It is also strange that 247 did not allow the elders of the Ouyang family to allow him to follow Bai Ji. He seemed to know something.What is the white light on his body?Forgive him for his lack of knowledge and lack of knowledge, but it would be better if he made a special trip to visit after finishing the case and ask about it.

When he got home, Lin Chen first called his subordinates: "Go to Master Ouyang to pick up something, and send me an email before tomorrow morning. Do you think this has something to do with the secrets of those wealthy families? Brothers are fighting for property?" Zhang Tian Nuan casually asking for support, a little tired, the work intensity of these two days is really too much

That's right, the third child was upset when he heard Zhang Jin mentioning the company. There shouldn't be any other reasons other than property. You should go take a bath first, and I'll make you a glass of milk, drink it, and then sleep. "Lin Chen pushed Zhang Tiannuan to the bathroom a little distressed, ready to change clothes, and went to the kitchen. Zhang Tiannuan especially likes to carry an egg in the milk. Although many people say that drinking this way is not good for the body, it is not good for her. But Feitang Anshen Lin Chen was beating eggs and combing through the network of today's events. He originally thought that this matter had nothing to do with the disaster in red clothes, but the source of those bronze coins was a problem. This thing is basically unmanned. If you are willing to touch it, there is no antique market at all, and even the black market is rare, let alone eight, which is not a small number.


034 Careless

Thinking of this, Lin Chen called his subordinates again, busy with milk in his hand, and casually said with his head tilted to his phone, "Pay attention to see if there are any bronze coins on the market."

Don't blame him for being careless, it's really that this thing shouldn't appear aboveboard.Sure enough, the person on the other side of the phone adjusted some records and replied: "No, there is no antique market in the ghost market recently, and no bronze money has been handled. As for the transactions in the dark, we need to check again. Tomorrow Give Ringo together in the morning

"Okay, hang up." Lin Chen hung up the phone and happened to go upstairs with raw milk. When the temperature was just right to drink, he saw Zhang Tiannuan come out of the bathroom, and the time was right.

Handing the cup to her, he picked up the hair dryer and started to be two good boyfriends. The two were silent, but they were not embarrassed at all.Someone once said that the real silent pad is two people together, nothing to say but not boring

He rubbed Wang Xia's dry hair: "I'm going to take a shower, soon, I'll sleep first when I'm free.

Um. "Zhang Tiannuan replied softly, I didn't expect Lin Chen to see her leaning on the head of the bed and sleeping soundly.

The next morning, as soon as I turned on my phone, I was bombarded with text messages and phone calls, and I read a few messages one by one.

Brother Lin, what time do we leave?

"Brother Lin, am I going to pick you up or are you coming to find me?"

Brother Lin got up quickly. "

Brother Lin, you are not lying to me, are you going to take your sister-in-law with you!

"Impossible Brother Lin is not such a person

Very good, Lin Chen resisted the urge to turn off the screen of this boy from the Ouyang family, and directly opened the mailbox to check the results sent by his subordinates. He was shocked when he saw it.Good guy, this family is still a wealthy family.

Sure enough, it's not an ordinary family. Zhang Jin is now in charge of a media company with a market value of over [-] million, and this is only the family business of the old lady. He has only recently accepted it. It is no wonder that Lin Chen has not seen it before. Jiping never forgets it, and the two should have been invited to many of the same receptions together.A young boss of a big company, there's no reason he wouldn't pay attention

The old man who passed away a few years ago had a big gangster background. He started to clean up in his later years, and he lived a rich life.

According to Lin Chen's conjecture, it should be the second child who was not the old man's own biological family, but Yugan wanted to compete for property, and that's what happened now.Unexpectedly, the DNA results were surprising. Of the three children, only the second child was born to the old lady. Zhang Tian and Zhang Yu had no blood relationship with the old man, not even the adoption of relatives and children.Moreover, the old man secretly passed a will with the lawyer before his death, and the directorship of the company belongs to Zhang Jin. The remaining two only hold a minority of shares and other real estate.

This is surprising that the most suspicious Zhang Jin has no motive for committing the crime.I was a little confused when I saw a call coming in

Brother Lin!You are on the phone. Where are you? "There is Ouyang Jie's voice over there.

Lin Chen rubbed his brows, "I'm at home, I'll wait for us to pick you up." If your hands are too fast, you're sick. If you get a cure, you shouldn't pick it up without looking at who it is. Ouyang Jie answered cheerfully.

He already had a similar conjecture in his heart, and he was still short of clichés.

When I arrived at Zhang's house, I smiled and said hello before entering the door.

I came to disturb again, and it was always annoying, "Lin Chen said apologetically to the three people on the opposite side, and even pretended to be a little embarrassed. Police officer Lin is fine, what is the result of the investigation?"

I wanted to investigate, but only after I went back did I find out that Zhang Nutu concealed some things, such as your family relationship or something. "Lin Chen means something

What do you mean! "Sure enough, after hearing Lin Chen's words, the three of them changed their faces at the same time, and Zhang Tian couldn't help but shouted out literally." Lin Chen smiled, then paused and said, "I will tell the three of you clearly." , The old man is not an accident or suicide, but a murder.What's more, this murderer is among the three and has been planning for a long time. "After speaking, he looked at the subtle reactions on the faces of the three, and stopped speaking, leaving time for them to accept the fact.

