Did the unloading man, Lao Wang, know that the three black bags were corpses?

Why did the suspect put the broken body in the stadium?

Among them, that is why there are so many suspects 037. Now everyone instigates suspicion is the motive of the crime, because the motive of the suspect has always been the reason why everyone is extremely curious.

But it's just based on the picture, and the stadium manager has been recognized by the stadium manager who came to unload the goods. This is the delivery person they have been cooperating with.

In less than half an hour, the delivery man Lao Wang came. He was not tall, just like the person on the screen. He was wearing a black shirt and black linen trousers. He was almost forty years old. He saw police officers in the monitoring room. , suddenly a little surprised and surprised

The delivery man, Lao Wang, aged 37, is the delivery man for the stadium tomb recruiting, responsible for installation and other work

"You are Mr. Wang, we are the police station, and now a case of dismembering a corpse is found in the stadium, in which the suspect hid the body in the stadium with three backpacks, and now in the picture, we see the suspect's bag. Inside the box you delivered." Lin Chen was expressionless as he looked at Lao Wang and explained quickly.


142 Mr. Wang

The unloading man, Lao Wang, is not tall, but his eyes are full of light, and you can tell at a glance that this kind of guy's mind reacts very quickly.What, that black backpack is a corpse. "Lao Gan, the unloading man, hasn't reacted yet, and he can't help feeling numb when he sees the corpse that is already fighting.

This is a chopped corpse. Even if it was put together with countless bloodstains, looking at it, the unloader Lao Wang only felt numb all over his body. Suddenly Lao Wang was stunned, because Lin Chen just said casually, he was directly When he said it, Lao Wang's face was ashen, and he looked at everyone strangely.

Go ahead, or you'll be in the game tonight. "Lin Chen was sitting on the chair in the stadium office with a blank face, tapping his fingers on the table and looking at Pharaoh with a blank expression.

Looking at the broken corpse, the unloading person felt chills all over his body, and no longer dared to hide it. He was not foolish enough to know the terrifying nature of the case. Now that the SWAT police surrounded the stadium, it was ridiculous that Lao Gan knew that he would not admit his death.

I said that someone called me on the morning of the [-]st and said that they were looking for help, and then asked me to transfer [-] yuan through Alipay. Then I was curious and went to the bottom line to find out that it was a man wearing a mask who said he was AIDS. Wanted me to put a shipment at the stadium saying it was the imported AIDS medicine he bought from ancient Rome, and I agreed.

Because I checked the backpacks at the time, and the three backpacks were all ordinary medicine boxes with signs of ancient Rome on them. I thought it was nothing more than a transaction, but these people were just drug dealers, just trading in the stadium. "

When I got to the stadium, I put the black backpack in the place where the mask man agreed, and left, comrade police, I didn't know there would be dead people in the black backpack, I need to know, I dare not do it with much money

Lao Gan was very scared, and even trembled. He was not stupid. He knew very well that if such a case happened, it would be useless even if he concealed it.

So now Lao Wang is deeply frowning about the development of the case and its headache.

This is the outbreak of the case, even in the records of the case, it has reached the point where it is a headache

Lin Chen frowned

According to Lao Gan, the unloader, when he was about to accept bribes, Lao Wang clearly conducted an investigation, but only after the investigation did he find out.

You checked those three black backpacks before, they were full of drugs, right? "Lin Chen squinted his eyes and looked at the old king. All his thoughts can be scrutinized. Now Lin Chen is frowning, and he is very curious about what the old king said.

If Pharaoh's inspection of the package was a medicine box before, why is it all minced meat now?

Yes, on the way here before, I stopped to check all the medicine boxes. "Pharaoh smiled and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

What is this situation. "Li Tian frowned.

It's very simple, Tiaohu Lishan, Pharaoh, let me ask you, did you park your car on the delivery road before, or asked Lin Chen, who was looking for a place to stay and eat, with bulging eyes

I found it, I found a family to eat. "The king answered truthfully.

That is to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, replace the backpack in your box in a short period of time, and then place it according to its weight and the previous posture, and now it can be arranged to match. "Lin Chen's eyes bulged, looking at the old man.

What do you mean, someone took advantage of the unloading man's meal time and went to change the backpack, but why is the suspect's motive so tired? It seems superfluous. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned.

"The ketones have to be replaced, and now Pharaoh is driving to the stadium, there should be someone following him along the way. If he checks again, there may be an extra county of corpses." Looking at Pharaoh, the unloading man, Lin Chen said in a cold voice.

This is not a threat, and Lin Chen doesn't need a threat

The stadium manager said before that Pharaoh's son died on the frontier, in a conflict with terrorists, and Pharaoh's wife suffered from uremia again, and now is very short of money, so the [-] yuan is emergency money

Comrade police, can you stop arresting me first, if I get caught, the old woman will have no one to take care of me. "Old Wang said with a wry smile, his body bent lower.

Lin Chen said nothing, took out a check from his pocket

"You are not guilty, why arrest you." Lin Chen said with a wry smile

The unloading man was gone, looking at Lin Chen with gratitude, the check was [-]

Lin Chen is not kind, because Lao Gan's son died in battle at the border, Lin Chen only admires this kind of person, so he gave him a check

Major crime team meeting room

Everyone is looking at various pictures of the stadium. In the stadium, the old man has already said all the information he knows, and now he can't help but smile bitterly. Now he is talking about all the characteristics of the criminal suspect.

According to Lao Wang, the unloader, the suspect is [-] meters tall. Although he wears a mask, he has long face and short hair, and has a scar on his shoulder. The traces found by Laogan in this book are from a local accent. I don't know the record. "Zhang Tiannuan said, what do you think of the suspect's motive?" Li Tian frowned. Now Li Tian has read all the case records and all the criminal suspect's process, but these are all things that Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

The suspect's motive, that is, why the suspect took the corpse to the stadium with all his effort, is now the means of everyone and their curiosity.

Because of the various methods of the criminal suspect and the purpose of the criminal suspect (Hao Nuo Zhao x), all of them are now in contrast to each other. "How about the search for the information of the deceased?" Lin Chen asked with a frown.

has arrived. "Zhang Tiannuan said

The deceased, Su Tianbao, was 26 years old, 190 meters tall and weighed [-] kilograms. The deceased was from Modu. He was the chief inspector of a biological company in Modu. "Zhang Tiannuan took the information form of the deceased, and then told the case records that he knew to record the information of the deceased. In the process of recording the case now, Lin Chen is looking at the description of the case.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but swell their eyes.

The deceased was under the supervision of the general manager of the pharmaceutical company, and Zhang Tiannuan also investigated all the personal information of the deceased

It's a little weird. The information of the deceased is very weird in the current investigation. At least now, Lin Chen can't help frowning.


143 The Suspect of the Dead

"I think there is something wrong with the deceased. Investigate the identity of the deceased Niuqian, whether there is any social controversy, or why there is a big conflict. Lin Chen squinted his eyes with shock in his eyes.

Is there a problem with the identity of the deceased?

At this time, Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning and agreed.

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