Qi Hongyuan nodded and agreed.

After explaining the new festival, Lin Chen went to the general manager's office. He had a bad feeling that things were not that simple, so it would be better to give them Gui Yinzhu as soon as possible.

If the two were by his side, there would be no problem, but he really didn't want to take them into his own world.Now that he is only helping himself to take care of the company, he has already been targeted by the red clothes. If he really touches his own field, what will be the consequences?Is to let Qi Hongyuan take them away in advance, the less you know, the better

After approving some recent documents, I quickly went to Qi Hongyuan's office with a cup of black coffee in the evening, sat in front of the computer and waited quietly for the time to come, the lights in the office went dark, and the computer slowly turned up. Lin Chen waved his hand, not knowing what to do, the screen went black again, and the lights turned up again.

"Come out, you are the first one to make me wait for the resentful spirit for so long." Lin Chen's voice fell.

Lin Chen looked at the woman in front of him and frowned. It could be seen that there was still some beauty before birth, but now she was dressed in clothes, with festering wounds and blood dripping from her body. Lin Chen could see that it was a woman, and she completely felt that the mess was a big mess. Waves don't look like men get hot

What's up? "Lin Chen said that he doesn't plan to waste too much time here.

Linge, I'm your employee and I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long, but I only have time to come out.

Lin Chen would like to say that he does not have such a quality workmanship, and that his employees are all human.Only at this time can she come out. It seems that the spell signing and formation he set up here have played a role, so why can she come out?Lin Chen was vigilant, but he listened patiently.

I was the manager's secretary of the finance department before, because I had a relationship with the manager, and later I found out that he was a hidden marriage and already had a wife.I thought he divorced his wife, but he refused, so I threatened him to publish all the evidence of his financial fraud over the years if he didn't get a divorce, and he agreed in a panic.One night a few days later, he asked me to wait for him in the lounge, and said that he wanted to show me something important. I thought it was his divorce certificate that had been waiting for so many years and it was going to come to fruition.Unexpectedly, what was waiting for me in the lounge was an inhuman beating. He kept a group of street gangsters. Those gangsters wanted to do something to me, but fortunately he stopped him with a little conscience.I was beaten to death, I don't know what happened after that, but when I woke up, I found myself in a very small space, unable to move.I tried to struggle, but couldn't.The air in there was getting thinner and thinner, I was slowly unable to breathe, and lost consciousness again

At that time, I didn't expect that I would be able to wake up again, still in this state of being separated from the body.After being an atheist for more than [-] years, only when he died did he realize that there was a god standing upright


018 Tune the tiger away from the mountain

It was also at that time that I learned that there are surveillance cameras outside the office, and he can let those gangsters go out in disguise, but he can't carry me, a dead man covered in wounds, without being discovered.

So I built a wall in the lounge, put my "corpse" in it, and faked it to look like it was.

The wall is narrow, it's not that people who live in it for a long time can't tell the difference at all, and what he didn't expect is that the pain did not kill me, and I was killed alive.

I still can't forget the feeling that my whole body hurts to Mamoto, but I feel that my consciousness is getting farther and farther away from me.

Only then did I realize that I was wrong, that the cycle of cause and effect was not, and the retribution was unhappy.It's my own fault, I shouldn't be involved in other people's families, I shouldn't think about destroying other people's marriages

So I decided to leave and go where I should be.But I found that I couldn't get out of this building, someone told me that you have a way, so I dared to disturb you

Lin Chen's brows have been wrinkled into the word "Chuan 15".In his company, under his nose!Not only do you dare to make false accounts, but you also dare to hurt people's lives in such a vicious way, you must be thoroughly investigated.

"Is he still in the company?" Lin Chen asked deeply.

"He's gone. He's gone after I woke up. I heard he's quitting. And I can't get out of this building, so I didn't think about taking revenge." What's his name?Wait, you said someone told you I could solve it, who was it! "Lin Chen suddenly remembered the crux of the problem. Except for Qi Hongyuan, no one in this building knows his true abilities. If it was Qi Hongyuan, he would have told himself directly that he wouldn't make such a mess, it would be too bad⊥

It's a red-clothed boy, dressed a bit nondescript. She was interrupted by Lin Chen before she could finish her sentence: "I've already called someone to collect you, and you can enter reincarnation by following them. I will avenge your revenge for you in the next life. Let's do something regrettable." After speaking, Lin Chen disappeared in a dark way, and went directly to Shen's apartment in a teleportation array.In the red-clothed trick, it turns out that this female ghost is just a pretense, and the real focus should be elsewhere.And Zhang Tiannuan had a ghost jade by his side, and the ghost jade didn't send him any danger signals. It can be seen that the battlefield is upright, so Shen Yue should have been so cautious, or can't he avoid it?Guo Zhi is a wicked evildoer who acts completely disregarding morality.

After seeing this female ghost for the first time, he found that although she was surrounded by ill-will, it was not a spirit of resentment. He thought that if all this was planned or planned by the red robe, then it would definitely stimulate the strength of her whole body. Then guide her to harm the colleagues around her.But listening to her description did not seem like a fake, so I gradually relaxed my vigilance, thinking that the dark red font like Manzhu Shahua might just be a coincidence

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!I underestimated that evildoer, it turned out that I just wanted to use this method to hold me back, so I used some magical method to make this female ghost appear at a fixed time now, and then attract my attention and smoothly hold me back

Rushing to the apartment in a hurry, he found that the front hall was messy, and the surroundings were damaged to varying degrees. It seems that Lin Chen's heart has sunk to the bottom after a fierce battle. The Shen family sisters, who were intact there, breathed a sigh of relief and it seemed that the matter had been resolved.

