Everyone was shocked when they saw the crime scene, and some people who responded took the lead and shouted, "Captain, why are you here? Are you injured?

The man who was called "Captain" turned his head around and saw that his face was pale and there were drops of sweat the size of beans hanging on his forehead.Two hands are wrapping the calf 02, nodding with difficulty

Seeing this, the person who asked the question wanted to run forward, but was stopped by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen frowned, and went to check the breath and pulse of the person lying there. It seemed that the shot just hit the heart, and now there is no rescue, so there is no need to call an ambulance symbolically. Come

After reaching this conclusion, he raised his voice and began to arrange: "Enclose this place with a cordon, without my order, no one is allowed to step in at will and arrange for a few doctors to come here to deal with the captain's injury.

During the time when the doctor was dealing with the wound, Lin Chen did not relax, but went around the scene of the crime to observe the situation and there were no other footprints.one


058 React

This proves that only these two people are involved, and there are no other scars on the deceased. It can be seen that the two people have no signs of entanglement and fighting. was killed

Lin Chen had a panoramic view of the situation here, and took a look at the captain's situation with the corner of his eye. The doctor was treating his wound, and he was surrounded by his own team members, as if he was asking about the specific situation.

Lin Chen was also quite curious in his heart, so Wang Zi pricked up his ears and listened. It turned out that the captain's name was Wang Yuan, and he had been working in the Drug Enforcement Division for five years.

According to what he said, the situation just now was that they were here for a whole morning, and it was really urgent to urinate, so before leaving the army, I wanted to come here to use a toilet to put water, but I didn’t expect to bump into a man with a briefcase in Wang Li’s head. A big man, he accidentally knocked his briefcase into the ground, and quickly said sorry, picked it up and looked at it, only to find that the exposed plastic bag was white powder. Years of anti-drug experience made him aware of it immediately. When something was wrong, Wang immediately took out a gun and pointed it at the other party, opened the white powder with one hand, and confirmed that it was a drug. The gun was hit to the side, and the calf was injured. When the other party went to pick up the drugs dropped from the inner bag, he jumped hard, picked up the king gun, and then hit the other party in the direction of the heart.

After Lin Chen heard this, he was noncommittal about Wang He's remarks, very Zongmei's set of remarks, and completely dismissed this matter from himself.This can be regarded as self-defense or manslaughter, and if the other party is a drug dealer, or a big drug lord, then he has made a great contribution.Not only will there be no punishment, but there is also the possibility of promotion

After listening to the glorious deeds told by the captain, the surrounding team members all applauded. Only Lin Chen's face sank. If his feeling is correct, this is not an accidental injury, but an accident. Premeditated murder.As far as the evidence is concerned, he has yet to find it.But the other party didn't seem to give him a chance to find evidence. After the doctor finished processing, a group of people pulled up their captain and prepared to leave here.

Lin Chen squinted his eyes after seeing it, thinking in his heart that this Captain Ganyuan might be able to rely on everyone's trust in him over the years.

Wang was the first to expect something in the ears of the local police officer who was handling the scene, and saw that the little police officer stepped forward and stopped everyone who wanted to leave.

I saw those people looked puzzled and didn't know what he wanted the king. At this time, Lin Chen stepped forward and said, "Captain Wang, I still have some questions in the process of doing this, please help me answer them."

Although Wang Yuan's face was still a little pale, he didn't slow down, but after listening to Lin Chen's words, he smiled slightly and said ok politely." The calm and calm look made it seem that Lin Chen was unreasonable, as unreasonable

Lin Chen thought for a while, and then asked: Do you remember where the deceased's briefcase fell?

Wang Yuan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't realize why he asked this question, but he replied obediently, "I don't remember the exact location, but it seems to be near there.

Lin Chen looked in the direction of his fingers, and he was indeed right in front of the deceased's fall.Wang Shi asked again, did the captain remember where he was injured? "

Right here! "Wang Yuan didn't even think about it this time, he pointed to the position in front of him, they just moved a few steps, and it's naturally here, I don't understand why Lin Chen asked this idiot question.

After Lin Chen heard this, he curled his lips into a smile.But after seeing this smile, Ganyuan felt a "crack" in his heart, and he forgot that sure enough, Lin Chen didn't give Ganyuan time to think, and immediately said: "If I read it right, the deceased was shot in the heart. The shot was shot from behind Cong, but Captain Wang was in front of the deceased. How would you explain this?

After hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed very slightly.They didn't come forward to check on the condition of the deceased, so they didn't know the problem at all.Now that Lin Chen has said it, then it is undoubtedly his captain who is lying, but why did the captain lie?Hearing Lin Chen's question, he rolled his eyes and immediately panicked. He wasn't facing in my direction at first, but he turned around immediately after I fired the gun.

Lin Chen just stood there smiling and looked at Gan Yuan without speaking.At this time, the officers of the police station came up to say Captain Wang at the right time. There are still some consultants in this case that need your cooperation in our investigation. Please stay here for a while longer.

I saw that Wang Yuan's face was even more ugly, but he had no reason to refute it. If he could still take advantage of the situation to leave just now, he must stay here because of some of Lin Chen's words.And the players around him can't open 283 mouths now.They all saw Wang Yuan's reaction just now, and his explanation was too far-fetched.Mo Jiu's previous case was really not as simple as the captain described, but there was another hidden secret?So I had to disperse after being driven by the police officers. Why did the king go?

