"Boss, are you there?"

"Dear, hello, what can I help you with?" Lin Chen replied with a string of text just after the break.Can't help but stunned, yes.This reply speed _. Very Taobao.

"I was introduced by the Tarot Master. She said that you have some tricky gadgets here to help me solve the troubles in my life_" Oh ~ it turns out to be an old customer.Please tell me what troubles you have? Can you tell me about it, Wei?"

Lin Chen was a little desperate to make it up again.But after thinking about it, I still can't copy and paste it. It's been a day since I chatted with the Tarot Master. On this day. _ My own resentment should have grown a lot. And finally came to this shop to buy things. . so the dissatisfaction in the tone is aggravated.


044 So Serious

Qi Hongyuan and Wu Yangyang's gang watched their old lady sell pity cards here, and they couldn't accept it for a while.Sure enough, her own wise old lady.Wang Qi is so serious about everything. Professional.

After chatting for a while, the person over there sent a string of links__ "I already understand your situation too much. How about you take a look at this product? Whether it suits you or not 3 people in the workplace will inevitably drink it. Drink coffee to refresh._This product can be mixed with the coffee powder that the other party often drinks. If you just want to make him have diarrhea, remember to put two points less. But if you want him to completely disappear from your life Then you have to take it for a long time. The effect will gradually show up. Don't worry about it. As for how to choose, it is up to you. It is also your decision whether to place an order or not. Squinting. Through the screen and the photo, he can feel the corpse gas emanating from the pile of powder on the opposite side. It sounds nice. Drinking just a little bit will make people have diarrhea? It's not just diarrhea, it's good for the stomach On the one hand, the effect of breaking and corrosion is incomparable with sulfuric acid, but it is also an irreparable damage.

This gray-white powder is used to bury people who are deviated from the eight characters in the place of gathering spirits in the feng shui strange yin. After the body gradually decays and only a handful of bones are left, it will be dug out and burned by the underworld.

Because the three souls and seven souls within the body of a person who is buried alive cannot be completely separated from the body.So there is still a trace of resentment between the flesh and blood, and they are buried in a strange place, where the feng shui & can raise this kind of resentment.Let them grow and penetrate deeply into every inch of bone marrow.When the beauty of the body is exposed and the bones are exposed, it is the time when the resentment has been cultivated to the extreme.At this time, the corpse powder dug up and burned into ashes with summer fire has a strong curse effect.Short-term use will cause irreparable damage to the body's functions. _ And long-term use will suck the user's anger little by little, until the whole person is controlled by resentment.

In the end, the Yintang turned black and the whole body turned purple. The body began to break down from the inside out. The functional areas of the internal organs stagnated.Finally died in good faith.In fact, it has already formed withered at the time of death. It can be called a vicious method of soil division.But this method of killing people in an invisible hospital cannot detect what the patient is taking.At most, I thought it was a new type of drug.It was too late to be sent to a drug rehab center, and everyone would feel that his fate was self-inflicted.Bi Tong cherishes life, and is also away from drugs.

Lin Chen's eyes have begun to burn (see

The strong flames in the west cluster.. This kind of corpse powder must be buried alive by the living people.. What is the method of the red clothes to bring disaster to the world? Call the police? Or someone called the police.It didn't attract the attention of the police and it was just so hastily... Is it because he was acting too secretly.. or the police station db

of people are bigger than in name 3

Lin Chen snorted "_yeah".With a sigh of relief, the gods who smashed the phone and looked at each other in dismay.No one dared to speak.They were shocked by the aura of the two-meter person behind their old lady to such a low air pressure, and it was the second time they felt so famous beside Lin Chen.Who has such great ability to make the boss so angry? After a while, Lin Chen calmed down and pretended to hesitate for a long time.placed an order.When I placed the order, I found that the price was changed to zero yuan. So the curious boss said: "Boss, I want to place an order, but why has the price changed to zero yuan?"

On the opposite side, there is an input. He quickly replied: "Haha. My things are only sold to people who are destined. You were introduced by Master Tarot, and she and I are old friends. Shan must think that I have fate with you.. So I won't take your money. If you feel bad about it, then we might as well make a deal - I'll give you these things for nothing. Then you promise me a condition__ How about?" Lin Chen's mouth curled Promise a condition with a smile.. is the point of the end jade coming? Wang is so quick to reply that the word "good" is not enough. _ added: "If your things can really make that person from me Completely disappear in the world.. I promise you anything you want. Don't say it's a condition.. Ten or hundreds of them are no problem."

_ "Haha, don't do this, sir, _ one is enough. Word of mouth is useless. _ How about we sign an electronic agreement 1"

"Yes." Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.He now seems to be beginning to understand why Zhang Yu has the feeling that he is being manipulated by the world in red.I'm afraid the problem lies in this agreement.What seems to be an ordinary electronic agreement is actually something that looks like a contract of sale.It's like selling your soul to the other party and accepting the other party as your own master.

If he guessed correctly.. the end of this agreement is not to sign what kind of symbol the shop owner will make him draw 2

Sure enough, just after the electronic agreement was sent, I saw the other party said __ ""It's just a joke agreement.. We don't need to make it so formal, so we don't need to sign the real name. How about drawing a random symbol3"

"Oh? What symbol?" Lin Chen asked in cooperation with him.

He saw a relatively simple seal script sign sent from the opposite side. As expected, it was a contract of sale with an electronic agreement. ,

Of course Lin Chen would not sign with him.This deed of prostitution did not have any effect on him.After all, his character and soul score are solid.It's not just any casual deed to sell his soul that can take away a share of his soul.

But for the sake of small (good) hearts.He still took out a yellow talisman from his pocket. . With the hair torn into the shape of a villain and then biting the index finger _ apply a drop of blood on it.

