Suspect and police detective duel

The madness of the criminal suspect is also a duel with Zhang Tian, ​​the dean of the neuropathy

Zhang Tian, ​​the perverted murderer

In the conference room of the serious crime team, everyone is blocking the area and starting a carpet search

Team Lin, you'd better come out. A veterinarian called the police, saying that a finger was found in the dog's throat. "The police customer service walked out, his face extremely pale

Everyone walked out curiously, and found a broken finger in the dog's throat. Everyone couldn't help but be extremely curious.

The veterinarian has driven to the scene. This is a middle-aged man, with a short stature, wearing a white veterinary coat. He opened the trunk of his car, and there was a black German wolf-back dog lying in it.

At this time, the wolf-backed dog is listless, lying on the trunk and humming. In the small box next to it, there is a finger taken out from the dog's throat. According to the length and thickness, this is an adult's finger. Who is the dog owner? Lin Chen frowned because of what brought the dog into the house, and asked the veterinarian with his eyes.

Did the dog bite someone else?

Li Tian didn't care, he couldn't help but asked curiously

No, it's fine if it's bitten, but the dog will never swallow its fingers. First of all, look at the size and skin of this wolf on his back. It's all well-fed, so there's no particular hunger. "

If you are not particularly hungry, you will not bite people's fingers. This is not the point. The point is that the dog owner should feel that his dog has been coughing. It doesn't seem to be there now. "

If I am not at fault with the pig and there is nothing so called unclean, has the dog owner come home. "Lin Chen suddenly frowned, looking at the veterinarian.

Going back now. "The veterinarian frowned.

The phone told him not to go back, please call quickly. "Lin Chen frowned hurriedly, signaling the veterinarian to rush to call

Now Lin Chen's expression is very serious and he is the supreme commander. Everyone present listened to his speech. Suddenly the veterinarian was scared and hurriedly nodded and made a phone call.


The phone hangs up, the dog owner went to the vegetable market to buy food, and he hasn't come home now, so Lin Chen is relieved

Everyone looked inexplicable, so they could look at Lin Chen and try to come up with a reasonable explanation

I know what you want to ask, and you want a reasonable explanation, right? There is no reasonable explanation. Now the case is very simple.” That is the finger that the dog ate, the finger of the thief who entered the dog owner’s house and stole it, this is the Their fingers don't have anything to do with biting others.

"Once the dog owner goes back, what will the thief who has lost his finger and Wu's cruelty do anything? Now call the police immediately and go to the dog owner's house. Lin Chen signaled that two police cars and Lin Chen and Li Tian will go together.

Because this kind of case is the first time I have come into contact with everyone, so I am very curious now.

At the vegetable market, the police car picked up the dog owner

This is a middle-aged woman holding a vegetable and seeing her fingers, she couldn't help but turn pale, and when she heard the veterinarian's explanation, she couldn't help but get chills all over her body. If she went back alone, what would she face? I can't imagine it, because the bad situation will simply reach the point of uncontrollable

Thanks to the police. "The middle-aged woman, looking at Lin Chen, couldn't help but thank her, and was glad she didn't enter the house.

"How did you find out that the dog was stuck." Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but wonder

At noon, after I finished cooking, I found that my back was coughing all the time, and it started coughing in the morning. In the early hours of the morning, the dog kept barking. I was annoyed at that time. Now it looks like that time. "The policeman couldn't help but feel a chill on his face, but his back was full of chills.

According to this description, then the suspect went to hide in the suspect's house in the early morning, and then was bitten by the big wolf dog. Because he was afraid of the big wolf dog, the criminal suspect had been hiding in the policeman's house and could not come out.

ask for flowers

Now the big wolf dog has been taken to the police for treatment, so once an accident occurs, it will reach the point in itself. This is the development and investigation of the case at that time. In the current major criminal incidents, the nature of its own manipulation is such most terrifying

Because ordinary people go to the police, once there is a police officer, it is the dog who bites off someone else's finger. Once the case is filed, the person who calls the police will die at home.

In the water community, the house here is not a residential building, but a two-story villa with a yard. There are many people who can buy such a house in the villa.

Everyone loses to the rich or the expensive, so the criminal suspects are also thinking to investigate here.


Entry room two floors six bedrooms, two living rooms

Li Tian, ​​guess where you would hide if it were you. "

"There are basements and the first and second floors here. The first hiding place needs to be unnoticed. In this kind of home, you can't have the most dangerous place in the safest position. Second, there is also the smell of the wolf dog, so where will you hide? "Lin Chen couldn't help but look at Li Tian curiously, leaned on the sofa and tapped the table curiously.

"The most important point is that the suspect has already bandaged his own king, and he has to ensure that the blood on his hands must be hidden, otherwise, it can be easily smelled by a dog's sense of smell, so you can guess." Lin Chen looked around the house.

on the refrigerator

Behind the window, there are the six bedrooms. Now there is only one bedroom for occupants. There are two bathrooms and two living rooms. The basement is locked and temporarily inaccessible, so where will the criminal suspect hide?

Lin Chen didn't plan the police to look for it, but watched everyone curiously, this is the guess of the case, where the criminal suspect will be waiting for you, and now everyone is gradually scrutinizing the process of his crime.


140 scrutiny

Inside the toilet upstairs

Lin Chen looked at the crowd, and suddenly said lightly, and instantly everyone looked puzzled, or looked extremely curious.

The first point is, where does the policeman live? He rarely goes to the second floor when he lives on the first floor. The second is that the best way to clean bloodstains is water. Thirdly, the policeman can jump from the window. Now I guessed correctly. , you go and open the door, now the suspect is down. "Lin Chen smiled.

Li Tian walked up to the second floor and kicked the door open. It was very quiet. Inside was a young man in black short sleeves, his fingers were tightly guarded by the curtains. His face was pale, which was a sign of excessive blood loss.


Li Tian squinted his eyes and said that the criminal suspect still has a case description, that is, it has reached the point where it is easy to investigate. The criminal suspect was sent to the hospital. Lin Chen and the others went to the police station because Team Liu called just now. , signaling everyone to go back in a hurry, one of which was another malicious murder incident at the Modu Stadium.

This incident was so bad, that's why Team Liu called everyone to the stadium

In the previous stadium case, the person who died was Li Qingshan. Now Li Qingshan's son is still under investigation in the interrogation room, but now the stadium has been murdered again in the magic capital, and the stadium was suddenly panicked.

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