After dealing with the case, Zhang Tiannuan brought two cups of coffee that had already been brewed over, "Well, there is no good tea here, so I can only make a cup of coffee.

Lin Chen actually doesn't like drinking this stuff, but when he thought that he should stay up very late at night, he didn't refuse, "Thank you." He helped Zhang Tiannuan handle the recent file, the sky was getting dark soon When I got down, my colleagues had already left work one after another, and there were only a few left on the night shift. Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan looked at each other, left the office tacitly, and walked to the detention room.

Guard at the door, don't startle the snake

I saw that Zhang Yu heard the police station quiet down, and it was time to get off work, so he started to move.Lin Chen saw that he wanted to stand up at first, but found it inconvenient to stand up with handcuffs, so he just sat in the chair, bit his finger, and drew a complicated pattern on the table in front of him.

Lin Chen has never seen the pattern before, so it shouldn't be an official formation. I think it should be used to summon something. Just like a psychic talisman, each of some ancient great masters has their own psychic symbol, and will know who needs it. In this way, you can appear beside that person at any time, which is very convenient. However, the refining method of this summoning charm has been lost a long time ago. Except for the people of that era, not even the Emperor Hades has mastered it. It can be seen that Zhang Yu is going to summon the red one. The lotus industry is on fire

I saw that in a thick black mist, the figure of the red lotus karma slowly appeared. Lin Chen looked at the red dress and felt that Shifen was an eyesore. This guy was slippery like a loach, and he couldn't catch it. Its tail, saying that he is willing to take the initiative to appear.Be sure to find a clue this time.

Zhang Yu had the urge to kneel after seeing the disaster in red.It's just because of the constraints of handcuffs and tables and chairs that I can't complete this difficult movement."

The red-clothed calamity didn't even care.Calling me out coldly and asking me out, is my heart fulfilled, are you willing to pay in exchange?Yes, thank you Lord for helping me achieve my heart.I don't have anything to linger on while I'm here, and I'm going to prison soon. I don't want to suffer from that prison. Please, my lord, please end my life tonight. "Zhang Yu's tone was dull and his eyes turned gray, as if his soul had been manipulated.

Lin Chen didn't understand what kind of sorcery the person in front of him was using, but he only understood now that the reason why Zhang Yu didn't have any repentance was because he had been manipulated. Any kind of affection and conscience to speak of.No, it can be said that he has no heart at all

ask for flowers

If Lin Chen originally planned to help, then there is no difference between saving and not saving now.Without conscience, the three souls are already incomplete, and there is a way for such souls to re-enter reincarnation if they go to the underworld.It is only possible to go to the Unbounded Hell, but now the red lotus karmic fire of the Unbounded Hell has escaped, and the hell is empty.Why don't you leave him behind to see what the next step in the red shirt is?I saw that after listening to Zhang Yu's words, the red-clothed calamity raised his hand to the top of his head. Zhang Yuzhou's black energy was sucked by this hand.

Lead to the body of the slender clothes disaster.Lin Chen took advantage of the red-clothed disaster when he was absorbing that trace of black energy. At this time, he was absorbing Zhang Yu's resentment. In the process of digesting this hostile energy, he should be the most vulnerable. should be the greatest threat


But it was not the case. Lin Chen found that he threw a few signs in the past, and it was of no use to Gan Na Hongyi.Instead, it directly penetrated his body and reached the other side. Only at this time did Lin Chen know that the person in front of him was not the deity in red at all, but a phantom that he had transformed into.

After I figured this out, I stopped shooting, it was another phantom, and I was teased by a phantom more than once or twice.Lin Chen was dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, the red-clothed smirked Officer Lin twice, long time no see, did you miss me?

He read it very much," Lin Chen replied with a bit of gnashing teeth, and only laughed more happily in the red-clothed disaster, coughed twice before slowing down, and said with a smirk, "Since Mr. Lin has already shot, I Just to give you face, I will not accept his life today.What happened to the police officer Lin's investigation of Taobao's store?I'm really looking forward to the official meeting with Police Lin, but don't make me wait too long. "After saying that, he disappeared with a smile on his face.

Lin Chen squeezed his fist and made a rattling noise, and he forcibly endured it. Zhang Tiannuan went to the side to check Zhang Yu's condition.


042 How is he?

"How is he?" Lin Chen asked after calming down the anger in his heart. "It doesn't look like it's alright. It's just that his complexion is two o'clock, and it's normal for him to work. He has to wait for him to wake up before he can know the situation of the county body." Lin Chen nodded.She asked again, "What happened to the Taobao shop that the devil just said?" Lin Chen briefly explained to her some of the things he investigated in the afternoon.After hearing this, Zhang Tiannuan shook his head and frowned and said, "Then it seems that he knows very clearly that you are investigating the store... and took the initiative to lead you to find him. Ah Chen. He must be pregnant. I'm waiting for you to jump when I hit the Yuluodi Net. It's so dangerous... do you have to go?" Zhang Yunuan was very worried_. From the few times she fought, she could see that the other party was a guy who was not easy to mess with." 1", and now she has no ability to help Lin Chen. .Leave him alone to fight.Is it really okay? [-]

"Don't worry... can't I run if I can't bear it? Besides, he has already given me a challenge letter. "Oh?" Zhang Tiannuan raised his eyebrows. What challenge letter? Why has she never heard Lin Chen mention it.

