I fainted from the pain. After I woke up, I continued to carve. It took [-] days to carve the names of the two people after the eight stars were broken. Speaking of which, Hongniang smiled and seemed to be back to the time when it was okay for love. A simple moonlight without risk of life.Then he said that although the eight tails are gone and his cultivation has been greatly reduced, his attitude towards me has really changed.

That night, I was dragged all over and I was dying in front of him. He didn't say a word, just picked me up and put me on a stick to see my wounds.During the days when I was recovering, he was very kind to me and took care of me.That is, not long after that, when I communicated with him, I was thinking about the worth of these eight fox stars.

I thought I could keep Sauvignon Blanc, but I didn't expect to break it out after a long time.When I was injured by the abbot, the disappointed expression he showed stuck in my heart like a needle, so I forgot to reveal the identity of the Nine Star Fox clan in time and was mistaken for a general fox demon and locked in the lock demon tower.

Hehe, I hate you, the high-quality monks who have attained the Tao on the surface.I am in the lock demon tower, the spiritual power is gradually exhausted, the soul is separated from the body and the body can be broken, but the appearance of the soul is still nine tails.When he came to see me, he had already discovered my identity, but he was powerless. Even if he stopped, he could not save my life.

So he covered up the truth of my identity and let me meet Huaiyuan only when the soul he knew was about to dissipate.I don't blame him, it's normal for straight people.So I don't want him to know that the master he has always admired is such a hypocrite who dare not take responsibility.Yes, the oil lamp has been exhausted, and I, who have no love for heaven and earth, chose to explode and die

A hundred years later, I woke up again, and it was a lie to say that I was not moved. It turned out that the person I had been thinking about didn't give up on me at that time.But I searched all over the Three Realms, and there was no sign of him, and in the process, I also discovered that my Jiuxing Fox Clan has been turned into a demon, and everyone hates it and avoids it.And all of this was done by the good abbot. He was afraid that his mistakes would be violent one day, so he slandered the emperor of the world, saying that my Jiuxing Fox clan had a strong Yin Qi, which was not conducive to the stability and well-being of the country.

It's a joke, he dared to sully the ancient gods like this!But the emperor believed it straight, and threw the urine out of my clan and killed my sorry ancestors, clansmen, and descendants.

Hearing this, everyone also figured out the ins and outs of the matter.The tower guard who had been in a coma finally woke up: "So you're going to kill people everywhere, it's time to repay your grievances, why not repay your grievances with virtue?

Jiuxinghu did not explain, but Lin Chen listened and said lightly, "Repaying resentment with virtue, why repay virtue?

Hongniang was a little surprised when she heard the words, but she didn't expect that there would be such a sensible person present.

It's not that he doesn't know anything..." Kong Ming's voice rang weakly: "The tower guard will ascend after his death, but he gave up the opportunity to ascend in order to save you Ning Hou, only for the short half of his life to have a few years and a relationship with him. your care.But you leave without listening.After you left, his heart was like stagnant water. Later, he found out about the truth. He killed the master who raised him like a father. He has an industrial barrier. After he passed away, he went directly to the endless purgatory, suffering every day.

Hongniang was stunned, and she realized that her impulse had caused the two to pass by. "Where is he? You tell me where he is!" Donor, let it go, no matter where he is, he can't go back

There is a good saying: I could have tolerated darkness, if I had not seen too much, but the sun has made me desolate, a new desolation

Hong Niang smiled and cried and cried:" "I can't go back, I can't go back.

Lin Chen saw that her obsession had retreated, and her figure gradually faded, and he even asked, "Who gave you this sullenness?" When he was handed over to the king, he found that her sullenness was heavy, but it hadn't been used well for his own use. At first glance, it is the result of the forced injection of the world

Seeing that Hong Niang didn't mean to answer, she gave Kong Ming a thoughtful look and said, "If you tell me, I can save you and meet him again in the next life.

