Thinking of the behavior of the devil in red, it became clear.He must have injected a trace of his soul with a dead body or directly with a living person.

Although he had already seen the truth of the matter, Lin Chen did not react on the surface.Instead, he dragged Qi Hongyuan to apologize to the "person" in front of him: "I'm sorry. We are in the company downstairs. I just entered the company and didn't know the rules. Looking at the mystery, I wanted to come in and see where it was. 3 Sorry_for you Cause trouble. We'll leave now."

Qi Hongyuan = His face was covered, but he still followed Lin Chen away.

When he got out of the elevator, he broke free and Lin Chen asked inexplicably, "What are you doing? There's obviously something weird in that place._Why did you just leave like this?"


046 Unbelievable

Lin Chen was a little unbelievable.Is the current cultivation base of the old classmate enough to see that there is something weird there? If it was the former Qi Hongyuan, he must have been caught out by himself, and he didn't know what happened. _ "Do you see something weird?" Lin Chen asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, the puppet in front of me is obviously made of human body. I can still vaguely feel a little bit of anger. It's just that the place is strange. Why is it just ordinary goods, and I don't feel anything wrong... .." Lin Chen listened to Qi Hongyuan's answer. Only then did his heart gradually relax.It seems that he didn't realize that everything on the eighteenth floor was a cover-up for the red clothes to bring disaster to the world.

Since Lin Chen couldn't see it at first, it proves that the spell in red clothes is much higher than his, so naturally Qi Hongyuan is not his opponent.Although I feel that Qi Hongyuan is an extra help, I don't want my old classmates to be in danger, especially in such a dangerous situation.

So he coaxed Qi Hongyuan and said: "Let's find a hotel to stay in first. It's just a puppet. The murderer behind the scenes has not yet appeared. We have to wait, don't worry. Now we can't make any moves. "Lin Chen is serious about making up nonsense, it's a set of things.Qi Hongyuan was also fooled into believing it was true.

Of course, two Taili people do not have the habit of sharing a room.They went back to their rooms.Lin Chen told Qi Hongyuan to take a good rest. Just when he didn't pay attention to set up a barrier at his door and he entered the door himself, he didn't rest.For the first time, I really started to draw spells.You must know that he used to draw these things casually. It was common for him to close his eyes.After all, he is dealing with opponents who are not very strong and do not need to be taken seriously. But this time it is different. He seriously feels the threat from the opponent.Not only that. Lin Chen also deliberately avoided the time at [-] o'clock in the evening, because this time the air resistance was the heaviest. To be honest, he was a little less confident this time.So avoid the most favorable time period for the other party.As soon as two o'clock arrived, I left room B through the window.. I didn't go too far. Because he was afraid of disturbing Qi Hongyuan, he had to make a noise and come with him. [-] did not expect, to the hotel downstairs when.But he saw Qi Hongyuan leaning on the car, with a pestle there...with a cigarette in his mouth...a cigarette butt all over the place, he should have been waiting_Lin Chenzuiyu twitched twice. He sighed, but didn't say anything. Pulled Opening the door and getting into the car is sometimes too tacit.

is not good.The two have been together for so long, and their understanding of each other is that Lin Chenzhu lied at half past two. Qi Hongyuan already knew his intentions.When I wanted to get out of the door to find out about him, I found that Eguchi had already been set up with a barrier.. So I ordered ral6 from the window.

The household jumped down.Waiting for him here.

l0 thinks that the first time is the west hour u8q33

The longer he waited for Qi Hongyuan, the more shocked he became.Always proud and confident like Lin Chen, this time, he will deliberately avoid the time period from 1:[-] to [-]:[-].Is he afraid of losing himself? This idiot insists on not taking him in such a dangerous situation.Rather have to face it alone.When will this character change? The two of them didn't speak all the way. Lin Chen knew that what he did was wrong. But he couldn't keep his face down.Qi Hongyuan also kept his breath.When I thought about the time when I had already reached the entrance of Shuanglong Taikou.Lin Chen opened his mouth and said: "You still don't want to go in. How about meeting me outside?"

Qi Hongyuan heard a cold snort...Taibu walked forward.Went around in front of Lin Chen._ Walked in first.

Lin Chen was a little helpless... But he had to follow up quickly, for fear that something would happen to him.It wasn't that he doubted Qi Hongyuan's strength.But he just woke up. _Have mastered the method of cultivation.In fact, he has not fully controlled his own mana.Although his body is quite full of spiritual energy right now and his meridians are quite good, it can only be said to be two vases with a little bit of strength.

Lin Chen didn't want to hit him, so he didn't say anything. This guy insisted on following up, which is really annoying.The two came to the eighteenth floor... but found that everything in front of them was exactly the same as when they came in the afternoon. Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that what the red-clothed disaster said at the time was that he wanted to meet the country himself.. He didn't say that he wanted to meet Qi Hongyuan. So does it mean that as long as Qi Hongyuan is here, he will not come forward.

ask for flowers::_:_:_

After figuring this out, Lin Chen said to Qi Hongyuan, "Hongyuan, you go out. You are here. He won't show up. Wait for me outside, it's alright."

