Can you give me a rough outline of what happened. "Lin Chen looked around and didn't see Zhang Tiannuan checking the time. He thought he was going to hold a regular meeting. It's just a little bit bad in the mechanism. No matter it's big or small or nothing, he likes to hold meetings. The toilet is next to the conference room. Want to run? No way! It is for this reason that Lin Chen refused to be a full-time police officer.

The thing is, I have a villa in Jiadi in the south, and I have been living there recently with nothing to do.Next door is an old lady with kind eyes

Let's talk about the main point." Lin Chen felt that his good temper was being worn down by Ouyang Jie.

Oh, the old man was always healthy and healthy a few days ago. I walked the dog and saw her and her grandson having a good time. I don't know why she suddenly fell ill. There is no cure for the medicine. Use it, it's gone in a few days.Then her little grandson also fell ill and couldn't be cured.I thought this was a bit wrong, so I told my sister-in-law.Yesterday, after my sister-in-law went to see it, she said it was wrong, and immediately opened the case, but there was no evidence, so she was still examining and approving. "Ouyang Jie finished speaking in one breath, Baba looked at Yang Lin Chen's reaction, and Tian Nuan saw that it was wrong, which proved that it was not an ordinary case. Since wearing the ghost jade, I have been able to see yin and yang with him, and I must have seen something wrong. Clean things. Then why file a case? The answer can only be that someone used those unclean things to make money and kill them

With the spectrum in his heart, Lin Chen was no longer in a hurry. He walked to the desk, took out the tea leaves placed here, and started to make tea leisurely.Brother Lin? "Ouyang Jie looked at Lin Chen in disbelief, that's all? Isn't Brother Lin here to solve the case?

Um? "Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Jie, then lowered his head and focused on the movements of his hands.

What are you not saying? "

You have said everything you need to say, just wait for Tiannuan to come out and tell me what I need to do. "Lin Chen replied casually.

Ouyang Jie was cold for a while.The truth is such a truth, but shouldn't normal people start analyzing the case at this time?For example, what was the cause of the old man's death?Who is the murderer?To put it bluntly, he doesn't quite understand why Zhang Tiannuan wants to file a case. According to him, this is an incident caused by insufficient medical technology. However, the family disease may also be caused by the poor care of the children. The king called Brother Lin back. a one

Lin Chen made (cabj) tea and handed Ouyang Jie a cup: "After drinking, go back and make a record? There's nothing to do here." He even made a pot of tea for this purpose, to know that his tea is not for everyone, but Ouyang Jie said without any face: "Brother Lin, you chase me again! Every time I come here, you are me , I'm not leaving this time, I'm going to investigate the case with you!

"Naughty" Lin Chen's rare tone became heavier.He didn't want Ouyang Jie to know about the things that subvert ordinary people's three views, but this kid didn't know how to post it up.

Ouyang Jie felt a little aggrieved. He consciously took care of Brother Lin, but he was always sidelined.The king stopped talking, but he still insisted

Lin Chen sighed: "If you don't keep a good family business and think about solving the case every day, how bad your father is

"He agreed that I would follow you," Ouyang Jie muttered

This time, it was Lin Chen's turn to stop talking, and after a long while, he said, "Okay, then you can follow." In the end, he compromised. If you want to follow, just follow. Pay attention at that time. If you can't, change him after the end. memory

Ouyang Jie obviously didn't react for a while, stood up in a slack moment and threw himself on Lin Chen.Zhang Tiannuan pushed open the door of the office and came in and saw this somewhat taboo scene. Suddenly, he didn't know whether he should go in or close the door and exit.Lin Chen quickly pushed Ouyang Jie aside

Alright, alright, stay on the side. "Looking at Ouyang Jie with disgust, he turned to Tiannuan." When are you going to the scene?

The authority for the case has been approved just now, let's go in the afternoon, and if we drag it on, I'm afraid that the child will also have an accident. "Zhang Tiannuan said sternly, "Okay, let's go eat first.

Ouyang Jie heard a bit of dogleg and said: "A new store opened in the past two days, which is near my house. After we finished eating, we just went to investigate the case, so we won't waste time." He couldn't wait, this is Brother Lin's number one agreed to take myself to solve the case

Okay, then you can go drive, we will wait for you at the door. "Lin Chen gave Ouyang Jie the key. The garage of the police station has five floors. There is a lot of traffic flow. Being taken to the fifth floor, the process of waiting for it to come down can be called a torment. The main reason for him to do this is that he wants to take Ouyang Jie away. There are some things that need to be confirmed.

"Tiannuan, what did you see?" Lin Chen asked after confirming that Ouyang Jie had disappeared.


031 Seeing nothing

"No, I didn't see anything, but that room gave me a very uncomfortable feeling, as if there was something bad around, but there was no search warrant when I went there yesterday, so I couldn't find what it was. It is also very uncooperative, especially the second son of the old man. I am afraid that it has something to do with the disaster in red, so I asked you to come and see

Okay, don't worry, go check it out first. "I think the case this time has nothing to do with Hongyi. He might settle down for a while when Shen Mu's plan is frustrated.

The three of them came to the restaurant that Ouyang Jie said, and it was really full. Fortunately, Ouyang Jie always came here to eat, so he took the two directly to his private room. Zhang Tiannuan wondered if Ouyang Jie wanted to follow him I agree with Lin Chen's practice, the more important people are, the more they should isolate him from their own world-

She could see that Ouyang Jie directly admired Lin Chen, and also liked the thrilling "game" of solving a case. Since his family agreed, Lin Chen was still worried about what to do.What's more, after so many days, she secretly felt that Ouyang Jie had something special, but although she could feel the lack of knowledge in this area, she couldn't describe it.However, Lin Chen hasn't found it yet, maybe it's because he cares about it.

