"It's alright, it's not that I can't contact you. I'm afraid that something will happen, so I came to have a look."

Oh, there is no signal in the mountains. "Lin Chen saw that there were no missed calls on the phone, and thought about it and explained. "If you have nothing to do, just go back, why stay with me every day, we have to rest. "Well, it's full of disgust

Brother Ye, you are inhuman!If you have a woman, you forget your brother!I'm so worried about you! "Ouyang Jie complained and was pushed into the car by Lin Chen so he could leave~"

A woman forgets her brother?This is still a grievance against Lin Chen. When there is no woman, I don't remember his brother.

Seeing the blue Porsche disappearing from sight, Zhang Tiannuan came over and said, "Why don't you say it straight when you're worried about his safety? It hurts a little bit. He just likes to solve the case, but I can't tell him. The second case was solved by perfect reasoning, but the truth of the ghosts was not discovered. I don’t have the energy to protect everyone around me all the time, and it’s not a wise choice to get close to me.” Said After looking at Zhang Tiannuan with a deep meaning


007 The clue is broken

"But you will definitely protect me~ and I will become more and more powerful, not to be a drag on you. Zhang Tiannuan said silently in his heart. Lin Chen smiled, rubbed the top of Tiannuan's head, and walked away hand in hand. go in

no night

The next day I went to the police station and received a report that they had thoroughly investigated their private smuggling of cultural relics overnight.It turned out that the gang was not the first offender. As a Shimu team, the tomb was dug up during the construction process, and the mistake was Hannian.I was lucky enough not to get revenge a few days ago, but can Tang walk by the river without getting his shoes wet?

This time the project is completely suspended, and the government needs to re-tender a reliable construction team.I really can't make any scientific and reasonable explanation. Wang is strictly forbidden to the audience, and the arrangement will be made after the seven-day ritual of the abbot of Yuanshan is completed.

Ignoring it now, I began to investigate the police station's inner ghost "[-]".

"Tiannuan, help me get the list and information of the people involved in this case and have a look."

They all work here, except for Ye, they are all old employees of Li, and there is nothing suspicious about their past files.This is interesting, let's go, these few, go and meet one by one. "Lin Chen selected a few people who were most closely related to this case, including the forensic doctor who performed the autopsy.

The two came to the hospital and Dr. Zhang was giving a lecture to the interns.Dr. Zhang has been in the industry for [-] years and has a long history. In order not to affect his prestige in the hospital, the two deliberately waited until the end of the lecture to explain their intentions.

Surprisingly, Dr. Zhang insisted that his original diagnosis was correct, but when he saw the body again, he could not believe that it was like this when it was sent.

Lin Chen expressed the hope that he could cooperate with hypnosis to understand what happened.Zhang Tiannuan listened to some differences, haven't seen him for a few years, has he already mastered hypnosis?Can be used by physicians trained in urealysis

As expected, I didn't get any useful information. It was indeed an error in the diagnosis process, but a series of passing clouds and flowing water did not seem to be deliberately falsified.Then the only explanation is that he was manipulated during that period or had been delusional on the transported body

With intuition, Lin Chen is more inclined to do the latter, because the number of manipulations is extremely mentally draining, and the puppet technique is one of them.As far as the current discovery is concerned, the red-clothed disaster manipulated Ye Xiao and the host of Yuanshan at the same time, and it is very likely that Jiang Shutu, who has disappeared, is also the same.Manipulating two or three people at the same time is by no means easy, and it should be approaching the limit.On the other hand, Dr. Zhang is highly respected in the hospital, and no one questioned the reason for re-examination of the autopsy he had examined.So simple illusion can solve

After thinking about this, Lin Chen stopped the hypnosis. After Dr. Zhang woke up, he thanked him and left.

"Aren't you worried that his memory has been compromised?" Zhang Tiannuan asked after getting into the car.

no trace of grafting

Awesome, Mr. Lin "Tian Nuan raised his eyebrows and made fun

Lin Chen smiled slightly, "You are also you." The daily business stone blowing makes the relationship between husband and wife rise steadily

So the rest of the people don't need to watch, right?

Yes, I found it a little late this time, and the useful clues must have been cleaned up." Lin Chen frowned.

"Then we just sit back and wait?"

Lin Chen shook his head, "He doesn't have much time, otherwise he wouldn't be so impatient. The next time we meet, it should be very soon." Thinking that the case is closed and the Tiannuan task has been completed, "When will you return to Tianhai?

So you want me to go? "Jiang Zhang, who was in high spirits just now, suddenly turned ugly.

Lin Chen, who had an extremely strong desire to survive, immediately realized his mistake and hurriedly said, "Where, I want to take you around the sea while you are free, and accompany you well." After speaking, he secretly glanced in the rearview mirror Glancing at Zhang Tiannuan, the co-pilot, it really works.Only villains and women are difficult to raise, no matter how smart and capable they are, they are women. The ancients did not deceive me.