Lin Chen took out a white handkerchief from his pocket, walked to the side of the deceased and took down the desert eagle from his hand.He handed it over to the inspector next to him, and quietly ordered, "Take this to check your fingerprints.

The little police officer nodded fearfully and ran away immediately after taking over the robbery.

Lin Chen was bored while waiting for the test results.Wang Shi just looked around, and his sharp eyes happened to see a slender bandage in the garbage left by the doctor when he dealt with the wound just now. There was a mess of blood on it. Instead, the handwriting seems to be in a panic, swiping in a hurry

He walked forward thoughtfully, used the crowd to block Wang Yuan's vision, and picked up the cloth strip.He leaned close to his nose and took a sniff. In addition to the bloody smell, he also smelled the smell of gunpowder and gun oil. This is strange. Even if the wound is smeared, it should not be so strong. The smell of gunpowder is good for removing chives


059 Go down and investigate

After thinking of this possibility, Lin Chen immediately beckoned to call a small policeman, and asked him to take the cloth strip to investigate quietly and see if it could detect the composition of the substance adhered to it.

The process of a crime has gradually taken shape in his mind, and now the only difference is the result of the test

During the waiting process, Lin Chen stayed there for a long time. He was a little bored, so he looked at Wang Yuanlai with a tangled face, as if he was thinking about some problem. He was a young man in his twenties and thirties. He was still full of energy and his eyes were firm. .From the looks of it alone, Lin Chen wouldn't believe that he would be the murderer, but because of his appearance, he had to admit that it was a fact when the lines and evidence were put in front of him one by one.But what is the reason for him to do this, Lin Chen can't guess.

After a while, the results of the test came out, Lin Chen took a look, and it was as he expected.Wang is to announce the assembly and arrest Wang Yuan.

After hearing this order, Wang Yuan struggled violently, "What are you, why are you arresting me!?" The confusion and anger in his tone seemed to overflow, which was completely different from his usual gentle and calm image. Does not match.If Zhi was an honest person, and there were no ghosts in his eyes, he should have been dumbfounded and puzzled.rather than his current reaction

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The guy in front of him is far from good at acting. I don't know what the result is after thinking about it for so long.

This person's conduct is too shallow. Lin Chen doesn't want to entangle with him, but if he doesn't tell the story of the crime in front of everyone, it won't be enough to convince everyone. , even if as you said just now, he turned around after you shot him, so how do you explain that his king spear has your fingerprints on it々?

Wang Yuan seemed to have known for a long time that he was going to ask this question, and replied calmly and Bai Ruo, "I wanted to grab his pistol during the fight with him, but I didn't win the king, so it's very decent to leave a fingerprint or two. ?

Lin Chen nodded with a smile, then waved his hand to the two kings, gave them a gun with a magazine removed, and said to them, "Have you been trained in the police academy? , grab this gun

The two nodded to each other and began to work. You punched, I kicked, ruthless, and no one would let anyone.After fighting for a few minutes with no result, Lin Chen didn't care, he shouted "Listen" casually, and then asked them to hand over the king's gun

He held it up and showed it in front of everyone and said, "Everyone, the gun I just gave them has been specially treated, and the surface is covered with a layer of gelatinous substance, which can show the traces of fingerprints. You can take a look at it now. The fingerprints are all messy fingerprints, and most of the eyes are in a shapeless state. But on the desert eagle held by the deceased, Captain Wang's fingerprints are not like this.

Wang Yuan's face turned pale again. He was not a person who was good at words. He was caught by the fox's tail. He wanted to explain something, but he didn't know what to say with his open mouth.

But he still didn't believe it after listening to Lin Chen's remarks in the team, and it was far-fetched: You are too random, right? Our captain held the opponent's gun tightly on May [-] and didn't let go?

Lin Chen didn't get angry because of the other party's brainless defense, but looked at this little player with some praise. He remembered that when this player Wang Yuan had an accident, he was the first to run over, and he was most worried about himself. The captain's body shape, and now when everyone doubts Wang Yuan, he is also firmly on Wang Yuan's side.Looking at Wang Yuan's eyes with pure eyes is like watching a superhero in life for so many years. After seeing the wall, everyone broke the drum and beat the drum.But he is different no matter what, he always believes in Gan Yuan, and he does not look at ordinary people's strange eyes.This is a very rare thing, and it is also a very precious quality. Lin Chen hopes that after this incident, he can still maintain his original heart and not be attacked.

Wang Shi glanced at him and asked curiously, "Why do you trust your captain so much?"

The little team member was suddenly shocked, as if he understood why he asked this irrelevant question, but he still replied: Because I think our captain has no reason to lie. "

Oh?How do you know he's not lying?What if he was in the same group with this guy and just made a mistake? "After saying that, he glanced at Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan shivered when he saw him, but he still pretended to be calm, but his eyes were a little erratic, and he didn't dare to look at the side of the team.

The team members were a little annoyed after hearing Lin Chen's words. He couldn't accept that the other party was so dirty with his captain, and he wanted to say something but was stopped by the colleague next to him.

The scene suddenly fell into a terrifying silence. Lin Chen saw that his desires were returned, and the king brought out the second inspection report, Captain Wang. If you can say that the fingerprints are too random, then this is the case. thing?How would you explain it?Why is there the gunpowder and gun oil from Desert Bullets on the bandages cut from you?

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