Always proud and conceited like him, there is a loneliness in his eyes.As Ma Liang said, "All my conceit comes from my inferiority, and all my heroism comes from my weakness. The plausible reason is because my heart is full of doubts, and the deep affection is because I hate myself for being ruthless. No more three heads and six arms than others. It is because of a yin and yang eye that is different from ordinary people, and he shoulders an extremely heavy responsibility. There are times when he is afraid, when he is vulnerable, and when he needs comfort. It's just that his identity does not allow it. He can only show that he can only lick the wound in a corner where no one is showing.

When Lin Chen fell into the big net he made up for herself, Shen Yue suddenly turned around and hugged him, "It's okay, we're not all alright, Hongyuan is okay, too." She said softly.Knowing him for so many years, what kind of him has never seen before, confident, sharp, serious and gentle, but he has never seen this fragile person in front of him.

Lin Chen quickly calmed down, pulled her to sit down, and planned to start telling her the cause of this incident, but he didn't know where to start.His eyes looked into the distance, like an old man recalling the past, and he said slowly: "When I was very young

Lin Chen started talking when he found out that Bai Ji was different from others when he was young, until he came to the sea to investigate Hongyi, and he didn't feel it in time when he entered the middle of the day, so he paused and said, "Hongyuan is all right, but I can't come back for the time being. I'll be watching at the company these days. I can rest assured that nothing will happen again.

Shen Yue frowned when she heard this, she never knew that Lin Chen had so much on his back, and never felt so powerless for a moment.No wonder Lin Chen didn't tell her anything, even if she knew now, what could she do.It was originally a gloomy cloud, but suddenly his eyes rose, and Fu Zhi Xiaoling said, "Can you teach me? I don't need you to protect me after I've learned this!

Lin Chen didn't know how he was feeling at this moment. He had the feeling of being stubborn and having a young girl in my family.

Did you study?All the liars on the road are gods

But obviously this answer can't be said "no", Wang Shilin Chen agreed, and coaxed his girlfriend, but he was so worried that he was about to lose his hair.What Shen Qie said is right, he can't stay by everyone's side all the time. It's better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. It's time to sort out a set of self-defense things that ordinary people can learn.

The story is long, it's lunch break time, I originally wanted to take Shen Qiu and the cat to have a meal, but as soon as I left the lounge, I saw the scene of Shen Qiu holding the cat on the sofa for a morning break, looking at Chi Yan's With messy hair, forgive Lin Chen for his unkind smile

Thinking about it, she must not have eaten yet. Shen Yue gently patted her sister to wake her up, while Lin Chen rescued Wei Yan, who had a lifeless face.

A few days passed without incident, and the company was in order. Only Lin Chen was in a turmoil. The next half of the documents that Shen Qiu helped him deal with were sent to him. You ask why only half of it?It happened like this

One night, the three of them sat in front of the TV and watched the primetime fat drama, and Shen Qiu Nu Shi watched the scumbag in the show and said: "Xiao Yue and your women fell into the water at the same time, you can save them. who?

Lin Chen never thought about this kind of sending proposition in his life, but he answered directly by conditioned reflex: "I won't let Xiaoyue and the others have a chance to fall into the 177 water.

Shen Qiu snorted, reluctantly satisfied with the answer, and was about to ask again when Lin Chen had answered: "I always love, I won't fall into the water to protect the lord." With dark eyes, he directly made the other party a big red face, ran back to the room without Shen Yue, and Shen Qiu became serious: "Xiao Yue told me about your ability, I can't control her if she likes you, but I hope you will straighten up. She has the strength to protect her. Then ahem, lend me this cat for a few days

At first, Lin Chen responded seriously when he heard the last sentence, as if he thought he had hallucinations, but he nodded without any objection. The next day, he found that half of the documents were missing, and only then did he know that he was entrusting a cat. blessing

After counting the days, Lin Chen went to the heaven again, and sure enough, Qi Hongyuan had already "released", but he had not woken up yet, and Lao Jun was giving him the final conditioning.Lin Chen didn't make a sound, stood quietly, saw Lao Jun's brows suddenly wrinkled, his aura suddenly increased after losing, and a few drops of sweat fell on his forehead.

