Lin Chen rubbed the cat's back in his arms: "Does it still hurt?I didn't notice that I caught your king

It was a very gentle action, but it caused the red flame beast in its arms to shiver.Lin Chen didn't feel right, so he quickly lifted it up in front of his eyes.Does it hurt?It doesn't seem to have any wounds, I'll go to Laojun's place to help you see it later. "

Chi Yan dodged: "No, it's fine, don't look, it's not hurt."

Lin Chen didn't seem to say anything when he saw that it was killed. He sighed and could only ask the Heavenly Emperor. He might know that he brought the Chiyan Beast to Jiuzhongtian first. The gods were obviously (cabb) pregnant with him. The little guy here was very curious and wanted to come up and check it out.But neither Lin Chen nor the Scarlet Flame Beast in his arms obviously didn't like to deal with these people, so he avoided everyone without exception and went directly to the Lingxiao Palace.

The Heavenly Emperor stood there as if he had been waiting for a long time. "You are here. Lin Chen, can I talk to Chiyan alone?" Lin Chen glanced at Chiyan in his arms, and when he saw that it had no objection, he nodded, put it down and walked out

The red flame beast turned into a human shape after Lin Chen left.This guy must have done it on purpose, and he pretended to be his own mount, obviously he didn't even bother to walk, and became a cat that was held all day long.Of course, this is another story. One day long after Lin Chen saw Chi Yan in a suit leather at the company, he almost dropped his chin, as if he had seen a ghost.No, he has seen too many ghosts, and it is still scary to see ghosts.The Emperor of Heaven looked at Chi Yan, who had transformed into a human form, and felt a little lonely: "I didn't want to say anything back then that you wouldn't be like when you were young and let me hug you.

Heavenly Emperor "Weiyan opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the red flame in front of him, and he was a little taller than before. The red flame beast at this age was still in his youth, and he still looked like a teenager, but he was a little more stable.

He's a good boy, just follow him.

Chi Yan nodded

I will restore your status as a mythical beast, and in the future, I can accept the admiration of all people in a fair and open manner.

Tiandi wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Chiyan: "No need, Tiandi, your kindness is accepted by Chiyan, but I don't need it anymore. I used to pay too much for a false name, and now I just want to think of an ordinary spiritual pet. , you can sleep on his shoulders, no matter what year it is today. Therefore, I also asked the Emperor of Heaven to remove Chiyan from the descendants of the ancient beasts, and also from the monsters. pet red flame

Chi Yan smiled and said plainly, as if she was narrating an important matter.Heavenly Emperor's Adam's apple rolled, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth again.The damage to it is still too great, and the debt is still too much, and it wanted to make up for it, but it chose this way of "disappearing" to clear the grievances between them.Don't make it difficult for him, and don't show mercy to him

Heavenly Emperor eased his emotions, and Chi Yan left with a "good" word from the difficult leaf.Walking behind Lin Chen, he turned into a cat and got into his arms.

go see your friend

So soon you wait, I have something to talk about with Tiandi. "

Let's go, let's go, I know what you want to ask him, I'll answer you myself when I have time, but I'm not in the mood now. "The red flame urged.

Lin Chen smiled, that's fine, he doesn't want to inquire about his family's past information from others

As he walked to Laojun's residence, he explained: "His name is Qi Hongyuan, he is my classmate, you were called classmates at that time. I have a good relationship with him, and this time, he suffered a lot to protect my girlfriend. That's why I went to get your dream flame,"

Lin Chen roughly told Chi Yan about Qi Hongyuan's injury, but Zong heard him complain: "Is it the Red Lotus Karmic Fire again? How can that thing be as annoying as a shit stirrer?

Lin Chen saw that it was obvious that he had an unpleasant experience with Red Lotus Karma. He was about to ask and found that Laojun Palace had arrived, but he swallowed the words again.Let's take a look at Qi Hongyuan's situation first, and let's talk about the rest later.

Holding his "cat", he asked Taishang Laojun: "How is Laojun?

Taishang Laojun looked at Chi Yan in Lin Chen's arms, and was a little confused about the situation. He was about to ask him where he got the cat when he found that there were two dragon horns on the cat's head and quickly turned his eyes away.

He breathed a sigh of relief, it was so terrifying, he almost said that it was a cat or an ancient beast in front of the divine beast. Isn't it good to live?The king is going to die.See no evil, see no evil

Lin Chen looked at this bad old man who completely put himself aside and got angry: "The person with a nose said, don't look at it again, it's also my cat." Taishang Laojun was stunned for a moment, eh?Something seems wrong? "You didn't say the word cat yourself, did you?


026 This look

Sure enough, Chi Yan couldn't stand the old man and the young man, jumped out of Lin Chen's arms, and ran to the copper stove to check the situation.In fact, it is not used to appearing in front of others in this way, so it is a little shy

The wind approached the copper stove, and Chi Yan sighed, "As expected of Laojun, it's not bad to have trained this samadhi straight fire over the years.

