And this time, with the clue of the disaster in red, my intuition has been neglected for a long time, so I came to explain some things today.

Going directly to the top floor from the exclusive elevator, he made a gesture to the secretary outside, indicating that she should not make a sound, then gently pushed the door and walked into the general manager's office.

Shen Qiuzheng lowered his head to review the document.He raised his head when he heard the voice, "I didn't knock on the door, the ministry said to be polite in the company. Don't ask me about your brother Lin, he didn't come." Although it was a reproach, there was no questioning in his tone. Tolerance and pampering, it seems that Lin Chen is regarded as the harmful sister.Her man is not in a hurry, she runs to her every day to ask people.It's not that I don't know how often Lin Chen comes to the company. If he has such a kung fu, it's better to make a phone call and ask yourself.

"Manager Shen is very busy."

Hearing this voice, Shen Qiu raised his head in surprise, and came straight, without prior notice

"Why did you suddenly come here? Of course you're busy, and you've run into a shopkeeper." Others scare him, Shen Qiu, he's the boss to others, his brother-in-law to himself, and a carefree brother-in-law. He knew for a long time that he was not only by his side. My sister is a small woman and her temperament doesn't matter, as long as she can stay by his side

Lin Chen touched his nose and was not annoyed, he smiled and asked, "Where's Xiaoyue, I didn't see her when I came here.

"Call and ask yourself, both of you have come to me to ask for someone.

The office door was pushed open before the voice could fall: "Brother Lin!

Lin Chen turned around with a smile, and hugged Shen Yue who had rushed over.

Brother Lin, you didn't tell me when you came here, but luckily you met the dry secretary. ' Shen complained

I didn't see you when I came up just now, and ran in just as I was asking your sister if she wanted someone. "After Lin Chen explained, he affectionately pinched the tip of his nose with his sinking eyes. This shy bag blushed.

Cough-cough-the ambiguous atmosphere was interrupted by a coughing sound, and the two of them looked in the direction of solidarity at the same time, only to see Shen Qiu staring at them in disgust, "Can you test the feeling of being single? Lin Chen, you bastard, do this every day. How can an old woman who has worked so much have time to find a boyfriend? Well, yes, I'm pulling myself again. Lin Chen knew that he was right and didn't dare to stimulate this living Buddha: "Xiaoyue, let's talk about business first.Shen Yue got out of his arms obediently after hearing this, and sat down

The matter that I have been investigating before has now reached a crescent moon, and I may not care about the company for a long time.You can sign the required documents on your behalf, but from now on, you must be careful and vigilant. That person must know that I am the boss behind the tomb of this company, and it is very likely that he will be the king of the company. Let Hongyuan help you watch, but if you find any problems, you still have to notify me immediately, don't be careless.

Seeing Lin Chen's cautious appearance, the two of them didn't dare to be careless, and nodded their heads.But they were not worried about their own safety. Since Lin Chen had already thought about it, he would definitely protect them.After explaining some details, Lin Chen pulled Shen Mu and left to watch a movie that the little girl liked, and then went to the pre-determined restaurant to settle dinner.After sending Shen Yue home, just as he was about to leave, he felt that the corner of his clothes was being pulled by God, and he turned his head inquiringly: "What's wrong?" The resolute face under the moonlight showed a soft color, Brother Lin, be careful. "After saying that, I ran into the apartment.

Lin Chen smiled and shook his head, this little rabbit has the same personality, is it a twin with that tigress Shen Qiu?

He took out his mobile phone, edited a text message to Shen Yue, "Don't worry." He drove the car and left.

After Shen Yue finished washing, she saw the text message, and she was lying on the sofa alone. She was seen by her sister who came back from work, and laughed mercilessly.

Lin Chen, who returned to the villa, saw that Zhang Tiannuan was in the bathroom, so he got into the study and made a serious travel guide.I only visited two temples in three days, and the itinerary will definitely not be rushed, so I will take a good look at the things that can be seen and eaten nearby. For him, asking for a sign is second, mainly to have fun.


009 Yin Yang River

After Zhang Tiannuan came out of the shower, he was very moved to see Lin Chen who was planning.In fact, I just mentioned it casually at the time, and didn't pay much attention to it.Of course Lin Chen knew where he went this afternoon, but at this moment, the feeling of being a little bored at first disappeared. Let's go and wash, it's getting late.