Lin Chen stepped forward, Xunsu quickly set up a simple spiritual formation around him, and Taishang Laojun's expression softened.

After a long time, Lao Jun opened his eyes and smiled loudly: "As expected, there are adventures by your side.


029 See for yourself

Lin Chen was a little puzzled, but Lao Jun didn't answer, beckoning him to see for himself

Lin Chen stepped forward, only to find that Qi Hongyuan was covered with a thick layer of non-red aura.Lin Chen doesn't believe in evil. He has never seen a crimson aura since he came into contact with this.He couldn't help turning his head to look at Lao Jun, asking with his eyes

That is the result of the fusion of the flame of the Scarlet Flame Beast and his body. If it is only the flame, of course it is impossible, but by your chance, you helped him obtain the Scarlet Flame Crystal.Moreover, when Weiyan Beast came here, he also put his hair into the copper furnace. The hand hair is quite strong, and it can form a certain shield around his body, and his body has been tempered because of this.Compared with ordinary people, it is quite solid, and even has a fight with the lower-level generals in Heaven.

Taishang Laojun stroked his beard and was very satisfied with this "drug" born from his own copper furnace.Looking at Lin Chen's unbelievable and strangely radiant double, he continued to say that not only that, when I was just helping him sort out the spiritual power in his body, I also opened up the eight extraordinary meridians by the way.It stands to reason that a human body can't get through at once, but he didn't expect that the red spiritual power in his own body was actually quoting me, absorbing the spiritual power from my body, and opening the meridians by himself.It was led by his own subconsciousness, and naturally he was not injured. Only then did Ling Linchen understand why Taishang Laojun's cultivation level just now appeared to be exhausted when combing his spiritual energy. He put his hand on Qi Hongyuan's wrist. Feel the fluctuation of spiritual power in Hongyuan's body.The Eight Extraordinary Meridians are indeed double that of Xuntang Renkun, but the primordial spirit in the dantian has not been fully formed, and it is only a phantom because there is no cultivation

The eight extraordinary meridians refer to the Du meridian, Qian meridian, Chong meridian, Dai meridian, Yangwei meridian, Yin meridian, Yin meridian, and Yang meridian. In ancient times, there were special cultivations for this meridian, which opened up all the eight extraordinary meridians. After these people ascended, they are the current generals of Tiantingli.

But now in this world, the spiritual energy is too dry and thin, there are very few practitioners, and the upright big family lives in seclusion in Wang Shenshan.The Second Qian and Du Meridians are the basis of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. Originally, the circulation in the body can be improved only after the Second Meridian of Ren and Du is opened up. This is the beginning of cultivation.But now people have regarded the opening of the Qiandu Second Vessel as the ultimate goal of cultivation. Heavenly Court has not produced any new generals so far. Naturally, there is a reason for this - the goal is also set, and of course there will be no attainments.

Lin Chen looked at Qi Hongyuan on the couch, a little relieved, he must walk on a bright road in the future.Cultivation is the right way, not to mention the red aura on him.It can be seen that he is going to walk in the future. It is a road that is most yang and just, which is very complementary to his body of five obstacles. Although it is said that the heaven and the underworld belong to the three worlds, there is no difference, but from the perspective of the world, I always feel that the heaven knows the supreme, while the underworld is supreme. Sleep and abandon for all.As everyone knows, both Heaven and Earth and the Emperor of the Underworld are priests, but they each perform their duties and cry

Qi Hongyuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar most elephant in front of him, a little dazed, not knowing what year it was.When I met the white aura, I thought I was going to heaven after death.Just as he was about to mourn about his untimely death, he was about to cry when he saw Lin Chen and a white-bearded old man not far away.

Lin Chen looked at his old classmate who was not serious, and couldn't help but feel amused, he kindly walked up to him and pinched him, "Does it hurt?" Qi Hongyuan finally recovered, and exclaimed: "Fuck you. Can you do it lightly!" Covering the place where he was pinched red in the early morning, he should have been crying in pain, but now he can't stop grinning, he really didn't expect to see Lin Chen again

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, he stopped smirking and asked anxiously, "Where's Shen Qiu? Are they all right?

