Ugh. "Zhang Tiannuan sighed: "That guy is still holding on, have you figured out what he is from this time?Are you sure? "She frowned a little worriedly and turned to ask.

I found a little bit, but most of it is my conjecture, and there is no realistic basis yet, because I vaguely feel that this matter is being concealed by some high-level forces, this time I saw him just to take a look at the depth and see if there is any Chance to know the ins and outs of things.”

"Pay attention to safety, can you ask people from Heaven and Resurrection to help?

"No, after the people from the underworld came to the world, their power was weakened, and following me was a drag. I needed to take care of them and prevent them from getting hurt. But I don't trust the heavenly world, and I need to leave it to trusted people. will be stabbed."

Zhang Tiannuan nodded, Lin Chen was right. She remembered that when she was on her first mission when she first entered the criminal police team, she was injured by a gunshot not because of fighting with the enemy, but because of the nervousness of her teammates. , the muzzle was just aimed at her calf, so she cultivated a lot of eyes.So, don't be afraid of the god-like king, but be afraid of the pig-like teammates.The people in Tianting are not ordinary pigs, but a group of pigs with little Jiuli in their hearts.It is too dangerous to fight on the back and shoulders.At the same time, he is also blaming himself for why he can't be more powerful, so that he can help Lin Chen.

Lin Chen seemed to see Zhang Tiannuan's inner thoughts, and smiled gently.Soothingly, he took out a hand and touched her head, saying don't worry, you can take care of yourself already.

After returning to the police station, Zhang Tiannuan was busy following up on the records and files of the case, while Lin Chen went to his office and began to contact his subordinates to investigate the shops selling such blocking things on the Internet.

I don't know if I don't check it, I'm shocked when I check it.In Lin Chen's impression, the original Taobao was an online e-commerce platform that had just emerged, selling clothes, food, or other small things. The Vietnamese bride who traded some time ago has openly bought and sold people

There are also some more creative shops. From the list he made, Lin Chen saw a name that attracted his attention—“Dream”

Practitioners", from the store's introduction, the seller has hired a group of professional "chat", including students, painters, designers, musicians, white-collar homeless homeless, game experts, and even professional monks and The composition of personnel from various industries such as Dao Shi

According to the popularity of this profession, there are different pricing, ranging from tens to thousands of yuan. The pricing is one day. During this day, one of them will be your king on the virtual network.You can chat about any topic that interests each other, or talk to him about your dreams and explore how to achieve them together

Lin Chen almost clicked in.He was not attracted by the interesting sales method of this store, but felt that it would have something to do with this case.

Lin Chen swiped down on the phone's page, and stopped when he saw the words "Tarot"."Tarot cards"? He has never quite understood these Western theologies, but Tarot cards should be equivalent to divination in Wang's Eastern theology, right? Anyone who is well versed in this way knows that even if divination really stands out, it can't be all Let me tell you the truth. The trajectory of life is already set. If you force a change, it will only backfire on yourself. Then, how did this master of tarot cards have been engaged in this profession for a long time?

Lin Chen placed an order out of curiosity, and then Wangwang sent the tarot card, the "confidant sister" WeChat ID.Lin Chen looked at the string of numbers and hesitated for a while, then asked his subordinates for a WeChat account of a disgraceful king before adding it.Don't blame him for being cautious. If the opponent is an enemy and directly use his WeChat, wouldn't everything be exposed?

In the beginning, it was the self of two people (the money was good to introduce the atmosphere and the time was a bit awkward, but then they were quickly mobilized by the other party and then turned to the accounting aspect of the tarot card.

She asked Lin Chen if he wanted to know what his future would be like?Lin Chen, of course, said what he thought in a good manner.While the other party was shuffling the cards, he introduced to Lin Chen: The importance of the tarot cards on the dry time is not very clear, so please don't ask questions about the specific dry time after a while. For example, if you If you want to know when you will get rich, it is better to change this question to, will you get rich within half a year?Or will you get rich in a year or something?

Lin Chen was a little speechless after hearing this, isn't this just three and one night?I always feel like I've fallen into the pit of some MLM organization.But the money has been spent, and he wants to take a closer look at what is unusual about this store.So I knew it


040 What do you want to know

Sir, is there anything you want to know then? "There was a hoarse female voice along with the shuffling of the cards, although it was the voice processed by the voice changer.

Lin Chen thought for a while, and said an ambiguous answer. I wonder if that person will disappear within a month? "Since it is a cliché, it must be vague. The word "disappear" can mean many things, it can be disappearance or death. If this question comes up, if the person on the other side is a normal person, you will definitely feel a trace of it. It is possible to stop the cold, and then quickly end this conversation through your own methods, and even call the police.

But I didn't expect that what came from the receiver was a mechanized laughter "Hahahaha, sir, it's still funny, then let me help you to see when the person you hate will disappear.

Lin Chen listened to the line of eyebrows, he just didn't say that the person was the one he hated, it was all speculation based on the person on the other side, which shows that he is not a kind person either.

Wang Shi, Lin Chen became more and more serious. If he was not sure before, now he can be sure that there must be a problem with this shop. The opposite side was silent for a while, and Yin 680 was about to rub the cardboard while playing with the tarot cards. sound

Lin Chen is not in a hurry, there is still some time before night.So I waited patiently here, casually looked at the document in my hand, and the mechanical girl rang again: Sir, the result of the card surface has come out, but it is not very satisfactory, do you think listen?

Lin Chenshou pursed his lips, and gave a serious "um" as an answer.

