Flying Biography


The world in red was stunned to see this.He really didn't think of why Chi Yan would appear beside Lin Chen... It was still such an urgent moment.He just didn't notice that Lin Chen was asking for help from a dark worm.When he saw that the other party had a helper, he stopped. After all, his current state was not good. At his current level, he would be tied with Lin Chen, and with the help of the Chiyan Beast, he would definitely be at a disadvantage.Wang Shi didn't make fun of himself, he was retreating.

Before retreating, let me know the situation in front of me, _"Old friend, long time no see""

After Chi Yan heard it, he didn't answer or stood there in a defensive posture.Protected in front of Lin Chen.

Hongyi's face changed after seeing his reaction,

Finally, he began to seriously ask: "Are you going to interfere in my affairs too?" "He is my master" The red flame beast, who has been silent for a long time, finally opened his mouth, but the words he said made the red lotus karma feel shocked by the world. = 1 _ The inheritor of the ancient saints actually found a master.He exaggeratedly poked out his ears to prove that he heard it right.Immediately, Ling laughed and said: "Did Chi Yan's incident hit you so badly? As for you, you couldn't recover _. What. After staying in Kunqi for so long, your brain froze and [-]_ actually became a spiritual pet?" Said Ended up laughing too much.Lin Chen has recovered from the shock just now. Although he still can't understand how his kitten can transform into a human form, after listening to what Hong Yi said, the surrounding aura instantly formed ice slag. How to say He doesn't care about the people around him.There must be no disrespect. Just as he was about to move his hair, he was stopped by the young man in front of him raising his hand.Chi Yan replied calmly without any reaction. "I don't remember the past. I'm too lazy to care about yours, but you can't move this person." The tone was indifferent but unquestionable.

"Oh? Then I'm going to try

Why don't you move." As soon as the voice fell, he launched an attack on the black room for a while, so that Lin Chen couldn't open his eyes, _ could only pull Chi Yan back. Wait until the dark room spread out a little. There is also the trace of the disaster in red, Lin Chen looked at Chi Yan, and before he could say anything, he saw the figure of the other party gradually fade away, and then he realized that there was only a clone in front of him. It was just that the situation was urgent, whether he was still Hongyi didn't have time to distinguish clearly and was fooled like this.

Lin Chen also hurriedly left here until he was not the kind of person who knew that he was too hard on his priorities.

Qi Hongyuan kept standing in the mouth of Guang A listening to the movement inside.Seeing that Lin Chen came out safe and sound, he finally let out a breath.It's not that he is greedy for life and fear of death, but when he heard the sound of fighting and wanted Di to go in. He found that the entire building was enchanted. _ It couldn't be broken.Can't get in.

Ignoring Qi Hongyuan's eyes, he immediately drove him back to the sea of ​​magic.The car was too Zhi to describe the situation, and the Westerners agreed to go to Chi Yan to ask clearly.

After rushing all night, they finally arrived at Shen Qie's apartment l1 when it was dawn.Without disturbing the two who were still sleeping, _ looked around for the cat.But could not find it.Since Shen Mi didn't tell him that the cat was lost, the whole house was left with only Shen Qi and Shen Qiu's bedroom.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth. He didn't know Chi Yan could talk to a human figure before, otherwise he would never have so much contact with Bian Qi.This color cat.Every time I go to be held in my arms by Shen Qiu, it must be refreshing...*.

Holding a trace of luck._Lin Chen went to Bianmu's bedroom and looked around, but didn't find the cat.He took a long breath and then gently woke her up and asked her to help her go to her sister's house to carry the cat out.Deep and sleepy, dazed and dazed.I didn't ask him if he was looking for Cat Yu.. just went straight. _


050 some nervousness

There was some tension. _ The little police officer who had just eased over shuddered when he heard his serious tone.He quickly responded and instructed his colleagues around him to seal off the scene, and then screened out suspicious people from all the surveillance footage.

It's strange to say it _ Before Lin Chen came over, they seemed to be thinking that it must be the case of a water ghost.. I don't think there is anything unusual about people coming in and out in the surveillance video? But after watching it again, I feel suspicious. There are a handful of people, so they are listed one by one without hesitation three black lines.I'm not mistaken 4 Are these police officers really professional? How many people are there in total?Why are there three suspects listed on the paper

Lin Chen resisted the urge to throw the three pieces of paper on his face. . Decided to give this group of wine bags and rice bags a good lesson.Tell them that heads are not for decoration. , not to mention the two grow up like this, they can't be a vase.Originally, I wanted them to first screen and find a room to sleep in = sleep to replenish their spirits.I didn't expect to be sobered up by the anger. .I didn't expect them to be of any help, and directly led people to 460. _Check the surveillance video in front of the computer z=He should fast-forward again. Otherwise, the list can't be carried and avoided perfectly. All the right suspects.

