is very fragile

I don't know who proposed to pluck all the hair out of my body, so that I won't have any more defense and nine attack power will be greatly weakened. Maybe it was really painful at that time, so my memory is a little confused after so long. , but it has been remembered to this day. "

Taishang Laojun sucked in a breath of cold air, what kind of vicious person can come up with such a solution?And those who can bring Weiyan Beast back to its original form must be those immortals.Immortal world's moral appearance, he knows it, but it is the first time he has heard of such indiscriminate methods.He couldn't help but look at Lin Chen, his face was also very good-looking.

Lin Chen didn't speak, and still gently stroked the Chiyan Beast's back.Upon closer inspection, he found that there was a layer of white aura on his palm.That layer of white aura nourishes the wound of the red flame beast, and there is still a trace of redness and swelling in the just round place, which is fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and new hand residues have grown out.

In the future, without my permission, your fur or other treasures on your body that I don't know about, even if you yourself are not allowed to move, do you hear? "Lin Chen's tone is deep, and there are movements in his hands, but he is still gentle and can drip water.


027 Sending proposition

The red flame beast reluctantly responded, don't say it, it feels quite good to be so fierce every once in a while.

The three of them were silent for a while before Lin Chen suddenly woke up. He seemed to have forgotten something important. For example, before Shen Yue left, King Pingping helped him to watch. Now he has stayed in the heaven from dark to noon, one day in heaven and ten days in the world. When I was done and walked away, I promised that I would see myself when I opened my eyes, which was a renege on my promise.

Looking in the direction of the copper furnace, I asked Taishang Laojun, "Is he still going to take a long time?

Soon, I will wake up tomorrow. "

Is it not long before tomorrow, has he forgotten that he is a human being?I had no choice but to say, "Then I'll go down first. There's still a few things waiting for me to take care of. When he wakes up, he will ask Laojun "Six Twenty" to help take care of it.

As soon as the voice fell, he returned to the world with the red flame beast in his arms.

On the way he asked, "Chiyan, have you ever had a girlfriend?

Chi Yan was helpless and didn't know how to answer him. "I don't fall in love

Well, that's right, because before the Red Flame Beast entered the Kunlun Illusion, it was actually a young adult, and the situation of disputes at that time didn't care about these matters.However, Yue Lao always wanted to give it a red line, but was rejected by it.After that, it will be a hundred years in the area of ​​Silun Illusion, and I will never talk about love after sleeping for thousands of years.

"Also, I can't accept that you've lived for so long, and you're still in adolescence, which makes people jealous. Then do you know how to coax your girlfriend? " Lin Chen asked reluctantly.

This time, if Chi Yan doesn't carry it, it's no longer a matter of Lin Chen.

Sure enough, when they returned to the world, Lin Chen found that three days had passed.When they came to Shen Yue's apartment, they saw that the battlefield at that time had been cleaned up and everything was back to order.The three sisters Shen and Wang Pingping were not in the apartment. Thinking that it was daytime, they should have gone to the company.Gan is that Lin Chen took out his mobile phone and was going to call Equal to ask about the situation over there.

Unexpectedly, when I turned on the screen, I saw more than a dozen missed calls, all of which came from Equality.I think it's because the heaven and the world are too far apart, so the signal is not very good, and I didn't receive it.

Lin Chen thought that something big had happened, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible.Because as far as he knows, before there was no mobile phone on the other side of the world, they communicated by letters, and as Hades, they could turn their thoughts into letters and directly transmit them to the other's king. Naturally, they would not be affected by distance and signals. Impact

I hurriedly broadcast it back, and I heard Wang Ping's amnesty over the phone. Mr. Lin, you can be regarded as answering the phone. How is the situation over there?

"The solution has been found, and it is currently undergoing treatment. It will take some time. Is there something wrong with the company?" Lin Chen was a little curious about what made the dignified Yan Luo call himself

Uh, since you are back, just come directly. Emperor Hades has something to tell me, so I have to go back first. King Pingping hurriedly left, the ghost knows what he has been through these days. No ghost knows. I thought that his mission was just to be optimistic about Lin Chen's wife and her sister-in-law, but it was his brainstorm that he took over Qi Hongyuan. Who would have known that Qi Hongyuan was in charge of Lin Chen's work phone all the time, and because he was not very skilled in business, he was heard by Shen Yue when he answered a flirtatious phone call, and then the already sad little girl cried directly, I ran to find Shen Qiu.