Would you be disappointed if I said no? Turning his head, Lin Chen saw a little surprise in his eyes, so he said happily, "I just went to the director's office to get the documents and received the official transfer order. You're too far from the police station

Lin Chen laughed when he heard this: "I'm too happy." Most of the time here this year, I was alone. Although Shen Mun occasionally came over, she was too delicate. Lin Chenjing didn't want to bring her into contact with her dangerous world. For him, Zhang Tiannuan is not only a confidante, but also a partner who fights together. This kind of spiritual companionship cannot be replaced by others. "What do you mean by a formal order?

I have been preparing for this transfer for a long time, but there has been no suitable opportunity, so I will take this case and the documents will come down after the case is closed. "Oh? Then our Officer Zhang is going to be promoted this time?"

Hmm~ Let's take a look at the Deputy Chief of Mohai Public Security Bureau

Hiss." Lin Chen took a deep breath after hearing this. From the head of the serious crime team to the deputy bureau of the municipality, it seemed that he was promoted from the division level to the deputy department level, only one level, but who did not know the director of Mohai It's almost two years, and I will leave Qian to go to the CPPCC in two years at most. It can be said that Zhang Tiannuan was transferred at this time in order to directly promote the cadres at the main office level in the early three years after two years. Have you seen it? Forgive him, Lin Chen has never seen the world for once.

On second thought, it's over.In the past, the two of them were still at the same level, but now they have become their own bosses, and I am so embarrassed to be promoted all the time when I do not sit in the office under my name.Wang Shi said, "Haha, when will Director Zhang take office, I'm ready for a red envelope.

Want to bribe me?

Where, I just hope that Director Zhang can turn his eyes away and pamper him a little when he sees me dating in the office.Flavour - I was caught off guard and laughed at 0.8. These Lin Chens have also changed. He used to have an indifferent face. Although he was handsome, he lost a touch of firework.The precipitation of time has left him with a more determined heart and a more interesting soul

Before I took office, I had three days off. I had nothing to do in the past few years. I didn't take any annual leave and wasted it. The boss found out that he gave me three days to make up for it. "Conscience, do you have any plans for these three days?" Light looking at the sky.

No, take me around, I have never been to the sea of ​​magic. "

Where do you want to go?The Bund?

Superficial, there are so many people "The conversation changed: "No, you want to see beautiful women!Take me to Longhua Temple and Jade Buddha Temple. I heard that these two temples have very good signatures. I want to see beautiful women and wait for me to go to work. You can go by yourself.


008 The Shen Sisters

This is straight up against Lin Chen. When he was in Tianhai, he was young and vigorous, acted arrogantly, and had a high profile, so he attracted a lot of girls.It is even worse when he comes to the sea. Although his actions are becoming more and more stable, the development of the company has made him much admired by the circle of magic ladies.He was often annoyed by those eldest daughters and left the company to the Shen family sisters.Only a few people, including Zhang Tiannuan, have been in contact with Zhizheng. They are as cunning as he is. How could they possibly see so many vulgar fans?

But at this time, I can't explain that she was just joking, but your explanation is to cover up, to cover up, but to be the truth. Isn't that justifying yourself of the guilt of the grass?Qian is naturally avoiding this topic: "You might as well tell me a few nice words, my lottery is worse than theirs. You can't count what I ask for.

Lin Chen was really silent now, he couldn't figure it out, it was undoubtedly himself or someone closely related to him.If a doctor does not treat the sick, fortune-telling does not count as a relative.No matter how powerful Master Occupy is, he can't see clearly that his Jin Ge is going against the sky and can only suffer misfortune

Naturally, he had no choice. He couldn't see Tian Nuan's destiny, but as long as he did his best to protect her, nothing would happen. In fact, his worries at the moment were completely unnecessary. It will be bad, because his eight characters are extremely obstructive, which means that basically bad things will fall on him and block the yang to reconcile.And this point has never been taught to him by the master. First, he thinks that his little apprentice is not easy. Isn't emphasizing his eight characters poking him in pain?The second is that after being with him for so many years, he can't figure out such a trivial matter?

Hehe, this is still overestimating Lin Chen.The so-called Guan is chaotic, and if this matter is placed on others, he will naturally be able to find it at a glance.But the other party is someone you care about, so that's not the case.

Wang has acquiesced to the decision to go to Longhua Temple to ask for the signature. As for whether it is so effective, he will know at a glance.

After sending Zhang Tiannuan back to the villa, he drove to Si again.What?Why do you want to detour, you ask?It's funny, Shen Yue is still in the company, although they both know each other's existence, and although they have never had a dispute over it, wouldn't it be unpleasant to bring it to herself?Only people with brains can do this

Hang Ran usually doesn't show up in the company, but some documents must be signed by the chairman, so he makes time to come here every week.

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