"Ha....haha.... Lin Chen thought with a smile, patted Wang Taifa's shoulder. He kept laughing. Yu Taifa was stunned again.

- "Do you know what my name is?" Lin Chen regained his composure... and continued to stare at Wang Taifa with cold eyes.

"Lin Chen" what's wrong? 1 Stupid?? 1" Wang Dafa continued to reply Lin Chen in a dazed way.

"It seems that you are not only incompetent, but also ignorant. That's all. You don't know what to say to a frog in the bottom of a well like you. In the future, you come out and hang out. Remember to find out what is the person you can't stand up before you come out. Otherwise, you have to ask me to do more work. Today is my day off. It's also a rare day for me to go out on a date.. I won't care about people like you. After all, I have taught you a lesson. " This time, Lin Chen used the tone of his boss to teach employees to teach Wang Tai "two or six soils".

Wang Dafa was a little skeptical when he saw Lin Chen enter these things so confidently. His mind has been spinning at a high speed. He still can't think of any clues after using the amount of brain exercise he has had over the past few years.

"Lin Chen...Lin Chen...Chen..." Wang Taifa kept revolving Lin Chen's name in his mind, but his brain was like pouring water... Still can't think of it something to come.

Lin Chenling looked at Yu Taifa coldly and said, "What? I still can't think of it. 3. You are really a waste. Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd., the criminal investigation team, Lin Chen." Wang Dafa just panicked at this time_" Chen....is he really the boss of Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd.?” The news also reported this person. , he is still the first team of criminal investigation, and even the famous detective in the whole city, even Bureau Zhang has to be polite to him, ah, "Oh my god! What the hell am I? What the hell!" Wang Taifa instantly Sitting on the ground, Wang Taifa's friends seemed to have thought of something. The terrified expressions on their faces stiffened.

"Chen!. Brother Chen! Brother Chen!_ .... No! No! Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen! Boss Chen Tai blames me for not knowing Taishan! It's all me, damn it, my motherfucker is a scum! I am blooding you and your lost person to compensate for the enterprise!_" Wang Dafa knew that Lin Chen's strength and identity changed his face, and he couldn't even speak. Now, it has become even more obedient than a captive pet.

"I'm a scumbag! It's my fault that I was so drunk that I didn't even recognize you! I've been doing such impolite things to your people..." Wang Taifa continued to admit his mistake to Lin Chen, While speaking, he slapped his face so hard with his left hand that he even forgot the scar on his face.Tong Shi found that Lin Chen still didn't move.think possible

It's that you're not fanning hard enough

.The apology was not sincere enough, I just wanted to do it all

Only the broken right hand stretched out to cooperate with the left sheep Anming bale

The face of the original product.Lin Chen stopped him. l0q

"Actually, you don't have to do this to yourself because it's all for me if you don't do it.

In this way, I just want to convince myself.. to know my own strength.Don't pretend to be arrogant." Lin Chen continued to look at Wang Taifa with icy eyes. His eyes did not contain any sympathy and pity. Always so handsome. Multi-wood and multi-talented.It's me who messes around after drinking._Otherwise, how would I dare to do this with you. _I can't even raise my head when I see you!"

Wang Dafa continued to apologize to Lin Chen, but he didn't dare to raise his head to look at Lin Chen. "Mr. Lin, you are such a big man. I think you should be a prime minister who can punt a boat. You won't care about a villain like me... You see you're too young to be a boss. And still. ...""

Wang Zuofa's flattering words were interrupted by Lin Chen's gesture.

Lin Chen glanced at the hotel and said: "Forget it, don't go in too much. I feel disgusting and I don't have time to spend with you here. There is an important person waiting in the hotel. And me"

"Okay. Okay. Mr. Chen really has Fowler, so I won't bother you. But about that piece of land..." Wang Dafa was very afraid of going through this.Lin Chen would turn his back on not investing in that land.Hastily explained.

"You don't have to worry about that piece of land. The transaction will continue. After all, our company still needs it. Well, Lingyu, you are also considered to be dismissed. It's just a tuition fee to meet the world." Lin Chen walked towards the hotel. In response to Wang Taifa.

"Okay, alright_Mr. Chen is really too talented, and he is really young and promising_I'll leave here with my brothers. Let's talk about meeting and I'll invite Mr. Chen to dinner!_" Wang Taifa said politely .. I was finally relieved.  … ___Wang Taifa thought to herself, "When I pretend to be horizontal in the future, I will try to understand the too many people in this area and come out. Oh, forget it, I will still be in the future. Let's be majestic on my site!_I can't do this kind of thing again, I'm afraid I won't even have time to regret it_!"

"What's the matter, is there any trouble? 3. I'm afraid I'll take over your business while I'm eating when I'm rarely resting." Zhang Yunuan asked Lin Chen worriedly. "What? Are you worried about me or are you worried that I will kill that person impulsively? Lin Chen looked at Zhang Tiannuan seriously. Zhang Tiannuan said jokingly: _ "Haha. . You still need me to worry? Just don't make too much trouble.I also believe in you, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here so peacefully."

The two picked up the red wine glass and collided twice.Immediately after the tasting, the live erhula singing of the classical rhythm continued to be played around the Erji.

Lin Chen was very gentle.. looked at Zhang Tiannuan very seriously.Zhang Tiannuan is like a unique piece of art. He is being watched by the connoisseur Lin Chen.At this moment, Zhang Tiannuan belongs to him alone.Lin Chen felt like nothing happened just now. From the beginning to now, he has been sitting there enjoying the tranquility of this moment...

