To lead you out.Not starting over, just pretending. "Lin Chen explained so much to a ghost for the first time.

I saw that the ghost was unbelievable at first, then sighed and shook his head, as if blaming himself for being so mentally retarded

I am a soldier under General Qian. When I fought against Japanese pirates, I followed the general to the sea of ​​magic.The Japanese pirates were ferocious and feared that they would re-offend after they were repelled, so they decided to build the city gate here. My parents and I stayed here, so I stayed here with a few brothers.And those people dug up my remnants of the coffin, without the reverence of Siting, they directly opened the museum and took the armor and the matching knife, and then poured the terrible thing that you have become cement.People are not enough to swallow elephants. Seeing that there is money to be made, I want to continue digging my brother's coffin!I have already painted their lessons, but they dare not correct them, and they dare to talk about such insults and insults on their heroic spirits.” He said that his eyes were red, as if he was about to shed tears, but he couldn’t do it in the form of a spirit body. This difficult exercise

After listening to Lin Chen, he was also silent. That's right, he has repeatedly withdrawn his plan. His battle suit was stolen, and his coffin body was poured (bfcc) into construction. The machine can't destroy the coffin of his comrades-in-arms, and this group of people are fascinated by money. With the experience of the last time, they are sure that the treasures in this unsupportable place are richer, and they have to explore it with all their efforts.This also explains why the recorded confessions are all consistent with amnesia.

Watching the workers excavate directly and make extremely disrespectful insults to their comrades in arms, with such bloody nature, must be unbearable.Shaking his head, Lin Chen believed what he said, but there was still a doubt.

"It's been less than a month since you broke out of the coffin, who taught you to change shape?" This ghost is obviously reasonable and not very hostile, just to protect the comrades who used to get along day and night.Moreover, according to his investigation, there has been no murder in the nearby area, which means that this ghost has only three lives at most, and the resistance of three lives is definitely not enough to support the spiritual transformation into form.

"It's a young man in red, he helped me change shape, saying that I can protect my brother as long as I follow the method he taught.

Hearing the word "red clothes", Lin Chen's pupils shrank, is it really him?

What does it look like? "

"I don't know, he wears a red mask on half of his face, and he is a young man based on his body shape.

"What did he teach you?

It produced a hint of vigilance: "Why should I tell you what to do if you know my method and help them persecute my brother

I want your brother, just say it if you believe it. "Lin Chen replied coldly, he has a bad premonition, I hope it's not a straight ghost and think about it, the person in front of him is so powerful, if you want to know, "ask" can solve it, the reason for talking nonsense with yourself is only Maybe I don't want to hurt myself anymore. So I answered [-]: "Let me inject the yang qi of the recently deceased into the coffins of my brothers, and if I meet a monk who has attained the Tao, I can protect them from harm.

Hearing that, Lin Chen's eyelids changed, and as he had guessed, he didn't have time to explain that he stuffed some Zhang Tiannuan back into the car, and drove to the construction site. The ghost saw that the situation was not right, and followed up. He wanted to squeeze next to Lin Chen, But he was rudely and fiercely said: "Go back!" Just kidding, Tian Nuan is in the co-pilot, so close to Tian Nuan, are you courting death?Oh yeah, forgot he was dead

Zhang Tiannuan didn't know the specific situation just now. She could only hear Lin Chen's voice, but from his answer, she could guess a little bit that Lin Chen's foot on the accelerator directly broke through the barrier of the ghost hitting the wall. What kind of person is this little devil on his face, he was just trying to lead himself out

On the way, he simply explained the reason to Zhang Tiannuan, and Tiannuan was silent after listening.Putting morals aside, just talking about the law can be regarded as a serious crime, reselling cultural relics privately, not to mention what happened in government projects

Is there something going on at the factory?

Hmm." Lin Chen's tone was not good, as if he was suppressing his anger. "There is a spell to keep the body from decaying in the coffin of the Ten Soldiers of the Blood Sacrifice. The corpse is still there. , Zombies.As a matter of common sense, if the nail in the coffin is still there, there is nothing to worry about, as long as the person is already gone.”

Before I could finish speaking, I heard the roar of the bucket not far away. The speed of the car increased to the maximum, and before it stopped, the two and one ghost ran out of the car.

The eye-like field makes the little ghost moon split the most. Its former good brothers, good comrades in arms who shed blood and sweat for the country and the people, have now become like this one by one.His whole body was stiff, his face was blue and purple, his eyes were dull, and his fingernails were sharp. He could only dance and fight with the men sent by Lin Chen.

He just stepped forward, trying to stop it, but was swept away by his former partner.Unprepared, I was almost blown away

Lin Chen took it and threw more than a dozen pre-prepared spells with his backhand, which were accurately pasted on the head of the Corpse-turned-Soil Soldier. "The zombies that were still vicious in Ganggang fell down one by one." Go to my car and take the glutinous rice I just saw and put it in their mouths. The corpses will recover soon.