Police officer Xiao Yang followed behind Lin Chen. His back was almost wet.What the hell did he do? He just graduated from the police academy and got a job at a nearby police station because of his family connections. But he didn't expect that he would encounter so many things when he first took office.,Have to follow Around this great Buddha.. May [-] something can't be done. Wouldn't the job be smashed? After thinking about it, I didn't realize that Lin Chen who was in front of him had stopped and his nose hit his back. superior.

Lin Chen turned around in disgust... looked at him and said, _ "Wake up. Stop sleepwalking. _ I can't eat you, and I don't need your child's urine to exorcise ghosts. Please give me all the videos. Play it twice from the beginning. Play eight frames at the same time and go to thirty-two."

Xiao Wang's face turned red after hearing this.He hurriedly stepped forward and started playing the video for Lin Chen, but he didn't notice the number and speed of the inhuman.What I thought in my mind was. How did this grandfather know that I was still a "boy"? It's really embarrassing..

Lin Chen didn't take his eyes off the computer screen in front of him. It was obviously 3 times faster.He still felt a little slow... Mo Jinfei had been dealing with that red-clothed disaster recently. _Xiuwei has grown again 80, so he calmly changed the speed to [-] under the astonished eyes of everyone around him.[-] after the change

When I felt refreshed.. I sighed silently in my heart: I can. Finally, I don't feel sleepy.It can be refreshing!

The police officers of the second enterprise headed by > Yang looked at the flying scene in front of them. They knew exactly what they could see at such a fast speed, so they swallowed one by one.Looking at Lin Chen eagerly, waiting for his command, of course, Lin Chen didn't disappoint.Although the speed is fast for him, every picture is reflected in his mind. _ "Stop the first station." Lin Chen said, but Xiao Yang's reaction was so quick that he seemed to be ready for a long time, waiting to instruct Lin Chen to finish saying these words and continue watching the video.After the eight computers stopped one after another, he said: "Record all the people in these eight pictures. After checking their information, bring them here._" After a pause, he added: " By the way. Call the person in charge of this resort as well." That's odd.Lin Chen hasn't seen the person in charge for so long since he arrived here in the morning.It stands to reason that it shouldn't be. Shouldn't they jump up and down in a hurry when such a big thing happens? Instead, it is = = deputy (ahfj__) has nothing to do with their high-hanging attitude, and they are not worried about how this matter will affect them. What is the negative impact of your own resort, _so that the imperial name is famous. The number of tourists has decreased.Xiao Yang hurriedly nodded to indicate that he knew.He was agile in this theory, and quickly found out the information of the suspect in the picture.However, this credit can't really be counted on his head. The police have their own systems.information about each individual.Just enter the name and it will come out.He also checked the registration records of everyone entering and leaving the resort through photos, and then collected data.

But after Lin Chen got the information, he still gave him an encouraging smile... Xiao Yang suddenly felt like he was standing there like a spring breeze and couldn't move.

Lin Chen looked at the information in his hand. After a while. .The manager of the resort trotted all the way.

Lin Chen didn't understand even more after seeing his attitude.Why didn't you think about it at all before.Now he is flattering and flattering on his face. 3 After tilting his head for a second, Xiao Yang realized that the resort here can last for such a long time, and it is also attracting high-spending people. They must have some background. They are not afraid of the local police. strength.Therefore, before Lin Chen came, he had no intention of actively cooperating.However, after Lin Chen came, I heard that it was a high-level officer transferred from the Magic Sea General Administration. _ That's why I get nervous.

Lin Chen frowned and looked at the shiny, middle-aged man in the Mediterranean Sea in front of him.In fact, I am thinking about a question that has nothing to do with this matter, _The resort does not need [face? Why let such an ugly person be the manager?

