"Seeing money, the language style can't be the same. I guess what technology he used to manipulate hundreds of trumpets at the same time"

Shen Qi's Qieguang was only on Lin Chen's body, he didn't notice that there was a branch under his feet that tripped = down, Lin Chen paused and took the initiative to take Shen Yue's hand.

"I was just taking a chance at that time, but I didn't expect to meet Zhao Li by such a coincidence."

At that time, he really wanted to find Zhao Li. .It's just [-] minutes = game and it's too terrifying to tell everyone in the Internet cafe after observing them, _Even if it's Shen Qi, Lin Chen will keep this secret.

Ask for flowers: people,:,, industry

The bursts of warmth from her hands were almost scalding. She didn't pay attention to what Lin Chen said. The tips of her ears were all crimson.

She didn't understand that she was obviously Lin Chen's woman, but why she still felt so ashamed at this time.

Lin Chen didn't expose Shen Mu's careful thoughts.Two people climbed up the stairs, a thin man and a pretty woman attracted the attention of too many people on Baiyun Mountain.

Even after seeing Lin Chen, a girl poked her boyfriend next to her with dissatisfaction, "Tell me why you are not as good as others. I just wanted to go out camping, but you just can't carry it. They are not just carrying a tent. Haven't asked your girlfriend to take a little more!"

The boy was originally jealous of Lin Chen's handsomeness, but now he is even more displeased when his girlfriend brings it out to compare his face.

"Then don't look at how sensible other people's girlfriends are!"


. The reaction of the people around has nothing to do with the western people.It is very easy for Shen Yue and Lin Chen to be disturbed by no chores.

Shen Qie even enjoyed the time when the two companies were alone and went to places where there were no people, and from time to time he asked Lin Chen to help him take pictures.The two unknowingly walked to a very remote place.There was no one around.But the most color is very rare, and there is even the brilliant blooming of Yishu Village.

As soon as Shen Qi saw the peach blossom tree, his eyes lit up and he ran forward with his feet up, regardless of whether there was any road around.

"Brother Lin, shall we take a picture here?"

Lin Chen didn't want to sweep Shen Qi's interest and followed behind her with a hint of helplessness on her face. Suddenly Shen Yue stopped and stood silently in the same place, as if waiting for something. Lin Chen glanced around and saw nothing. I didn't see it, but Shen Mun didn't seem to be joking. , he walked to the place where Shen Qi was, and saw a girl standing there among the creaking peach trees, leaning forward slightly.After waiting for ten minutes, Shen became impatient. He whispered to Lin Chen: "Who the hell is Brother Lin taking pictures of her? Why didn't I see anyone else?"

Lin Chen's expression became cold and solemn. He kept Shen Yue behind him.

"It's not that you didn't see it. _It's just that there's no one else here e_"


017 Second Corpse

As soon as Shen Qi heard his temper, he stepped forward and walked two steps to the girl. "Do you want to take a picture? If not, can you let me take it first?"

The girl's face was blocked by the shadow cast by the peach blossoms, and all she could see was her slender, white fingers with lavender-red markings". It was like being carried.Also a poor man.

Shen Qi's anger in his heart was half gone, and he wanted to go forward to comfort the girl for two days, but was pulled by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's eyesight was a little better than others. He looked at the girl's cloudy eyes, and said softly, "She's dead."

Shen Qi was startled by Lin Chen, and hugged Lin Chen's arm tightly. His body kept shaking.

Lin Chen didn't bother to comfort Shen Yue, but just took out his mobile phone and gave Jiang Fangxin a call.

"There is a corpse of a woman on Baiyun Mountain. It looks like she is still in the "[-]" year. Would you like to come and take a look?"

Jiang Fangxin thought it was Zhao Li's case, and Lin Chen remembered something else. He didn't expect him to knock on his head as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Brother Lin is really joking about this. You are not Kebei and people die everywhere..." ,

Lin Chen didn't want to listen to Jiang Fangxin's talk, so he hung up the phone neatly and patted Dachi on the back.

"Don't be afraid. Let's leave when the police arrive, okay?_"

Shen Qi has been with Lin Chen for so long, and she has seen a lot. But she did not expect that a girl who looked like a living person turned out to be two corpses.After a while, Shen Qieling calmed down, thinking that her performance just now turned even redder, and she saw that Lin Chen was only by her side.Without the intention of checking the body, I could not help but ask: _ "Brother Lin, don't you want to see the dead?"

Lin Chen shook his head.

"It's just killing people and throwing corpses, _and. I don't plan to stay here any longer. There's no need to waste time on this." Jiang Fangxin led a group of people to the mountain where Lin Chen was. He saw The strange corpse was stunned for a while, and it took a long while for the forensic doctor to come and examine it.

He ran to Lin Chen's side and asked about the situation, "What do you see? The deceased's actions are very strange."

Lin Chen glanced at the deceased and nodded, "It's very strange for the action: , but do I need to investigate the scene? Just make a record and hurry up. We have to continue climbing the mountain." Jiang Fangxin was so choked by Lin Chen that he was speechless. , It took half a day to organize the language. _ "No_ you're a detective. Don't you think it's a truth to the deceased?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.Disgusted Qieguang circled around Jiang Fangxin's body. _ "If you want me to return the truth to the deceased. Do you want it to be your king?" said Hungarian


Fang Xin watched Lin Chen and Shen Yue discuss the route in a low voice for a while... not knowing what to say.


But since Lin Chen didn't want to be involved in this case, he couldn't force it.And just like what Lin Chen said, he didn't believe that they couldn't solve the case without Lin Chen. Da Qie didn't come here like this a few years ago, but he still looked like he couldn't give up. She looked at the mountains that stretched thousands of miles.I always feel that another body is waiting for me somewhere.

She lowered her head, even with a bit of crying.

"Brother Lin, I want to go home."

When Lin Chen saw Shen and was really frightened, he didn't stop her. He immediately took her back to the hotel and flew back to Mohai City the next day. Jiang Fangxin, who was looking for him to make a record, was so angry.It was three days after Gao Lin revealed this matter. Zhang Tiannuan had a headache when he saw the file in his hand.

A female student died in the Tai World Amusement Center. She was wearing a long dress, leaning forward slightly, and compared a scissor hand, as if to take a photo.

And take off that long skirt... Only then will everyone see that the girl was tied to a wooden frame and forced to take this pose.

There is no shortage of surveillance near Tai World._ But there is a surveillance and education area, and no one has seen or discovered when this strange corpse was placed in the mouth of Tai World [ ].

People from all over the world come and go.. This case has attracted wide attention since its first appearance.

It's not just the Secretary's urging. _The media in Mohai City almost tried to block the mouth of the police station.Even the police who go out to investigate sometimes get blocked by the police with a few unintelligible questions. . Then add oil and vinegar to write a report.

. Mohai City people panic.The originally lively big world has also cooled down.

Zhang Tiannuan felt that the pressure on her shoulders was really his wife, and she always felt that something was wrong, so she brought the case to Lin Chen's house.Lin Chen kissed Shen's forehead.I heard a knock on the door outside. I turned around to open the door, but I didn't expect that it was Zhang Tiannuan qwwi

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