thanks. "Lin Chen politely thanked

After going out of the bedroom door, Lin Chen's expression changed.Obviously, the little boy of Gang was also affected by the curse. Although the situation was not as serious as that of the old lady, in the long run, he would die of anger and exhaustion.

He sprinkled Zhang Tiannuan and Ouyang Jie around the room alone.In the bedside table of the old lady's bedroom, I found something unusual

Lin Chen saw that the copper plate in his hand had a smooth surface, with a slight green light, showing a strange feeling. This is not an ordinary copper plate, it is not something that attracts wealth, Yongzheng Tongbao's auspicious things that attract wealth, but "two "Liu Tu" bronze coins of the Han Dynasty.If it is explained that the copper plates of the Qing Dynasty can be handed down from the family, then the bronze coins of the Han Dynasty are absolutely impossible.

In ancient times, copper plates were not only a kind of currency in circulation, but also used for divination by teachers, especially those made of this bronze.What's more, two percent of the bronze coins that can appear in the world are dug up from ancient tombs by tomb robbers.

The money of the dead is untouchable, and it is still a burial item that has accompanied the dead for a long time. After passing through the unclean hands of tomb robbers, it can be regarded as something extremely unclean.People who know the way won't move at all, where did this old lady come from?There is still a problem with the unique copper plate that is so well preserved, but the damage will not be great.After Lin Chen searched the whole room, he really found that there were one hidden in the corners of the room in all directions. There were eight in total, some were under the TV cabinet, and some were carefully recalled in the storage room. Ling, the eight positions formed a good gossip formation, and by chance, all the students in the formation were sealed, Lin Chen frowned. This is a cursed formation. Although it is not very powerful, it wins. Long-term subtlety, the murder is invisible, it can be seen that the murderer has been planning for a long time, not a temporary intention

"Ms. Zhang, do you usually have a servant at home?" Lin Chen stood at the door of the room and asked Zhang Tian who was feeding Xiao Zhao porridge.

Zhang Tian wiped the corners of Xiao Zhao's mouth, turned around and said, "No, the old lady doesn't like to have outsiders, and she is usually idle. She cleans the clothes in the room by herself, but we send them to the laundry regularly. She has rheumatism, so I don't care about her. touch the water.

I see that your family has a good relationship. Is there any friction usually? "Lin Chen then asked

"What do you mean?" Zhang Tian frowned, she could hear something in Lin Chen's words, "No, our family is very harmonious, the old lady Xijing usually doesn't even speak loudly." Despite Wang's courtesy, she still answered , although the tone is not very good

Lin Chen touched his nose, he had already expressed it very gently, he didn't lose, he had to ask

Touched a nose gray, had to take the door out.Something's wrong, something's wrong with this family, something's wrong with this family, this Zhang Tian seems to be hiding something.

Because according to her description, there are usually no outsiders at home. Even if there are guests, there will be no chance to go to every corner of the house to put down the bronze coins.Then the murderer can only be someone from her own family. Lin Chen claims to have read countless people, so there shouldn't be a big problem in seeing them. This Zhang Tian must be hiding something, or she is also kept in the dark and doesn't know.

One of the reasons he is so sure is that Zhang Tianshang also has a faint curse, and the people below will not be attacked unless she can fake Daping.But it doesn't make sense. No one knows that Lin Chen is here this afternoon. If she is taking precautions, she will be too careful.

Lin Chen shook his head, he didn't understand it for the time being, he needed to see her second and third brothers before drawing a conclusion.

I was embarrassed to go upstairs and couldn't find it anymore. Wang Shi asked Ouyang Jie to call Zhang Tian down. He still didn't want to be heard by the children. Zhang Tian went downstairs with an unpleasant face. Lin Chen simply said: "Doctor Zhang, I know you are an atheist, but how do you explain that the old lady's vital signs are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there is no cure yet?

that is because

"Don't lie to yourself, because people's organs are exhausted? How does Xiao Zhao explain? Your family should not have such a strange medical history, right? Zhang Tian just wanted to make a quibble, but was interrupted by Lin Chen. In fact, Zhang Tian must have already fainted in his heart. What does she feel? It's just that she can't accept these gods, ghosts, and ghosts. She always wants to find reasonable explanations for some unreasonable things.

Zhang Tian was silent and Lin Chen took the opportunity to further attack the opponent's inner defense line: "Dr. Zhang already has a clue, right? I just don't want to admit that I have a little research in this area, and I can be very responsible and say that the boss is not natural. After Di Guang finished speaking, he paused and looked at Zhang Tian's reaction.

A look of anger flashed between her brows and eyes, but in the end Wang said indifferently, "Are you suspecting that we killed the old man? Lin Chen shook his head and smiled: "No, no, I just want to meet Nv Zhang for more than ten years. Your two brothers, ask them if they have offended anyone recently or touched something they shouldn't. "I can't say too much, even if I really think so, I can't say it.

Zhang Tian gritted his teeth, and after saying a good word, he called his second brother and told him to come back.She had no choice but to refuse. An investigation order had already been requested. Not cooperating with the investigation was against the law.This is why Zhang Tiannuan is in a hurry to get approval

The three stayed at Zhang's house until sunset, and the second brother, Zhang Jin, came back.

Is there something wrong with Xiao Zhao when my sister called me back in such a hurry? "Zhang Jin asked anxiously. Although it was an anxious tone, Ouyang Jie was very upset when he heard it. Cut 0.6, and it took so long to get back in a hurry. If something goes wrong, the daylily will be cold waiting for you.

Zhang Tian took his bag and quickly replied: "No, don't worry, Xiao Zhao is in much better condition today. It was the three policemen who came to investigate and talked to the sofa, and explained to Zhang Jin what happened in a low voice.

