"Stop the ink _. Tell me what you found."

"Actually, we didn't find anything. It's pressing this matter. We don't let us intervene. I only know the most basic information. Liu Xiaoqi is on a pre-wedding trip with his family this time. A symbolic farewell. Be single and then get married. I think this woman is too heartless._At that time, the former friend was for her own affairs._And she was able to get a boyfriend so quickly and get married within a year. . It's incredible to think about it.

ask for flowers 0 ;

Or to say that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation.. Who did Shu Tian spare? It is not good to say that ten days are not good. I think she is also dead this time. There was a lot of uproar about that incident back then.Everyone present knew that it was because she disliked the man's lack of rights in his home. . Kongzhi = Zhang good skin.. but not able to support her. So I am very annoyed that I was deceived by two faces.Completely disregarding the other party's desperate efforts to make money for himselfBut I don't see her wearing gold or silver.It can be seen that the conditions at home are not good.But I want Pan Long to follow the phoenix.This kind of girl is not worth it.It's just that the boy is so infatuated...". After Manager Li let go of it completely, he rambled on and on.


Lin Chen ignored his nonsense and frowned.He got the point. _This incident is a continuation of the "suicide" case that year.Sure enough, "water ghost" and "love killing" are inseparable. This is probably an act of revenge.Liu Xiaoyue's death was definitely not a deliberate murder.As for who the murderer is, we still have to wait for Xiao Yang to call all the suspects here and instinctively figure it out.

Seeing that there are clues about things at [-]:[-], the police's work efficiency is also surprisingly high.The person was brought back here in an instant, all with a dissatisfied gesture.It seems that he understands what the death of a person who does not belong to him has anything to do with him. Why did he waste his vacation time here to help the police investigate the case.So one attitude is not good.Holidays are disturbed and even basic self-cultivation cannot be maintained _ .

Yes, too many people who come here are noble sons and too young ladies. Whoever has no temper is not as important as themselves in their eyes.Lin Chen wasn't annoyed, and smiled. After introducing himself to them, he began to ask questions: "Everyone, please. Do you know the deceased?"

"Officer _. We have already come over when we confessed the curse. Do you still use your name?" a "Thorn Head" wearing a yellow Hawaiian shirt provocatively.

Lin Chen looked around and their reactions were surprisingly consistent. Two = impatient.Then he smiled and started to apologize: _ "I asked a boring question. Sorry."


052 During this time

Then the conversation turned __ and asked: _ "Then everyone. During the time when Miss Liu went out from her room to the beach on the video. What are you all about? Where are you, are there any witnesses?. Please tell the truth. To tell you the truth, every word you say will be recorded and become important evidence. Say it from left to right." Undoubted tone.Let the thorn who just picked up the matter just swallow the words that he wants to refute.

He is the second from the left.. Wang is recalled twice.He opened his mouth and said: "During that time. Of course, everyone was sleeping. But we went swimming and diving in the afternoon, but found that there was seagrass in some sea area, so it can be called a ride away and a disappointment. The Tai family was not enjoying themselves, and was very tired and in a low mood, so they all fell asleep early. Naturally, there was nothing to do.”

Speaking of which, he seemed to be indignant.The propaganda of this resort says that this sea area has undergone evolution. There is no marine life that threatens human life, but for divers and swimmers, if seaweed accidentally entangles hands and feet, it is very difficult to break free. If you try too hard and accidentally cramp, you will die. _So generally the seaweeds in the sea area for tourists to play are cleaned up. But obviously the organizer did not notice this.For them, it is simply carrying a "high-end" guise and providing "low-end" services.Lin Chen stared at the information in his hand. The man in front of him, Huang Huan, a veritable rich second-generation mountain, just went to college this year, and he has stabbed a lot of holes in the school. The school leaders are very headaches for him.. But Due to his background, there is no way to deal with it.

Lin Chen's other impression of him at this moment is that of a straight man without any shrewdness.So he said, "Are there any witnesses? Who is playing with you?"