Qi Hongyuan looked at the surrounding mountains and found that there was no change.Can only agree with him.Back off in the elevator.Sure enough. As soon as the number on the elevator dropped, Lin Chen found that the scene in front of him had undergone an earth-shaking change = two of the originally cluttered items disappeared, and the lights dimmed instantly. There was smoke and dew in front of him. Seeing the five fingers, Lin Chen felt a little bit of panic in his heart. Although he had Yin-Yang eyes, he didn't open his heavenly eyes, and now he didn't know where he was at all.I don't even know where my opponent is.This situation is very unfavorable for him.When you calm down, you can't see it, but you can use the sound to identify the direction.Sure enough. With a slight noise, Lin Chen felt a gust of wind blowing, and hurriedly avoided his body.A few strands of hair were still shaved off.The alarm bell in his heart was too loud, but on the surface he looked calm. He said in an airy voice, "What is the dignified red lotus industry, and now you have to do these sneaky deeds. Don't you feel ashamed?"" Sure enough, after Lin Chen roared this sentence, he felt the black dew all over his body gradually dissipating. After retreating, the eighteenth floor regained its light. It was just that the light was not an incandescent rainbow._It was the purple-red light from the burning red lotus karmic fire he had seen in hell before. With a mocking sound ..a young man in red appeared in front of Lin Chen_"Dangtang?. I didn't expect to hear someone call me that after a thousand years.On this basis, boy.. spare your life today. ."

Lin Chen felt inexplicable _ the person in front of him was happyBut he didn't dare to relax at all...Yiri Chu Wang was in a state of alert.

"Don't be nervous.. I asked you to come here today, what are you doing? _I just want you to stop meddling in my affairs. To take revenge, to take revenge, you and I. There is no feud. But you give I've caused a lot of trouble. Boy now I can stop


047 Official fight

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly. He was actually a little curious. At that time, he looked up the books and found only a few words, but there was no detailed explanation. However, the books seemed to vaguely reflect the time of the battle for the throne back then. Red Lotus Karma has been treated unfairly.But there is no detailed explanation as to how.As if deliberately avoiding.

Hearing him say this today, it is certain that it was in that incident back then.There are quite a few people who have stymied the Red Lotus Industry for their vested interests... that's why he has to escape from hell and take revenge on the world.

Lin Chen is not the type of holy white lotus who asks others to take revenge with virtue. He has always advocated revenge for revenge... = code return - code.After hearing what the red-clothed woe said, he actually had some hesitations from the "Nine Earth" masters who called him to deal with this matter and did not explain the detailed situation.He didn't know who was on the right side in that dispute.

After thinking for a while, his master has been wandering between the three realms. He never felt that it was a power that favored which realm. The reason why she let herself come to participate in this matter could only be one, so it was the red-clothed disaster. Some of the methods of revenge are too extreme, not according to his own words, "revenge for revenge, revenge for grievances".

That's why Lin Chen didn't believe what nonsense he said, it's fake if it has nothing to do with him" It's true that he blocked his way.Now that he is talking about letting go of what he wants to come, it is also his plan that has now reached a critical moment.And his own appearance messed up his process, so it was better to do less than one thing, so he planned to throw himself aside to be transparent in his heart... but he didn't show it on the face.With a smile on his face, he asked, "Then how are you going to let me go?" The red-clothed disaster bowed his head and signed a sign, even a bit charming, throwing out two seductive promises: "You don't want to be involved in my affairs anymore. , I won't touch the people you protect. You lead your people away from Mohai... I will naturally not trouble you again." Say this to others and they may change their minds.After all, when faced with troubled times, who is not thinking about guarding their own one-third of an acre of land... and taking their wife and children away from disputes.But this is not the case for Lin Chen. He really wants to protect the person, but he is very serious. He clearly knows that what he wants to protect is the word of safety on this side. .and not just the safety of those around you.If the whole magic sea is in chaos, who would dare to say that they can find that paradise."


hand over

I don't want to hang out with the people in front of me anymore

He could see it. This red-clothed calamity is just a bit of truth and a bit of falsehood.It is estimated that he himself does not know the reason why he is willing to tell himself so much. I am afraid that after absorbing the undead of the Infernal Hell, he didn't bother to absorb their power. Instead, he suffered some night bites, which caused him to have some power now. Confused.The reason why Lin Chen dared to think so.It's because in his concept, he can never say anything if he can do it. If the other party has enough confidence and strength, he can crush him.What are you talking about here? Bi Yi, in the face of absolute strength, all skills are useless.After I figured this out, I no longer hesitated, directly stimulated the power in my body, punched out the prepared spell and carried it to all directions, forming a gossip formation. I wanted to trap the red clothes and bring disaster to the world.

Hongyi saw Dao Lin Chen's reaction.The complexion changed.He snorted coldly: "Toast, don't eat fine wine," before he finished speaking, he shot back and saw that the spell that Lin Chen had just carried out melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye under the counterattack of the red-clothed disaster, and did not pose any threat. effect.Seeing this, Hongyi sneered: "You don't think that this kind of Taoist pediatrician can trap me. It's too small to underestimate the ancient sages." Saibao frowned. Close your mouth. It seems that I just said something that made me feel very unpleasant.

