After hearing this, Wang Yuan's knees softened and he knelt down on one knee, his teeth chattering.

After everyone saw his reaction, they understood something, but they still didn't understand why he (Zhao Lihao) did this.If it's because he colluded with the drug gang, then why shoot him to death?If it is really simple to arrest the criminal, why lie and claim that he was accidentally injured?

Lin Chen saw everyone's confusion, and opened his mouth to narrate the whole thing: "Captain Wang, if I'm not wrong, it's like this. You are actually the undercover agent of this drug gang staying at the police. , or forced to go undercover, you have been providing news of police actions to the drug cartel for so many years, so drugs in this port have never been banned.

Why, I checked your blood for marijuana residues, they gave you drugs, and you used police information in exchange, right?But the residual amount of drugs is very small, I think you should have successfully quit drugs for a while, so you want to get rid of the other party's control


060 Hide

So the other party became angry this time, hoping to force you to take higher-purity new drugs and tempt you to continue trading with them. You already knew the purpose of their trip, and you can't stand this controlled life.So a chance encounter was planned

In the desert, it is not the gun of the dead at all, but you brought it with a bandage to the calf on the right side. After you arrived at the pre-agreed meeting place, you hid and waited for the other party to appear.He shot and killed the opponent directly from the dark, then took out the Desert Eagle and shot at his calf, making a mark of injury.

Then he shoved the gun into the opponent's hand at a speed that could not be concealed.The Desert Eagle has a silencer on it, so the gunshot we hear should be the sound of the first shot, the one you hit the dead man

The first crime is supposed to be a little flustered, and the first shot of the month has already attracted us. At this time, you also heard the footsteps of us coming, so you were nervous and forgot the position of the two of you. The position of the gun fell down, and after it fell, you remembered that there was still a thin strap on the calf from 380. I didn't know what to do. Wang Shi randomly smeared some blood on his wound, trying to cover up the gunpowder. the smell

You don't have to say that this bandage is rubbed with the gun oil and gunpowder of your own gun. If you don't believe it, you can check it out. The gun oil used by the Desert Eagle is completely different from your gun oil. .Captain Wang, am I right?

Wang Yuan can now say that his face is pale. After listening to Lin Chen's question, he smiled miserably and stopped kneeling. He just sat down on the ground, showing a relieved look, and said, "As expected of Officer Lin. , I have heard of your reputation for a long time, but seeing it is better than seeing it. When I saw you this morning, I knew that something was bad, and I became more and more nervous, so I made a loophole in what I had planned for so long. [-]%

You are right at all, I was forced to take drugs back then, and my parents were threatened by drug gangs, so I reluctantly started to be their undercover agent in the police.

Although I can't help it, I still have a little conscience in my heart.So I was dealing with the two sides while detoxing. After so many years, I was still in front of the captain.Because I did not dare to be promoted, I was afraid that in the future, I would come into contact with more core secrets, and then be forced to tell these secrets.So every time before the transfer, I make a little bit of a mistake

Until I finally quit the drugs and want to say goodbye to the past.but met you.The crime deserves its due, karma, I now believe it.At that time, I thought that I would do the last bad thing in my life, and then I would wholeheartedly defend my family and the country, but it seems that there is no such opportunity.Also, there is no such thing in the world where the good and the bad are all cleaned up. I want to wash my hands in a golden basin, and the prodigal son will turn back. It is my dream of spring and autumn. "After speaking, I used my arm to rub the two lines of Qingju that flowed down from the silver horn, and then raised my hands.

Lin Chen motioned for his subordinates to pick him up and take him back to make a record.He was noncommittal to Wang Yuan's words. Indeed, as he said, he still had a little conscience. Otherwise, as an undercover agent, it would be an easy thing to deal with between the two parties, and it would be really easy to get promoted and rich.But so what, even if he was forced, it still caused more drugs to flow into the raging, repeated prohibitions, and I don't know how many people were killed.

Wang Yuan was taken away by two police officers on the left and the right, but stopped halfway, and turned around: "Xiao Qiu, I'm sorry for disappointing you. I gave my life to save you from the drug gang. You don't have to thank me, I just want to keep you from following my old path. I (accd) is so old, and my parents have just passed away. There is nothing to worry about in this life. What I'm doing with this rubbish disturbs the mind

Xiao is the little player who just stood up and spoke for Gan Yuan, Lin Chen looked at him, and saw that his throat was choked up now, and the words he said were intermittently sobbing, "Captain, captain, why is this happening?

