It's been a while since the words fell, but Zhang Tiannuan's reply has not been heard for a long time. He was planning to scolded the king to take back the king, and quickly changed the subject, but when he saw the person in front of him with his head down, he rushed towards him and buried himself in his chest. never said anything before

Lin Chen felt something was wrong, so he hurriedly lowered his head to look.It’s okay not to look at it, but I panicked when I saw it.The woman in front of her, who was full of frustration, her eyes were red, and she bit her lip and didn't make any sound, she looked half astute and capable and shook her head helplessly, and pulled out a tissue from the side. "Just say it if you don't want to, I didn't force you to cry." Lin Chen jokingly adjusted the atmosphere

"Whoever doesn't want it, bring it and give it to me, it's mine." Zhang Tiannuan choked.Although he has been by Lin Chen's side for so many years, Zhi knows that he is not the only one by his side. He originally only wanted to be with him for a ride, but he did not expect that one day Lin Chen would be willing to completely open the door of his world to him. According to Zhang Tiannuan, it is more precious than a dr ring that can only be purchased by a male ten with his ID card.

Lin Chen smiled, took Zhang Tiannuan's hand, and made a light cut, and then he also made a cut, leading the blood of the two to drip into the round hole in the middle of the blood jade.After a burst of light, the hole closed and the jade appeared on Zhang Tiannuan's neck.When Zhang Tiannuan touched it, there was still an unreal feeling

Try putting consciousness into it. "Lin Chen reminded

Zhang Tiannuan was concentrating on the feeling, and found that he could integrate with the ghost jade, and he could also feel the existence of Lin Chen.

You can contact me through it, and I can immediately appear through the medium of ghost jade in case of danger. If there is an enchantment interference, he can also help you with some (bfcc) attacks.But still be careful.I will teach you some other things later. These are enough to deal with today's affairs. The usual high-cold characters have recently been replaced more and more by the image of Lao Tzu.Fortunately, Zhang Tiannuan did not dislike it, and nodded his head straight. At sunset, the two were awakened by the knock on the door of the little novice. In order to recharge their energy at night, they slept until the sun set. The two benefactors were disturbed by the little monk. It's just that this temple never stays overnight, it's almost sunset now, the two benefactors, please come back

Just as Lin Chen was about to say something, he heard a slightly low-pitched young male voice from the fish-turning area: "Mingjing, let's go down."

Yes, Abbot. "The little novice was puzzled, but left obediently.

Looking at the person coming, Lin Chen smiled, put his right hand on his chest, and made a Buddha salute: "I have heard that the abbot of Kongming is young and promising, but I didn't expect Zhang to be so young today." The man in front of him is in his early twenties. Appearance, wearing a frame, beautiful eyes and bald, known as the abbot, although it is unbelievable, but it can only be Master Kongming of Longhua Temple.I have long heard from the master that Master Kongming is very intelligent and extremely savvy, and now it seems that his reputation is well-deserved.

Lin Chen wore a standard "Lin Chen-style" smile: "Abbot, we Mingren don't speak secretly why I came here, is the abbot unclear? Kong Ming's face sank slightly after hearing this, Lin Chen's words are not very good. Polite, but he is arrogant and has capital

This is Zhang Tiannuan's recovery, the young man in front of him is Chi, is it a pretense that the divination in the temple during the day?After thinking about it, I also figured out what the saying goes, it’s good to have no hair on your lips, and you can’t do things well. A yellow-haired boy goes to fortune-telling, no matter how accurate he is, not many people will come to him because he has no white hair and is not like a fairy. Bone, there is no credibility to sit there, but it may attract a wave of fans

Lin Chen and Kong Ming looked at each other for a while, then moved away slightly, letting Kong Ming enter the door and set up a barrier

Master, please take a seat.

Kong Ming had a strange feeling when he sat down with him, how could he be more like a master even though he was on his own territory?