Huang Huan made a gesture. He pointed to the four people closest to him, one two three men and one woman, and said, "It's just the four of them. The five of us came to this resort together. Our school has a holiday earlier than other schools. So while it's not the peak season. There are few tourists. Let's come and play for a second time. Celebration = the end of the next exam. Lin Chen laughed when he heard it: "You guys are all suspicious.Sure enough, Huang Huan's face wrinkled into a bun after listening to it. After a while, he lowered his head and said a little dejectedly, "Then we have no witnesses."

"Can the owner of the rental shop for swimsuits and diving equipment testify for you?" Lin Chen reminded.

_ "No. We bring our own equipment. The Tai family is usually a swimmer6..

With diving enthusiasts __ so have their own 0

equipment. Also need to go to the rental shop to rent. "


Lin Chen waved his hand and signaled him not to care too much. Let the next 0 people continue to talk.Their rhetoric is the same. It's all because the boy named "Wen Jie" felt that his feet were entangled with water plants during the diving process, and finally broke free. He quickly told the four of them This news.It's just that the boys originally thought it didn't matter. Anyway, it's just a water plant and it's enough to break free. It won't be so bad that everyone is entangled.

But the one named Zhao Lin is more timid towards girls.She was afraid of drowning if she couldn't make it out, so she called the four of them back to the hotel together.Although the Tai family felt that it was a bit of a disappointment, for the sake of safety... they also followed her.

Lin Chen glanced at Zhao Lin thoughtfully, then turned to Manager Li and said, "Why didn't I see room 3 of several of them on the surveillance camera, only the videos of leaving the hotel and activities at the beach?"

Manager Li was not there when Lin Chen was checking the video. So he wasn't surprised, but Xiao Yang and the others were dumbfounded. They all witnessed the speed at which Lin Chen checked the surveillance video = 1 Double the speed! .My God, how did he watch it all in seconds and find it out effectively. Eight suspects [-] was already amazing, but now it seems.. He didn't just find out Baqiren is as simple as that, but he engraved all the surveillance videos into his mind. Otherwise, it is impossible to say that he has not seen the videos of a few of them at the door of the room.

Manager Li explained: "Because these people are running a VIP room. The VIP room pays great attention to protecting the privacy of the family._ So not only in the room, but even in the door and corridors, there is no video... . ._____..

However, there will be a security place on the floor, which means that there is no need to worry about safety issues. "

Lin Chen nodded, did not delve into this issue, and looked at the sixth enterprise.The remaining three people didn't know each other, Lin Chen Xia Mingzhi felt that the murderer was not among the three people, but they still called over one by one.One of them was the girl who said she heard a strange melody when Lin Chen came in the morning.Only then did Lin Chen know that this girl was not a tourist who came here.. but a part-time translator here during the holiday.Because this resort is relatively well-known around here, it also attracted Pi Shao's foreign friends who came to Mohai. She would come here every year to work part-time for a period of time during her holidays.After earning enough tuition for the next semester, I will leave. The girl's name is Zhang Fang.Lin Chen didn't make it difficult for her. After all, her behavior was clearly recorded on the surveillance video. It never appeared in that sea area.

The remaining two boys of Zhi Wang were a bit at a loss for words.Lin Chen put them on the list of criminal suspects because they came back from the outside on Jinyuxing... and Pipi came in from the inside of the hotel. . So that means they are most likely murderers.But when the two of them said in front of everyone that they were holding hands together, they admitted their relationship, and explained that the two were watching the sunrise and taking pictures for the first time after Lin Chen's face regret.

He really didn't expect the first in his life. The lover who came out to him turned out to be a criminal suspect he didn't know. The time was a bit stuck. Although he accepted Yu Neng.. I don't know if there are e_ people and ghosts, what is gender?

Knowing everyone's situation... Lin Chen's brain began to spin rapidly.The testimony of the first five people does not seem to be colluded before._But if it is a love murder.The focus should be on the only girl out of the eight. _As for the remaining gay couple.... In Lin Chen's heart, they have been excluded.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I still need to do some more investigations. Please rest first. We will notify you of the results."


053 Details

Inexplicably, he felt that there must be something else in this matter that he didn't discover. Where are the details? By the way, the school! The remaining six suspects are all too students, too study 3, and majors? It's really like They said they didn't know the deceased Liu Xiaoyue and the previous Wei Bin?Xiao Yang's work efficiency in Lin Chen's "torture" has improved rapidly, and he soon handed in a detailed secret document for six people.This is not in the police department's database.