"It's a Taobao store._ The information and id of that Taobao store are all fake. This is a test question he gave me. It seems to be saying that I can only be qualified to be his opponent if I pass. Only the id of these Taobao stores can find out his specific address.. Have a match with him. Lin Chen and Guang is firm.. Being provoked to such a degree, if you don't accept the challenge, it will be really unmanly_ He, Lin Chen, has never been a master of counseling. So Zhang Tiannuan nodded understandingly and said, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Lin Chen smiled comfortingly and replied, "You can just protect yourself. I need to go to the base on Mingyu Xingxing. The equipment there could have traced the address of this shop. For a long time. You help me take care of the safety of the second company, Qi Hong is far away... I still have some concerns. "

"Okay." Zhang Yunnuan was a little apprehensive when she heard the two treasures of "company". She knew who had been taking care of Lin Chen's company for so long...but she was a person who could handle it clearly.Knowing what is most important at this time. So I readily responded.primary color

The two drove back home .. and rested after washing up.The next day Lan Zao Zhang Tiannuan received a phone call from the police station saying Hungarian. When Zhang Yu woke up in the morning, she was stupid. The Tai family thought he was trying to avoid criminal responsibility. So he pretended to be crazy and pretended to be stupid and called a doctor to have a look.

It is true that he is really insane.This time, everyone didn't know what to do, so they called Zhang Tiannuan to ask for instructions twice.Zhang Wunuan hung up the phone, looked at Lin Chen, and described Taizhi's situation.

Lin Chen frowned slightly and replied: "This is a normal situation. Yesterday, the smear of red clothes or the smear that was absorbed should not only be the resentment of Zhang Yu. It should also be mixed with other souls. When the red-clothed calamity controlled the world, the soul was already flawed. Now it is even more incomplete. It is really hard for a person with three souls and soil to maintain a clear mind. Now he is crazy. Silly.. Then just call Zhang Tian_wen= and tell her what she means. If the Zhang family is willing to take over.

Zhang Tiannuan thought about it for a second, and she knew that there was no problem with what Lin Chen said. Prison is a place that eats people.If Zhang Yu is really put there, it is estimated that after two or three days, there will be no bones left.Poor people must have something to hate _ hateful people have something to hate.Both of them are people with good intentions in their hearts. Now that Zhang Yu has gotten his revenge, Wang Shi can't bear to be harshly blamed.I also hope that the Zhang family is willing to accept that Zhang Tian's feelings for his younger brother are not fake, but I hope they don't let them call the colleagues in the police station after they figure out how to figure out the trick.After a while, everyone has no objection to this.

Zhang Yunuan still has to go to work today._After Lin Chen drove her to the police station, she drove in the direction of the base. I didn't expect to receive a call from an unfamiliar number on the road_.Lin Chen_l___ I was curious and thought there was something else going on.I picked it up, but I didn't expect to hear Qi Hongyuan's arrogant voice: "Lin Xiaochen, you have changed and I have such a serious illness. I have suffered such a serious injury. You don't even care that I leave me there and run away. Come down. Fortunately, my luck is too big._Woooooo... ??

Lin Chen got goosebumps. He took the earphones two o'clock away. He really didn't want to hear Qi Hongyuan being a demon there.

In fact, Qi Hongyuan just said it casually.Someone has already told him secretly... Lin Chen took so many risks and worked so hard to save him.He also wanted to formally meet Erjian Scarlet Flame Beast and thank him.Wang Shi's tone returned to his seriousness, and he said hoarsely, "Thank you, Lin Chen, who is not used to such a polite and polite old classmate. He gently coughed twice to change the subject: "Are you okay? Hurry up and help, I happen to have sex on hand.Short of manpower. When Qi Hongyuan heard the spirit, he was most afraid of things. These two days, he was recovering from injuries and cultivating. He was almost free to come out of mushrooms. So he happily asked: "What is the official business?" Son?_ Didn't you want me to help you carry your suitor again? I'll go with you, and I'll never do that job again.Annoying to death every day. "

"..." Lin Chen was originally 4.8 and didn't want to pay attention to him.But thinking that things are imminent.. still said: "come to the base first. I'm on the way there now. I'm on the phone = two days and two days. I'm clear. See you. I'll tell you in detail." Qi Hongyuan responded. " OK." The two hung up the phone.

Coincidentally.After Lin Chen arrived at the base, as soon as he stopped the car, he saw a red sports car driving over not far away.When it stopped, it was also a non-mainstream wagging tail.Without looking at the license plate number or who the owner of the car is, it must be Qi Hongyuan's deity.He helped his forehead helplessly.. When will this old classmate be more serious? The helplessness in his eyes turned into a surprise when he saw Qi Hongyuan opening the car door = this young boy.What a blessing in disguise


043 very powerful

Lin Chen has yin and yang eyes. = Only pass through, . = Only see the sun, so the eyes are very powerful, just like fiery eyes and x-rays.After just this, he found that Qi Hongyuan's physical fitness was much tougher than before.Just the density of the muscles and the speed of the spiritual flow in the meridians of the body are faster than before, not a little bit.

