After Kongming finished speaking, he looked at the two of them: "The matter is over here, the abbot protects the short, and sees that the fox demon is dead, so I won't say more. Everyone sees the abbot and doesn't want to pursue it, so it's not easy to say anything, not to mention that The monsters really didn't do anything wrong. Huaiyuan has been guarding the tower since then, and never stepped out of the tower again. I heard that the sound of the passage of scriptures in the tower continued into the middle of the night every day, and it didn't stop until he was round.

Hearing this, Lin Chen also found doubts: "Since it was a blowout and died, it should be fast and scattered, and it shouldn't have an impact on Longhua Temple after so long.

True, but not so.That eminent monk, Huai Yuanjing, was not as ruthless and unrighteous as it appeared on the surface. After the abbot and others left, he collected the last traces of the soul that had been melted away, and used his blood to warm and nourish the scriptures all day long, hoping to meet again one day.But the power of the burst order is amazing, and the residual soul is too weak, and it has not been cultivated until the death. "

Looking at the frowning two people's style of painting changed: "But in recent years, the remnant soul sealed by Master Huaiyuan's relic has changed, and it has grown rapidly. There is no reason to send someone to investigate. I want to control it because of the relic. In order to prevent people from being discovered, we can only plant a large area of ​​peach trees. However, recently, it broke out and did evil everywhere. When tourists were injured before, we were aware of the seriousness of the situation. , stepped up precautions, but could not find the cause of the incident, very passive

After the air resistance was finished, it was a bit strange. Bi Yi happened in his own place, but he had no clue, and his face was dull.

"So except for Longhua Pagoda, is there no change in other places in the temple?

Master Kongming pondered for a while and said, "The Yin Yang River has not been peaceful recently.

Oh? "Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, and was interested. Looking at the sky outside, it was already dark. So he said, "Let's go and have a look.

Kong Ming turned his attention to Zhang Tiannuan, and was about to tell her to stay, and ordered Shiren to come and protect her.But seeing the cool blood jade on Zhang Tiannuan's neck, his expression changed slightly and he glanced at Lin Chen, but said nothing.

The three of them came to the Yinyang River, and it was really different from the calm during the day. After the sun went down, the Yinyang River was turbulent, and the color of the river became dark and the soil was turbulent. Look, the dark substance in the water is nothing but the corpse aura of Guangling, and there are many sorrowful roars mixed in the waves.It's no wonder that Longhua Temple must close the temple at sunset and look at Zhang Tiannuan next to her. Seeing that her face is a little pale, she can't help but clench her tightly.

Zhang Tiannuan smiled back, indicating that he was fine.In my heart, it became more and more uncomfortable that I only saw these ghosts now, and there were the most trusted people next to me.And what about Lin Chen?I have been troubled by some things since I was a child, and no one cares when I say it. How scared do I have to be alone?How sad?

Lin Chen walked to the river and looked down at the green grass in the daytime, but it turned dark red at this moment. He couldn't help but feel that the scene in front of him was a little familiar, and it was too late to think about it, when he heard a scream from Longhua Temple, Kong Ming's face changed greatly. , the three rushed over immediately

I saw that the lights in the tower were still blocked and the tower guard had passed out.The red-clothed fox turned into a human figure, and was about to walk up to suck the essence when it was swept away by Kong Ming.Go forward to check that there is no danger to life before you can relax

Hong Niang stood up, patted the dust stained on her red clothes, smiled yinly, and licked the blood spilling from the corner of her mouth: "What I hate most is that this Buddha paid, I didn't expect to be beaten again by it."

Lin Chen looked around, there was no spell, and then he figured it out.This remnant soul has been praying for blessings from Buddhist scriptures every day, and was reborn in the relics of eminent monks. Presumably these ordinary things to ward off evil spirits are useless to her.

"Two new faces came today, is this the helper that Chi invited?" Hongniang looked at Kongming and asked charmingly.

Kongming ignored it, and Hongniang didn't care either.He turned to Zhang Tiannuan with a smile and said, "Little sister, what are you doing to follow him, how dangerous is it? Do you think he will protect you? Hahaha, silly girl, the wife is the same forest bird, and the disaster is coming

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew towards Zhang Tiannuan 13, ready to attack with sharp claws.But he didn't expect that he couldn't move before he got close. Looking at the colorless rope tied to him, his expression changed greatly: "Who are you!