Lin Chen didn't miss his reaction and raised his eyebrows curiously, "Ancient Sacred Fire"? As far as he knows.Isn't the Red Lotus Karmic Fire a holy thing? It's a demon young man-. But he actually said that he was a holy young master? After speaking, he was very regretful and obviously did not want to mention the past.

But the current situation obviously couldn't help Lin Chen to think about it.He pouted and replied with a smile: "Oh, is it really useless?" When he was speaking, he stared at the right hand that had just touched the spells in his red clothes. It looks like it's burnt.The wound exudes a golden-red light, and this light continues to spread along his meridians toward the arm..._山山-

The red-clothed calamity followed his eyes, and found the strangeness of his right hand.The area of ​​the wound was so small that he hardly noticed it, but now he suddenly found that he was panicking for a second.Immediately using his magic power, he wanted to force the ray of light out of his body.It's just that the light seems to be like a maggot attached to the bone, and it can't get rid of it.

He frowned impatiently and said with gritted teeth:. "What are you using? 3 is the same as those gangsters. They also like to play pussy!"

"Also 3. Who else likes to play yin 3?" Lin Chen didn't answer his question... but asked instead.

Hongyi didn't answer. Obviously he didn't want to mention it._ He just looked at Lin Chen viciously.

Lin Chen shrugged. Knowing that he would not answer him, he said it in a leisurely manner. "It's not a hindrance. It's just a little bit of Zhiyang's flame. How do you feel... don't you feel bad?" Lin Chenjian was a little confused. Of course, he knew in his heart that the other party was not feeling well.The Red Lotus Karmic Fire belongs to the flame of the ultimate yin and evil, and his nemesis should be 4.0, which is _ - the same level, but represents the masculine holy fire.The "Dream Sky" of the red flame beast is exactly one of them. .He had deliberately collected the Chiyan Beast's Biyan for emergency use, but he didn't expect it to be used today.Because he and Honglian Yebi would fight like two people, in fact, no one can take advantage of it because the two people's physiques are both yin and current strengths are similar, if they really want to fight to the death or die.I am afraid that in the end it will be both losers.But with this red lotus karmic fire's nemesis, it will be different_Lin Chen can now be said to have completely mastered the opponent's lifeline.After hearing this, Red Lotus Karmic Fire froze again.But I also know that if this is really the Holy Fire, then I am struggling and there is no room to return it.So he gave up the mana confrontation, and turned to deal with Lin Chenlai. [-]


048 I underestimate you

"I underestimated you before. I didn't think that you could even collect Shengbi. There are indeed two brushes. You are qualified to be my opponent."

Lin Chen listened.Almost made a sound.Listening to this, why is it so Zhong Erwei? Could it be that such a TV series was popular in ancient times? Before I could get distracted, I found that the other party's whole body was condensed with two pieces of black dew. There were faces in the black dew.Only then did I realize that the black fog was actually composed of countless resentful spirits. Their facial expressions were distorted, and there was a choking cry from their mouths.

Lin Chen only felt that there was a lot of noise in his ears, and his mental strength was disturbed a little by the other party.He didn't know what the other party was doing.It's just that there is a bad feeling somewhere.He wanted to stop it, but found that it was all in vain. He threw the spell forward, but it could only break the black layer of the surface.One less layer __ There is another two layers below.As many spells are destroyed, they will be reborn. It seems to be endless.Continuously using the law to manipulate the spell, Lin Chen was already a little tired.. = Sweat fell from his forehead.

"You don't have to work hard to support the endless resentment. How can you kill it? I've already said all my good words. _Since you are stubborn, then just wait = die!" He actually didn't He knows too much about the flesh of mortals in Linchen District.It's just the yin and yang eyes. Why should I manage these chores in the world.. have a relationship with him for half a dime? .Ha ha.Self-inflicted suffering.Lin Chen looked at the oncoming black mist, and couldn't help but smiled bitterly.He finally knew that the other party had gathered this bunch of resentful spirits. If he couldn't digest the jade in his body, he would force it out of the body, and then let them explode and die. Such a large number of resentful spirits exploded collectively.Even Lin Chen would definitely be unable to bear such power.

Looking at the wall behind him. There is no way to retreat. . I had to concentrate all the mana in my body at one point, and I wanted to be hard on the front.Unfortunately time is not enough. The opponent seemed to have seen through Lin Chen's plan to enlist. The black dew quickly moved in front of Lin Chen's eyes.

He couldn't help but close his eyes. Although this blow would not make him disappear... but it was also seriously injured.It has been a month since I needed to stay in bed to recover from my injuries. After a while... I am afraid that the plan to bring disaster to the world in red will be finished? No one would have thought that it would be just a second before the black fog exploded... in front of Lin Chen. = [-] - a red shadow flashed by _ directly carried the black mist back.

Open your eyes_I can't figure out the current situation when I see the scene in front of me == Who is this red-haired boy in front of me, why did I save my face in a crisis and still have a fresh face_It's just this fiery red hair color No matter how you look at it, it feels familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it. log


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