Hongniang heard the overjoyed, but did not notice the strangeness on the side of Kongming: "It's a boy in red, he used my anger to ask me to help him mess up the ghosts in this piece, and promised to help me find the reincarnation of Huaiyuan, but it has never been fruitful. I think he is now Are you still suffering from inhuman torture?

Another red-clothed (good) boy, sure enough, what was his purpose?There is no human life here, is it just stirring the water around?Impossible, it's not that simple

Stop thinking, take out a container: "You stay here first, I will help you reincarnate after I solve the current problem.

When Hongniang heard the words, she didn't doubt and went straight in. She believed that if she could say, "How to repay virtue", Zhang Tiannuan's safety was more important than anything else, so she must be a credible person.Before entering, he said to Zhang Tiannuan with a faint smile, "Sister, I am so lucky.

Lin Chen looked at the air resistance who was stunned there, and without saying hello, he took Zhang Tiannuan and walked out.He wants to go to see the Zheyang River that has changed.

Once again, I came to the Yinyang River. Wang Hao, who had no Jiuxinghu Fangqi, was suppressed by the Buddha. The demons and monsters settled down, and the turf by the river returned to green.


015 Infernal Hell

Lin Chen looked at the calm scene in front of him, but he always felt that there was something strange, so he just took out a peach wood sword.He cut his arm carelessly, and as the blood dripped, the green grass just grew crazily.At first, it showed a dark red color, and then the shape also changed, becoming a crazy manzhushahua that was shaking with electricity.

Manzhu Shahua is the flower of the other side. It blooms on the banks of the Wangchuan River. When the flowers bloom, there are no leaves. When the leaves are full, there are no flowers. The flowers and leaves will never meet. It can guide the dead to the hell. Only with the nourishment of the Wangchuan River can it bloom. Lin Chen glanced at the peaceful Yinyang River meaningfully. Who was it that brought the Wangchuan River from the underworld to the world, and what was his purpose? I have a clue, but I already know that the red-clothed disaster has something to do with the underworld, so go ask Hades directly, maybe he knows something

Looking at Zhang Tiannuan next to her, she originally wanted to send her home to rest first. After all, the Jiuxinghu Illusion consumes a lot of people's thoughts, and her mental state does not look very good at this time.Unexpectedly, this proposal was rejected, so the two of them went to the underworld together. Lin Chen drew a cumbersome door in the air using blood as a guide. There were a bunch of incomprehensible symbols around the door.This is actually an ancient formation from 083 that has been incomplete and incomplete. Fortunately, Lin Chen's eight characters are extremely resistant. With blood as a guide, he can pass through the dark, which makes up for the lack of formation.

People opened the door and walked in. Lin Chen was already used to thinking that Tang Bizhang had been running around for the past few years. He often came to these places, and he was already familiar with the earth temple Yan Gan, and he accidentally mixed up with Emperor Hades. It was a year-old friend, but Zhang Tiannuan looked at it curiously.It turns out that the underworld is not as quaint as imagined, but it is almost as modern as the human world, and Guangling's clothes are also normal.

Only after I asked Lin Chen did I know that the territory of the underworld is limited, and it is impossible for these undead to live indefinitely. After the trial of Shidian Yama, they will be divided into hell or reincarnated according to cause and effect.According to the depth of the crime, the time in hell will be determined. The light time will be reincarnated as soon as the time is up.

In this way, the underworld will continue to progress with the times, otherwise the tributes burned by these Guangling descendants will not be able to be used.

After passing Zhang Tiannuan through the Yangan Hall of Shizuo, he (bfde) came to Emperor Hades.Before entering the door, Zhang Tiannuan asked weakly, "Are the Ten Temple Yamas a brother?

Lin Chen listened and smiled, shook his head and said no.No wonder, in the past, ten people could be distinguished by their clothes, but now they are dressed casually, and they may look somewhat similar.When I go back, I have to give Tian Nuan a good amount of knowledge about these aspects. I have to know that it is personal and I have not looked at each other well. If I know that they are mistaken for brothers, I still don’t know how to pinch them.