Sighing quietly in my heart, a person always has to experience something to grow up.This little guy should have been well protected by Wang Yuan before, so now his mind can be so pure and white.After a man has gone through such a bloodless experience, he should really grow up

He didn't think about it any more, he said hello and left. The follow-up of this case is not his business.Chuan had nothing to do with him at first, but he was on a whim, so he came over and took a look. He didn't expect such a case to happen. After thinking of where it was as if it was his bad luck, he shook his head mockingly - is he not only an extreme resistance, but also some kind of bad luck in the legend?It's what it is, as long as the people around him are safe now, everything will be fine

Seeing that it was still early, it was only noon, Wang just nibbled two slices of bread and drove to another crime scene. He has never been a procrastination person, it has always been about today, today Complete, and Mu is really afraid that the speed of his handling of the case will not be as fast as the speed of the opponent's case.

Invisibly, he and the red-clothed disaster began a silent contest.In fact, this is the purpose of the red clothes. He can't stand Lin Chen's appearance as the savior of the world. Aren't you merciful and merciful, omnipotent?I just don't believe in your evil, let's see if I kill faster or yours faster

In fact, Lin Chen doesn't want to have such a contest with him. Of course, he won't lose anything in this competition, but there are actually some innocent people who suffer. I don't know how many lives will be unjustly killed in the competition between two people.

Although the trajectory of human destiny was originally set, and others could not easily change it, Lin Chen always felt that it was his own reasons that led others to disaster.

But he also knew in his heart that if he could not finish the cases at hand.That is, losing to the red-clothed disaster.If you want to stop him, you have to beat him here first.Wang is secretly giving himself a boost and continuing to work hard to handle the case


001 Strange Code

July 2020, 7, 7rd Floor, Jinmao Hotel, Magic Sea

Zhang Tianni got a headache when she saw the pink petals on the ground and the colored tube top and skirt on the deceased's body

The deceased was a bride who held a wedding banquet at Jinmao Hotel yesterday. The deceased's favorite Chinese-style groom also agreed to hold the wedding in Jinmao, but he didn't expect the wedding to be just completed, but the bride ~ died in the bridal room

Because the deceased was worried that the custom of marriage troubles would affect his wedding, he did not even reveal the new house to relatives, but just found a room at random to play with the guests who came over.

The whole scene was under the control of the groom's hall, and the deceased slipped to the 22nd floor and waited for the groom in the new room when everyone was not paying attention.

But the groom was drunk and didn't come to the new room they booked, the buddies could only keep him in that room

No one thought that the beautiful bride would turn into a cold corpse when she opened her new house in the early morning, and the neck of the corpse was marked with a circle of marks.

In the fiery red house like irony, the bride wears a plain white mourning dress

On the scene, there was a piece of paper full of peach blossoms, with a set of traditional numbers printed on it.

Dyeing and Dyeing

one five

dye five one dye one

all four

Zhang Tianai retrieved all the surveillance footage from last night. The Jinmao Hotel was full of people coming and going, and the newly married couple was not only Xie Yun and the couple who were working in Xie Yun's room. People came from this floor. People can't see anything

After investigating the guests over there, there was nothing to gain, and in the end, I could only make up my mind on a certain person who was on medical leave.Zhang Tiannuan was about to get up and leave Wang Tao, but he caught Zhang Tiannuan

"Even if you go to find him, it won't be of much use. This time it's too weird. If you look at the things here, even if the guy in the secret room can unlock it, but it's of no use, it's better to study the password.

Zhang Tian's face is full of bitterness, if she can't beg him, she will never bow her head first

But Jinmao is one of the most famous hotels in Mohai. The people who live here are either rich or expensive. Now they can barely suppress this matter, but if it takes a long time, who knows what will happen to Zhuzhang

There are two bureau chiefs who live here, and the three businessmen enjoy it. Do you think they know about it?It's been a day. If you don't resolve this matter, will you keep me?

Wang Tao went back silently and dutifully looked for clues in the scene.

Why didn't he know Zhang Tiannuan's pressure, just seeing the director personally come to her twice, he knew that this matter could not be good.I can only clear that person.

Magic Sea is one of the most prosperous places in China. Even in the middle of the night, you can see the rainbow lights outside constantly flashing.

Lin Chen turned around and got off the chair, standing on the Mohai Center Building, overlooking everything about the sea, and the unexpected calm in his heart was not exciting at all.

Lin Chen was a little disgusted, and as soon as he turned around, he saw Zhang Tianai looking at him seriously

He was not surprised how Zhang Tiannuan could come to his room, but he was shocked that Zhang Ran was willing to come to see him.

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