You move someone who shouldn't. "Lin Chen didn't answer, his tone was so deep that water could drip.

When Hong Niang heard this, she stopped struggling, but laughed loudly: "Hahaha, if that person had half your spirit at the time, we wouldn't be like this.

Lin Chen looked at the air resistance, he didn't understand, the demon in front of him clearly understood things and was not controlled by the year to become a demon, why couldn't he be subdued

Kongming knew what he meant and motioned him to continue reading.


013 Nine-tailed fantasy

Sure enough, looking up, the fox demon who was just normal just now keeps skyrocketing in size, and the rope that locks the demon even if he doesn't check himself has been broken.The short-distance lock demon rope floated back to Lin Chen aggrievedly, rubbed it twice and got into his pocket.

This monster is really not to be underestimated. "Lin was very concerned, and Zhang Tiannuan protected him a little more. But a tomb that made him unbelievable happened and saw that after the fox demon turned into a prototype, there were nine tails. And this attribute was before Master Kong Ming. It's not mentioned in the story at all. It's impossible for him not to know how important information this is, and if he doesn't mention it, he can only hide these things he doesn't want to mention.

Jiuxing fox is different from other fox demons. It is recorded in "Shan Hai Jing Nan Shan Jing" that "there are beasts in the mountains of Qingqiu, which are like foxes and nine stars." In ancient times, the fox was even more peaceful.It was only after the Song Dynasty that it was demonized.According to calculations, this incident also happened in the Northern Song Dynasty, right?Is there any reason?

If you didn't understand why a small fox demon and finite element before, then you understand now.Jiuxinghu is the king of foxes. It already had a very high status in the period of chaos, but it gradually declined, so it was reduced to a demon.In this case, the problem now is that the abbot of Longhua Temple couldn't see the difference between the nine-tailed fox clan and the ordinary fox clan, but still killed the king with pain. What is the reason for this?

But looking at the state of the fox demon in front of him, there is no way to talk about it calmly. It is double and red, and it has obviously lost its reason and is controlled by evil thoughts.It seems that we can only subdue him first and then talk about other things.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen and Kong Ming greeted them at the same time.I saw the fox demon smiled, stretched out his tongue and licked the hands that had turned into sharp claws, and flew over as well.

Unexpectedly, there was a wave of black smoke accompanying the frontal attack.After Lin Chen saw this wave of smoke, the alarm bell in his heart shook. From the moment he entered the Longhua Tower, he felt that something was not right.Zhou Pu had a strange smell. I thought it was a mixture of the scent of Buddhist scriptures and sandalwood, but I didn't expect it to be a special ecstasy scent created by this fox demon.

And the ecstasy fragrance was motivated by Gang Gang's black group, and this time it played an effect.Lin Chen is immune to all poisons. He wanted to go to Zhang Tiannuan, but he was blocked by the fox demon and couldn't get close. He could only pray for the ghost jade to play a role.

This is beyond the power of the ghost jade. Although he can be evil, he can't isolate ordinary smells. Zhang Tiannuan slowly lost consciousness. When he opened his eyes again, he found that Zhou's environment had completely disappeared. changed

She is currently in a church where a wedding is being held. In front of the church, there is a beautiful bride and groom. The woman is wearing a white wedding dress and smiling happily. When the priest finished asking "Would you like to?", Zhang Tiannuan realized that on the stage, The man he was with was Lin Chen, whom he knew all too well, and the person he was holding was not himself but the Shen who had been helping him with trivial things in his company, the girl smiled shyly, I do." Zhang Tiannuan could no longer control her actions after seeing it clearly, and rushed up quickly, she wanted to know why, why it was fine before, and gave the ghost jade to herself, and immediately followed other women Married. He never thought of monopolizing Lin Chen, but now

Why?Why do this? "Zhang Tiannuan asked out of control.

And the "Lin Chen" in front of her didn't even bother to give her a look. When he pulled at his sleeve, he signaled the security guard to drag this crazy woman down so that he could continue his interrupted wedding.