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and asked Shen Qiu?Is it because Zizai's time is too short to keep up with the gossip of the times? "It's okay. You can feel if there is any difference in your body, if not, I will take you back.

"Go back? Where is this, where did you find such a resplendent Taoist temple?"

This silly boy cursed in his heart in the early morning.Watching a good show is like Taishang Laojun's reaction.Sure enough, the old gentleman, who was standing on the side with no sense of existence, turned black in an instant, gritted his teeth and said, "Pin Dao Li Er.

Li Er, eh?Li Er? "Qi Hongyuan was so startled that he almost rolled off the bed. If he remembered correctly, isn't Li Er the son of a man? The immortal old man in front of him is definitely not jokingly calling him his own father. Look at his left hand holding a fan. , white hair and white beard, as well as the scent of the elixir in this room and the white spiritual energy on his body, he would be really stupid to believe that this was an ordinary Taoist temple in the world. He looked at Lin Chen in disbelief, and saw him nodded. , tell him with his eyes that you guessed correctly.

Okay, I only knew that following Lin Chen could go to the underworld, but I never thought that he could do anything.

Lin Chen turned his head to the side. According to his understanding, Qi Hongyuan would definitely start to apologize in a dog-legged manner.

Taishang Laojun ignored Qi Hongyuan, who was holding his thigh, but turned to the early morning and said that if you have nothing for him to do, let him stay with me first.The human world is not suitable for him to practice the exercises of the red flame beast, nor is it suitable for him

Lin Chen heard the meaning of Taishang Laojun's words, and quickly thanked him. To be honest, he was also worried about Qi Hongyuan's cultivation, where in the world to find so much spiritual energy for him, even if he set up a few spirit gathering arrays, it would not be too much. Great use. (of money)

Throwing Qi Hongyuan here, he went to Tianjie's library.Some time ago, in order to keep pace with the times, Emperor Tian built an ultra-modern library and put aside the previous library building as a historical site.

There are some things he needs to see for himself.What happened to the Red Lotus Karmic Fire? He couldn't just listen to the underworld's words, not to mention that in the dark, he always felt that something important was deliberately concealed.Do you just want him to know, or do you want everyone to know?

Walking into the library, Xiaoxian also greeted him immediately. He asked for a little bit, inquired about the area where the history of the "Battle for the Throne" was recorded, and walked over.

There is no "do not write the middle of the year" rule in the heaven. The things that the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor of the Underworld avoid and don't talk about are naturally important matters related to this era. What makes the two emperors jealous?Is it that Red Lotus Karmic Fire?


030 Idle people, etc.

The results of the search were unsatisfactory, Lin Chen returned to the company alone, but received a call from Zhang Tiannuan halfway: "If you are free, come to the bureau, something happened again.

Lin Chen frowned slightly, not only because of the frequency of this accident, but also because of the exhaustion in Zhang Tiannuan's voice.It seems that these days there are thousands of new officials, and they are busy enough.Feeling a little distressed, I hung up the phone and drove over immediately.

When I entered the police station, I didn't expect that the first person I saw was Ouyang Jie.

Brother Lin, Brother Lin, even if you didn't answer the call when you came back, I knew I would be able to wait for you by staying here with my sister-in-law.Brother Lin, do you know?" Ouyang Jie turned on the chattering mode again

Lin Chen helplessly turned his head to the side, he could run into this treasure wherever he went, and habitually spoke directly to chase people: "I have something to deal with, you hurry back, what are the idle people waiting here? like?

No, no, Brother Lin, this time I am not an idle person, I am an eyewitness. It is very reasonable to stay here. It can not only help Brother Lin solve the case, but also take care of his sister-in-law when you are busy. It is a must for home travel.

Stop witnesses?Is that what Tiannuan said on the phone? "Lin Chen's head was big for a while, he had never heard that girls were five hundred ducks, but Ouyang Jie must have been one thousand ducks in his last life.

Yes, Brother Lin. 507

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