011 old things

In fact, Lin Chen was a little angry when he did this.Since the abbot appeared, Tian Nuan's eyes never took his eyes off him.So looking at the "little white face" with red lips and white teeth, Lin Chen became more and more unhappy.This is really a mess

Zhang Tiannuan is just curious, she never pays attention to someone because of their looks, not to mention, Lin Chen is better in terms of appearance.Yugan's eight characters are extremely resistant, so his facial features are more delicate than women's, but when combined together, there is no feeling of a sissy.On the contrary, the tenacity and self-confidence between his eyebrows attracted a lot of attention from the opposite sex.

When Lin Chen had had enough trouble, he began to talk about the business: "Master, we came here in the morning, and we have already discovered the abnormality in the temple. It's not easy for Master to support by himself. It's better to let Xiangniu know what happened, and let's find a way together. ~

Kong Ming was shocked, can you see it so easily?He sighed, shook his head, and muttered, "God's will, god's will." Turning to look at the sky outside, there was still time, so he slowly opened his mouth to explain

It turns out that Longhua Pagoda has been used to store Buddhist scriptures and the relics of masters in the temple since the opening of the temple in the Taiping period of the Northern Song Dynasty.Therefore, every thousand abbots will send their most proud disciples to guard the tower.

This system has been followed for a hundred years without any questions.But since a scene appeared next to the temple, the situation has changed.At first, I deleted the field Khan here, just to be able to use the blessing of the Buddha's light to deter evil spirits.The newly decapitated undead are not aggressive and can easily be suppressed and overrun.But also because of the long-term accumulation of air resistance, it has attracted some daring evil spirits

Generally, monsters will be blocked by the barrier outside the temple, but as a clear-minded, high-level person who hits a monster with immortal fate, this barrier is useless.

On this day, the little red fox, who was in the form of a star, went down the mountain and passed by here. Driven by curiosity, he touched the Longhua Pagoda, which is the most brilliant candle.

The little red fox met a desolate Taoist priest hundreds of years ago, and kindly distributed some of the food he had found to the Taoist dozen.I didn't expect this Taoist chapter to think that it was an immortal who went down to the world to transcend tribulation, so I brought it up when I ascended. Originally, it was difficult for a fox to cultivate an immortal. The previous robbery was extremely difficult to overcome.And this immortal family gave it a set of cultivation methods to absorb the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, without hurting others, presumably the robbery will be easier

The next story can be imagined. Like the words of those talented and beautiful people in ancient times, when the little red fox arrived in the Longhua Pagoda, he fell in love with the eminent monk who had passed the scriptures in front of the Buddha statue against the background of candlelight.At first, the eminent monk had nothing else to focus on, but he couldn't stand this little fox entangled with foxes and foxes every day.

Why can't the guardian of the tower go out of the tower all his life?The primary reason is that there are so many temptations in the world. The Buddha said that the six sense organs are pure. Is it so easy to have no desires and no desires?But if you have nothing to see, you will have nothing to ask for. If you can be peaceful and quiet, everything will return to heaven and earth.To put it bluntly, it is fishing out of sight

If you see a big beauty with such a symbol staying by your side all day, washing your hands and making soup, cutting candles and talking at home, who can guarantee not to be moved?Even an eminent monk is essentially a layman

The two got together without telling the crowd and violating the etiquette.I thought I was very careful, but I don't know which one complained to the abbot. The abbot didn't believe it. How could his proud disciple do such an outrageous thing, but because of the request of the monks, they could only go together at night. Check it out

Si Ting didn't know that the two people who had been exposed were grinding their ears in the room at this time. When they heard the door being pushed open, they were startled, and then they separated immediately.The eminent monk saw that the master's face was white and he couldn't hide it, so he dragged the little fox demon and knelt down together.I hope that after being punished, I can return to the vulgarity and become a pair of ordinary little wives.

The abbot was furious when he saw the two in front of him, and hit them with a single Buddha battle.The eminent monk didn't have time to react and didn't have time to protect the little fox demon, he saw her clutching her stomach, and she was dripping with cold sweat.