After the meal, the three came to the old man's house, showed their work cards, and began to routinely inquire about the situation.

The reason why Lin Chen chose to drive his own car instead of the police car is that on the one hand, the people who live here are full of powerful people and don't want everyone to look bad.On the other hand, the deceased has passed away, so don't be surprised to find Guangling who just passed away.

They were greeted by the eldest son of the old man. Although he didn't understand why his home attracted the attention of the police, he still actively cooperated with the investigation. Once he entered the house, Lin Chen felt unusual.The whole room was surrounded by a faint aura, not yin, so it was no wonder that Zhang Tiannuan couldn't see the colorless.But Lin Chen is very familiar with it, this is a curse.It seems that the reason for the death of the old man and the illness of his grandson was that he was cursed in the house

Pressing down the strangeness in my heart, I put incense sticks in front of the portrait in the hall, bowed my head in silence, the dead are the greatest

The eldest daughter Zhang Tian was slightly touched when she saw this scene, but she didn't want to show it on her face, but she was reluctant.Who would have thought that the police would come to the house to make trouble before their parents died?But Lin Chen's behavior calmed her inner restlessness, and decided to actively cooperate with Wanxiang, Zhang Tian led the three to sit down on the sofa

"Hello, we have received another report. Someone sued the hospital you were treated for for medical malpractice. It has been confirmed that there is a problem, so I came to see if your mother was implicated." Lin Chen said, nonsense. The most important thing is to think about it and think about it The emperor also led the way to pay this Di Miserable ɑ, Huan, milled the lotus root, and collected the hydroxyl?/p>

Sure enough, Zhang Tian was slightly taken aback when he heard it, but quickly shook his head: "Impossible, it won't be an accident, thank the officers for being attentive. Because we have changed many hospitals, but we are unable to return to the sky, and Jizhi also hired him later. Dao Shi's practice "After saying that, she laughed at herself and laughed at herself. She is actually a doctor, a king of surgery in a tertiary hospital, but in the end, she doesn't believe in science and believes in ghosts. It's ridiculous.

"? Invite a Taoist priest to do it? Can you tell us the detailed process?" Lin Chen heard something he was interested in. He was just copying Zhang Tian's words. He didn't expect it to be so easy.It has been preliminarily ruled out that the other party is not the murderer. If it was the murderer, he would not be so reckless about mentioning things related to ghosts. The murderer invited a curse and successfully hurt people. From now on, he must respect the ghosts and gods, and he will have a strong heart. to the point of fear

I'm not sure, I'm a doctor, and I don't really believe this, so when the second brother proposed it, he immediately rejected it. I didn't expect to use all scientific methods to find out any problems. Only then did I realize that the second brother was in business. , I believe in Feng Shui, so I found a few familiar Daxians to ward off evil spirits.

I remember setting up a field in the courtyard and burning a few pieces of sign paper. The peach tree outside the door was downloaded at that time.But it was useless, the eldest wife still did not get better.I just said I can't believe it."

Lin Chen caught the point, and the "second brother" asked, "Where's your brother? Why didn't you see him?"

0 flowers

"He's in business, he's busy, and he left after the first three days. My third brother and I are here to watch. The third brother kept watch last night and is resting upstairs now.

Lin Chen frowned, her mother was busy with the king's business before she passed the first ten?Is the mind too dry and tough or cold-blooded and ruthless?Or are you avoiding something?Lin Chen raised his eyes and looked around, an imperceptible smile evoked at the corners of his mouth.

Zhang Tian saw Lin Chen's doubts and explained: "Officer, don't think too much, the second brother is the one who hurts the most among us. When the old man was alive, he preferred the second brother the most. He was really busy with work, and he left yesterday morning.

Lin Chenpai raised his eyebrows, right?I always feel that Zhang Tian's words seem to be explaining, but there is a feeling of adding fuel to the fire.

The conversation changed: "Is the little grandson here? Can you take us to see him?"

Well, he was in Loushan, he couldn't find anything in the hospital, and he didn't get better, so he took him home and called the doctor regularly, and he felt better. "Leading the three upstairs, he explained as they walked: "Xiao Zhao is the child brought by the second brother's ex-wife, but the second brother has always regarded it as his own. I didn't expect that woman to run away with other men within a few years. Zhao.

The second brother couldn't bear it, but every time he saw Xiao Zhao's emotions, he simply stayed with the old lady.One old and one small can usually relieve their boredom, who would have thought that they would contract this strange disease.We have already planned to take Xiao Zhao to seek medical treatment abroad. "Zhang Tian's voice has gradually softened, and he has reached the door of Xiao Zhao's room, afraid that the movement will wake up the little guy.

Unexpectedly, when I opened the door, I saw the little guy staring at this side with big dripping eyes, full of curiosity.

The brilliance of Lin Chen's father's love suddenly flooded, and he stepped forward and gently touched Xiao Zhao's head.Others don't know, but Zhang Tiannuan saw that Lin Chen's touch was actually putting a talisman next to Xiao Zhao.The little guy who was pale at first suddenly became a little more spiritual. "Xiao Zhao has a good impression of this handsome uncle in front of him, and he won't feel uncomfortable as soon as he walks in.

Lin Chen responded with a smile. "Zhang Nu Shi, is it convenient for us to see for ourselves?


032 Please do it yourself

Naturally, it is convenient, please do it yourself.Zhang Tian said with a smile, seeing that his nephew was in a rare good mood, and he didn't care about other people, so he quickly prepared some easy-to-digest food in the kitchen.

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