Seeing that Lin Chen didn't answer what he meant, he was not embarrassed. He took out his mobile phone and opened Taobao to look for orders from several months ago.It also seems that the rich second generation of their relatively large families, one is to go to the physical mall to buy things, and online shopping is not too much, otherwise, it is really impossible to find the things bought so long ago.

"No, he said he would come to get it, and told me not to have the heart box." Zhang Yu replied indifferently

The weather is warm, the case is closed, call the bureau and ask someone to come over. "

okay. "Zhang Tiannuan answered and took the phone and walked aside.

The few people who were still sitting in the living room were silent for a while, and the gas and hydrogen were a little embarrassed.At this time, Zhang Jin said, "Officer Lin, can Xiao Zhao's body recover?" His tone was very sincere, but he didn't think it took so long to ask, and it was a bit hypocritical?

Jin Xianniu's question is meaningless, don't you think? "Lin Chen said angrily, and even Zhang Yu smiled sarcastically.

Zhang Jin's face changed when he heard the words, this Lin Chen still didn't save some face for others when he spoke, but he didn't make a sound, just sat there quietly in the early morning with his lips hooked and a smile.Thinking of yourself as a particularly innocent victim?An orderly person who can take care of a large family business is definitely not an ordinary person.Why did he leave Zhang's house after three?Someone must have told him that there are dirty things in this room, so let him get away from it, don't stay here for long

And he did it himself, but did not tell his sister and his children about it.There may be some reasons why the weather cannot be revealed, but if he is really an honest and loyal person, will he really be like him, regardless of benevolence, righteousness, morality, and loneliness?

Lin Chen guessed that he already knew some things when he asked Dao Shilai to practice in the courtyard. If Wang Yinzhi came out at that time, he would

He can get everything in time, but he didn't. He has received unfair treatment at home over the years, and he must be resentful in his heart. heart

In fact, there have also been acts of wanting to take revenge on the second old man, but he did not act, but watched his third brother complete everything step by step.Even if the police come, there is no reason to arrest him.

Xiao Zhao's curse is not deep yet, and if he wants to be rescued, there is no problem whether it is his shot or those idle Dao Shi.It depends on whether Mr. Zhang wants to save his ex-wife and give him such a big green hat. He can still keep this child by his side to raise him?This kind of honest image of Yang Bailao was created perfectly.It's really admirable to be able to live for four years under such a mask.

Ouyang Jie sat on the side, never expressing any opinion, straight, these broken things in the Zhang family were a big blow to his heart - he was also a descendant of a huge family, and he also had collateral and The battle between the direct line is fierce, but his older brothers and sisters have always been good to him

The matter of the Zhang family had made him question whether their feelings for him were also superficial.Or because he is the youngest and has no threat to them, so he can live the life of the second generation ancestor like the idle prince of Dai, and Lin Chen did not make a sound to disturb Ouyang Jie. In fact, he felt that Ouyang Jie was overthinking. .He has been in contact with a lot of people from the Ouyang family. According to his observation, the Ouyang family's family style is very upright, and there is a sense of righteousness in the rent.This kind of righteousness can only be formed because of the blessings accumulated by generations of clansmen. If someone did such dirty things like the Zhang family brothers, the righteousness would not be entrenched in Ouyang Zubao anymore. 12

It's just that Ouyang Jie needs to figure it out by himself.His mind has always been pure and should not be contaminated by these mundane things.This matter can be said to be a test for him.After passing this test, his mind will be firmer, and he will have more confidence in the trustworthy people around him.Wang Shilin Chen stopped talking, got up and took all the bronze coins around him into his hands and put them in the talisman paper bag prepared in advance, completely suppressing their cursed nature.

He got up and went upstairs to look at Xiao Zhao. Since he put the sign beside Xiao Zhao, the child's condition has gradually stabilized, and there is no tendency to worsen.To be honest, this kid is a good fit for him, so I don't want to let him go on like this. I don't know if his cheap dad will find someone to save him.


038 The look of concern

On the other hand, Zhang Tian looked very concerned, not like he was cheating.But as far as he knows, this scientist Doctor Zhang has nothing to do with this way.

He gently opened the door and found that Xiao Zhao was still asleep.He took out a silver needle and lightly pierced a small hole in his ten fingers, and then pasted a painted talisman paper, ten fingers connected to the heart, and there was black blood in the small holes. It flowed out, as if it was being pulled by something, covered the entire sheet in the direction of the incantation on the talisman paper, and then stopped.

Lin Chen took off the talisman and took it into his hand, a cluster of flames lit up with his fingertips, and when he brushed it, he saw those talismans burned to ashes

Xiao Zhao no longer has the aura of the curse, but his face is still a little pale. I think it's because he has been plagued by the curse during this time and has no appetite and is malnourished. It only needs to be said that after a period of recuperation, he should be able to restore his rosy appearance. Healthy as a child.

After everything was done, Xiao Zhao tucked the quilt and backed out gently.I checked the room again and found that there was no other unclean thing, so I sat back on the sofa

21 At this time, the whistle of the police car rang from far to near.These gang of policemen are only more efficient when they are ordered by the leader. If ordinary people report the case, why don't they drag on for a few hours?Until they get to the day lilies are cold

Zhang Yu did not resist either, and was taken away in handcuffs very obediently.

Seeing that the matter was over, Zhang Jin took advantage of his busy business affairs, so he made an excuse to leave.It seems that even if the unclean things in this room have been cleaned up, he still doesn't want to stay here for a minute or a second, so let Xiaozhao stay here. Since he has been told by Lin Chen, he So he stopped pretending that he didn't like the kid.Staying around is just to disguise a benevolent image. Now that the dust has settled, he really doesn't want to look at that child again, so just leave it here. My sister can take care of her if she wants to, and it has nothing to do with him if she doesn't want to.

