0. Ask for flowers…

I don't quite understand what do you mean? "Zhang Fang said

What do I mean, don't you know in your mind?Miss Zhang, will you feel uneasy about these things you do? "Lin Chen asked back.

what did i do?You make it clear! "Zhang Fang's mask was finally shattered by him, she couldn't help clenching her teeth, raising her voice to ask questions.

Well, then I said, listen, see what I said wrong, first of all, Miss Zhang, you are not just a college classmate for Gan Wei Bin, right?In fact, you have been looking up to him for a long time, but you feel that your conditions are not worthy of him, so you did not confess, but worked hard to study and work, want to constantly improve yourself, and show him your heart when you are worthy of him

Before that, you are inspired to become a good friend with him. This is actually very simple for you. The family conditions of the two of you are not very good, but both of you are constantly fighting through your own efforts. So here On the one hand, there is a common language.And you know the guards

After participating organizations and societies.I also deliberately added it in, so I spent more and more time in contact and talked more and more topics, and soon became close friends.

But you didn't expect that just when you thought your plan was being completed little by little, Wei Bin had a girlfriend, and she was still the flower of your department. This made you unacceptable for a while, but you also recognized the relationship between yourself and others. difference.Oh, I mean appearance.So you were disheartened. After a period of time, just when you were about to give up, you met Wei Bin and Liu Xiaomu who came here to travel while you were working in the resort. It can be said that you saw Wei step by step Liu Xiaomu forced him crash suicide scene

You can't take it for a while, your blood is attacking your heart.As far as my investigation is concerned, you suddenly became seriously ill during that time.So I took a month-long vacation to go home to recuperate.


056 How many students

"You just mentioned the school's guarantee quota, do you think I'm a fool? How many students are there in a class? Can the school guarantee so many people? It can only be a few people who Wei Bin has the closest contact with. And to give such a welfare policy. So you must be one of them. What did you do this month, I don’t need to say more. I don’t want to mention the means you used in front of the public, you know it in your own heart. Okay." Lin Chen didn't want to say that it was because the people who were present would follow Zhang Fang's method and go to Miaojiang to learn poison, and then use poison to kill people.It's a very scary thing to think about

In fact, he thought about it later. He vaguely saw this method used by Zhang Fang in a certain book. It can be said to be a very vicious means of torturing people, to be precise, torturing ghosts, because after death, the limbs is stiff.There is no way to move, but after a period of time, the soul wakes up and can find an environment in which it is.At this time, because he was in the water, the three souls were suppressed and could not be completely separated from the body. Wang was partially conscious, and he looked at him with his eyes and pupils, and all of them were buried in the sand at the bottom of the water.And half of the people around her were not in this sea area, not even a single creature. She was there, year after year, day after day staring at her lower body that was eroded by the sand.

This feeling of loneliness and helplessness is very terrifying, and the final result is that a trace of consciousness left in the body is on the verge of collapse, and even the soul is scattered, and there is no way to re-enter.Since then, there is no such person in the Three Realms.It can be seen from this that this method is not only sinister but also stern. People who use this method usually have a lot of resentment towards the deceased.

But I don't have the time to commit the crime, everyone here is clear, I was in my room during that time and never went out. The surveillance video can prove all this, I didn't lie, "Zhang Fang is still explaining.

Xiao Yang and the others also nodded after listening.That's right, she's been under surveillance all the time.

Lin Chen curled his lips into a smile, as if he felt that the other party was asking an idiot question, "Everyone, what if the time of the crime (abag) is not the time when Lin Xiaoyang walked to the beach in the surveillance video?"

"It wasn't that time, when was that?" Wen Jie asked impatiently.

Looking at the puzzled expressions of everyone, Lin Chen said slowly, "According to the investigation of the forensic doctor, the time of the deceased's death was not in the early hours of this morning, but two days ago. It was two nights ago. The surveillance video of the resort was only kept for four or eight hours, so the murderer chose to delete the ghost image two days later to make the illusion that the deceased had just died. What? Is there an alibi?"