You are rude and lightly hammered with your fist" = off Qi Hongyuan's shoulder._ Rarely grinned, _ "How do you feel?" Qi Hongyuan haha ​​= laugh, also unequivocal. Answered: "No = a little better.When I wake up, I feel that my body is not my own.Fluffy.As if all the impurities had been expelled.When I opened my eyes, I found that my body was still covered with a layer of black flat stuff. It smelled too bad.I thought I didn't choose a bath for half a month.Lao Jun gave me some exercises suitable for my practice. .Have mastered the basic essentials, I will hurry up not to come to you 27 e_What happened recently, please tell me quickly. 2"

Lin Chen nodded with some relief.Instead, he told Qi Hongyuan a series of things about the disaster in red clothes from the beginning.Qi Hongyuan frowned frequently as he listened. It took a lot of effort to endure it without saying "dirty".This red shirt is really annoying.It has been around for so long.. After so many things have happened, there is not a single word to tell Taijia what he really wants.It's just picking east and west, making people uneasy.Putting a few "shadow clones" out and slashing him like a soldier is a big move, brother."

The subordinates took the mobile phone in Lin Chen's hand and looked at the Taobao shop with a frown: "The address of the old lady can't be traced. Could it be that the other party is a virtual network address?,"

Although Lin Chen looked like he was on an online mess, he actually didn't know anything about these things.So I clicked the button. _ replied: "It was the result that I sent someone to check before. _ He said that only my mobile phone can open this web link and find this Taobao store. As for whether the address is fake or covered up. , let's take a look.. I don't really understand." The subordinates also know the old lady's urine.. Otherwise, do you need them as kings? He replied, "Okay."Just spread out._Start working.

Wang is Qi Hongyuan and Lin Chen said, "Then after you find the address this time, are you going to go directly to his nest? Will it be too rash?" The tone is a little worried [Lu "Oh? I didn't expect that one day You are all impulsive" will say that I am rash. "Looking at Qi Hongyuan with a half-smile but not smiling, he joked. lb.s Qi Hongyuan's face was too red... Wang Keke said the serious business!"

Lin Chen's tone became serious. _ "No way. The other party has already sent an invitation, how can I refuse? Besides, this matter has already been 003

It's been so long. It's time to find out what's going on with him.As for whether to take the risk or not, I would have gone alone... there is some danger, but this is not a coincidence, have you come back?" He raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

Qi Hongyuan suddenly had a black question mark face.OK. . he heard it _ he is a coolie.Just got back with a mission.Who is not a brick yet? Wherever it needs to be moved, Wang is resigned to his fate and raises his hand in a gesture of surrender.This matter has been talked about almost, and the subordinates have not had any results for the time being, _Qi Hongyuan said in a bored manner: "Why don't you bring the Scarlet Flame Beast with you 2 He should be a great help for this trip. Also, by the way, I formally met with him and thanked him.'

Lin Chen was stunned. .To tell the truth..he never considered this option before._The red flame beast just surrendered to him..Although there is an unspeakable tacit understanding between one person and two "cats".But firstly, will it be suspected that it is special [ ] Leary? Lin Chen is not a person who looks forward to the future.It's just that he clearly understands the experience of the previous owner of the red flame beast. _ He didn't want it to pay so much, but wanted to use his own strength to protect it well.. not hurt a little.

That red-clothed disaster is an ancient demon.Like the "Brahma" of the Red Flame Beast, it is located in the insect of the soil too little flame.And the eyes have gone through such a catastrophe in the endless hell. _He also absorbed a lot of resentful spirits, and he thought it was a lot stronger.Lin Chen didn't dare to take it beside him rashly. . If you encounter any danger, even if you are injured alone, you will never allow your "cat" to go down with you.After I figured this out... Chao Qi Hongyuan shook his head: "Next time! I'll introduce you to you when we come back. Don't laugh when you see him the first time." Lin Chen thought of the red flame beast turning into an orange cat From now on, that dazed look. Smile.I don't know how that guy is doing in Shen Qiu's place now_ Has he been fattened by that cat madman?

Qi Hongyuan thought for a while...and nodded.His proposal just now was indeed inappropriate.Yep.After coming back this time, he will definitely take two big gifts from the family and formally thank the Scarlet Flame Beast. "Boss!

came out of the industry"

An exclamation interrupted the thoughts of Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan.They all looked over there in unison.

"Old lady. Now we can only vaguely search for a little signal source., But we can be sure. If you chat with him 717, there will be fluctuations in the signal. We can find out from the fluctuation of the signal. The specific location of the id."


Lin Chen suddenly took over the phone and turned on the actor mode.He also didn't understand that since the red-clothed disaster knew that he had found this shop and paved the stairs for himself...why couldn't he be more straightforward.Tell him the address? Do you just like to watch yourself acting? _Yes__ After this matter is over, you can consider changing careers and trying to be an actor.

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