The police officer in charge of this case is called Ye Xiao, who is white and pure, and is a fresh graduate of the police academy.Because this case was defined as an accident at the beginning, everyone had work to do at the time, so it was handed over to him.After things got bigger, Zhang Tiannuan was transferred directly from above, so there was no change in the middle.

Ye Xiao was shocked when he saw Lin Chen, and then used a adoring kiss to say that it was Lin Qian, who was famous for a long time and admired his name for a long time. "Lin Chen has long been accustomed to the attitude of the police officers towards him, and Wang Shi nodded lightly.

My name is Zhang Tiannuan, and I will take over this case in the future. Please know Wu Piyan and tell me the details of what happened before. "Zhang Tiannuan politely reached out to him, hoping that the handover would be quick.

Of course, while I was walking on the road, I said, "Tu Xiao politely shook his hand, and then walked towards the garage.

Lin Chen squinted at the king that Tian Nuan had just been holding, slightly unhappy, and simply pulled over and held it by himself.Zhang Tiannuan blushed, and after seeing that there was no one around, he left.As a result, the two who followed behind Tu Xiao, naturally did not see that the little police officer who was still bright in Gang Gang had frowned at this moment.

On the way, Ye Xiao roughly answered the doubts of the two. It turned out that the well was not deliberately concealed, but most of the injured parties suffered head injuries. The deceased and vegetative people were not mentioned. The confession doesn't ask anything at all.The road section in Kuangmu is in the development stage, and naturally there is no monitoring and adjustment, so there are very few records of the injured in the dossier.

When he arrived at the scene, Lin Chen found the place where he didn't find the hall.There was a faint sound of passing through the surrounding of the construction site.sunny

But Lin Chen could see the filthy aura floating around at a glance.It is understandable that the little police officer who looked at the side thoughtfully could not see the Yin Qi here, but why was such a large-scale prayer not recorded?Before I could ask anything, I heard his angry voice.

"These old feudalists have told them how many times they don't ask God to worship Buddha, but they won't listen!" With a "weiguangzheng" look on his face, Lin Chen's suspicions were dispelled.

Seeing him rushing towards the arena, Lin Chen was not in a hurry, turned around and took out a triangular charm from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Tiannuan, telling him, "Keep it close to your body."

Grass Fei?Zhang Tiannuan took it and put it away, surprised.Others don't know Lin Chen's ability, but she does.If he sees a problem here, there must be a problem.The blame is why the spell was only given to her and not to Ye Xiao who came with him?

Lin Chen didn't answer, motioned Tian Nuan to follow him, and walked over as well.

When I entered the temporary fence, I realized that the whole thing had always turned out. For the engineering team, they always believed in Feng Shui, not to mention the strangeness of this time. Experts and the government could not give a scientific explanation. Decided to ask a feng shui master to take a look.

After 537 was proposed to the police, he was blocked. Ye Xiao, a good young man in the new world, received scientific education since he was a child and refused to spread feudal superstition, but everyone has not received such a high level of education. He found some Feng Shui masters in private, hoping to find the crux of the problem. , resume construction as soon as possible to reduce losses

After reading some of the previous ones, I couldn't help it, and I refused to say the specific situation, and refused to take the shot.Only the last "feng shui master" came here and took a compass to find the dragon's acupoint." The final conclusion was that there was a dragon's vein that collided with the dragon's vein after construction and piling. High monks come to pray and apologize to Longqi

Wang Shi invited the abbot of the nearby Longze Temple to come here to pass the scriptures and pray for blessings. He practiced for ten days, and today happened to be the first day.

After listening to Lin Chen, he almost laughed angrily. First, laughing at such an important process, in the dossier recorded by Ye Xiao, it was said that saving is saving?He didn't believe it was one thing, but not recording it was another.It was his seemingly "inadvertent" neglect that made him almost miss this case.Bi Yi has never dealt with cases that have nothing to do with ghosts and gods. The second is to laugh at the "master"'s remarks, as if the dragon veins are cabbage?Anywhere on the street?


004 The Imp and the Inner Ghost

There were two relatively stable dynasties in Chinese history, namely Xia, Shang and Zhou, Qin, Han and Jin, Sui, Tang and Song, and Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.According to the calculation of one dragon vein in each dynasty, there are only two soils.And those dynasties that are extremely short and fleeting in the long river of history are dynasties that have not found the dragon veins, or have not been recognized by the dragon veins.

The only twelve of these are in the Yellow River Basin of Jiulong Mountain, Xianyang and Peixian County in Qishan, Hongnong in Hanoi, Chang'an, Kaifeng, Fengyang in Inner Mongolia, and Changbai Mountain.Not to mention the specific location, it is roughly surrounded, and it is not in contact with Mohai. Besides, this new area has been barren since ancient times. If there is a dragon spirit, why is it developing now?

Those who came before must have seen that the thing is not good, and no matter how much remuneration is given, it must be a life-suck, right?So they didn't take over. As for the last one, it's hard to say whether it's a liar or "deliberately doing it".

With the appearance of his hands, Lin Chen silently said in his heart, "It's interesting.

Seeing Ye Xiao's livid face, he wanted to stop this farce, but he thought that he was no longer the person in charge of the case. Didn't go to it.He turned to thank Ye Xiao: "Thank you, Police Officer Tu for bringing us here. Now that the basic situation has been understood, we need to stay here for further investigation. The police station is busy with work. Police Officer Ye can go back first, and we can leave by ourselves.

The tone is very polite, but the meaning of being a man is obvious. Tu Xiao has already handed over the work, and it really doesn't make sense to stay here, so he said goodbye and went back.