Zhao Lin found out that the king could clear his sins, so he hurriedly said: "The five of us just came here two days ago, and we arrived that afternoon, so we will come out together after packing our things in the evening. After having a meal and singing in KTV all night, you can check the registration record of the private room.

Did all five of you go? "

Huang Huan did not go that day.He was dissatisfied with his body, so he slept in the hotel all the time, and no one answered the door.Zhao Lin's heart sank when he thought about it. Could it be that this matter has something to do with Huang Huan? It doesn't make sense. After hearing this, Lin Chen, who didn't know Liu Xiaomu, nodded and asked Zhang Fang to be so open. Madam, do you have an alibi?

Zhang Fang paled and shook his head and let out a breath. The whole person was depressed. He covered his face and started crying and laughing for a while. Xiao Yang and the others came forward and tortured her. They were really afraid of this Miao. What's wrong with the madmen in Xinjiang, using some unknown means to stumble them

"He's more than dead! Why can such a shameless woman let him live in the world. I think how much Wei Bin loved her back then, but she wasn't satisfied, she was all out hooking up those rich second-generations, Wei didn't know, we But I could see it clearly. Every time I reminded him, he didn't take it seriously and firmly believed that his girlfriend would not do anything to hurt him. Instead, the relationship between me and Wei Bin was provoked by that woman later

Getting colder.I have already accepted the news of Wei Bin's death, but she still wants to stimulate me to marry her, right?

None of the people present wanted to hear her talk about these old things and the resentment in her heart. It was Xiao Yang and others who planned to take her away directly.I didn't expect Lin Chen to wait. "He didn't explain the expressions of a few people who didn't know what to do. Instead, he turned to look at Huang Huan. "If you've been buried for a while, you might be able to reduce your surrender. "

Huang Huan: "Don't say anything else, I just stretched out my hand to show Xiaoyang to handcuff himself too. Xiao Yang looked stupid, what? Two prisoners? Why! Huang Huan, why? Officer Lin, are you? It's a mistake. Huang Huan doesn't know Liu Xiao's purpose

Huang Huan's expression was slightly moved.He couldn't bear to glance at Zhao Lin, but he had calmed down and Zhang Fang meaningfully said to Zhao Lin that it was because of you, because of that woman Liu Xiaoyue, she not only scolded me, but also scolded you. She said that we have no shame and said: We even harassed Wei Bin when he had a girlfriend, and we lined up to post backwards. Even worse, I won't say anything that can come out of that rotten mouth. You know what's going on. "

After hearing this, Huang Huan frowned and scolded, "Stop talking!

Don't say anything, you coward.If you like her, she knows it, but you have to wait to miss it? "Zhang Fang said that the tears flowed down again. She didn't want to see a lover become a stranger. She herself has missed Wei Bin, and she doesn't want to think about Huang Huan and go her own way. Go on, you should always mention Wei Bin to him. How much do you like him, and how regretful you are that you didn't take good care of him when he came out of the room that day, and just saw Liu Xiaomu blocking the corridor and scolding me, and by the way, he also mentioned you. The more you scolded, the worse it sounded. I stopped him. Later, I killed someone and couldn’t dig ten, so I asked him to bury a body for me. Little girl, cherish the person in front of you.

Zhao Lin was dizzy for a while, she couldn't accept that her best friend was an accomplice in this case.


057 No evidence

After dealing with everything on the scene, Xiao Yang reacted to it later, "Boss, we have no evidence?

After hearing this, Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, then laughed "puff". In fact, he didn't expect the criminal suspect to admit it so easily, so that he didn't fully describe the crime, so he just opened a few words. Explain to Xiao Yang and the others, "The evidence should have been disposed of, these two days are enough time for a free-moving murderer to deal with any criminal weapon, but if my guess is correct, you go to Zhang Fang's. The white dress that Liu Xiaomu wore when he walked to the beach in the surveillance camera should be found in the room. He wanted to fake the victim who was killed in the early hours of this morning, so he had to appear on the surveillance screen instead of her." Li Sanling

But how did he get out? "Xiao Yang doubts

He didn't hear a strange melody as he said, so he stayed in the room and didn't dare to go out.Instead, using that strange melody as an excuse to mislead us into thinking that Liu Xiaomu's appearance at the beach was because he heard a familiar song, so he committed suicide because of the most affectionate feelings.

