Because in the previous investigation on the identity of the deceased, Zhang Tiannuan discovered something very wrong. The level of the case was a social controversy for the deceased.

Lin Chen turned over the case, and now he finally knows the record of the case

"The identity of the deceased has a lot of controversy in the society. In the current media, the controversy is as follows. The controversy is in the current social news, and the ranking of the major news homepages.

Lin Chen opened the news on his mobile phone, and in the current news homepage rankings, it was the first top news on the homepage.

Biopharmaceutical companies suspected of using expired drugs have now flowed into two major provinces, causing 860 children to use the drugs that have not been found for the time being. "[-]

The case is under investigation. According to a reporter's report, Su Tianbao, general manager of biological supervision, is suspected of taking bribes, causing expired drugs to flow into the market. The case is under investigation.

On the news front page, several large black characters declared the shock of the case

The deceased Su Tianbao was the general manager of the Food and Drug Administration, but he was brutally murdered now, so there is a bit of vendetta involved." At this time, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and Wang Zhi tapped the table with a tyrannical look in his eyes.


still beast

for self-interest

now for their own benefit

so this death

Whether it deserves it!

Magic City Criminal Police Brigade, Major Crime Unit Conference Room

At least at this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning and shredding his corpse to death. Zhao Tianbao was just the beginning of his death. A general manager of drug supervision, he didn't have that much power.

bfbe) "So you've already guessed the suspect's motive, right?

Lin Chen was expressionless, looking at the crowd, he couldn't help but sneer.

"The suspect is for revenge, that is to say, his child or a relative died in the cow medicine." Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

Therefore, Zhao Tianbao is just a hat. He is a character known as a robber in the West. His various thoughts, even the handling of the case, have reached the point where it is difficult to control. "

"As Zhao Tianbao's death begins, these people will die one after another, but according to the method of dismembering the suspect's body, they must be good at attacking and attacking, or even a character not inferior to Chu Yuan." Lin Chen looked at everyone in the conference room, his eyes gradually swept over one by one, and all nodded.

Zhang Tiannuan was answering the phone, which was brought by the big man above, a wealthy businessman in the magic capital, and his son and Team Liu turned on the speakerphone at the same level. "Lin Chen motioned to Zhang Tiannuan.

Lin Chen doesn't need to pay attention to the content of the content in it. He knows all the content clearly, but now he is curious about Wang Linchen, how would such a person speak?

Calling the police station now is nothing more than feeling unsafe and seeking police protection

Hey, Captain Zhang, right, I have always praised Team Liu for your good temperament. By the way, has the stadium murderer been caught? "Although the voice on the other side is calm, but everyone present is a quick-thinking detective, and naturally they can hear the vibrato on the phone.

That is the old man who is trembling, afraid, afraid of something

So what is he afraid of? Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

"I haven't caught it, it's under investigation." Zhang Tiannuan frowned and said the case investigation. In the current case investigation, the situation itself is very manipulative.

I don't know what else is going on with Mr. Sun. "Zhang Tiannuan said coldly to the voice of the phone with an expressionless face.

Just now, Zhang Tiannuan has learned all the records of the biopharmaceutical company through other information. This is the record of the case at that time. In the current criminal process, the case itself has reached the point where it is difficult to control.

What, the suspect hasn't been caught yet" Mr. Sun was on the phone, his voice was slightly angry

"Call me." Lin Chen tapped on the table and took the call from Zhang

"It's not me, Xiao Zhang, how terrible the case is now. Those low-level people don't come out for money. Now they don't know who to listen to nonsense and tell everything about me, but I don't have a record of everything. I know." Elder Sun couldn't help but feel hairy in the hologram, thinking that he still had to ask the police station, he couldn't help but relax.

Say what you want

Lin Chen's voice was cold, and his voice was full of disgust.

Now everyone is frowning tightly, the control of the case and its headache

"Young people, don't worry, I think I will be in danger. Can you send some police to protect me? I can give me money." Old Sun said to the phone with a vibrato in his voice.


Lin Chen hung up the phone directly, ignoring the sound of Old Sun's driving on the other end of the phone.

The suspect's record, Lin Chen looked at the case

On the phone, when he was about to hang up, Lin Chen heard a grin

Arrange special police to monitor police vehicles and police stations to see if there are any dangerous places


144 Normal thinking

Everyone frowned, and they were quite curious at this time, that was Lin Chen's reaction

According to Lin Chen's thinking now, that is why Lin Chen said he wanted to investigate the police station

The special police were already investigating. Looking at everyone's suspicious eyes, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Just ask whatever you want. "Lin Chendao

"Why do you check the danger of the police station? Is the suspect coming back to attack the police station, but there is no thinking condition" Zhang Tiannuan Hao ~ Qi Dao

Yes, according to normal thinking, criminal suspects will kill those who make biological drugs. Why do they come to the police station? "Li Tian frowned.

Li Tian, ​​you are right, but you still haven't thought about the criminal suspect's thinking, that is, the criminal suspect's various thoughts are displayed.

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