Zhang Tiannuan didn't talk nonsense and directly expressed his intentions.

"I have a case here. Would you like to take a look"

Lin Chen didn't refuse... let Zhang Tiannuan come in sideways.

"Who is Brother Lin here?"

As soon as Zhang Tiannuan came in, he heard a soft and lazy voice. When I saw the crimson on Shen Yue's neck, I didn't know what was going on. Zhang Tiannan almost turned around and left, but thought of his reason for coming. .Forcing herself to pretend that she didn't see anything.. She also nodded to Shen Yue.

"Your son


Although Shen Qie is weak... but he is sensitive to the ground, and sees Zhang Tiannuan and has a hostility.

But Zhang Tiannan pushed the case file in front of Lin Chen as if he was a deputy official, "Look at this. I always feel that the murderer was telling someone that he came to the sea of ​​magic. Lin Chen glanced at the file with two eyes. Photo of the dead man sat up straight.

The posture of this person and the deceased person in Guangshi is almost the same._It's just that the deceased in Guangshi put his hand on a tree, and the deceased made a scissors hand. "I've seen people who are almost the same as this dead man."

Zhang Tiannuan's expression immediately lit up, and even Shen Yue, who was staring at him, forgot about it and leaned towards Lin Chen's side. "Where have you seen any suspects in that case?_"

Lin Chen sat down.Holding a cup of coffee and drinking slowly.

"It's Guangshi. A few days ago, we.... I accidentally bumped into Q in Baiyun Mountain in Guangshi. 5 arrived at another dead person. It's just that I didn't intervene in that case and don't know the rest."

Zhang Tiannuan's shoulders drooped slightly. In an instant, he changed back to that strong and capable criminal investigation captain.

"If that's the case, I'll ask the police in Guangshi to discuss the situation." She paused and asked softly: "Do you want to intervene in this case?"

Zhang Yu'an always felt that the person the murderer wanted to tell was Lin Chen.Lin Chen shook his head.Covering the face with the book "I don't plan to.. I have to take a vacation.. I will not answer anything."

Zhang Wunuan didn't force it, _ just left quietly.

She invited Lin Chen just for Lin Chen's safety.If that person really came here with Lin Chen, it would be better with the protection of the police.

But now people don't appreciate it.. She can't go up either.


018 Outside the house

Zhang Tiannuan was not looking for Lin Chen.

Not only because of Lin Chen's refusal, but also because of the Shen Mu who appeared at Lin Chen's house.

Zhang Tiannuan doesn't know what kind of feelings he has for Lin Chen. Since he is businesslike, he only regards him as a caregiver.

But even Lin Chen gave a direction.Zhang Yunnuan and the Guangzhou police docked._But the two sides still found nothing.Lin Chen didn't pay attention to this case, although he was interested in this case._ But Shen Qiqi wanted to participate by himself.But it's just a case and no entertainment.

Lin Chen understands Shen Qi's ostrich mentality, although Shen Qi has seen many corpses.There are also bloody ones. But there is a difference between long-distance viewing and close-up contact.Long distance is nothing more than a nightmare for a few days. But close range may be a lifetime obstruction.

Lin Chen's company made Shen Mu very reassured that in the first two days, he would still do some evil spirits, but Lin Chen now has less time for her to dream, and she still has her heart to think about those things. It's too early, but a slight movement and a sense of numbness swept through her whole body from the bottom.

Shen Qi snorted and carefully glanced at Lin Chen. Seeing that he was still sleeping soundly.Sideways got up from Lin Chen's side.These days they have been in the villa and have not gone out at all.The ingredients in the refrigerator were almost wiped out by the two of them, so she decided to go outside to buy some food for Lin Chen to make up for it.

But as soon as Shen Qie opened the door, he saw a woman with long hair reaching her waist and leaning forward standing at the door of the villa. The woman was also slashed with a knife and looked like she was with Shen Qie from a distance. Smile

"Ah ah ah go up"

Shen Qi's screams came out far away, and she sat on the ground and kept rubbing back. I hoped to stay away from this woman.

Lin Chen was awakened by Shen Muchen's cry. He has consciously appeased Shen Yue these days. It stands to reason that Shen Yue should have no problem.

Lin Chen's upper body was naked, revealing his strong muscles. When he went to the door, he saw Shen Yue's pale face trembling on the ground. He picked up Shen Yue's eyes and followed Shen Yue's line of sight. He saw the woman Lin Chen's face suddenly. When the resistance fell, he closed the door with a "bang" and comforted the woman who was trembling in his arms. "Good, I can't see it anymore. It's all right."

Shen Qie seemed to be unable to even hear her voice, so Lin Chen could only stay by her side, _if he disappeared Shen Yue's cry would ring out Lin Chen's straight face and called Zhang Tian'an.


When Er Tiannuan received the call, he still felt that his eyes were wrong. Lin Chen would actually take the initiative to find him? No way... lor3

Another murder case

Thinking of this, Zhang Tiannuan gave her a headache, but she couldn't help but answer Lin Chen's phone call. The two beautiful faces were full of displeasure. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Villa 168 of Tian Zeyuan [ ] 0_ There is a county corpse .. and the one in Tai World belonged to the same person."

Yuze Garden...Isn't this Lin_chen's house?

That murderer was provoking Lin Chen! Zhang Tiannuan's face suddenly became solemn and he took a group of people to Tianze Garden without saying a word.

Wang Tao took the criminal police officers to investigate the scene, while Zhang Tiannuan went to Lin Chen's house. "How are you. Are you injured 3"

Lin Chen shook his head and handed Zhang Tiannuan two glasses of water.

"No _ just scared the family. Can I participate in this case?" The family? What is he? Zhang Tiannuan laughed at himself, but there was no expression on his face.

"It's possible, but we can't ask for it. Would you like to see the scene?" Lin Chen did not refuse, and walked directly to the body outside the door.

The deceased looked very beautiful, with a big chest, big waist, thin legs and long legs. As long as it was a man, he would look at the west eye more, but his flowery face was slashed twice with a knife.Although it's not bloody at all...but it's weird.

Lin Chen turned around the body and went to check the surveillance video of the villa.But the corpse happened to be outside the monitoring range of the camera at Lin Chen's entrance...not even a corner of his clothes could be seen.

Zhang Tiannuan took someone to check yesterday's surveillance, and found nothing suspicious.

Lin Chen personally checked the surveillance twice, but there was no suspicious person acting in the area.

With the passage of time, the case did not progress at two points, not only Zhang Tiannuan, but also Lin Chen's face was not good-looking.Zhang Tiannuan patted Lin Chen on the shoulder

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