"Achen, what's wrong with him?

"It's hard to say, let's go, let's go and see the scene of the crime first."

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't want to say more, Zhang Tiannuan didn't ask any more. The two checked several places where the incident occurred and found that although the slope and gravel were straight, they all "accidentally" fell, and some gravel hit their heads. The possibility of the department is small.Wang Shi decided to go to the hospital stop to check the body.

Sure enough, the head of the body was indeed injured, and the body was also scratched in many places.But experienced people will find that head wounds are fatal, while bruises all over the body are left after death.

Unlike the fatal wound, these abrasions obviously have no life response, the bleeding is very small, no blood scabs are formed, and there is no redness and swelling, which proves that the deceased rolled down the hillside after death.

It is impossible for the forensic doctor to fail to discover this. The problem lies in Wang. Is the autopsy report false, or is the dossier they saw false?Zhang Tiannuan frowned, the opponent's hand was long enough, and he quietly sneaked into the police.From forensic medicine to the compilation, verification, and induction of files, it is impossible for only one person.Which part is the problem, or is there a problem?It seems that after this case is over, the police station of the magic sea needs to have a major reshuffle.

Don't worry, I'm on it. "Lin Chen comforted. Looking at the time, it was noon. He already knew about the case. He needed to go to the scene at night to confirm it. Why is it at night? Naturally, something will come out when the sun goes down. No problem, it was warm and got up early again in the morning. Wang Shi drove back home after returning to the police station.

After carrying the luggage upstairs and setting it up, I started to prepare a few dishes that are very common for lunch, but they were all Zhang Tiannuan liked.It's a lie to say that I'm not touched. I haven't seen each other for so long. I still remember my preferences clearly

After lunch, Lin Chen took her to the bedroom to rest. "You go to bed first, and I'll prepare something for the night.

Zhang Tiannuan was really tired, and as soon as he touched the bed, he stumbled, "Remember to take me with you at night.

"Okay." Lin Chen couldn't help laughing at her appearance, adjusted the temperature and went out.Promising to take her is not a perfunctory, nor is she disregarding her comfort, but if he can't even protect his own woman, what kind of man is Lin Chen? Coordinate the police station and the government, arrange the construction site to start normal construction this afternoon, and still dig that piece of land

He has the ability to skip the police station and act directly, but his intuition tells him that this is definitely not done by the kid in the mountain alone. There must be a hand behind it to control everything that wants to be led out of the tomb. Naturally, some news must be released

According to his observation, the remote place was probably disturbed by Guangling, who was buried underground.Originally, something was suppressing it, but they dug up and lifted the seal.However, judging from the time, the ghosts that have just been unblocked have a short time to wander in the world, and they do not have such great lethality. There must be something to guide them.

It's easy to deal with that kid, but it's the most important thing to get his stalk out.I took out the talisman paper and prepared a few more powerful talismans, put them in one place with the question, and went back to the bedroom.

Asked, "It's the master Nahui who encountered a hostile ghost, you can directly tell him the ins and outs of the matter, so as to find a solution.

Nuan Xiang's time in her arms always passed quickly, and the two of them finished dinner and went to Dongshan before the sun went down.It was getting dark quickly in the mountains, and it was completely dark before reaching the destination.

Why is this again?Are you lost? "Zhang Tiannuan looked at the familiar scene outside the car window, and asked suspiciously, logically speaking.

It's impossible for Lin Chen to make such a low-level mistake.

It came, "Lin Chen smiled," it was a ghost hitting the wall, I didn't expect it to be delivered to the door so easily. "Lin Chen has a strong sense of direction. Pi exists when he gets lost. However, when he encounters this kind of situation where he goes around for a long time and then returns to the same place, it is only possible that the ghost hit the wall. That kid actually has the courage to take the initiative to attack." , trapping him in this vicious circle. Or is he procrastinating for the people on the other side

Obviously Zhang Tiannuan also thought of this possibility, and he was nervous for a moment when he heard the words: "What about the construction site, what will happen if we don't go there?" "Yuri has a calm and calm tone, nothing is difficult for the two of them to park the car, and seeing that there is no change in the surroundings, they get out of the car to check. At this moment, a black shadow hits the back of Lin Chen's head, Lin Chen turned against the king and stopped him immediately. He looked at Tiannuan again, unscathed. Hey, look, this is only reasonable. The ghost who doesn't carry a woman looks at the direction where the stone is thrown, and there is indeed a fear The cowering figure hid behind the tree. Lin Chen stretched out his hand to grab it, and easily caught the kid who was about to escape.


005 Corpse Transformation

I saw that little ghost's frightened eyes widened. Who is this person? Not only can he see him, but he has no room for resistance in the well-laid barrier of ghosts hitting the wall?

who are you? "The kid pretended to be calm and asked

"Where are you from?" Lin Chen glanced at it and asked instead of answering.Seeing that it is neatly dressed and there are no wounds on its body, it can be concluded that it has not suffered any torture during its lifetime, so it must not be a ghost.

You don't care where I come from! "It's still an arrogant ghost, w Lin Chen's eyes twitched, and he took out "Dao" to bluff it. Sure enough, when he saw Dou, his face turned even paler, but he still insisted on being arrogant: "Don't me Say, but you have to answer me a question first!" You know, "The question is specifically aimed at evil spirits, and it will have a great impact on the spirit you are asking about. If it is placed on its cultivation base, it is unworthy of a question. Will be annihilated

Seeing that Lin Chen took back the "ask", he should have acquiesced and said: "Why do you want to direct them to build? It has already stopped, and there will be no more accidents if you stop.

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