Zhang Wunuan just smiled and waited.. neither said bad nor good__, turned his head and started to deal with his own affairs.

It was not until after boarding the plane that Xia Miaoyan gathered a little courage. .Pull Lin Chen's sleeve. "Master, I know I'm wrong. You should ignore me."

Lin Chen was originally very born to Xia Miaoyan, but when you think about it carefully, this little yoke is also for 817 himself. _

Although Lin Chen's anger was almost certain in his heart, his face was still very serious. _"You told me what your wish was before?."

my wish?

Xia Miaoyan was stunned for a moment. Looking at Lin Chen, she was very confused. It was like an abandoned puppy.

At that time, what she said to Lin Chen was._She wanted to be a policeman.

But is what I did in the inn really what a policeman should do? Xia Miaoyan's face suddenly turned pale and her lips wriggled for a long time before she whispered to Lin Chen, "I'm sorry, Master, I know I'm wrong, but Lin Chen didn't talk to Xia. Miaoyan spends a lot of time talking about this.

The escape of the prisoner is something that the police should worry about. . Anyway, there are fingerprints and footprints.. How the king finds that guy is nothing for the two of them to worry about.

When it's done, Xia Miaoyan still looks slack.Seeing this, Lin Chen rubbed her head.

"Would you like to sleep"

Xia Miaoyan didn't refuse._ She leaned on Lin Chen's body and fell asleep. But when she fell asleep, she felt the wet and sticky feeling on her feet, and even had an annoying fishy smell .

Xia Miaoyan's face was very ugly.As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Chen looking at his feet coldly. _

=: two


057 Broadcast

Lin Chen looked at the blood stains under Xia Miaoyan's feet.I looked at Xia Miaoyan, who was confused._ She turned her head and smelled it.

Xia Miaoyan didn't smell of blood on her body. "Wait here and I'll ask the stewardess what's going on." Xia Miaoyan then realized that Lin Chen was sniffing on her body. Her face turned red all of a sudden.

Whoever comes here will flow to the ground! It just so happens that it is lunch time = a flight attendant pushes the dining cart to first class.Although the scenery of Li City is beautiful now, it is not the peak tourist season after all._On the whole plane, there are only twenty or thirty people in the first class cabin, including Lin Chen's two, that is four people.The other two sit at the dividing line between first and economy class.

Lin Chen grabbed the flight attendant and pointed to the bloodstain on the ground, and asked, "What's going on?"

The flight attendant's eyes are long and narrow. There is a sense of style in the corners of the eyes and the eyebrows. Although she is not a beautiful beauty, the charm on her body is not what ordinary women can have.The flight attendant was also taken aback.Covering his mouth, he barely made a sound. "Sorry sir. We'll check soon. Please take your seat now and thank you for your cooperation."

Although the flight attendant's face was full of panic, she was well trained after all.. I didn't even hit the bar when I crossed the line = next

However, Lin Chen didn't go back, but walked towards the economy class in the opposite direction.The bloodstain is very obvious, and the more you go into the first-class cabin, the thinner it becomes. However, in the economy class, it continues to flow downward.

The flight attendant followed Lin Chen subconsciously, and Lin Chen narrowed his eyes. . stared at the flight attendant.The stewardess bit her lip, her face full of innocence.

"This passenger, please take your seat so as not to cause unnecessary disturbance."

Lin Chen looked at the woman and said in a cold voice, "My name is Lin Chen, yes..." Before Lin Chen's words were finished, the flight attendant whispered.

"Are you Lin Chen? I've heard about the case you solved, and I'm very happy to see you here. It's just that we have a rule. If something really happens, we'll find you later, okay?"

The flight attendant's attitude was very friendly. Lin Chen didn't force it.

But after ten minutes of waiting, the flight attendant didn't show up. Instead, another timid flight attendant gave Lin Chen the meal. Lin Chen squinted his eyes and felt that something was wrong.After the woman left, follow the blood trail.

Xia Miaoyan also slowed down and followed behind Lin Chen to check.

(There was only one bloodstain when Lu Linchen went there at first, but this time, when he checked it again, he saw another bloodstain standing, and that blood was not dry yet. . . . . . . flowing.

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.There was coldness in his eyes. This time, he didn't care what the flight attendant was trying to do. He followed the blood trail to the other two.


The strong smell of blood mixed with the smell of [-] disinfectant.It's even more sighing. But the people in the economy class were sleeping soundly as if they didn't notice it.

Lin Chen's eyes all the way.. still check the injuries of the two people first.

The two should be two couples wearing black and white couple shirts.The hands of the two were still entangled with each other.

Seeing this, Xia Miaoyan was even more puzzled and whispered in Lin Chen's ear, "Master. These two people are so strange."

Lin Chen didn't speak. Instead, he ripped the man's clothes off.

The man's stomach was slashed sideways, and his stomach blew out a suit. Lin Chengang=opened the clothes, and all the internal organs came out. Xia Miaoyan almost didn't spit it out. She couldn't help but take a step back.

The flight attendant covered her mouth in fear.Afraid to call out.Lin Chen didn't take off the woman's clothes and touched his neck. He found that there was still a pulse.Quickly ask Xia Miaoyan to help.Although first class is not safe. But the place is too.This is also very convenient for Lin Chen's actions.

Lin Chen looked at the stewardess with sharp eyes while stopping the bleeding for the woman.Asked, "When will I fly to Magic Sea 3"

“c航3h5670航班在___下午3点20分到达魔海,与3 -点30分正式降落。”

Lin Chen nodded and looked at the flight attendant coldly after finishing the first aid. "You have a flight attendant on this flight?"

"The time from Li Shi to Mohai is short. Now there are fewer members. I am the only flight attendant. As soon as the flight attendant's words came out, even Xia Miaoyan noticed something was wrong.

Although she had just woken up at that time, that person was indeed much prettier than this person at this time.The radio sounded.It's the captain's calm voice

"Dear passengers, flight c flight 3h56__70 is now an amusement park = a beautiful woman will spend a pleasant journey with you."

Xia Miaoyan felt wrong when she heard these words.Seeing that flight attendant trembling.Suddenly grabbed her hand and asked, "Are you the woman that person said 3"

The stewardess was taken aback by Xia Miaoyan_ It took a long time to react

"..1 If it were me, the two of you would still be standing here intact?" Xia Miaoyan looked at Sister Lian coldly, but Lin Chen nodded to the flight attendant.

"There was a beautiful woman pushing the dining cart just now. Are you sure you're the only flight attendant with you?"

Guan Min nodded and his eyes fell down in frustration.

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