Then King Ping Ping received the eye knife that Shen Qiu handed to Lin Chen for two days.The air pressure is terrifyingly low, and even he, who has lived in hell for a long time, feels cold

OK, all right.This time, I would like to thank King Ping Ping. I will definitely come to the door to thank you another day. "

you are welcome. "The two exchanged a few words, commented on Wang Yi's depressed tone, and hung up the phone happily.

After joining the WTO for so many years, although Lin Chen doesn't like these false scenes, it doesn't mean that he won't say it. As long as he wants to, he can speak more than anyone else, and he can hold it better than anyone else.After coaxing the king of equality, he drove Chi Yan to the company

It was only before I got out of the car that I realized that although this thing became smaller and looked like a cat, the two fish on its head and the red fur all objectively proved that it was not an ordinary creature.

Wang Shi stretched out his hand and stroked Chi Yan, and saw that the two still tender horns became smaller and smaller and gradually hidden in the leather hands, and there was no bulge that could not be seen. Normal orange cat-like yellow and white color

Chi Yan felt the change in his body, so Yi Guazi took a photo of the co-pilot's visor, and looked at the mirror on the back of the visor with a look of lovelessness on his face.

His new owner really doesn't have any aesthetics, and he has turned himself into a cat foodie like the bridge cat.

Lin Chen looked at the works created by Yuan from his own hands, nodded and hugged them in his arms. He immediately noticed that the atmosphere was wrong when he went up to the top floor from the CEO elevator, and the secretariat was quiet.It stands to reason that when the boss is not there, they will talk about gossip that is not necessary. Like now, they can even hear the voice of turning over the files.

Lin Chen's footsteps paused, it seemed that he was wrong, he thought that the call was sent to him by Shen Yue, so he must have forgiven himself and waited for an explanation.But looking at the current situation, it doesn't seem to be the case.A woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, and the ancients did not deceive me.

So do you push the door in or not?After hesitating for a long time, he finally knocked on the door, "dong dong dong

Come in. "There was a deep voice dripping 0.3 water from the room, it was Shen Qiu.

Although Shen Qiu's temper was a little grumpy, he had never heard her tone.It seems that Sister Shen's anger has swelled to the extreme.

Forget it, stretching your head is a knife and shrinking your head is also a knife, Lin Chen, you are blessed with a lot of luck, it's fine.After giving myself the psychological suggestion, I only opened the door and walked in.Chi Yan looked at her master like this, and rolled her eyes in disgust.

The documents are placed in the chairman's office, don't come to me again in the future, no approval. " Late Qiu said playing Spider Solitaire on the computer without looking up.

In the early hours of the morning, when I prepared all the way, I was inexplicably stuck in my throat. I didn't say anything, I could only bow my head and admit my mistake. "Okay, okay, I'll approve it later.


028 Good Coincidence

Just at this moment, the door of the fitness room in the general manager's office was pushed open.

Sister Shen Yue just opened her mouth and saw Lin Chen who was in front of the desk with a slap and closed the door again.

This time Lin Chen really took it seriously, it must be so much hatred and resentment to make the always docile little sheep-like Shenyue lose such a big temper.

Like Shen Qiu showing an expression of begging for mercy, he hurriedly walked towards the lounge. He didn't hear the sound of locking the door just now, which proved that Shen Mun was giving him a chance to listen to his explanation.

It's actually a little scary to leave one person and one cat to stare at Chi Yan in the empty office, especially this kind of human being who even Lin Chen is obviously afraid of.

Wang was the one who decided to hide far away, nesting in the corner. He didn't think about it, as soon as Shen Qiu came over, he would be ravaged for a while.No one knew that Shen Qiu actually liked cats, but Han Gan had always had a bad image of a strong woman and kept a cat in his hand all the time.This time it's good. I hugged one in the early morning. Chi Yan has no chance of being let go in a short time.

After Lin Chen went in, he took the door and hugged Shen Yue directly from the back, "I'm sorry." 20

Shen Yue pushed it with tears in her eyes, but didn't pierce it again.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, "Lin Chen is emphasizing again, even if he was afraid for a while, if there was no Qi Hongyuan, there was no King of Equality at that time, and he couldn't get there in time, what kind of situation would it be? He vowed every day. You said that you can protect the people around you from harm, and now you can do it again?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, he would rather not have this ability to reach the sky, so that the wishes in his heart can be realized one by one.In his heart, there are only three wishes: one is always with his lover, the second is friendship, and the third is that health and happiness are always in the world. For ordinary people, ordinary things are as difficult as the road of Shu. Wang Shangqingtian

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