After speaking, his expression changed, as if he had thought of something, and he continued to speak: "Be careful with everything, he has swallowed countless evil spirits, although they are all those who have been tortured and exhausted in no return, but they add up to a considerable amount of power. Have you played against each other? How is his cultivation?

"No, he seems to be doing something and doesn't run into me." Lin Chen shook his head.Looking at the empty hell, he sighed slightly: "The hell is empty, the devil in the human world turns to think of the Wangchuan water in the Zheyang River, and continues to ask the reason.

"I don't know, but I can't stop it. The enchantment of the underworld has no effect on the strange fire that belongs to this world, and the breath is too rented. As long as he hides it a little, he can't find it at all. Moreover, the Forgotten River is so big, there is less How can that water be found?

Lin Chen nodded, the truth is such a truth, but it is man-made, Wang Shi silently put a label of "trash" on the head of the "old guy"

Pluto suddenly grabbed the disgust on Lin Chen's face, he had long been used to this kid's appearance, and asked unaffectedly, "Do you have any clues?

"No." Lin Chen replied angrily. He always felt that this old man was gloating about his misfortune. Did he already know that the master let him accept this matter, and then the poor old man was relieved?hateful

"Haha, then ask this little girl to accompany me to fight the landlords. Black and white impermanence, the two big dishes, have been fighting for hundreds of years and have not made any progress!

Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan have black lines

"Dude, I'll accompany you to play chess. Go to my room and let Tiannuan rest in the back room for a while.

This time, it was Ming Gan's turn to be deflated, and he was forcibly stuffed with a handful of dog food: "Can you estimate the elders who are single!

Yo!Now you know that you are an elder?Forget it now, who doesn't know that King Kongshan Baiyu is married, and your wife, the underworld, let's pretend. "After he finished speaking, he ignored him and dragged Zhang Tiannuan towards his room.

Zhang Tiannuan was really tired, and fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed.Lin Chen set up the barrier and exited the house.Small sailing for thousands of years, especially at the cusp of this storm, keep an eye out for sure

Pluto was already sitting there drinking tea and waiting for him. Seeing him closing the door and raising his eyebrows, he asked in a low voice, "So precious?" Without waiting for Lin Chen to answer the question, he said in vain: "Yes, I brought all the ghost jade. I said you boy, the life-saving things I gave you are just like that. Throw, look at Pluto, and don't speak

Seeing this, Hades smiled helplessly: "You little ancestor." With a face in his early twenties and a kind tone, the atmosphere seemed extremely strange. Lin Chen couldn't stand it anymore: "Can I use a straight face when it's only me? Haven't seen it before?" Lin Chen didn't say how ugly it was, he just muttered in his heart

In fact, it is the appearance of standing without confusion, and it does not have the spirit of a mature man.They have been like one day for hundreds of years, what they looked like when they emerged, and after that, Shen Hui will always remain that way, immortal, and their faces will not be sluggish.I don't really understand his aesthetics. I change my face regularly and always look like a little white face with a kidney deficiency. If he says he doesn't listen, I still go my own way.

No~" Pluto said while pinching the orchid finger. Lin Chen shook the goosebumps on his skin, ignored him, and concentrated on playing chess

A round ends quickly. "You can't let me order, let me promise you at one time." Pluto looked at Lin Chen's frowning brows and said: "When will you be able to bear it, hurry?

As soon as he played chess, he could see that Lin Chen was ruthless in his move this time. Usually, he could barely cope with it, but he didn't expect that this kid would not be able to match his chess skills when he was straight.But this also proves that he is begging for himself, but he is embarrassed to speak.

Lin Chen snorted and said awkwardly, "The first two things, the ghost jade, what else, give me a few more pieces.

Wang was furious when he heard it: "Do you think I'm a stone? You want as much as you want, as much as you want, watching you get upset 1

Lin Chen was not annoyed when he heard it. In fact, he also knew that the ghost jade was precious. Could it be that there is only one piece?Give it back to him?Well, it seems that I will treat this old guy a little better in the future.Then he continued to speak without changing his face and heartbeat: "The red clothes will bring disaster to the world, you don't have any clues?

ask for flowers...

Gan was silent, not wanting to speak for a long time, seeing that Lin Chen was still insisting, finally Gan replied: "I didn't want you to interfere in this matter, but since your master asked you to come, there must be her consideration.

