Just when the criminal police took Gao Yuxiu outside, Miao Yunfei's voice rang in the back kitchen.

"Lin Chen called me. He told me that Gao Yuxiu was not a murderer."

After hearing Miao Yunfei's words, dozens of people present slammed and looked at her at the same time. .


123 Just around here [Subscribe]

"Lin Chen called me. He told me that Gao Yuxiu was not a murderer."

Although Miao Yunfei's voice has fallen, these words still seem to be echoing in the back kitchen.

After the policemen were stunned, they looked at each other in dismay.

Ma Zhiyu looked at Miao Yunfei incredulously, his mouth opened, and then he asked, "Yunfei, what did you say?"

Ma Zhiyu felt that he heard it wrong, so he asked a question.

Miao Yunfei's eyes fell on Ma Zhiyu, and she said word by word, "The phone call I just received was from Lin Chen. I said that we have caught a major suspect. She works in the back kitchen and her surname is Gao."

"Then Lin Chen immediately asked me if my name was Gao Yuxiu. I said yes. He said that Gao Yuxiu was not the murderer. The murderer was someone else."

"Ha ha……"

Ma Zhiyu snorted coldly with disdain, he glanced at Gao Yuxiu, who had an ugly face, and said, "That guy Lin Chen doesn't dare to come out to meet people now, we found the murder weapon and a major suspect, he just called over, Hehe, does he know what we arrested Gao Yuxiu for? He doesn't know anything, so he just talks nonsense."

"That's right." A criminal policeman from Liuhe County echoed: "That Lin Chen, he didn't come here, and he doesn't know what the evidence we found. Why does he say that Gao Yuxiu is not the murderer?"

"Maybe it's because Lin Chen wasn't there. If he knew about the extra boning knife and Gao Yuxiu's strange off-duty time, he probably wouldn't have said that." The prestigious tin of the serious crime team Said the old detective.

The old criminal policeman admired Lin Chen's three cases, so he also said a word to Lin Chen at this time.

"No..." Miao Yunfei shook her head slightly and said, "I just told him that I had caught a major suspect, and he said that we judged based on an extra boning knife, then When Lin Chen came to this kitchen last night, he found the extra boning knife, but he didn't tell us about it for the time being."

Miao Yunfei's mood at the moment is really complicated. The last serial murder case at a bus stop was led by the people of the task force to investigate, and finally locked on Qi Hongyuan's body.

But the real murderer was the neglected old scavenger.

This time, the murderer was about to surface gradually due to the efforts of her and Ma Zhiyu, but at this time, Lin Chen said that she was not the murderer as the major suspect he had targeted.

This is like when the math teacher assigned several math problems in school, and after completing each problem, you feel that you have calculated the correct answer.

But your deskmate told you that you were all wrong, and his was correct. Under the inspection of the teacher, he proved that he was all wrong, and what his deskmate did was right.

Ma Zhiyu and the other detectives showed disbelief when they heard that Lin Chen had discovered an extra boning knife last night.

Ma Zhiyu turned his head to look at the window and the door, and said, "Is it true? He knew it last night? He was cheating, right? Could it be that Lin Chen is near here?"

"No, when Lin Chen called me, he was driving." Miao Yunfei said.

Several detectives look at me, I look at yours, no one speaks for a while.

"The murder weapon we found was a boning knife. Could it be that Officer Zhang and the girl named Xia Miaoyan told Lin Chen?" said a detective.

Ma Zhiyu's eyes lit up, he nodded vigorously, and said, "That's right, we found the murder weapon, the boning knife, it must be that Zhang Tianan and that little girl who told Lin Chen in the movie, this guy is really good, from their When I learned that we found the murder weapon, I deliberately called to say that he knew in advance, so as to highlight his strength."

After Ma Zhiyu swore this sentence, many detectives felt that this was the reason. After so many detectives' efforts, they discovered that there was an extra knife. Lin Chen only read the file once, how could he remember that? clear.

I even remember how many knives there are.

After Zhou Yan heard the words, there was a look of hesitation on her face. She had something to say, but she didn't say it.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Zhou Yan said, "Tian An and Xia Miaoyan have left the factory and wandered around. They... don't know that we found the murder weapon."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

Ma Zhiyu's sworn face suddenly stiffened there.

"How is that possible..." Ma Zhiyu muttered subconsciously.

Zhou Yan nodded and said, "It's true, Tian An and Xia Miaoyan didn't know about it at all."

Ma Zhiyu's face became a little ugly, and he fell silent.

A boning knife that he accidentally discovered by luck, could it be that Lin Chen really found it one step before him?

At this time, the prestigious senior criminal police officer of the serious crime team said: "Lin Chen's observation skills have always been very outstanding, and it is very appropriate to describe him as observant. I think he was really in front of our police and found the murder weapon. The boning knife."


Gao Yuxiu, who was under the control of the two criminal policemen, struggled twice and said anxiously, "I said, I'm really not the murderer, is the Lin Chen you're talking about the handsome one wearing a black top? ?"

Miao Yunfei nodded to Zhou Yan, indicating that it was Lin Chen.

Gao Yuxiu immediately said: "Yes, yes, last night I stayed to wash the dishes, he came to the back kitchen, and he told me a horror story at that time, so scared that I turned off the lights and was a little scared to go out, or he Come out with me."

"Comrade police, you have to believe that young man, he is right, I am indeed not the murderer, how dare I kill..."

As she spoke, Gao Yuxiu was already crying. At this moment, she looked quite embarrassed.

Although Gao Yuxiu didn't know why Lin Chen said that she was not the murderer, and who the murderer was, anyway, when so many police officers thought she was a major suspect, Lin Chen said that she was not the murderer, and Lin Chen became her life-saving straw. .

After Ma Zhiyu was silent for a long time, he raised his head and said, "No matter what, this Gao Yuxiu is still suspected. Take it back to the Public Security Bureau for questioning first."

As soon as Ma Zhiyu finished speaking, Miao Yunfei's voice rang out: "Lin Chen said that he is going to Liuhe County soon, so let's wait here."


124 Far away [3 more subscriptions]

When Ma Zhiyu heard the words, he immediately said, "Wait here? Can't we take people back to the Public Security Bureau for interrogation? Personally, I think some of this Gao Yuxiu's behavior is very suspicious."

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