I saw that the little man suddenly seemed to have a soul, moved, and got up.He manipulated the villain to draw the symbol on the phone screen. The agreement was reached.

The boss over there smiled with satisfaction: "Mr. is really a cheerful person. You can place an order. I will give you the specific usage method after the order is not completed."

"Okay." Lin Chen quickly clicked to confirm the payment and looked impatient.Then the nausea of ​​the ninja heartworm finished listening to the usage taught by the store owner.In the end, it seemed like a random mention, _"Then when will you ask me to cash our transaction?"_"Hahaha. Don't worry about the integrity of the store, sir. It will be honored after your wish is fulfilled. When _. I will take the initiative to contact you."


045 The Conversation

The subordinate gave Lin Chen an ok gesture, and Lin Chen quickly ended the conversation and was willing to argue with this black-hearted seller again.

Seeing Lin Chen put down his phone, his subordinates quickly said: "The old lady is on the border of the magic sea, and it takes three hours to drive. But it's not a remote place. It's the bustling city of insect hearts. I just used the map to locate the location, and found that it is in an office building e. But what kind of office building is it? You can only see it there. Boss. Are you going there? Do you need us to prepare it? Wei" Lin Chen refused without thinking.Although his subordinates can use high-tech computers, they can't compete with opponents like the red-clothed disaster. He is going to test the depth of the opponent.Instead of leading the brothers to die together.So he said decisively: "You can just stay at the base and the protection of the base can't be broken by outsiders. Without my order... I'm not allowed to take the initiative to go out."

The Tai family nodded in agreement. Although Du Shifen was worried about Lin Chen's safety. . But habitually will not refuse any orders from the old lady. 317 Lin Chen copied a copy of the county body address and left with Qi Hong from the far west. He slept too late last night to deal with Zhang Yu's affairs. Jin Yu In the morning, I got up at the usual time again, and it was inevitable that I had some bad spirits.

Qi Hongyuan found out _ and said to him, "It's three hours away, I'll drive the car, you squinting = I know e"

Lin Chen was not polite to him either. He nodded and went to the co-pilot.

Qi Hongyuan looked at Lin Chen, whose breathing quickly became even after closing his eyes and shook his head. This guy has been very cruel to himself since he was in school. His brain is much smarter than others. He has to pay twice as much. He has worked hard to get to where he is today.It is inseparable from hard work.Been together for so long. . Qi Hongyuan has not seen anyone who can give his old classmates a headache.He was accustomed to Lin Chen's steady victorious look.

What is the origin of the enemy Eryi in red this time? Can he be so nervous? You must be careful when you meet Er today.

Qi Hongyuan chose the most remote road according to the navigation. Why (cheal__ choose this road?. Of course, because there are no red lights and exploration... The traffic in Mohai City can be said to be a headache. Although this road goes far, but at his speed, it should be much faster than other roads.

Sure enough, two people in less than three hours

I have already arrived at the writing heart 76 written on the address.




The second time the car stopped, Lin Chen came over.He always sleeps lightly and is very alert. Bans

Wake up when there is movement.snort the c5

Face, let himself be awake, he opened the door and got out of the car.Take a look around and take a look at the surrounding environment. This is a business district that is still under construction. There are many office buildings around. But if it is considered to be very busy, it should be that the shops that have just been built are all just settled in, and the flow of people Before being led here, Lin Chen looked at the address, and when he walked into the office building called "Shuanglong Tai Building", he found that the first to ten soil floors of this Tai Building were all contracted by a financial company.Only the eighteenth floor is rented to others.That is, the Taobao shop that attracted Lin Chen's bait.

It took a while for the staff to find out that the eighteenth floor had already been signed out before their company settled in this kind of building. They also just thought that the tenth floor was unlucky, so they moved in.After her reminder, Lin Chentu found out. .Although the surrounding towers are also several layers of soil.But if you look closely, you can see that all the stains are on the tenth floor, but this building has more i=- floors.Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan looked at each other, and both noticed the doubts of each other's Euglena == It stands to reason that this piece of real estate should be built by a developer. _ Why are there different numbers of layers?

. To suppress the puzzled mind:.After thanking the person who had just inquired, the two walked towards the elevator.

After going up to the eighteenth floor, I found that the scene in front of me is normal. The eighteenth floor has been decorated, it is the scene of reinforced concrete and cement, and there are sundries and express parcels piled up everywhere.. It looks just like It is the warehouse of a normal Taobao seller, although it is on the border of the magic sea.Transportation is more convenient.It can be regarded as a courier hub to build a warehouse here, which is also very reasonable.But Lin Chen didn't think so. This warehouse gave him a very strange feeling.But even his yin and yang eyes couldn't see anything wrong.Either this place is really just a warehouse or this blindfold was set up by someone with higher spells than him._ So he couldn't see through it.Thinking of the latter situation _ couldn't help frowning.

At this time, the staff discovered the existence of the two of them, so they stepped up and said, "Two gentlemen, this is our joint library. Non-staff members are not allowed to enter. Please hear what is going on with the two of you?"

The tone is a bit bad _. It seems that they didn't see the sign written in the room? Non-staff are not allowed to enter. _ Even if you accidentally pressed the eighteenth floor and came here by accident, then you should see the sign. back out.Instead of breaking in and looking around.

If Lin Chen just felt something was wrong, then seeing this tally clerk can be sure that his feeling is not wrong.

The courier entry clerk in front of him is actually a very meticulously made puppet = he already has a trace of his own consciousness.As for this fleshly body, he can't understand it.. General puppets are made of carefully carved puppets or stone statues.As for the little piece of paper before him, it was just a temporary joke. But the person in front of him, Lin Chen, can be sure that his physical body is real.

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