_"What are you doing...don't keep looking at me like this...". Zhang Tiannuan was stared at by this invincible and handsome face. His face was shyly red like a setting sun.At that moment 4 she was also immersed in this atmosphere, at that moment she was Lin Chen's only person: she only belonged to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen ignored Zhang Yunuan's words and continued to look at her.

At this moment, Zhang Yunuan's phone rang suddenly.Breaking the tranquility of this moment... It was Wang Tao's voice on the other end of the phone.Lin Chen felt it.Zhang Tiannuan is going to deal with the case.He didn't say anything. Because he knew very well the responsibilities of this job and Zhang Tiannuan's serious attitude towards this job.

"Would you like to take you there?" Lin Chen waited for Zhang Tiannuan to end her call. _ Before Zhang Yunuan could speak, Lin Chen got up and helped Zhang Tiannuan, _ sent her to the bureau.Lin Chen's Bentley rang again, drawing out a line of sight around the surrounding scenery.Zhang Tianan sat in the co-pilot.. has been looking at this hotel__ thinking back to the tranquility of that moment. _ ,


077 Take notes on closing the case

As soon as Lin Chen parked the car at the door, Wang Tao was already waiting for Zhang Wunuan at the door. "What's the situation?. The time and place of death, the person who died in the accident. Please explain everything." Zhang Tiannuan asked Wang Tao with a serious face.

"Team Zhang, you can forget it. This lawsuit is about the death of a muscular man in the gym, but I have already solved the previous case and concluded that he was pretending because of his own incompetence. Too much force can't bear the equipment. Weight, I was crushed to death by a barbell weighing nearly [-] jin - Never forget to turn to Lin Chen.

Wang Tao just wanted Lin Chen to know that he could accomplish some things, not only by Lin Chen.Wang Tao's heart sank for a second, "Hey, now I, Wang Tao, have finally grown his face back to see what else you can do, Lin Chen."

Lin Chen knew what Wang Tao wanted to express.I was not moved by 09 at all._ Still glanced at Wang Tao with a cold gaze. , Because he knows. Things will not be so simple. Only people like Wang Tao who do things without thinking will make such a conclusion and want to take this credit.Zhang Tiannuan glanced at Wang Tao, his expression became more and more serious and said: "A muscular man was killed by fitness equipment? 1 Do you believe this?! Hello Hu is also a member of our criminal investigation team. Thinking-next? Time of death. Where is the person who died?"

"Oh no.. Zhang team, I dare to swear, he is the one who committed the crime. I am also a member of the first criminal investigation team. I have carefully checked the relevant people of the place of this case. There is nothing suspicious about it.”

When Wang Tao saw Zhang Tiannuan so decisively deny his judgment, he felt very uncomfortable.Hastily explained.

Zhang Tiannuan shook his head and said a little impatiently: "Death, time and place of death....

"Time of death. 20:06 _. Place of death, Panshan Fitness Center in the city center. Person of death: Zhao Hai, with average family conditions and a little girlfriend."

When Wang Tao saw Zhang Tiannuan, he still didn't believe what he said.He told Zhang Tiannuan about the incident very reluctantly.

Zhang Tiannuan looked at Lin Chen, who was unmoved by the side, and said __ "Lin Chen.. If you have something to do, you can go back to rest first. You haven't rested for a few days, leave these small cases to us. Otherwise, all the big and small cases will be handed over to you. You will be overwhelmed. "Speaking of people who want to rest. I don't think you need to exercise more than me? Besides, when did I become the person to be worried about? ?" Lin Chen looked at Zhang Tian'an warmly and said.

"Forget it __ Anyway, I still have to wait for you to go home and continue to make up for today's unfinished appointment."

Lin Chen watched Zhang Tiannuan preach with the eyes of his little girlfriend.Then go to the car to 43100

Zhang Tiannuan was looked at by Lin Chen like this, even if he was looked at like this several times today.But her heart was still pounding in an instant, and her cheeks suddenly turned red.

Before Zhang Tiannuan could react, he only heard Lin Chen sitting in that room and pressing the rules.Intentionally, Zhang Tiannuan came over.Wang Tao saw the two interacting here.Feeling even more upset, he urged them to leave quickly.

The Panshan Gym is now blocked by the police and has been blocked inside and out.There was a crowd of people around to watch the fun.There are also = a group of police officers who are busy investigating the case

Zhao Hai's body lay on the ground.The whole body was congested by the dumbbells, and the whole body turned black.

Even Zhang Tiannuan, who had been the captain of the criminal investigation team for so long and had seen countless dead people, was startled by the body in front of him and said, "I have been a poor man for so long and have seen so many corpses. Some have severed heads. There are some broken ones, but it's the first time I've seen the upper body that was crushed to purple and black."

Lin Chen didn't move beside him. He felt that the things in front of him were exactly the same as what he thought, but it was still so boring.

Zhang Tiannuan looked at Wang Tao and said, "Are you sure the corpse died suddenly at 20:[-]?" "Sure. It's true! I said that he pretended to be crushed to death by himself, you are...what...

Wang Tao said. When he said it, he did not forget to tell Zhang Tiannuan that his judgment was right.Zhang Yunuan scanned the surroundings.Except for the [-]-pound dumbbell on the ground and the drool-splattered blood on the ground, it seemed that there were no tools or suspect items that seemed to be murdered.

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