Shen Yue shrank in her sister's arms in fear. The impact on the king and the others just now was too great. The worldview for more than [-] years was subverted by an offensive method, which was unacceptable for a while.Seeing Lin Chen come in, he wanted to jump up to seek comfort, but he stood up but hesitated for a while, and finally sat back.With a complicated expression, she got back into her sister's arms and didn't look at Lin Chen again.

Seeing this, Lin Chen sighed helplessly. The incident happened suddenly. Even if he had passed the exam to let them understand his world, it was definitely not in such a passive and intense way.

Seeing that the two of them didn't pay attention to their own intentions, they didn't see Qi Hongyuan when they looked around.Lin Chen was slightly heartbroken, and pushed open the only closed door, but he didn't expect to see an unexpected person.

Equality King? "As soon as I made my voice, I found that King Jiuge's face was solemn, and I followed his gaze and saw who was lying on the bed except Qi Hongyuan?

This time it was Lin Chen's turn to be silent. He walked to the bed to see his situation, frowned, not very optimistic.Yin qi entered the body, and the karma burned the heart. The other party was murderous. Thinking of this, he looked at Jiu Yan Wang with a grateful look. It is not difficult to guess that it was his timely appearance that saved the situation.

The two walked out of the room, Lin Chen eagerly wanted to know all the details of what happened here

"Xiaoyue, go to rest with my sister first, I'm here, nothing will happen. I'll tell you what you want to ask when you wake up tomorrow, okay?" Lin Chen softened his face and said to Shen Yue gently

Shen Yue finally couldn't help but struggled to maintain her emotions all night and suddenly collapsed, "Wow" she burst out crying and was tired and fell asleep before Lin Chen took her back to the room

Shen Qiu looked at Lin Chen and stopped talking.Lin Chen looked at her apologetically: "I was careless, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future." Shen Qiu nodded and also entered the room

Lin Chen consolidated the enchantment once again, and went downstairs after confirming that there was nothing wrong.Walking to Li Yangan, Jiu 797 bent over ten degrees and gave a big gift.Mr. Lin, what is this? "The nine kings panicked, and hurriedly turned sideways to dodge them, not forgetting to quickly reach out to help him up. You must know that Lin Chen and his immediate superior, King Pluto, were handed over to him by the year of the year, so what is the matter with bowing to him now?

The king of equality can afford it.Today, thanks to the king of equality and the timely king, the consequences would have been disastrous. "Lin Chen said angrily.

Pluto sent me here, and that strange fire escaped from my hands, it was my sin,

Lin Chen saw that Ping Ping was unwilling to accept this feeling, and he would not say more. It would be good to silently write it down in his heart. In the future, he will definitely repay the king of Ping Ping, can you tell me the story of the matter? "

In fact, I came here in the middle. You know that the underworld cannot sense the aura of the red lotus karmic fire. I came here because I found that the ghost seal beads were different. I think the person I brought was attacked, so I asked me to come and see Look.When I arrived, Mr. Qi was already struggling to support him, and the strange fire fled immediately when I saw my shot. I took into account the safety of Mr. Qi, so I didn't catch up.Although I have resolved XOR's burns to his meridians, Mr. Qi's physique is ordinary, and he can't handle the stagnant air pouring into his heart and lungs. What should I do?The nine kings asked worriedly, they are all of the most yin body, and if they want to resolve the blocked qi, they can only find the pure yang qi.


019 Find

Lin Chen pondered a little, among these three realms, the heavenly realm is the most yang energy.I can only take Qi Hongyuan to the heaven to find the old-fashioned nose and see King Pingping. I will go to the heaven, and please take care of the safety of my wife before I come back. "He has to be very careful about you. In fact, it's like the rules of the road that there are no disasters for the family. They also have their own rules, that is, they don't involve ordinary people who can't understand ghosts and gods anyway, and Zhang Ransi doesn't estimate these rules. , then he has to take into account what other sinister tricks he makes.

King Jiuge nodded, "Don't worry." Knowing that Emperor Hades' ghost seal beads were placed on these two girls, he already knew the importance of the two to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took Qi Hongyuan directly to Taishang Laojun.He does not have a deep friendship with the priests in the heavens. Most of the priests are outstanding people. Before their ascension, some were ancient emperors, some were nobles, and even if they were military generals, they stayed here for a long time.

The entire heaven can also talk to the two people, Dashang Laojun and Tiandi, so when Tiandi wanted to win him over, he decisively refused.Just kidding, isn't this the only way to concoct alchemy with that old and unscrupulous Dao Shi every day?Still always pits the magic medicine that I got by chance

Have a child! "Lin Chen appeared directly at the entrance of Laojun Palace, and the boy next to Rui opened the door with a calm expression, it seems that he is not surprised.

"The boy kicked my door again and fixed it for me before I leave!" Dashang Laojun rushed out like a wind, roaring from his mouth, but the smile on his face couldn't hold back.I haven't seen each other for a while, and I still miss this little kid, but when I saw Qi Hongyuan on Lin Chen's back, he stopped Red Lotus Karma? "Dashang Laojun makes alchemy every day, if his understanding of fire is the second, no one dares to be the first.

Is there a way? "Lin Chen frowned and looked at Lao Jun helplessly.

It was the first time that Taishang Laojun saw Lin Chen like this. When did he not see him in high spirits before? "Come in first, I have to take a look. When I came to the inner room, Lin Chen put down Qi Hongyuan, and Taishang Laojun immediately began to check." Although the red lotus karmic fire burned the heart, although the treatment was timely, karmic fire is a demon fire, and there are still Some spread all over the body, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome.

After hearing this, Lin Chen was even more worried: "What about Yin Qi? How to solve it?"

This is quite simple. I have medicinal pills here to suppress it temporarily, but if the remnants of the red lotus karmic fire are not removed, the yin will always be a hidden danger.

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