


139 Mysterious

crime showdown

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