The two security guards held Zhang Tiannuan on the left and the right, and it was easy for her to break free.But she didn't expect that gradually, she stopped struggling and slowly calmed down.She remembered what Lin Chen said to him when he gave her Ghost Jade, "The sky is warm, trust your feelings, don't be blinded by what you see with your eyes."

Don't be blinded by what your eyes see?Zhang Tiannuan seemed to suddenly understand something rather than trusting his own feelings, it is better to say that he trusts Lin Chen more.Lin Chen is a responsible man, even if he married another woman, he would definitely give himself an explanation.

Will be so ignorant and put myself aside and ignore it

After I figured this out, I looked at it again. Although the appearance of the "Lin Chen" in front of me was very similar, Shen Yun really couldn't imitate it.His own Lin Chen's eyes were resolute and cold, but the impostor in front of him obviously dodged his eyes, and he never dared to look directly into his eyes.

Zhang Tiannuan burst out suddenly, opened the security guards on both sides, and rushed up in a few steps.He poured his own divine consciousness into the ghost jade, the ghost jade became powerful, and the spiritual light appeared.

Jing opened his eyes and found himself in Lin Chen's arms.And that Li Xinghu was also restrained by Lin Chen's uniform, unable to move. Seeing Zhang Tiannuan open his eyes, Lin Chen let out a faint breath.It is a lie to say that you are not worried. Once the illusion created by the nine-star fox enters, others will not be able to intervene and can only rely on the person who entered the country to wake up. What the illusion mirror transforms is the corner of people's hearts that is most afraid and contradictory, to put it bluntly. That is, the more you hate what a fantasy is, what is 580. He is the one you don't want to face the most, and the darkest experience in your life.Only by overcoming that "self" with his own thoughts can he wake up. Otherwise, he will always be trapped in an illusion, and gradually lose his life as his thoughts are exhausted.

Gang Gang saw that Zhang Tiannuan was being recruited, and he no longer had any intention of the cause of the incident. He just wanted to annihilate the fox demon in front of him who put his beloved into danger.I didn't expect that I was about to start after the system, but was stopped by Master Kongming

He frowned, but he didn't have time to take into account what was in front of him and hurried to check Zhang Tiannuan's situation.She calmed down when she woke up. Although her face was still dark and scary, she had returned to her senses.

Master Kongming, talk about it. "Lin Chen's tone in some departments, this Master Kong Ming is obviously arrogant in many things. So it's not possible to do that work as a group, but if this work can be done to such a degree, the harming party must be inseparable from his connivance. Qianxi Kongming sighed heavily and looked in the direction of the fox demon. When she saw Zhang Tiannuan being able to escape from the red realm so quickly, she was unbelievable and sad, so she could only open her mouth and say, "Masui, Are you still not letting go?


014 The truth of the matter

Jiuxinghu, who was called by his name, was shocked and slowly returned to his original appearance.He shook his head with a wry smile, "How can I let it go? You taught me how to let go?

With a choked throat, looking into the distance, the voice is so faint that it seems to have drifted from a long time in the past.

It is impossible for me and Huaiyuan to have any intersection with one person and one monster. Humans and monsters are not allowed to fall in love. Heaven has rules since ancient times. Our fate was exchanged by my life.

I followed him all the time from the beginning, and I ignored him and turned a blind eye.I thought that even if it was a stone, it should be hot, so I went to Sansheng Stone to have a look, only to realize that you Longhua Temple are dedicated to guarding the pagoda in order to protect the pagoda, and wiped his marriage from the Sansheng Stone.

I don't know what stupidity or stupidity I committed at the time. The nine-star fox has nine lives, and one star can turn into an ancient magic weapon.Sanshengshi is indestructible, and only ancient gods can leave traces on it.I think, since there is no marriage, I will fill him in the marriage king, which is a ruthless decision to cut one star, only to find that the blade is no longer sharp before a few strokes are engraved.I had to break one more star, the fox tail is connected to the heart, do you know the taste of that kind of broken tail?It's like a piece of flesh in the heart was dug out alive, but still alive

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