Lin Chen glanced at him meaningfully, he really didn't expect this little serious person to be quite reliable.Turning to look at the information in front of him, his heart skipped a beat - = These six people, as well as the deceased Liu Xiaoyue and Wei Bin, were all students of Mohai Taixue.Liu Xiaoyue, Wei Bin, and Zhang Fang are in the same class, and the remaining five are in the same class. All of them are in the same major.

In this case.If they don't know each other, it can't make sense, right? If Zhao Lin and the others don't know each other, it's understandable. After all, they are younger.What happened to the guards.Should be suppressed at school.So it is normal that it is not passed on to the next session.Even if they heard some rumors and rumors... they may not know that the dead person is Wei Bin.As for Zhang Fang, she never mentioned that Liu Xiaoyue and Wei Bin did this too deliberately.The three of them have the same major and the same grade, even if Zhang Fang is really a diligent and hard-working student. 2

So Lin Chen immediately locked the suspect's target on Zhang Fang, but unfortunately all the surveillance provided Zhang Fang with a good alibi.

Wang Shi's train of thought was disconnected here, and Wei Bin was like a thread that perfectly connected all the people in this incident.So in the early morning, I thought that Zhao Lu must also have some inexplicable relationship with Wei.

If you can't find it if you are too learned, check for high insects

This time, he did not send Xiao Yang to investigate.On the one hand, he was afraid that his hands and feet would be unclean. On the other hand, Zhao Lin's family was considered powerful and powerful, and he definitely didn't want anyone to investigate his children's affairs.If he found out, he might have deliberately concealed it, so Lin Chen directly handed the matter over to his subordinates, and after a while, he got the answer.Sure enough, his guess was correct. There was a subtle relationship between Zhao Lin and Wei Bin.

Say Hungarian,

b. After

They all studied in the same high school in Mohai City No. [-] Middle School.Of course, Zhao Lin was put into the gate because of his family connections, while Wei Bin was admitted as the champion of the city's annual exam through his own efforts.

Zhao Lin was like a little sister in high school, and she would never let go of good-looking boys.I always wanted to go up and have a chat, and Wei Bin naturally did not escape her clutches, but after Zhao Lin expressed his intentions, Wei Bin refused on the grounds of "learning without distractions".

It is said that Zhao Lin was still sad about this for a long time. She looked a bit beautiful and had direct power and power at home. It was always someone else's share. . Confessing to the boy this is also the first time.Whoever imagined it was rejected.Maybe it's because I can't pull my face down. I haven't shown up at school since then.At this time, it happened to be the stage of sophomore and junior high school.Wang went out to study when he was in his third year of high school. 2 is also hurt by love.Go out and work hard.Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to get into Mohai Taixue with her grades at that time.

After Lin Chen mastered all the background information, interpersonal relationships have been woven into a big net in his mind.He felt that the emotions about Wei Bin were more complicated than the palace fighting dramas he had watched with his family. It seems that things like peach blossom luck should not be too exuberant.

Lin Chen left the crowd and reached the beach alone. When he was thinking about problems, he was used to thinking alone.Looking at the calm sea.But it seems that there are stormy waves.And squint into the distance.I don't even know what to think.I saw his suddenly widened eyes - water plants

That's right, how can there be aquatic plants 1 here to avoid the evolutionary sea creatures that the developers here promised.The water quality here is impossible to produce aquatic plants. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Lin Chen held a handful of seawater in front of him and licked it to his mouth symbolically.Tsk, this developer's service is not the low-end as Huang Huan said, but rather high-end.I don't know what to do with this body of water.It seems that it is not only marine life and other things, they have also filtered this piece of sand, which was originally connected to a small bay, but in the past it was directly connected to the inland sea. Lin Chen never believed that anyone could filter the seawater of the entire sea area. What is dealt with is that they are through the base seed technology or some barrier.And cut it off from the inland sea.

Originally thought that Liu Xiaoyue's body could not be found_because it was hit into the sea by the spray, so it seems impossible that her body is still here... but it was covered up.

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