Well, it's done.I didn't expect that this Longhua Temple is still worth seeing. I will take a good look tomorrow.

it is good. "Zhang Tiannuan smiled and agreed, and then went to prepare clothes for him.

The two of them did not have the habit of staying in bed and finished the morning exercise together, changed their clothes and set off towards Longhua Temple.Longhua Temple is next to the airport. The airport has a river in the Internet cafe, and Longhua Temple is on this river.In the middle of the airport.The legendary sum is called Yin Yang River, and Longhua Temple was established to suppress the demons and ghosts inside and not flee.

Legend has it that the construction of Longhua Temple and the Taiping period of the Northern Song Dynasty has a history of more than 1700 years.And that Zhenyao River is indeed no more tigers after the completion of Longhua Temple.This is why this ancient temple has stood in the long river of history and has not collapsed for thousands of years.

It is March now. There is an old saying in the sea of ​​magic, which is called: "On the third day of the month, go to Longhua and see peach blossoms." According to legend, the third day of March is the day when Maitreya incarnates as a monk with a cloth bag. In order to commemorate it, Longhua Temple will hold a ritual, which has been handed down. The present temple fair was formed.Fortunately, two people accidentally caught up with the annual temple fair.

The temple is full of incense. In front of the temple, there are many tourists and hawkers. Most of them are selling the specialties of the magic sea, because most of the tourists who come here are tourists from other places.Neither of them liked the noise, so they avoided the crowd and walked towards the Peach Blossom Forest on the Zheyang River behind the temple.

In addition to attending temple fairs, most people come here to visit famous scenic spots such as Luohan Hall and Guanyin Hall, but they are not interested in the peach forest with beautiful flowers.This is also true, where are there no peach blossoms, Wang Ma came all the way here to see

But for the two of them, it was different.The peach trees ward off evil spirits. The endless peach trees on both sides of the Yinyang River are too prosperous. In their eyes, it is not only the scenery, but the strong evil spirit hidden in the gorgeous background.

The master told him that before Pangu created the world, the world was chaotic and divided into domains.In the center of the ghost realm, there is a huge peach tree covering a radius of ten miles.On the top of the peach tree, there is a golden crow standing all year round. Because the wandering spirit cannot see the light, the ghost realm is dark and invisible for many years.Every evening, the wandering spirits who have been suppressed for a long time in the dry ghost realm will be released in the morning. In the morning, the Jinwu stretches his body and gradually releases a trace of silk light pavilion. At this time, the ghosts who go out at night will be driven back to the ghost realm by this trace of silk pavilion light.

The gate of God’s Domain is located on the top of the peach tree. There are two great gods who stand by the door with peach branches every day, specializing in catching evil spirits who have not returned to ghosts during the day.

Later, Renyu learned this method and used peach wood to carve their shape and put it at the door of the house to ward off evil spirits, or use peach wood branches to hang in their rooms to ward off evil spirits.And the method of peach wood to ward off evil has been passed down in this way, and the peach talisman and peach wood creation in the future are the inheritance and development of it.

Looking up, the peaches on both sides of the river were full of soil, and most of them were small, and it seemed that they had just been planted for a short time.Back then, a peach tree in Shili occupied the entire field, and now it's a big deal to use it in this small corner of the grass?The answer is no.This river is connected to a piece of Lie Shi Cemetery. It is rumored that in ancient times, all dynasties and generations regarded this place as unknown, so it was often used as a field.Whether it is the glorious ten or the most sinful people, they all die here, and the yin qi is extremely heavy.

The strangest thing is that it is an important part of Longhua Temple.Longhua Pagoda is not within the scope of the temple, but is far away from the main hall, and no tourists are allowed to enter.The candle in the tower is always bright, and it is said that every abbot will send a big disciple into the tower to guard it for a lifetime.According to unofficial records, this was caused by road construction at the end of the period, but this is unreasonable. He and Si should have been one body.

How can people not understand?And Longhua Temple has been valued by the royal family in all dynasties, how can it be tolerated?

