"The standard standard is 50 passengers and a flight attendant. This plane is not enough for 50 people. I am the only one. I was knocked out in the kitchen while preparing lunch. I came out like this, please let me go. Going to find the captain!" Lin Chen didn't stop Guan Min, and even gave her a way.

"If you want to die, feel free." Guan Min didn't know why Lin Chen said that, but Xia Miaoyan explained kindly, "Do you think the captain would broadcast such a thing under normal circumstances? He must have been threatened. You used to be Throw yourself in the net."

But what's the difference between being with you and throwing yourself into the net 3

Guan Min was about to cry. She couldn't believe the Westerner (Lee Nuo Zhao) in front of her.Why are the other passengers asleep but only the two of them are awake 3

How could it be if it weren't for those guys' accomplices!

Lin Chen didn't stop Guan Min.Guan Min disappeared like a rabbit.Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen's eye bug with puzzlement.

"Master, this woman is so strange. Why don't you arrest her?_" Lin Chen had no interest in arresting Guan Min.Instead, she stared at the man's stomach in a daze.

Xia Miaoyan also realized something. She quietly stood aside.

There was a moan in the economy class, and a man opened his eyes.. Seeing the intestines and blood all over the place, his complexion immediately changed "Yi killed people"

The man seemed to be turned on by a switch, and Hong Zhong's voice echoed in the cabin. It turned out that those who were fast asleep also woke up to see Lin Chen and Erdi's bowels screaming.




058 woman

The shout suddenly woke up a group of travelers who fell asleep. Everyone's faces were confused, but after seeing the intestines of the earth, no one could control the panic in their hearts.

Lin Chen looked at the group of people who had lost their way, pressed his eyebrows and looked at the group of people and said coldly. "It's all quiet._"

But how could this group of people listen to Lin Chen's words.Some Dou Ruan was able to grab the bag directly and paste it on Lin Chen's body.Lin Chen grabbed the bag directly, and his eyes pierced over the man.The man felt that he was being despised by the little white face Lin Chen and kicked up. "Who do I think you are? I sent you to see Marx._" The man's feet are not slow, but Lin Chen's hands are faster.He held the man's ankle and twisted it lightly.The man was lying on the ground and kept moaning. Xia Miaoyan swore that she heard the sound of the man's broken bones. But those are human bones. Why is it made of paper in the master's place?

This time, Lin Chen scared a lot of people, but the rest of the dozen or so people didn't put quail on their seats quietly with Lin Chen.

However, there was a woman with beautiful eyes who saw Lin Chen's eye bug full of admiration, not even the man who was repaired by Lin Chen at his feet.

"Excuse me, are you Lin Chen 3, ah, ah, ah, 483 real people are more handsome than the _ on the monitor."

Although a group of people didn't know what Lin Chen looked like, they were no strangers to this name. .I even feel a little strange Lin Chen 1

Is it the Lin Chen they thought? The woman's eyes were full of admiration.. She walked cautiously to Lin Chen's side, _seeing that Lin Chen didn't push herself, jumped on Lin Chen's body.

. But Lin Chen took a step to the left to avoid the woman's closeness.

The woman's waist was slammed on the chair. Her face was full of pain.. But looking at Lin Chen was still the adoration of her face, and she didn't even show any dissatisfaction with Lin Chen.

The man hummed and got up on the ground when he heard Lin Chen's identity humming in his heart.

He's just a little white face who relies on women for his food. If he didn't have that pair of sisters to take care of the company for him, would he be so happy now? Even on the plane, there are also women who worship money. ,

"Even if he is Lin Chenshan, it can't be said that he is not a murderer. Did you kill this person?"

The man's substance was almost hitting Lin Chen in the face. Lin Chen didn't show anything, but Xia Miaoyan stood up._ leaning on Lin Chen's shoulder.

"Don't I look better than this dead man, so I'm ready to kill people? Besides, if Master likes to solve cases, a murderer like this is in Feizu.


Xia Miaoyan hasn't finished speaking yet.It was photographed twice by Lin Chen.

"What nonsense!_""90y

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, even colder than before.

Only then did Xia Miaoyan realize what she said.The back is all cold._ But his face is still arrogant.

"Even if the murderer is not on the plane, my master can judge that don't make trouble. Go back and sit."

Guan Min came out tremblingly and saw Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan like seeing a savior.

"The woman is gone_ The first officer and I didn't find her."

Guan Min's helpless appearance was very distressing, and these passengers who had to "calm down" also exploded. "What woman _ is it the murderer? "The woman might be this flight attendant!"

"Yeah, maybe it's her.. Get her!"

"Take her up!_"

Everyone pointed the finger at Guan Min.Guan Min grabbed Lin Chen's sleeve and shivered. _But even so, she didn't ask Lin Chen for help. She still remembered how she treated Lin Chen just now. I'm afraid she can only be a victim on this side.

Lin Chen pulled her behind him.Looking at everyone's eyes full of coldness.Although a group of people calmed down, _ but their hearts were full of indignation.I don't know why this is Lin Chen's one-word hall.Xia Miaoyan lengthened her voice. It sounds very annoying.

"When (ciej) the deceased ___ was found, this flight attendant was with us. She had no time to kill. And we did see another flight attendant. Now we have reason to suspect that flight attendant is the murderer."

It was only now that everyone recalled that it was not Guan Min who had just delivered food to them, but a woman who was prettier than Guan Min.

They ate food from people of unknown origin

Xia Miaoyan saw everyone's emotions stabilized.State your guesses. "Under normal circumstances, it is rare for the passengers of the plane to fall asleep together. There should be something in your lunch. Master and I did not sleep yesterday. We escaped the accident by making up for sleep on the plane. ." Xia Miaoyan's explanation is also convincing.The crowd gradually became quiet.Return to their seats one by one.

Guan Min forced himself not to pay attention to the dead man on the seat.Keep a warm smile on your face as much as possible.

"For flight safety. All passengers should go back to their seats and fasten their seat belts. Now that we have Mr. Lin Chen's help, there will be no problem. Please cooperate with us in our work."

Everyone didn't believe Guan Min at all._ But he still took the _ own seat.Guan Min looked at Lin Chen.His face was full of fear.

"What should I do now? That person is still here, will he continue to kill?"

Guan Min is puzzled._The security check of the plane is so strict. Who can bring a knife to the plane, is the machine broken or someone is on it!

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