You must know that the real fire of Samadhi is a divine fire similar to his own "Mengtian" level. The clay figurines have a three-point temperament. What's more, this divine fire doesn't say anything else, it is just a great sage who kicked down the gossip furnace, and the bricks fell off. formed in the human world.The power is definitely not the same level as the straight fire of the samadhi in the gossip furnace.But the Flame Mountain has already made the surrounding people horrified, and it must be very terrifying to be one of the ninety-eighty-one difficulties on the road of Tang Seng and his apprentice.It was also because of the power of this samadhi that I decided to put Sun Wukong in the furnace to practice.

It can be seen that this Samadhi True Fire is not only powerful but also has a fierce style.And now, under the guidance of the Supreme Being, in this small copper furnace, he has been able to guide Qi Yuan's meridians without rushing, which really makes this divine beast that has not been seen in the world for a hundred years surprised.

Where and where, the Chiyan Divine Sovereign is the straight and powerful. "Tai Shang Laojun heard it and laughed and said that he was not proud of being a fake. He happily opened the business model. "I just surrendered to the straight fire of Samadhi, but the Lord of Chiyan is a good fusion of Mengtian's flame and white body." Together, the temperament is not affected by the flame silk, and it is still warm every day, so it is really admirable.

The old gentleman thought that his flattery was fresh and refined, but he didn't expect the Chiyan Beast to show a very disdainful expression after listening to it, and it has some arrogance on its small body

"I also ask Laojun not to call me Chiyan Shenjun in the future. From now on, there will be no Chiyan beasts in the three realms, not divine beasts, nor monster beasts. I'm just Lin Chen's pet Chiyan.

Does being straight have no effect on your temperament?No, anyone who has seen it straight before knows that when it didn't devour Fen Tian before it became an adult, that was a good man in the straight sense.Do what others say, do what you do, don't do anything if you don't do an official job, even if you are blamed, there is no refutation.

At that time, it was the Emperor of Heaven who came forward for him. With the Emperor of Heaven, those who bullied him gradually realized the interest.

Until the day when it became an adult, after swallowing Mengtian, the cultivation base rose sharply, but it was no longer the Chiyan who couldn't fight back the king's scolding. Although it wouldn't make trouble unreasonably, who would dare to make trouble on its one-acre and three-point land? It's definitely doubly repaid

Taishang Laojun listened to it and stayed there directly

What kind of shit luck did this kid Lin Chen have? He figured out that he had a chance, but he just thought he would conquer the Chiyan Beast, but he didn't expect to actually "subdue" such an ancient divine beast, and be willing to be a spiritual pet by his side. ?Funny?Even the Heavenly Emperor didn't have such treatment.

Although the red flame beast was the previous mount of the Heavenly Emperor, the relationship between the two of them was always equal.

The ancient mythical beast has a simple mind, and if he believes in a person, he truly believes in her.Now it seems that even the Scarlet Flame Sovereign had reservations about the Heavenly Emperor, which may have hindered the intervention of the elders of the Wang family.

Unexpectedly, he was willing to completely open his heart for a seemingly ordinary human like Lin Chen, Wu Lu himself was the most vulnerable side.

You have to know what the flame beast looks like now—that's what it looked like when it was a baby.How could he be willing to expose his most vulnerable face in front of people as proud as a divine beast, but he didn't care to hide in Lin Chen's arms, as if it was his Kunlun fantasy that could protect him from the wind and rain, and the red flame beast ignored it and petrified beside him. Laojun, who was too old, went to the copper furnace and did another thing that shocked Laojun, only to see it opened the lid of the copper furnace and pulled out a slender hand from his back. in a copper furnace

Taishang Laojun doesn't know what to say anymore, the amount of information in a few minutes is really too much, and I can't accept it.

Lin Chen saw it's action and then looked at the old army's reaction, as if he finally understood something, he hurriedly hugged it and gently stroked its back, "If you don't like it, why are you pulling it off?

He thought that he should have guessed that when he really angered the red flame beast, it didn't hurt its fur at all, but evoked something it didn't want to remember.And this thing must be angry about its hair about its hair must be a very precious and important thing to others and very important to himself

q for flowers q

Chi Yan Beast didn't answer his question directly, but shook his head and said that it doesn't matter if it's good for him, it can grow again, it's okay. "It doesn't say that it's not to hide anything, and it doesn't want to increase Lin Chen's burden.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chengui was very insistent this time, and he must ask for a reason.

Seeing his firm look, the Chiyan Beast could only sigh and say, "It's not an important matter. The Chiyan Beast's hands and hair are the armor that they have been transformed into, and they are invincible.

But in that war thousands of years ago, I accidentally injured human beings.

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