Everyone, listen to me and don't fight. The man with glasses is behind the cabinet and under the chair now. Don't fight with everyone, don't hit the man with the eyes on the body, don't hit the head on the head, don't charge up, and explode directly.

On the high platform, Lin Chen pretended to look at everyone, and then called out excitedly.

Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help but have a black line on his face. Looking at Lin Chen on the high platform, he pointed at the most painful and perfect way. At least now, the man with glasses couldn't help Ye Xue, and looked at Yang Lin Chen with resentment. , lie in the chair and dare not come out

Alright, alright, let me unravel the mystery for everyone. It's very simple that Li Qing is more than dead, and there is no one in it that belongs to Wang Wang Jingjing. "Lin Chen looked at the dark clouds outside the window with a trick in his eyes.

In today's impression, people think that Li Qingshan was innocent, but they are all good

Li Qingshan and his beloved son, Li Hou, are completely deserving of death. First of all, the deceased girl died because she was played by her father and son at the same time, and then she died in despair.

The news of Zhigan's death was temporarily hidden by Li Hou, and then he waited for the opportunity to tell Liu Baichuan to use Li Baichuan to take action. This is the situation of the criminal suspect and the current investigation of the case.

The third point is the death of the victim's daughter. You really think you committed suicide by jumping off the building. It was the girl who worked in Li Hou's company for thousands of years and was forcibly insulted by her father and son, so this kind of bastard is more than dead. Said death, "As a policeman, Lin Chen is angry even when

shouldn't have said that

But as a detective, Lin Chen doesn't care about the so-called gossip


001 here she comes

Two men in swimming trunks are lying next to the outdoor swimming pool in Villa 168 in Tianze Garden in Mohai City

Brother Lin, you have been here for a while, how are you feeling?

Ouyang Jie took a sip from the cup and looked at Lin Chen who was lying on the right

It feels pretty good, and it seems that it is still better than Tianhai. "Lin Chen rested on the double king with a comfortable face.

Really!I don't think it's interesting that you are in Tianhai here. Or, Brother Lin, can you tell me about your time in Tianhai?Ouyang Jie looked at Lin Chen who was comfortable beside him, and there was a little bit of light in his eyes.

Hearing Ouyang Jie's words, Lin Chen sat up from the reclining chair, "What's there to say, and the case is kept secret, so don't be too curious.

How can there be! "Ouyang Jie muttered.

That case can't be told, can you always tell me how you solved the case?Besides, people are curious!Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Jie, "Actually, there has never been a perfect crime in this world, it's just that you haven't discovered the hidden truth in it. Sometimes, being curious is not a good thing.

After speaking, Lin Chen stood up, and when passing by Ou Zujie, Shen Wang patted Ouyang Jie on the shoulder

Looking at Lin Chen who left, Ouyang Jie has not yet reacted from Lin Chen's words

There is no perfect crime in this world, just haven't discovered the truth hidden in it

"Is it a bit deep?" Ouyang Jie said thoughtfully

"Hey! Brother Lin, where are you going? Wait for me." When Ouyang Jie reacted, he immediately chased after Lin Chen's back.Are you still not going back?Is it possible to spend the night with me?

Lin Chen walked into the kitchen, poured himself a glass of water, and happened to see Ouyang Jie chasing after him

Brother Lin, are you going to drive me away again? "Ouyang Jie looked at Lin Chen with a bitter face.

It's just you and me here. Could it be possible to chase me without chasing you?

At this moment, Lin Chen's cell phone on the living room table rang.

Lin Chen put down the cup in his hand and paced out of the kitchen

And Ouyang Jie looked at Lin Chen, who turned around and walked out of the kitchen, and said in his mouth, "How dare you!

Lin Chen picked up the phone and glanced at the caller ID, frowned up, why did she call at this time?


"Mr. Lin, how are you doing in Longhai?" Zhang Tiannuan showed a bit of alienation and called out to Mr. Lin

Hearing Zhang Tiannuan's voice, Lin Chen couldn't help but put on a little smile, "Officer Zhang, if it wasn't for you to disturb me, I believe I could have a better life. What do you think?

"Oh, is that right? Mr. Lin, I'm so sorry, but there is some bad news. Are you interested in hearing it?" Zhang Tiannuan looked at the order in his hand with a smile.

"What bad news, talk about it." Lin Chen held the phone in one hand, but took the bathrobe that was just draped on the sofa, and then draped it loosely over his body

I received a transfer order from my superior yesterday, and I happened to be going to Mohai, where you live, so you will pick me up tomorrow?

Before waiting for Lin Chen's reply, Zhang Tiannuan hung up the phone immediately, thinking that he could see him again tomorrow, there was a little bit of joy in his heart. Just as Lin Chen was about to say something, a busy tone came from the phone

The warm temperament has changed a little this day. "Lin Chen thought in his heart

Did my sister find you again? "Lin Chen just put down his phone when Ouyang Jie jumped out from behind.

Looking at Ouyang Jie who suddenly popped out, Lin Chen frowned, "Why haven't you left yet?

"Brother Lin, this is not the point, the point is did my sister call you just now?


Lin Chen glanced at Ou Zujie who had already changed his clothes, then twisted the door and gently pushed Ouyang Jie out.

Why is it like this every time, Brother Lin, can't you let me go by myself next time? "Ouyang Jie, who was pushed out of the door by Lin Chen, was also depressed.

Thinking about myself, I am also the young master of the Ouyang family, and my status in this sea is also noble. How come I get to Brother Lin, and every time I get kicked out by him

ask for flowers

Ouyang Jie looked at the closed door in front of him, shook his head, and sighed, "Just get used to it.

In the end, Ouyang Jie turned around and left Villa 168 and was at the villa. The car that came to pick up Ouyang Jie happened to be standing by the side of the road.

When the white-haired old man saw Ouyang Jie coming out, he immediately greeted him, "Master, are you out?

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