Black and white impermanence saw Lin Chen, not surprised, as if he knew he was coming.Xie Bian smiled and said to Lin Chen: "Young Master Lin, please come in, my master has been waiting for you for a long time." Lin Chen was interested, "Oh? That old guy knows I'm coming?" It is estimated that the Three Realms are the only one who dares to call their master an "old guy". Anyone who has seen the world knows how much Pluto himself pays attention to his appearance.

Even Zhang Tiannuan was slightly taken aback. Lin Chen rarely has such impoliteness. It seems that his relationship with the underworld must be very good. , is clearly a young man in front of him, even a few years younger than Lin Chen, why call him an old guy?

Lin Chen saw Zhang Tiannuan's doubts and said directly to her, "Do you know how old he is?

As soon as Hades heard someone say that he was old, he would blow up his hands, "You brat, just know it yourself, what are you talking about?

Lin Chen smiled slyly, ignored him, lowered his head and whispered in Cheng Tian's ear, "The King of Hell is a thousand years old, all of you are flattering him.

Zhang Tiannuan wanted to laugh, but when he saw Pluto's increasingly dark face, he couldn't help it.Although Lin Chen's words just now seemed to lower his voice, how could he have escaped Pluto?To put it bluntly, I was just pissing him off.

Lin Chen looked at the appearance of King Yama, who was about to come, and finally admitted that he straightened up and coughed, and stopped laughing.Lord Pluto, do you know that red clothes will bring disaster to the world?Hearing this, Hades fell silent, "Have you met him?

Seeing Lin Chen nodded.Hades stopped again, as if he didn't know where to start.Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan waited quietly without making a sound.

"Let's go, I'll show you guys." He said, leading the two of them out

Lin Chen, everyone knows that I am a taxi in the underworld with eight layers of hell, the first layer is tongue-pulling, the second layer is scissors, the third layer is iron tree, the fourth layer is evil mirror, the fifth layer is steamer, the sixth layer is copper pillar, the first layer is mountain, the third layer Eight layers of icebergs, ninth layers of oil pans, tenth layers of raw pits, one layer of soil pressure, twelve layers of spring sun, thirteen layers of blood pools, fourteen layers of pole death, fifteen layers of torture, sixteen layers of volcanic soil and ten layers Layer stone grinding, eighteen layers knife saw

Buddhism preaches that all sentient beings are equal.Under the eight layers of hell, there is another place called Wuji.Timeless, endless walking, endless pain.The most evil people of every dynasty and generation will eventually come here, unable to escape and cannot be reincarnated

Saying that, the three of them have come to this "Infernal Hell"

Lin Chen originally thought it would be a bloodier scene than the eighteenth floor above, but he had already protected Zhang Tiannuan behind her, blocking her vision, but he didn't expect that what caught her eye was just a barren land, no harsh screams, no filthy blood. , it's just an endless desolation, no popularity, no, it's a ghost

This is? "Lin Chen looked at Pluto in confusion.

Infernal hell suffers the punishment of fierce fire. The red lotus karmic fire burns the soul. After a long time, this strange fire also has a mind.Originally, Lao Jiu was in charge of it, and it was the sacred fire of the Buddhist family. He thought that nothing could happen, and Wang did not take it to heart.Unexpectedly, under the influence of some evil spirits for a long time, Yihuo's temperament has changed, but it has been concealed very well.

Until one day I sent Lao Jiu out to do errands, the different fire machine devoured all the evil spirits in Wujian, and the cultivation level soared, directly breaking the barrier of the underworld and escaped.I couldn't stop him

Lin Chen looked at his own Pluto, and did not comfort him. This was indeed his loss, and he should take responsibility. "Then?


016 Hell is empty

"After that? After that, I was scolded by the Emperor of Heaven pointing at the nose! I have been investigating the whereabouts of the strange fire, but there is no news, but I asked you to come across it first.

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