006 Woman?brother?

Hearing that, the kid immediately went to get it regardless of his injury just now.For Wang He, his companions are much more important than himself

When Lin Chen's subordinates saw the boss coming, they seemed to have found the backbone, and they automatically lined up in two rows to make way for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took Zhang Tiannuan to the front of the crowd, and saw that the workers and monk Mi who were doing this were not in trouble.He also breathed a sigh of relief, "It's warm, ask the director to send someone over to deal with it.

Is the case closed?What about the evil king? "Zhang Tiannuan has some doubts~

"It can't be concluded for the time being, do you mean the abbot of Yuanshan? Or is it police officer Tuxiao?" Lin Chen smiled, staring at the monk in front of him who was wearing a robe.

Everyone was puzzled by a child, and a little Sami was about to ask questions, and he heard a series of laughter that did not match myself from his abbot's mouth: "Heheheheha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, the Lin team leader is really good eyesight

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, he abandoned this puppet body and turned into a prototype to stand in front of Lin Chen. The young man in red in front of him was about the same size as Lin Chen, with waist-length hair and half a mask. , somewhat nondescript.The ruthless eyes on the feminine face are even more venomous as snakes and scorpions.

"Lin Chen, I've tried my best to avoid it, but I still run into you. I'm unlucky. I've lost this time. See you next time." Said Zong gradually disappeared in the air

Why don't you do it? "Zhang Tiannuan is a little curious, and he doesn't take action when he encounters an enemy, this is not Lin Chen's behavior.

"It's just a mind, it uses the breath of the puppet, it's useless to catch up.

Glancing at the zombies, they have been resolved, the corpse poison has been resolved, and the body has returned to normal. It seems that the arrival of Guozhi has made Hongyi panic. He put the body back into the coffin, chose to be buried deep in the mountains, and erased the memory of the workers and novice present, leaving a trace of abbot Ji Yuanshan to continue chanting the scriptures.

After everything was settled, the police officers just arrived.They didn't explain what happened, and they kept the relics for their own interrogation. They just followed the road paved with red clothes and said that it was indeed a group of workers who did not have long eyes. They bumped into something and continued to surround the scriptures and pray for blessings. In six days, they will be able to solve

The police officers will be suspicious, but their prestige towards Lin Chen makes them obey absolutely

On the way back, looking at Zhang Tiannuan's curious and respectful eyes, he swept away all day's tyranny, and then explained aloud: "Tu Xiao's popularity has faded. It's not the age of twilight, there is obviously something wrong with this appearance. The abbot of Yuanshan has just been occupied, and he can't see anything from the yang qi, but there is something suspicious about the scriptures he chants. The scriptures, but his mouth is the "Ksitigarbha Sutra". This scripture is not easy to be praised, and it is very easy to attract ghosts, especially after the sun goes down. Without his scriptures, those soldiers would not have died so quickly. Change. I came to the sea to follow the instructions of my master. I came here to bring disaster to the world in red. After so many years, I didn't have a clue until you came, but it's really my big treasure.

Hearing this, Zhang Tiannuan was a little bit hurt, but couldn't help worrying, "What's the reason for his appearance? It seems that some skills will be dangerous?

"I don't know yet, the master can't say more, don't worry, it's alright." Lin Chen comforted gently.I felt that the roof of the car was sinking, and I quickly stopped the car to check it out.

I saw that little ghost sitting on the roof of the car is weightless, but that doesn't mean the cement lump it hits is weightless!Lin Chen saw that the corners of his eyes were sharp, and this guy came up with the poured coffin. Fortunately, he hit it and didn't throw it directly on his car, otherwise it would scratch Lin Chen's car. He is a killer. I have a heart

You come down first and watch him grit his teeth, Zhang Tiannuan reminded very kindly.Tsk, it's really not easy to see Lin Chen who is so angry, I guess it's only when the limited Maserati is threatened.

The kid hit the cement block and floated down tremblingly.Since he knew that Lin Chen was a good person, he didn't talk about it like he did before. Seeing his brothers being buried again and having a destination, he was the only one who couldn't solve the problem with the cement coffin, so he chased after him and asked for help.It is also my fault that it is so anxious. In fact, Lin Chen has already arranged for his subordinates to send it to the master. This little devil has a good character and a pure mind. Under the guidance of her old man, he may be able to cultivate the right path.

Lin Chen saw that the crisis of support was resolved, and his face gradually became better, but he still didn't want to pay attention to it.In the end, his good upbringing made him compromise, and he called a truck to come over, and by the way, let the light bulb be thrown to the master of Tianhai City.

ask for flowers

After working hard all night, when I got home, I saw Ouyang Jie's blue Porsche parked in front of the door.It's really a headache, this eldest young master doesn't take care of so many family properties every day, and he always entangles himself by his side!Can't rush away

Seeing Lin Chen's headlights come on, Ouyang Jie jumped out of the car and ran over: "Brother Lin, you are back, you can't get through on the phone and no one at home. I thought something happened, do you know?" But the moment he saw Zhang Tiannuan step down from the co-pilot, he stopped.


woman?Not my sister?What rhythm?Looking at Brother Lin blankly, Lin Chen confirmed his conjecture: "Call me sister-in-law."

Zhang Tiannuan smiled and nodded as a response

"What's the matter so late?" Lin Chen asked

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