Zhang Jin frowned, but didn't say anything, walked to the sofa and sat down: "I'm sorry everyone, I was on a business trip in a neighboring province, I answered the phone and rushed back, so let the police officers wait for a long time.

Ouyang Jie was dumbfounded, okay, he has just wronged him.On the other hand, Lin Chen smiled, and the business man was sure Wang Renren was unhappy in his heart, but Si Ting didn't show it, and the sincerity on his face was perfect.


033 Hard work this trip

"It's okay, Mr. Zhang, you have worked hard for this trip." Lin Chen smiled

It just so happened that the third brother Zhang Yu came downstairs yawning and saw Lin Chen and the others with a flash in his eyes. He quickly asked sister casually, why don't you call me when there are guests at home.

"Seeing that you are too tired, I want you to rest for a while, isn't this just in time, come over quickly.

After everyone sat down, Lin Chen re-introduced himself: "Everyone, we are members of the special investigation team of the Mohai Police Station. I heard that Mr. Zhang Jin asked the aisle to do more than a dozen practices before, and I happen to understand a little bit. I think it is definitely not a medical treatment. level is so simple

The mentioned Zhang Jin didn't say anything. He has always worshipped ghosts and gods. This kind of thing would rather be trusted than unfounded. He even thought that a Dao Shi, who had a good relationship before, didn't say anything to him. think

On the other hand, Zhang Yu hurriedly said, "What do you know? The Ban Xian who was specially invited said that there are no more questions." Lin Chen glanced at him meaningfully and said, "Don't worry, everyone, I didn't say anything, just wanted to Please recall carefully whether you have done anything recently that will be punished for revenge." He found that there was no curse on the two brothers in front of him, so both of them were murderers?Had to hold off first and ask others. "I didn't expect Zhang Jin to speak first: "I run the company at home. I recently annexed several small factories, and some of the employees in the factory had to be laid off, so even the car was splashed with red paint two days ago.But the address of the home is relatively secret and has never been revealed to the outside world, so no one should find it here.

"Oh? How does Mr. Zhang know that the old man's accident happened at home?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.Zhang Jin turned his face and closed his mouth.Although Lin Chen has been looking here, he has not missed the disgust that flashed across Zhang Yu's face when he heard that the company had an accident. Since he went downstairs, he hadn't even looked at his second brother, and even to say hello, he just asked Zhang Tian.It seems that the relationship between the brothers is not as good as Zhang Tian described, not to mention, it's not Lin Chen's gossip, the two people don't really look alike, but the third child and Zhang Tian are a bit more similar.Quietly approached Ouyang Jie and said something, then he saw Ouyang Jie got up and went to the bathroom

Everyone didn't think much about it, and asked Zhang Tian and Zhang Yu in turn, and they were all at peace with each other.

Trouble everyone today, we still need to go back to the police station to see some information, please don't leave Mr. Jin first, we will visit again tomorrow morning, only to see Zhang Jin's face changed when he heard not to leave, and it became more and more bad looking, but in the end it was ordered. nod

When Lin Chen saw his reaction, Bai Zhangjin must have known that there was something bad in this room, but he was afraid of this thing's reaction, could it mean that he was not the murderer, then the murderer could only be

After leaving the Zhang family, after the three got into the car, Lin Chen said, "Xiaojie, have you got everything?"

It's all finished. Brother Lin, I took advantage of you guys to walk through their rooms one by one, and there were hairs left in the bathroom.On the contrary, although there is one in the old lady's room, it has been so long, I don't know if I can't use "Ouyang Jie's tone suddenly a little disappointed.

It's okay, DNA verification is just a matter of technology and equipment. I will ask someone to find you to pick it up. There are people who specialize in this. It has only been a few days and it will definitely be effective. "Lin Chen comforted. When he saw that the brothers were not in harmony, he thought of the blood relationship question that Zhang Tian didn't want to mention were the common scandals in the big family?

She didn't say that she couldn't forcibly ask, she could only find her own hair to test for dna.After the old lady died, the room must have been cleaned. Ouyang Jie must have spent a lot of time finding it.

Then, Brother Lin, can I come with you tomorrow morning? "Ouyang Jie asked weakly.

Lin Chen nodded in surprise.Ouyang Jie was also stunned for a moment, and the car he was driving almost floated up.Lin Chen couldn't stand it anymore, so he reminded him aloud before returning to normal.

I went back to Ouyang's house first. Ouyang Jie's side is not very safe now. It's better to go back to Zuyu and live there.

"Brother Lin, don't you want to go in and sit for a while?" After speaking, he remembered that Zhang Tiannuan was still there, and smiled apologetically. It would be bad if he went in and ran into his sister, but the sister-in-law said so little today, which made him feel a bit stubborn. I was so happy that I forgot that there were still people sitting in the back seat

Putting down Ouyang Jie, Zhang Tiannuan changed to the co-pilot, Lin Chen held the steering wheel with one hand and Zhang Tiannuan with the other: "What's wrong with the second child?

Zhang Tiannuan smiled and said, "I don't need to say anything with you here."

"Officer Zhang has really screwed me up," Lin Chen teased, "When did you find out that Xiaojie was different from Xuntang?

"Found it? You are a person who always pushes the people around you, and if you look straight, it's easy to find out.

Lin Chen smiled, noncommittal.Before, he had always avoided Ouyang Jie's involvement in these unusual cases, so he never found out that Ouyang Jie had a white light attached to his body, which would not appear unless he was in danger. When he found that Zhang Jiayuzi's curse would affect everyone in the room, he wanted to put a spell on Ouyang Jie, but when he turned around, he was surprised to find that the white light on this boy's body had rebounded the aura of the curse and had no effect on him.

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