With a dry cough, I broke my unrealistic thoughts. .Opened his mouth and said:_"Manager Li, I was transferred from the Mohai Police Department to be responsible for this case. I want to know if there has been a murder in your resort before?" Lin Chen's tone was gentle, but he seemed to be casual, but he directly referred to Manager Li. Frightened out of two cold Wang.After reacting, he quickly shook his head and said: _"No, no, there is no such thing". Our side has always been safe and sound. "

Looking at his stammering appearance, Lin Chen knew that there was a ghost in his heart. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. So he said in a contemplative voice, "Manager Li doesn't report what he knows, and he doesn't assist the police in the investigation. This is a crime. You can think about it." The words were decisive, as if they were stuck in Manager Li's heart.

I saw that Manager Li's face turned pale by two degrees. He wanted to deny it. Lin Chen's eyes turned back with a smile as soon as he opened his mouth.


051 Coordination to solve

I saw him take a long sigh._ As if accepting his fate, he said slowly: "To tell the police officer Lin that something happened. I remember it very clearly. Last year, a couple came to us... They are still too students. ..It seems to be commemorating the first anniversary of being together, _ so I saved money and went out to play once. I was happy when I came here.. I don’t know that it will be too noisy and noisy in the middle of the night after two days. It makes the next door sleepless It's good that we came forward and coordinated to solve the trick.

Unexpectedly, the girl checked out alone early the next morning, and we found the boy's body floating in the air. It was too late when we found it. "The organs are about to be soaked and they will definitely not be able to be rescued. Then we Reported to the police, the police investigation result was suicide. We felt that this had a bad impact on the resort. We had to find a lot of faults to suppress this matter. No one mentioned it again. The police officers did not come today. Come to think of it. You are the only one who can see things clearly!" Since Manager Li decided to say it, he will no longer hide it. After he finished speaking, he made a loud flattery, but Lin Chen didn't show any interest in this.

He actually feels a little disgusting now. If it is said that Xiao Yang She mentions... because he is a newcomer and doesn't know, what about the rest of the people? Handling cases is not business. I don't need you to be slick, but now everyone is slippery like a loach. They all adhere to the principle that more things are worse than less things, and talk less.Not much to do.Mixed with official food to eat. It is a day to be able to mix one to five.He also understands why this ordinary case was named "Water Ghost" before he came. There is no need to investigate and take responsibility for the unsolved cases~!_ ,

The mountain in my heart was uneasy and didn't want to say anything more.Directly let Xiao Yang call up the case file of that year.Although Xiao Yang is also a mess. , but the newcomer has not been so accidental.At this moment, there is also some anger in my heart. This is the first time that the king has faced Lin Chen. There is no tension at all. The deceased in that case is called Wei Bin.Looks good.So the university caught up with Liu Xiao and became his girlfriend. _Here for vacation is money that the boys have saved for a long time.I hope this jade will give her a surprise on her girlfriend's birthday, but she didn't expect to end up unhappy and even commit suicide.Dossier for previous relationships between boys and girls. After the boy committed suicide, the girl's reaction was vague. Thinking about it, the forensic doctor concluded the case after he committed suicide. In addition, the people at the resort were responsible for it, and he didn't investigate it carefully.

A dossier with little information.Lin Chen put it aside after ten lines of fatness, but he was curious about the name "Liu Xiaoqi". Yu called out her information.

I was stunned when I saw the photo.. Then I laughed out loud, _"Manager Li, do you think I'm a fool or do you want to see if I can check the information?"

planed small,


Manager Li's eyes softened after hearing this: - Cold sweat dripped down directly.He knows the useless heart[6

How can the high-level executives of Shanghai Mohai Headquarters be sent away in three or two days.superior

If something happens to the face, he will be pushed out

Come on, it really sucks.


Reasonable eyes can kill people, this Manager Li should have died 4e Bai Er.Lin Chen stopped talking.Just looking at the frost and snow in his eyes that can't be opened with a micro-sign, but reminding the people around = two, please be honest with me.Manager Li couldn't hide it any longer.He began to shirk his responsibilities: _ "Officer Lin _. I can't help it either. _ It's pressed on top and I won't let you talk.""

Lin Chen was still smiling.

"Officer Lin. Through the check-in records, we did find that the missing person was the girl from that year, but the pictures captured by the surveillance cameras were not very clear. We cannot conclude that she committed suicide based on this. Not to mention that no body was salvaged. Five The second is a prank, and no one was killed at all..." "It's okay. Don't lie to yourself and understand the manager." Lin Chen interrupted him mercilessly.What kind of person is he, he is so lucky to survive.

Manager Li has no temper after being carried off.

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