Ouyang Jie glanced at the old man with a kind smile, nodded, and asked angrily: "Grandpa Guan, you say, why does Brother Lin always drive me out? If it was someone else, who would be able to tell me this? Young master kicked out?

The white-haired old man smiled, this is the first time that Lin Chen has been kicked out.


"Master, Mr. Lin is not an ordinary person, so naturally he can't think according to ordinary ideas?

After listening to the housekeeper's words, I thought: Yes, this big brother Lin is indeed not an ordinary person, not to mention that he is still a god-like existence, let's go, go home! "

After Lin Chen pushed Ouyang Jie out the door, he went directly to the bedroom upstairs.

Because the balcony in the upstairs bedroom can just see the outside, watching Ouyang Jie get in the car and leave Lin Chen, then go back to the room and pull the curtain. A good bottle of red wine

Looking at the red wine in his hand, it seems that it was sent by Shen Yue.

Lin Chen took out the glass and poured himself a glass, and let out a sip, "Yes, it really is a good wine. I can give Tiannuan a taste tomorrow." At this time, Lin Chen put down the wine in his hand, and opened the remote control in his hand. TV

I don't know if it's a coincidence

According to internal reliable information, the mayor specially invited a very capable police officer from Tianhai City to serve in the serious crime team of the Public Security Bureau of Mohai City. It was heard a month ago that he would arrive in Hai tomorrow, and Zhi Wang would be

Hearing this, Lin Chen pressed the remote control in his hand, and the sound of the broadcast disappeared at this moment.

After turning off the TV, Lin Chen felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Could it be you?


002 Psychic

It was just dawning on the pavilion, but Lin Chen had already finished his morning exercise and started to prepare breakfast. There was a smile on his resolute face. He had to say that he was looking forward to Zhang Tiannuan's arrival.

It has been several years since I came to Mohai from Tianhai to settle down. Now my life is gradually stable. I usually go to various police stations to help solve cases. Thinking about the purpose of coming here, I hope to find some unconventional cases. Contact, but still haven't found any clues. Is it that he hasn't started action yet?Or is it hidden too perfect?

After finishing breakfast, I drove my car to the airport. It was still early, and the magic city had not yet woken up. The black Masala swept across the wide road, leaving an afterimage. The villa and the airport were in the suburbs. But Nanyuanbei's ancestral feud at such an early stage is suspected of tossing people. "Six Four

Standing in the terminal building, looking at the watch before it's time, I suddenly let myself go and started to stay. Recalling the scene of the first meeting a few years ago, the whole person softened.

Zhang Tiannuan just came out of the passage and saw such a scene. He couldn't bear to break it, so he secretly went around behind him: "Guess who I am~"

Lin Chen couldn't help being shocked, and quickly reacted, gently pulled down her hand that was attached to his eyes, and the other king took the suitcase and shook his head with a smile.This police officer Zhang, who is rigorous, rational and unsmiling in front of others, will only look like a little girl when he is around him.

"Have you made up your sleep after booking such an early ticket? Lin Chen pulled Tiannuan and walked out in a good mood.

I didn't think that there were so many beautiful girls peeping at the terminal that Mr. Lin couldn't fall asleep."

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, looked around and smiled.Sure enough, there are so many lines of sight that have been directed towards this side. She didn't even mention that she didn't notice that the girl's personality had indeed changed a bit, and she always joked about herself.

At this time, the desire to survive made Lin Chen choose to change the topic, and he happened to walk to the garage, put away his luggage, and took out the breakfast specially brought for Zhang Tiannuan in the incubator: "Make your favorite custard buns and soy milk, the temperature Exactly."

That's more or less. "Tian Nuan took it over and started eating immediately. Although her identity as a policeman made her not afraid of suffering, but as long as the conditions allowed, she would not treat her stomach badly. Airplane meals are a nightmare for a foodie.

Go home first? "Lin Chen asked with a corner of his mouth.

No, go to the bureau first, you have to report first.The boss said that this task is more important.

Lin Chen frowned, it turns out that this ancestor didn't come so early to deliberately toss himself.

What important task?Why haven't I heard? "Recently, the magic sea has been calm. If there is an important task, how could he not know that there is something wrong with the construction of the eastern viaduct, and the process of piling is extremely difficult. Several workers have already died in the line of duty. The above pays more attention to this kind of people's livelihood. I have a problem, so I sent someone over to take a look." Lin Chen can be said to be a specially invited criminal investigation expert from the major police stations, with a high level, he has the authority to know the reason for Wang's transfer, and it is not a leak.

Lin Chen nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words, and yes, the cases he has been involved in these years are indeed a bit cold. wrong?It was the best thing to do, the company had Shen Qiu and the others to take care of them and they were very relieved, so they decided to go with Zhang Tiannuan to see this case.