The eminent monk stared at her with wide eyes: "Master!" He picked her up and ran out after she was busy. Naturally, she was stopped by the crowd who came after him.

The abbot was furious: "Wet account thing! Can you see what you're holding!" After speaking, he slapped his hand, and the little fox demon was directly knocked into the fish, showing his prototype.He was covered in blood and shivering.One is painful, twenty is afraid.It has never told the monk that he is a fox demon, using the identity of an ordinary woman as an excuse

The high monk's eyes widened. As a monk of Longhua Temple, he should be responsible for subduing demons and eradicating demons, but he gets along with demons day and night. He was surrounded by the fear of deception for a while when they got married. He backed away in disbelief, shaking his head while shaking his head. murmured: "Impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible

The little fox demon wanted to explain, but leaned towards him with difficulty, but was used mercilessly.

The little fox who just wanted to struggle suddenly calmed down and stopped making trouble. He was taken down by two monks and suppressed in the lock demon tower. The lock demon tower is no better than other sacred objects. No matter how high the cultivation base is, there are only a few days left, not to mention that it is now seriously injured

He knew it was dangerous, but he didn't use his last strength to get out of here.Because he still had hope for the eminent monk in the bottom of his heart, and he suddenly couldn't accept that he would be able to figure out how to save himself in a few days.When it was pulled away, twisted

Head Laiding said to the monk, "I'll wait for you." After speaking, he was dragged away. Naturally, he didn't see the undisguised disgust on the monk's face. Facts prove that as a demon, it is still too simple and righteous. Slaughtering dogs and making a name for themselves are mostly scholars.It is actually difficult to sign under the reputation, it has been so since ancient times


The inside of the lock demon tower is dark and dark, and in the gaps of the dust and spider webs, there are tens of thousands of ghosts and ghosts that do not belong to the human world lurking, spraying this filthy gas all the time.

How has the little fox demon who has been cultivating since childhood ever seen such a scene?Curled up in the corner in fear, waiting for its Ruyi Langjun to pick it up with colorful clouds

The first day, the second day, the third day... The time passed slowly. At the beginning, I could deceive myself: he was punished by the master and had no time to take care of it. Gradually, he could no longer deceive.

On the tenth day, the little fox demon was almost exhausted. I thought that the fox life would end like this, but was unexpectedly taken out of the lock demon tower.

When she arrived at Longhua Pagoda, she was pleasantly surprised to see the eminent monk who was thinking about it day and night, dragging her damaged body to go up, but she was mercilessly avoided.

Donor please respect yourself. "It's a hard voice he's never had before.

The little fox demon was stunned, and then laughed: "Haha, cough, hahahahaha" The voice became louder and louder, and silver tears flowed out.It is so, it is so.My Hongniang has accumulated virtue and done good deeds in this life, and has never harmed the lives of others. I thought that the calamity was easy to pass, but I didn’t think that it was not a thunderstorm, or a karmic fire. Sauvignon blanc is a long-term memory, and a short Acacia is infinite! "

Hearing this, the high monk frowned slightly, as if there was a trace of disagreement, but after looking at the abbot behind him, he calmed down again.I was about to speak, but was interrupted


012 Yin Yang River Mutation

"Huaiyuan, I don't regret meeting you, but I'm disappointed with your plan. You know, our baby, he's still so young, he hasn't seen you before, and he's been shaking in the lock demon tower. , but I have no way to protect him. I feel it disappear little by little, I feel that the death period on my body is getting heavier and heavier, I hope you can be by my side, even if you hug me, the little demon choked and said, gentle Stroking his belly, his eyes are getting more and more dead

If I knew at the beginning that my practice was like this, I might as well treat the wine as a song and walk here in a vain way. I don’t hate anyone but this world!God, you don't know what is good or what is God!The land is also, you don't care about Lun Chang's confusion! "I didn't look at everyone's reaction after I finished speaking, I fought "four" to raise the last bit of strength to explode the unit, and it was wiped out.

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