
At this time, several famous SWAT officers were wearing black SWAT uniforms, and their eyes were cold and vigilant. Wang Li was in the stadium with an explosion-proof shield and a rifle on his shoulder. It was discussed, because after the incident of Li Qingshan last time, this was the influence of Li Qingshan at that time, and it had a great influence in all major events.

Now the stadium is amazing, now it's an unknown place

The man in there died so tragically, his body was smashed to pieces and the remains of the flesh in the stadium now.

Yes, I don't know who offended, but it's so unlucky

it's horrible

The surrounding people are talking a lot, which is completely different from the previous case of Li Qingshan. According to the descriptions of the people around, Lin Chen has already guessed that the investigation of this case is very simple, and the victim was broken alive.

Entering the stadium, the top forensic team is collecting the corpse. Although it is collecting the corpse, the forensic doctor is holding the corpse and pinching the corpse.

The corpse case, you have seen it now, the deceased's body was broken into pieces, and the intestines and major organs of the corpse were well wrapped. Now we are investigating, and we don't know what it is. Happening. Team Liu frowned and patted Lin Chen's shoulder in the case of dismembering the corpse. The case itself was extremely vicious, and the suspect was also extremely perverted.

"Could it be, the perverted murderer in the Peking Opera murder case?" Li Tian frowned and pondered.

No, because that pervert likes to kill, but he shouldn't have the patience to go to New Festival's corpse," Chu Yuan frowned, Chu Yuan came out from there, so all the development of the case is

In the current Chu Yuan, he is also livid.

Zhang Tiannuan is introducing the case, which is also the occurrence and outbreak of the corpse case.

Case code: Murder case

Case location Modu Pedestrian Stadium

Case history: At 12.3:[-] a.m. on the [-]rd, the stadium cleaners went to clean up and found three black backpacks in front of the changing table of the second stadium. After opening them, they found that they were all washed and clean meat.

At that time, the cleaners thought it was raw mutton, but when they found a finger in it, their faces turned ashen and then they hurriedly called the police. After calling the police, they found that something was wrong.

Autopsy of the deceased: The characteristics of the deceased's death are temporarily unknown. The deceased was 200 meters tall and weighed [-]. The body was crushed by a strong chainsaw. nature

This is an autopsy of the deceased. In the current investigation of the suspect's situation, the major problems are like this

At the scene, it was morning when the body was found. Then the next day, in the footage captured by the camera, was there anyone carrying a black backpack at night? Li Tian frowned.

"We checked the situation of the corpse, which was within 12.1 and 2. Otherwise, the corpse would decompose quickly. We investigated the cameras three times. Among them, among the various evidence collections, we mainly carried out investigations while carrying a backpack. But all situations are failures." Liu Team couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Another case of dismemberment broke out in the stadium. This case originally committed 10 crimes, and is currently in the process of recording the case.

Now the stadium has completely become the center of discussion in the magic capital. At present, due to the serious nature of the situation, Liu team prohibits those media from coming to shoot, because once those unscrupulous media come to shoot, all kinds of pictures will be rendered, and all kinds of pictures will be added. smear

Or the backpack is not on the back. If it is delivery, the food should be placed in the big box. Here is the stadium where some equipment is carried. "Lin Chen was expressionless, looking at the three big backpacks, his eyes were cold.

One of them is one point, that is all Lin Chen's analysis now. This kind of investigation and thinking reflects that no one thought of it at all.


141 The corpse case

The stadium dismemberment case is also the second major and cruel case in the Metropolitan Stadium. Therefore, the first cause of panic among the surrounding people is the killing of Li Qingshan. Among them, Li Qingshan was killed during the interview, so there were many witnesses at that time, and many were attacked. Everyone is so new to see the death process of Li Qingshan's murder

This is one of them, and the other is that it was Liu Baichuan who killed Li Qingshan. 1 But within a day, the police easily arrested Liu Baichuan, so the case was successfully included in the investigation ranking at that time.

In the stadium, Professor Chen was following what Lin Chen said, and now everyone was proud of the stadium monitoring room. Looking at the video of the incident at that time, he found that the deceased was on the morning of the [-]rd, and switched from [-]:[-] a.m. on the [-]st, and the time accelerated six times. Now All eight screens are switched.Lin Chen frowned and frowned when he saw the police officer who was controlling the investigation in front of him.

Six times! "

Chu Yuan couldn't help but widened his eyes and sucked in a breath of cold air.

Six times the speed of switching, that is, 15 times and sixty times the speed of each page, and eight screen tombs, Zhang Tiannuan believes that Lin Chen's eight screens directly speed up six times.

The screen switches quickly in an instant, and the eight-screen tomb screen switches to the extreme

The second screen of the tomb is at [-]:[-] in the morning and the tenth screen is at [-]:[-] in the morning.

The third screen number [-] is at [-]:[-], and the eighth screen number [-] is late at [-]:[-]. "

Okay, there are four screens, the second screen and the third screen, as well as the tenth screen and the eighth screen tomb, now the problem is these four screens, now you look at the screen Picture, do you see anything wrong? "Lin Chen looked at everyone with eyes.

Now that the screen is adjusted and displayed, Lin Chen found that the nature of the screen is very large. In these four pictures, a cart with a large unloading box appears. On the car, someone entered the stadium to unload the goods. box

All four pictures are correct, worthy of being a top detective. "At this time, Li Tian couldn't help but look in admiration, and he admired Wang Linchen's thinking to the extreme.

In the display of this kind of thinking, it is very demanding for Wang Qi's thinking to be fully displayed.

Watching at six times the speed, eight big screens are displayed, and now everyone can't help but widen their eyes

At this time, everyone's eyes widened, watching the scene unfolding here, and all the pictures began to reproduce.

At this time, the terrifying viewing speed, everyone couldn't believe it. Among them, it was Lin Chenzao's state of mind. How did he do it?

Is this guy who came to unload and pushed the unloading cart the real suspect? At this time, Li Tian couldn't help frowning and said, "But why did the suspect send the body to the inside?" "Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning, in the current case, this is where Zhang Tiannuan is curious.

The suspect used Lao Gan's unloading method, and then put the deceased in the stadium, and was finally discovered by the stadium's management staff. Now everyone is curious, whether Lao Wang is a criminal suspect.

Another point is that the unloading person Lao Gan has no motive for committing the crime, which is also the most difficult existence in the current case investigation.

Can the unloader be suspected. Zhang Tian frowned, this kind of suspicion is not only the suspicion that Lao Gan is a criminal suspect, but Zhang Tiannuan's suspicion that Lao Wang knew that the contents were sent back after receiving money.

Yes, this kind of thinking is normal. "Lin Chen smiled and looked at Zhang Tiannuan, in the current situation of the criminal suspect, Lin Chen is also so suspicious of the criminal suspect.

That is, as an unloader, why go to deliver the goods

So that means that Pharaoh can take bribes from the criminal suspect, so he put the corpse in the stadium, but does Pharaoh know that there is a corpse inside?There is also why the suspect put the body in the stadium, this is completely illogical, "Chu Yuan frowned, although Chu Yuan's background is very good

That's why Chu Yuan's eyes are blue now, because according to Lin's reasoning, the suspect's means and purpose are completely unsearchable.

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