Lin Chen rubbed his forehead and felt that his tolerance limit had reached the limit. "He prepared a cleaner's clothes in advance, because Jinhao and R&F cleaners have similar clothes. As long as he doesn't show the words on his chest, no one will know whether he is a Jinhao or R&F employee. He Change it in Jinhao's hotel.. Then enter R&F and kill the victim. Then return to Jinhao. You can't tell from a cursory look at the surveillance."

Zhao Li was completely paralyzed on the ground. He didn't expect that the perfect crime he planned for two years would not last even two days in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen saw Zhao Li's dazed look._ He stepped on his foot again without hesitation.

"Do you know why I just identified you?"

It's not just that Zhao Li doesn't know._ Even these police officers don't know.

It was as if Lin Chen had gone up with King Zhao Li. He thought that Zhao Li was the murderer even if he didn't see him. Zhao Li shook his head. He looked at Lin Chen with confusion. ,

"Because Li Susu can invite the navy and know how the navy works is only you."

Zhao Li's face was completely bloodless, and he lay on the ground shivering constantly.

He really didn't think so. _In order to clear the charges, he caused a storm of public opinion, but not only did he not clear his own charges.Instead, he sent himself to Lin Chen.

Da Qie said a few more words and ended the live broadcast. Just as he was about to talk to Lin Chen, he saw a tall and sturdy man walk in.The man glanced at the police officers in the office with a half-smile. Seeing those police officers bowed their heads and laughed lightly.

"You guys are too daring to broadcast live in the police office" Do you know that the Internet has already been fried? Fang Xinzhou will come to my office in a while."

Fang Xinzhou responded naively...but he didn't push his colleague out to justify his crimes.The man looked at Lin Chen again. . gave him a hearty smile.

"You are the detective that Lao Li said, right? Since I have time to come to Guangzhou as the host, I should also do my best as a landlord. Brother Lin is willing to have a drink with me."

Erqi Criminal Police Officer was stunned by the change in the chief's attitude.They never thought that the director would be a bloodless smirk.He would actually smile at Lin Chen... and even treat Lin Chen like his peers.

What is he up to?

Fang Xinzhou was used to seeing such occasions, but he just pouted.

Lin Chen smiled and shook it.

"I promised: I'm going to take her out to play today, and I've broken my trust several times. But this time, I can't miss the appointment again. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to meet your appointment."


016 Deep in the shadows

Gao Lin's face turned gloomy for a second, but after a long while he put on a warm smile, "Brother Lin is free. _ But it's just a private invitation, even if you don't come, it's nothing. I knew Brother Lin at first sight. If Brother Lin saves face, it's better to save one. Contact information Lin Chen just handed out his business card, but he didn't see his face to Gao Lin.

Gao Lin is not too embarrassed. After the business card, there is still a smile on his face. It seems that he is really optimistic about Lin Chen.After the two walked out of the police station, Lin Chen looked at the busy Taijie. _to Shen Yuejian: _ "Where do you want to play?" Lin Chen was a little annoyed. He really didn't think of the police in the dead city. It's so ineffective, I can only check Shen Yue since 2:[-].

Shen Qie didn't complain that Lin Chen didn't plan his itinerary well.

How busy Lin Chen is these past few days, Lin Chen is also aware of how busy he is. I feel disappointed because of this, but I am glad that I checked the strategy twice last night.

"Let's go to Baiyun Mountain, shall we? I heard that there should be a very wolfish place surrounded by white clouds."

Although Lin Chen didn't quite understand the romance of these little girls' eye bugs, he would not refuse Shen Qi's invitation. He even took Shen Qi to the supermarket to sweep it. ; Two people strolling well in the supermarket food section. . Shen Qi bought a lot of snacks and water and saw Lin Chen running to the outdoor activity area as soon as he left.

Baiyun Mountain covers a wide area, and it is definitely impossible to visit there in one day. . Although there is likely to be a hotel on the top. . But how can staying in a hotel be more romantic than camping for two.

Lin Chen looked at the sturdy rope and shovel, bought a lot of tents, and took one item of tents for two people to live in, and then he could stop.

Shen Qi was stunned. Banyu just found her voice.

"Brother Lin, should we still go to Baiyun Mountain to play, what do we bring with you?" Lin Chen's expression was a little soft, and he said to Daqie, "Just in case. Even if we don't camp at that time. If there is no place The body breath can also save the emergency." "But... these things are too heavy, and we are not self-guided tours." Lin Chen's finger touched Shen Qi's nose twice and was seeing Shen Yue's. His face turned red all of a sudden, and the worm's smile grew even stronger. "Don't worry. You don't know my physical strength yet."

A low and magnetic voice came to Shen Yue's ears. . Shen Qi's body suddenly softened and Lin Chen embraced him.

His arms are full of fragrance... Lin Chen's smile is even stronger.But he still remembered what to do for a while.A reminder softly in Shen Qi's ear.

l Look to teach obediently.Let's go to the checkout first. "

Can be original



on the spectrum


The temperature on Shen Qi's face did not fade away, Shu nodded with a face, and did not recover until he saw the endless mountains... Shen Qi wanted to relieve his embarrassment.I quickly found a topic.



? 87

up to and including

"By the way, Lin Beast 3o You were 76 last night.

How did you know that Zhao Li was in that Internet cafe?"

At that time, Shen Qi thought that Lin Chen just wanted to play games on a whim__ but he dropped his account to bronze and he didn't say a word__ Obviously he didn't want to play games. ;

Lin Chen was carrying a big wife's backpack and the contents were not heavy. But the floor area was really big. He pulled the strap of the backpack and wanted to adjust it, and he replied casually when he heard Shen Qi's words.

"It's very simple.. This Zhao Li desperately wanted to smear my reputation. He even invited the navy soldiers at all costs. Those navy soldiers who saw that the opponents were my opponents would not chase after me. But the comments on the Internet It's really very rude. It's not like a netizen's speech but a madman venting his emotions." Da Qi was even more puzzled. . The beauty of the flowers on the mountain did not catch her eye . There is only one clear eye bug, Lin Chen.

"Isn't it possible that someone saw Qian Qian's eyes? And why are you sure you're in that Internet cafe, Brother Lin?_"

Lin Chen was seen to be full of admiration for himself, and his mood became lighter.

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