"How do you know her name?" Miao Yunfei was a little surprised.

Lin Chen's voice came from the receiver: "Gao Yuxiu is not the murderer, I already know who the murderer is."


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122 An extra knife 【Subscription】

Originally, Miao Yunfei was still immersed in the joy of catching the murderer soon, but a boning knife suddenly appeared in the back kitchen. After testing, it was proved to be the murderer's murder weapon.

Then, among the staff of the back kitchen, another very suspicious Gao Yuxiu was found.

Almost all the police now think that Gao Yuxiu is very likely to be the murderer. After taking him back for interrogation, they should be able to find out the result.

But at this time, Lin Chen's call came, and he actually said that Gao Yuxiu was not the murderer.

Why didn't this shock Miao Yunfei.

When Miao Yunfei took Lin Chen's call, she walked aside to answer it. After hearing the words, she suppressed her horror and asked, "Isn't it Gao Yuxiu? Lin Chen, how do you know it's not Gao Yuxiu?"

Lin Chen didn't answer Miao Yunfei, he smiled: "I can guess why you think Gao Yuxiu is the murderer."

From the receiver, Miao Yunfei heard that Lin Chen was a little noisy, as if he was driving.

Miao Yunfei said, "Then tell me, why do we think Gao Yu's 17th show is the murderer."

At this moment, Miao Yunfei's heart is very uneasy. Even if Lin Chen said that Gao Yuxiu is not the murderer, can he infer that he didn't come here, and what did these people think that Gao Yuxiu was the murderer?

In Miao Yunfei's expectation, Lin Chen said slowly: "If I guessed correctly, it's because of a knife in the back kitchen, right?"

Miao Yunfei was stunned and stood still.

She looked around subconsciously, and she suspected that Lin Chen was not driving at all, but was standing at the door of the back kitchen.

"The murder weapon was a boning knife, right?" Lin Chen spoke again, this time for inquiring.

Miao Yunfei was so shocked that it was hard to add, she hummed and said, "That's right... yes... it's a boning knife..."

"You...how do you know it's a boning knife?" Miao Yunfei asked, holding on to the phone with a bit of force.

"Last night, after the people from your serious crime team were invited away by the leaders of the county government, I stayed in the factory."

Lin Chen's tone was very calm, he was holding a mobile phone in one hand and driving in the other, the speed of the car was fast.

After a pause, Lin Chen continued: "Last night at eight o'clock, the lights in the back kitchen of the canteen were still on, so I went in and saw Gao Yuxiu washing dishes in front of the sink."

"At that time, I paid attention to the knives next to the stove. In the files of the first two smiling corpse cases, the number of kitchen knives recorded was 10. Among the 10 knives, 2 were Chinese kitchen knives and 3 were serrated knives. , 3 paring knives, and 1 chef's knife and 1 deboning knife."

"And when I saw it last night, I found that there was an extra boning knife over the stove. At that time, I became suspicious of the knife. After observation, I knew that it was the murder weapon in the three murders. "

Hearing Lin Chen tell the knives in the kitchen like a treasure, Miao Yunfei wanted to ask loudly why you guys always remember so clearly.

It is simply unforgettable. After reading the dossier once, I remember it all.

As for Lin Chen's memory, Miao Yunfei has seen it for a long time, and she can accept this.

But Lin Chen said that after observing the boning knife, he could determine that the boning knife was a murder weapon. How did he do it?

"You said that if you saw that knife, you can be sure that it was a murder weapon? Do you have a DNA testing device in your eyes?" Miao Yunfei said angrily, she felt that Lin Chen's words were a bit bragging.

"You can't control this." Lin Chen said in a relaxed tone.

"You said that Gao Yuxiu was not the murderer, then... who is the murderer?" Miao Yunfei asked.

Lin Chen said, "I'm on the way, and I'll be in Liuhe County soon. Let's talk about it when I get there. That's it."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Miao Yunfei held the phone that had been hung up with a dull expression on her face. She gently put down the phone and looked at the call log displayed on the screen, speechless.

On the other hand, when Gao Yuxiu heard that Ma Zhiyu was going to take her back to the Public Security Bureau, the fear in her eyes deepened.

Gao Yuxiu looked at Ma Zhiyu and said, "Comrade police, it's too unfair for you to do this?"

"Unfair?" Ma Zhiyu wondered, "Why is it unfair?"

Gao Yuxiu's body was trembling slightly. To outsiders, she panicked and started to panic.

"I only occasionally stay at night to work extra for a while, and I want to do more things. Is this all wrong?" Gao Yuxiu said emotionally: "No one in my family can fully testify for me, that's because my husband and I Because of the children, the relationship is not in harmony, so I am the only one in the family."

"Besides, didn't my neighbors say they saw me on the night of the crime?"

When Ma Zhiyu heard Gao Yuxiu's remarks, he said, "But just now, two of your colleagues quietly told me that they said that you sometimes stay to work overtime on purpose, and sometimes the dishes and hygiene can be done before eight o'clock. When you're done, why did you delay it until after eight o'clock?"

Gao Yuxiu immediately retorted: "That's because I'm the only one at home, and it's empty when I get back home, why don't I stay here for a while longer."

"Who are you deceiving with such words." Ma Zhiyu said: 243 "Deliberately delaying get off work hours and leaving the factory very late, Gao Yuxiu, you are really suspicious."

"Also, Gao Yuxiu, we don't think your neighbor's alibi for you is too reliable, so you should go back with us now and cooperate with the investigation."

After Ma Zhiyu finished speaking, Captain He winked at the person beside him, and two detectives walked up and controlled Gao Yuxiu.

Gao Yuxiu struggled, her face flushed with anxiety, her hair was a little messy, she shouted to Ma Zhiyu and the detective next to her, "I'm not the murderer, why take me back to the Public Security Bureau, I'm really not the murderer..."

"Is it the murderer? It's not what she said." Ma Zhiyu shouted: "Take it away, she will definitely be able to interrogate the truth in her mouth."

Captain He and the others are a little excited, the murderer is right in front of them, even if Gao Yuxiu is not the murderer and there are tools for committing the crime, this case will be easy to follow.

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