After eating the rice for a while, the morning rush hour is a bit crowded. When it arrives, I will call you to come and have a look.

it is good. "Drinking the last sip of soy milk, I put down my seat and closed it to rest. I got up too early, and now I'm full and sleepy, not to mention staying by Lin Chen's side, there is always an inexplicable sense of security.

"Good morning, Team Leader Lin!" The two walked into the lobby of the Public Security Bureau, and the greetings never stopped. Zhang Tiannuan joked, "Gongguang Lin Team Leader Lin Chen smiled helplessly. He called a criminal investigation here. The name of the team leader, some cases that cannot be explained by science, the director will invite him to come forward, and he can solve the case quickly every time. But his unknown ability is not convenient for publicity, so he makes up some nonsense again and again. It is also thanks to the fact that I was obsessed with Conan when I was in school, otherwise it would be quite brain-burning to compile those cases.

That's right, he was born with yang-blocking eyes. He was troubled when he was young. He always saw a little sister crying by the roadside. There was a guest on the opposite chair, but the aunt at home ignored it and did not add a pair of tableware. He pushed the meal in front of the person, but was blamed by his father for thinking that it was a meal, and slowly realized that he was different from everyone. Say it But no one paid attention. Only the right eye often felt pain like a needle stick, and occasionally it turned red. When I went to the hospital for examination, I only prescribed a few boxes of anti-inflammatory eye drops.

This is how he cultivated his introverted character, but Bi was a child with little courage. He was often affected by those wandering spirits at night and could not take a good rest. The physical and psychological double blows caused him to suffer a serious illness when he was two years old. When I woke up, I saw my parents looked solemn, and a silver-haired grandmother stood beside the bed.After that, I was taken away by my grandmother and learned some things that natural science can't explain

Only later did he know that his birthday was on the fifth day of the lunar month, and he was born at nine o'clock in the evening, seven and a half, the gate of hell opened, and the ghosts opened. The mind is pure and flawless. It can be said that the person selected by the blocking yang eye is generally selected by the yin and yang eye. If the mind is not firm, it will be broken very early. lucky

I still don't know the identity of the master. She lives in Xishan, Tianhai City all the year round. There are two red lanterns hanging in front of the door, 5.7 road for the informant, exorcising ghosts and evil spirits, and occasionally taking over the treacherous cases of the police station, only few people know her. The presence.However, since she left the apprenticeship, she threw all these things to herself, and this time to come to the sea of ​​magic was also her instruction.

Lin Chen understood. He knew the master's psychic ability, and also knew that for these people, the influence of the secret was revealed, so he came to Mo Hairuo alone and dared to kill the world and strangle him in the cradle. .

The two greeted Director Wang and asked for the case file to study.When Wang Ju heard that Lin Chen was going to enter, he couldn't stop laughing. This time he watched closely. He was afraid that it would be difficult to explain what would happen if he went to work again.


003 Clashing Dragon Vein

The description of this matter is not detailed in the dossier, but it is said that a construction project is underway in Xinpu District in the east. The construction of the East Ring Viaduct has been carried out smoothly. The terrain is relatively simple. The construction process is reasonable. won't be complicated

But unexpectedly, in the process of piling, the eighth pillar could not be driven in.And this eighth root is the axis position of the whole project without wire table offset.Therefore, the engineering team invited experts from home and abroad to inspect and came to the conclusion that there is no problem. That piece is a typical Mohai terrain, and the sand and soil are very loose. It is impossible to encounter such a situation.

But everyone had no choice but to bite the bullet and hit down, but every time they reached a depth of a few meters, they couldn't go any further.At this time, someone suggested to dig up the sand ten on the upper layer to see the situation underneath.

That is, there was an accident that night, and the worker who gave his opinion during the day went out in the middle of the night to relieve himself, and never came back until the next morning, when everyone realized that there was one person missing. Lu Qiao's head injury was found under the hillside. 15% of his injuries were serious. He must have hit his head when he accidentally slipped from the mountain. He lost too much blood and his body was wide.

Since it was an accident, the engineering team will not take full responsibility. Because of the urgent needs of the superior, the construction continued after a few days of shutdown. The method is still the same. In order to catch up with the progress here, everyone stopped. The work at hand is concentrated here

And that night, all the workers who participated in the project here were injured to varying degrees in various ways.Some were only slightly traumatized, some became vegetative, and the other two foreman died directly

Two are accidents, but how can such a large number of accidents be explained?The government attributed the cause of the accident to the management of the engineering team. The project was forced to stop, and the construction team was also Baikou Caobian. As a gold-medal team, such a thing has never happened before, and we can only stop and rest according to the instructions of our superiors.

This dossier ends here, and the subtlety is that Wang Chengcheng did not describe in detail the cause of death of the deceased and the general situation of the wounded. The parties seem to be deliberately avoiding it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tiannuan and Lin Chen looked at each other, and both could see the doubts in each other's hearts. Wang asked the chief to ask the police officer to participate in this incident, and hoped that he could bring the two to the scene to see a Look

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