I don't know if you see that Zhang Fang has some scratches on her right arm. She is doing translation work here. She is an outside worker who belongs to this resort. She lives on a lower floor, on the second floor of the hotel.I also stumbled upon her room with a window facing the beach and a water pipe next to it

The height of the building is too easy for someone who is good at rock climbing, and Zhang Fang was born in Miaojiang, where the terrain is relatively steep, and it should be often necessary to climb up and down. Such a trivial matter, for her It's as easy as hell

So I think she was nervous at the time, so she didn't realize that she was slightly bruised.You can go to the water pipe next to his window and check to see if there is any blood sample that matches her. This should be the strongest evidence.

After finishing speaking, I didn’t look at Xiao Yang and others’ adoring eyes, and said to myself, please open a room for me. I will sleep here for a few hours. After you finish the case, let’s see if there is anything that you haven’t figured out. , if there is any, come and ask me in time, and then I have to go to a crime scene.

There are really a lot of cases. He has been delayed here for a day. It has been a long time. After a rest, he has to go to the next place quickly.

Xiao Yang and others answered quickly", speeding up the work efficiency

Early the next morning, before dawn, Lin Chen drove the car to the place where the next case happened. It was a frequently used pier very close to here, but Youqian was in a remote location, so the management system It is relatively loose, and occasionally there are always drug cases. The reason why Lin Chen chose to go to this place first is because Lin Chen actually hates drugs in his heart.The prosperity of the ancient Chinese country five thousand years ago was shattered by opium. After some wise people rose up and resisted, they finally became prosperous and strong. However, there are still some Chinese people who are involved in drug trafficking simply because of their interests. The industry, repeated teaching is not only too hateful

This time, I received a report from a nearby resident, saying that I overheard someone at the dock talking about drugs, and the transaction time happened to be today.

The Department of Drug Enforcement was waiting in full force, and the armed police officer Guan Ping was also ready around him, but he didn't realize that there was any sign of a transaction going on. Everyone felt that they had been tricked into this place by an anonymous reporting call. I was afraid that the fact that they had just left the cargo ship and docked had nothing to do with Lin Chen, but he valued it in his heart, and he was really on the way, so he decided to go over and have a look.

Only after Lin Chen arrived at the scene did he realize that the situation here was even more embarrassing than he imagined.A group of armed men were standing guard there, and the lights of the police car could be seen flashing from far away, and they almost honked their horns. After watching, they felt speechless—they felt guilty

Are all molecules stupid?Can they not see such an obvious arresting battle?If you see it, you will come and slam into the muzzle of the gun, so what is it that your brain lacks a string?

But he couldn't point at people's noses and say anything. Bi Zhang, he didn't specialize in Christ, nor was they their immediate commander. He just came to see the situation through his identity as a police commissioner. He was bored there. After standing for a while, the sea was calm, and there was no disturbance.The people above saw that there was really no situation, so they planned to withdraw from the army.

Lin Chen had no choice but to leave, feeling that it was a waste to wait here all morning for nothing.With this morning, he should have done another case.Just when he was wandering, he heard a gunshot. Everyone was stunned. Lin Chen was the first to react, and ran in the direction of the gunshot.

The crime took place at the door of a public toilet in the port. Lin Chen saw a familiar figure lying there clutching his calf, while in front of him lay a burly man who was shot in the chest and shot to death.

Immediately, everyone followed the voice and ran here like Lin Chen. The scene was surrounded by three floors and three floors, and there was no water leaking.It was only then that Lin Chen knew that these people who deal with cases every day also like to join in the fun.

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