It was Zhang Tian who reacted first: "Impossible, it's impossible because you are still the people's police, and you are irresponsible! You go out, we don't welcome you!"

Ouyang Jie looked at it as if he stepped forward to stop her, but she didn't expect that she had been stopped by the second child Zhang Jin.

Zhang Jin frowned: "Sister, don't be impulsive." He turned to Lin Chen and said, "Officer, those who speak and do things and give evidence are empty words, please don't enter indiscriminately.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, the calmness of the person in front of him was a bit unusual, and the meaning revealed in the sentence was to tell him to stop talking nonsense and quickly tell the truth.

Lin Chen is as good as he is, and if someone builds a step for him, of course he wants to go up

Everyone please come with me. "After speaking, he turned around, and from the eight corners of the room, he turned out eight bronze coins in turn. Zhang Tian looked at a loss, but Zhang Jin's face became more and more dignified, and in the end it was so heavy that he could squeeze out of water.

Seeing this, Lin Chen opened his mouth and explained to Zhang Tian, ​​"This is bronze coin, which can be regarded as a very sinister curse in folklore. It is placed in the eight corners of the house, and it is formed into a cursed formation and sealed. All the gossip will have an impact on everyone in the room, so their vital signs will gradually fade away, and Xiao Zhao has been suffering from illness." After a pause: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Mr. Jin, he I often come into contact with these, and I can understand a little bit (if I have money, I can ask him if what I said is true

I saw that Zhang Tian didn't ask Zhang Jin for confirmation, but lowered his head for a while and suddenly said, "I did it.

Now it's Lin Chen's turn to be dumbfounded. What did you do? He hasn't finished saying what you did?But I heard Zhang Tianshen say to himself: "I did it, it has nothing to do with them. I can't afford Mom, I'm sorry Mom cried while talking, it's not good.

Lin Chen looked at Zhang Yu, who had a pale face next to him, and Zhang Jin, who wanted to kill someone, in confusion.However, Zhang Jin, who was still full of anger just now, suddenly said: "Sister, you don't need to take responsibility, I will do things alone, I invited people, and I killed my mother. I'm sorry for you and Xiao Zhao, and Xiao Zhao will be in the future. Please take it with you, that kid really likes you."

Lin Chen was amused, and in a low voice explained to Zhang Tiannuan and Ouyang Jie what he had found out and what he had in mind.


035 Quietly watching the play

After listening to this, the two of them looked at the family with complicated expressions on their faces. They were rushing to confess their guilt for the first time. It was obvious that they were shielding each other for something. Since Lin Chen already knew something in his heart, the two of them didn't care, and watched quietly. play

After a while, King Zhang Yu, who had been silent for a while, finally said, "Zhang Jin, you don't have to pretend to follow me.

"Shut up!" Zhang Jin snapped before he finished speaking, "Officer, I have already pleaded guilty, should the case be closed and bring me back to the bureau, the dead are the worst, don't disturb the old man here. "

Oh?Would Mr. Jin mind describing the motives and methods of committing the crime? "Lin Chen looked at Zhang Jin in front of him like an idiot. According to his information, this is the person with the least motive for committing the crime, yet he has to say he is guilty?

The method is as you can see, I invited the familiar Dao to set up the formation.The motive for doing it is "Zhang Jin paused," the police officer did not know, I am not the eldest wife's biological, but the old man who had a good relationship with the old man before his death, and the old man who asked him to take care of him died and did not leave me. cents.So I got wicked, and this time, I will be the first to be strong.

Zhang Tian shook his head in pain, with tears in his eyes. He opened his mouth but couldn't say anything. He just choked and sobbed. Lin Chen frowned. Zhong Mingming mentioned that he was the only biological son, was he making up nonsense?Or is it that he doesn't know the straight face of blood, and has been kept in the dark?Looking at Zhang Tian's reaction, I always felt that she knew something, and she was trying to say: "Zhang Nutu, don't you want to say something?

Zhang Tian still shook his head desperately, covering his mouth with his hands.

Lin Chen snorted coldly: "Sure enough, my brother is still my own relative? Shen Tiannv ten? If you don't say it, then I'll help you!"

Looking at Zhang Jin with a shocked expression, Lin Chen knew in his heart that this good man seemed to have been kept in the dark for more than [-] years.Wang Shi said slowly, "Everyone knows who the murderer is." Looking at Zhang Yu's pale face, he continued: "The reason why I can conclude that you Zhang Yu did it is because of this cursed bronze money formation, but it won't work. to the caster

I found out when the three of you got together.The eldest sister has a faint curse on her body, and it has little effect on the body, so I didn't worry about it.But when the two appeared first (caca), I found that there was no trace of breath on both of you, so it means that one of you is the murderer.At this time, of course, I usually have more contact with Dao Shi. Mr. Jin is more suspicious. Especially I heard that he made a special trip to ask Dao Shi to do the practice, but he did not enter the house but set it up in the yard. It can be said that he has a ghost in his heart.But since I got this information.

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