Hearing that the other side hesitated for a while, and quickly said, sir, your recent fate is not going well.In your career, you encounter a strong opponent who is suppressing you.You are unwilling in your heart, so you have tried every means to eradicate the other party.But unfortunately the opportunity and strength have not reached the best level

I used the Celtic expansion method for your number one card, that is, the position that represents the current situation is a devil card. This proves that you have a dark side in your heart about the king.And card number six is ​​a tower, and that's where you're going, proving that you're going to break free for laughter.As for the position of the last card, there is a death card, which proves the ending of the opponent, or the end of an experience, which is a very bad implication, and usually presupposes the death of one. "

After speaking, I waited quietly for a while, seeing that Lin Chen didn't have a violent reaction, and then tentatively asked Mr., did the other party really give you such a big pressure that you want to put the other party to death? "

Lin Chen still didn't speak. At this time, whether he was anxious or denied, it all represented the false side of his heart.Instead, say nothing and let the other party guess for themselves.

If I saw Lin Chen on the opposite side, there was no response, and I was a little bit focused, and turned on the fire again: "Mr. Lin has been very unsmooth in his recent career, and the pressure the other side has caused you is too much. In your cards, However, there is a picture of the Hanged Man, which represents self-sacrifice and devotion. Mr. repays his grievances with virtue.

At this time, Lin Chen interrupted her in a timely manner, why should I take the responsibility with a fierce tone?I'm not going to take on the mistakes of a hypocrite villain.Didn't he just make a fortune in the company because he didn't know how many generations of relatives he had?Obviously I don't have any ability, but I was suppressed to death, why?The position of supervisor should be mine, and I am about to be promoted, but he has grown from the sky.I want him to disappear I want him to disappear from the company l

Lin Chen can be said to be a showman who makes up nonsense, and Ben Hui is growing day by day.In such a short period of time, he has arranged for himself an unsatisfactory appearance (ccfb) in the workplace, and his tone is still vivid, as if the person who described the narrow-minded person is himself.

Oh?Sir, how do you want him to disappear?According to what you just said, he has a background. It should be impossible for him to resign from the company.So what do you want to study, Mr.Speak up and I may be able to help you.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes dangerously while listening to the step-by-step guidance from the opposite side.When people have a bad temper, their hearts are most easily disturbed.If it is a court person, at this time, the other party will definitely make some fatal mistakes and irreversible. It can be seen that the opposite person is not an ordinary "chat", but a master who is well versed in psychological tactics.What kind of shop can you hire so many people who use psychological tricks thoroughly?And these people are still willing to serve him?

Wang Shilin Chen continued to act, and followed his words and roared that I want him to die, I want him to die, Xiaoyue is clearly mine, we are already engaged, but he comes.Satsuki's heart is not on my body.He also pushed me to resign for some mistakes he made?Does he think it's okay to resign?Why!I want him to die, I want him to return Xiaoyue to me, and I must want him to die." Lin Chen's tone was pertinent, but there was even a hint of phlegm in the back. It was the essence of the drama, and Oscar owed him a golden statuette.

Listening to what Mr. said, he not only robbed you of your job, but Yue also abused your girlfriend. This is really unkind. But have you really thought about it?In today's society ruled by law, murder is a crime.Sir, it is better to endure the calm for a while and take a step back to see the sky.

When Lin Chen heard this, he was about to be angrily laughed at by the other party.This person is still capable, and knows how to make concessions at the right time and take retreat as progress.When the customer became murderous, he began to take Joe as if he was persuading him, but he actually handed over the oil to the spark.

Lin Chen didn't know what the man on the opposite side was going to do?So following his words, I changed my attitude, calmed down, and turned into a somewhat low and dejected tone: "Yes, what do you think I should do, what can I do? Depending on the world and background, I can't beat him by myself. If the straight becomes a murderer, I have to put myself in it. I don’t want to live in prison for the rest of my life. I’m still young and I still have Xiaoyue.

Don't be too sad, sir, it's against the law to kill someone, but it's unreasonable for someone like him to not suffer a little.I happen to have a friend who can play tricks. You might as well go to his shop to see if there is something that suits your needs.What he sells never disappoints.


041 The point is coming

Oh?Is it the point?So this shop is actually an intermediary, an intermediary that guides people who have a trace of resentment in their hearts to the abyss of crime.Going down her steps, Lin Chen asked, "Tricky? What is that? Isn't it a child's trick?

"No no no, sir, his tricks are not a child's trick. He can fulfill your wishes and help you punish the wicked villain.

Then my little moon will come back to me too?

Of course, as long as Mr. wants, he can get "Yes there.

Then please give me a link and I will think about it. "Lin Chen pretended to be hesitant and asked.

Okay, I'll send it to you, the connection is only valid for a period of time, first Niu must seize the opportunity.

it is good. "

After finishing the chat with the tarot master, Lin Chen stared at this string of links, a little stunned. "Valid for a period of time" shows the other party's cautiousness. If he is correct, it is not that the link is time-sensitive, but that the store she gave will only exist for a period of time.Once the time is over, it will be cancelled and the vest will be changed. Even if the police want to investigate something after solving the case, they will find that the building is empty and no one can be found.The method is really clever.

He opened the chain of links, and it turned out to be a shop that sold fruit on the surface, with zero sales. It can be seen that Jiuchang Jiutang was not in a hurry. He didn't rush to chat with the boss, but sent the link to his subordinates to let them Find out where this store belongs.Unexpectedly, after a few minutes, the answer given by the person below turned out to be that the string of connections does not exist at all, and the opening is a mess of codes.

Lin Chen took the mobile phone and refreshed it countless times before finally confirming that only his device, that is, the mobile phone in his hand, can open the link, high-tech, it seems that he has to go to the base.Not yet

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