There are clues, but very few have only roughly guessed his purpose so far

He sucked the boundless spirit, and naturally gathered their resentment. He wanted to turn the world into purgatory, and there would be no bliss and reincarnation in the West.I don't know what the specific method is, but Heavenly Court has figured out that the center of all his actions is in the sea of ​​magic. "0

After hearing this, Lin Chen nodded earnestly, without any thoughts. He has already met two times. Although he has endangered one party, he is living in a corner and making small troubles. Their attention, disguising a larger action?Or is there something hidden behind these little things, an undiscovered conspiracy?

"The ghost jade is gone, but there are still a few beads." Pluto reluctantly took out a few colorless and transparent beads from his arms.

Lin Chen's eyes lit up when he saw it, Ghost Yinzhu?It's really one of the best things, although it's not as good as Ghost Jade, but it's still possible to simply bring self-defense to Shen Yue and the others, and feel more at ease.Wang took three of them and put them away. This time, he thanked him honestly, but instead, he felt embarrassed.

Just as he was about to wake Zhang Tiannuan back, he remembered that there was still something to do.He took out the soul storage bottle in his pocket and handed it to Pluto: "Count her in reincarnation, the past is not broken.

Pluto took it and looked at Lin Chen curiously. If he could bother him to come for a visit, what kind of soul and soul is Jiuzhang?

Lin Chen roughly told him the story of what happened, in exchange for a sigh: "Ask what love is in the world?"

Stop, stop, you don't understand what love is

Zhang Tiannuan's new official took office, and he was busy immediately after the holiday


017 Company Injustice

The matter at Longhua Temple ended like this, but Lin Chen always felt unwilling. Hang Ran already knew the identity and origin of the red clothes, and also knew the general purpose, but he still couldn't guess what his next move was.I went to Longhua Temple privately for several days to investigate, and found that there is really nothing out of the ordinary. Everything seems to have returned to calm, but there is a trace of strangeness in the calm.

Lin Chen doesn't like the feeling that the rhythm is controlled by the opponent. Since he took over the master's clothes, this is the first time that this kind of situation has happened. When her old man knows about it, he will definitely laugh at himself.

No progress, still can only wait, I have already said hello to Hades, if there is any news, let me know as soon as possible

After working in the office for a few days, I didn't see Zhang Tiannuan's "busy man", but it made his subordinates panic. The frequency of the police uniform has been greatly increased. As soon as the police uniform took off and Masala left without incident, he came to the company and planned to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of the chairman.

As soon as he entered the company, he saw Qi Hongyuan hurriedly greeted him, his face was not very good-looking, Lin Chen gestured to him, and the two went directly to the top floor

What's wrong?After closing the door, Lin Chen glanced around and found nothing unusual, so he motioned for him to speak.

Qi Hongyuan sat down and said anxiously, "I was just going to find you. When I was leaving after overtime last night, the computer that had been turned off suddenly turned on and a line of blood-like red words appeared on the screen: tomorrow night nine I asked Mr. Lin Fu to meet him, and then the whole building suddenly lost power. I went to call the security guard to connect the circuit, but when I checked the computer again, I found that there was no sign of intrusion. Instead, I checked the boot record. match time

"You mean, something you couldn't see turned on the computer, typed that line, and wanted to ask me to meet?" Qi Hongyuan wanted to continue, but Lin Chen interrupted him and concluded.This old classmate of him is good at everything, but he is a little verbose. Let him go on. He can talk for half an hour and be as eloquent as a storyteller.

right! "Qi Hongyuan took a sip of water and nodded.

"Red word" Lin Chen was thoughtful, he was almost neurasthenia due to the disaster in red clothes, he became vigilant as soon as he heard the red, he couldn't help laughing at himself for making a big fuss.

Yes, but, I think it's not ordinary red, it's more like the juice of Manzhu Shahua. Qi Hongyuan recalled the answer and said, Lin Chen was shocked, Manzhu Shahua?Coincidence no, no way.Suddenly he became serious and asked him what else happened, if anything similar happened over Shen Yue's side

"No, I checked everyone's computers after I came to the company today, and there was no abnormal boot record. I asked the manager and nothing came out. Hey, don't you care about me? Don't ask me What happened?

Lin Chen often rolled his eyes at him and didn't answer.Although this guy has no sun-blocking eyes and can't see those things, his family's ancestry is related to feng shui. Lin Chen is comparable, but it is enough for some little devils to be frightened.But last night, there was something hidden from Qi Hongyuan and invited him to meet?not weird

"Just meet him if he wants, is he in your office?

Well, that sentence didn't say the location, so it should be.

I was waiting for him there that night. You send Shen Yue and the others back early, be careful.

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