Everyone was gone, and only Zhang Tian and Lin Chen were left in the living room. Zhang Tian stayed in this house for a long time, and his body was already stained with some unclean smell. The method Zhao used also helped Zhang Tian get rid of the curse on his body. She smiled miserably, and she slowly opened her mouth to make Police Officer Lin laugh. These things in our family are really dirty eyes.Jinyu Jinyu holds Jin Huaiyu.When my parents came up with such a name, they must have hoped that they would be as gentle as a gentleman, but they didn't think that a flaw would be reported. What's ridiculous is that after so many years, I didn't even notice it. Just watching my mother get killed, watching Xiao Zhang get sick, watching this originally good home, shattered, but unable to do anything.funny, funny

Lin Chen didn't answer, and he really couldn't say anything.The son does not teach, the father is wrong, the teaching is not strict, and the teacher is lazy.What the ancients said is not unreasonable, there must be problems with Zhang's education.Otherwise, it is also a huge family, why is the Ouyang family upright for generations?Even in the fight for family property, there are bright means, and those who can live

After finishing the task at hand, Lin Chen said to Zhang Tian, ​​"Xiao Zhao is an innocent child, I have solved his physical problems. As long as he takes a good rest in the past few days, there will be no more accidents. I don't know if you are willing to do so. I don't want to keep him by my side, if I don't want to, I'm also willing to take that kid, and he and I should have some affinity."

Zhang Tianyi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, "Don't bother Mr. Lin, I have nothing now, Xiaozhao can stay by his side and leave some thoughts. If Mr. Lin doesn't mind, he can stay. I think that kid likes you very much. If you have time, you can come and see him and teach him some wooden things."

Yes, yes, Brother Lin, my house is right next to this place and it is convenient for you to come here every time. "Ouyang Jie, who has been silent for a long time, actually spoke up.

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at him, seeing the bright face of this chatter, he must have figured it out, and it is indeed a person he is optimistic about, and his personality is indeed good.With a relieved smile, he said gently, "Got it."

Ms. Zhang, I have disturbed you for the past two days. If there is nothing else, we will leave.

Thank you three, goodbye "Send them to the door and send the three away before going upstairs

In the car, "Xiaojie, you have also seen these two days. The cases I solved may be a little different from ordinary cases. You may not have believed in those gods and ghosts before. But what I come into contact with every day is the These things. Do you still want to follow me? " Lin Chen asked seriously, he hadn't noticed Ouyang Jie's unusual before, so naturally he wouldn't take him to risk.Now that you know it, you have to see what he has in mind.

certainly!I am very interested in these, not to mention staying by Big Brother Lin's side, if I can be as powerful as Big Brother Lin in the future, I will also be able to protect the people around me! "Ouyang Jie was stunned for a moment and then answered immediately. This is the first time that Brother Lin has asked him for his opinion, instead of letting him go. He doesn't know why he has such a change in attitude, but he is still very happy.

Lin Chen nodded lightly: "I'll follow after that, I'll call you if something happens.

it is good! "Ouyang Jie was so happy that he almost floated up, until he returned to the main house, he still smiled stupidly, and the housekeeper couldn't stand it any longer. He looked at Lin Chen with puzzled eyes, as if he was talking about the stupid young master of our landlord's house. What happened today?"

Lin Chen smiled without saying a word, said hello, and drove away.

When there were only two people left in the car, Zhang Tiannuan finally drove a little awkwardly. Do you like children?

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment and then replied in a serious manner, "I'll be very happy then, why don't you give me one?"! "Zhang Tiannuan's face turned red, don't look away, don't look at him again.

There is nothing to like or dislike, but if you are born, you will definitely like it, because he has Yang blocking eyes.But I don't know the reason, it seems to be sealed by a force.I can't see why for the time being, so I have to ask the master and her old man when I go back. "Lin Chen explained.

It turned out to be so. Zhang Tiannuan suddenly realized, and said that he had never seen Lin Chen care so much about a child before, and thought it was because he was "older", so fatherly love was overflowing.


039 Drive back

"Send me back. After I need to take care of the Zhang family's affairs, you can go home first, and I will drive back by myself at night." Zhang Tiannuan instructed

No, I will go to the bureau with you. This matter is not over yet. I still need to ask my subordinates to investigate the problem of that Taobao store.And I have a hunch, what will happen to that Zhang Yu in prison tonight, I have to keep watch

Zhang Tiannuan was shocked when he heard the words. He thought the case had been closed, but he didn't expect that there would be a follow-up.Qian Shi said doubtfully, "Why did something happen?

"Did you notice Zhang Yu's expression when he spoke today, as if he has seen through everything, I can conclude that he knows what the seller of that shop is exchanging with him, and he should also know when to exchange. , but it didn't tell us whether we wanted to die wholeheartedly or didn't believe in our ability." Lin Chen explained.

"Then what do you mean, in the bureau tonight, the black hand behind the scenes will reach out?"

Not sure.In fact, if it was just to be safe, that person would definitely take action in a few days. After Yu was sent to the prison, he would do it again. After all, the prison was a mess, and nothing happened to him.But I bet that person must be a person who likes to show off the market. The clerks want to pick me up, so they will choose to do it under my nose, so it will only be two days.

Zhang Tiannuan nodded in understanding but not understanding: "Place you? You mean, this incident is also the work of that red-clothed disaster? "If I feel right, it is him. "Lin Chen nodded.

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