If the rumor is true that Longhua Temple was built to suppress ghosts, then it may be guessed that this Longhua Pagoda is actually used to suppress the seal of the gate of ghosts, and the peach wood can ward off evil spirits and absorb evil spirits.In recent years, the number of complaints has increased significantly. Does it mean that the seal has gradually weakened, and the evil spirit overflowing from Longhua Temple has become more and more uncontrollable?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen frowned, if all the guesses are true, then the situation is much worse than he expected.When I was making plans last night, I just paid a little attention and thought this forest was interesting. I didn't expect to see that the situation in front of me had reached a serious point.

What's wrong? "Feeling Lin Chen's strangeness, Zhang Tiannuan looked at him curiously.

Lin Chen said a little apologetically: "Sorry for the warm weather, this holiday may end early.

Zhang Tiannuan was shocked when he heard the words: "He has already appeared?

"It's not already, I'm afraid it has appeared long ago. I've been preparing for this battle for a long time." Lin Chen looked in the direction of Longhua Tower, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. "Don't think about it, come and have a look at night. Boss Zhang, you still have half a day of vacation, cherish it. Zhang Tiannuan smiled when he heard it, and lightly beat Lin Chenfa's chest, so he didn't want to think about these bad things, and concentrated on enjoying it. The surrounding scenery Longhua Temple has no fixed opening hours. Every day, it opens an hour after sunrise and closes an hour before sunset. Some people say that the days are so short in winter, is there enough money to burn incense (Nuo Wang is good)? Just kidding, " Royal' temple tells you what's not bad money with action

When the government decided to build an airport here, on the surface, it did not believe in ghosts and gods, and was not afraid of being affected.But people in the circle know that when the documents came out, the first thing Mohai Municipal did was not to bid, but to allocate funds for the renovation of Longhua Temple. It is not known how much it has allocated, but it can be seen by looking at the gilded Buddha statues in the courtyard. It's obvious, but this is just the wind and hair corner. Inside the upright protagonist Longhua Tower, I don't know what earth-shaking changes have been made. Come over tonight and you can take a look.

At noon, the two had eaten the vegetarian meal in the temple, and they took advantage of their status to live directly in the wing of the temple.The original arrangement was to seek the abbot's hexagram, walk to the front temple, and watch the long dragon in front of him, but Guo gave up.Most of the people in line were middle-aged aunts in their [-]s and [-]s. I heard that the signatures here are very accurate, and they all wanted to ask for one to keep their children safe, have a smooth career, and thrive.


010 Longhua Tower at night

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, looking at the crowd of tourists, Zhang Tiannuan offered to let go and come back in the off-season

Lin Chen's heart is funny, how can there be any off-season, there may be fewer people visiting, but there will only be more people who seek blessings

In the wing room, after the little novice leading the way left, Lin Chen waved the king and created a barrier.Zhang Tiannuan was stunned to see his behavior, and soon became serious.

"It's warm, and at night, no matter what, don't take an inch by my side. Believe in your feelings, don't be deceived by what you see, and take out a jade pendant from the inner pocket. Ting has been hesitating whether to give it to you before. This is a ghost jade, a thing of the king of hell. Bring hundreds of ghosts to avoid it, but it will naturally let you see those unclean things that did not interfere with your life in the past. Ghost jade recognizes the master. , you can't take it off when you put it on. In other words, after you put it on, the world outside you and me is the same world. Even if you get bored one day, you can't get out of it. Would you like to?

Lin Chen kept staring at Yu Pei, somewhat avoiding the answer that Zhang Tiannuan was about to say.He has not been understood since he was a child. He clearly knows that the environment he is in is extremely controversial and dangerous, and he is unwilling to drag her down to the muddy waters.Now I have to take it out, because with the emergence of red clothes, things that happen intuitively will become more and more dangerous. I can't be by her side all the time. The head of the ghost jade household is a layer of strong protection.

But whether he is willing to bring it up is one thing, and whether Zhang Tiannuan accepts it or not is another.Think about who wants to listen to the ghosts and wolves around you every night, take a bath and find that there are only eyes in the sewer?He has been hesitant, and for one reason, he is still worried about being rejected.How can he be as proud as he is

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