Zhang Tiannuan looked at Lin Chen. Lin Chen looked at him, and he made a gesture indifferently, suggesting that Zhang Tiannuan had to solve the case by himself.

"Those who exercised here, the boss and the victim's family have all inquired. Is there any suspicious person? Is there any suspicious place?"

Zhang Tiannuan still asked Wang Tao doubtfully.

"There is no boss who has been playing games at the front desk. I watched the game records on his computer desktop. He played it from this morning until the case happened. At 20:[-], there was no one in this gym and we watched the monitoring. These companies People have been doing their own training and have no time to pay attention to the victims."

Wang Taojin recounted the results of his investigation, and suddenly got stuck and thought about it.He added: "By the way, the victim came with a cousin of his. However, I also carefully observed that his cousin was very thin and looked like a nerd. It seemed that he had no resistance at all. and the motive for the murder." 930 "What about his cousin? Where is he?" Zhang Tianan heard Wang Tao's words.Once again suspecting that this case may be a murder case, Wang Tao pointed to the front desk and said, "Well. The one sitting at the front desk was so scared that he covered his hair and trembled. That small body. You can see it with your eyes."

Zhang Tiannuan looked at the front desk, and indeed, as Wang Tao said, he was so thin that he felt like he could be punched on the floor.

Zhang Tiannuan walked towards the victim's cousin, and patted him on the shoulder to calm him down. Zhao Hai's cousin was even more frightened by Zhang Tiannuan's slap. Suddenly he jumped up.

He raised his head and looked at Zhang Tiannuan in front of him.He fell to the ground and cried again."Please calm down, I have a few words to ask you." Zhang Tiannuan officially asked about Zhao Hai's cousin who was lying on the ground crying.

"Ah! Ah...table....,

He is dead! 1" Zhao Hai's cousin said in horror" these words. -Zhang Tiannan handed Zhao Hai's cousin a glass of white water and said, "You calm down!!-Zhang Tiannan continued to ask Zhao Hai's cousin very seriously: "What name do you hand in and what is the relationship between the victim and the victim?" ?and also.What were you doing when the victim had an accident? Please calm down and explain to me slowly. :two


078 Pretty Woman

Zhao Hai's cousin took a sip of the water Zhang Tiannuan handed over. After resting for a while, he returned to his normal calm.

"My name is Zhao Yang, my cousin... that is, the victim's cousin. We usually have a good relationship. My cousin will play wherever he goes. He will take me with him when he sees me being weak and will be bullied. He has been persuading me to come to the gym. I can't believe that he just brought me here for a week.. But something like this happened....

Zhao Yang explained calmly.

Zhang Yunuan could not have imagined that the calm Zhao Yangjin's words would be so attractive. Obviously, this is a very literate person.

"When my cousin had an accident __ I was drinking water at the front desk and resting. After all, I can't overdo it when I am weak. _ I need to rest properly."

Zhao Yang continued to explain and suddenly became sad again.Said: _ "Alas.. My cousin and my cousin's family are really treating me very well, _ I really don't know how to face my cousin's family. I feel like I'm feeling guilty now." Zhao Yang said _. I feel like I want to cry again.

Zhang Wu'an responded to Zhao Yang: "It's none of your business, people can't be brought back to life. Your cousin died because of an accident. I hope you don't blame yourself too much." Although Zhang Tian'an said this... But with her years of experience.Her intuition told her that Zhao Hai was not necessarily an accidental death.So she was dubious about Zhao Yang's words, because she was the only suspicious person at the scene.

Zhang Yunuan looked at Zhao Yang calmly and said:

"You calm down here first = I have something to do, so I won't bother you."

Then Zhang Yunuan called Wang Tao._Turn on the monitor a second time to show her.

Lin Chen walked to Zhang Tian'an's side. Of course what he wanted to see wasn't surveillance, he didn't want to know about this case at all. Because this case wasn't that difficult for him to take action.He just wanted to take this opportunity to take a good look at when Zhang Tiannuan was working. After all, he was really only concerned about himself and the case before and didn't really solve Zhang Yu'an.Zhang Tiannuan watched the surveillance over and over again.. Really didn't find anything suspicious. Zhao Yang really did what he said. Except for a few words with Zhao Hai a few times.. He has been doing it from beginning to end. with your own training and rest. ,

"It doesn't make sense. It's so hard that I suspect the wrong person ___?" Zhang Tianan began to shake his guesses in his heart.Zhang Yunuan glanced at Lin Chen, who was still motionless beside him.. and said: _"Lin Chen.. you should talk about it.. I began to doubt myself. My thoughts e."

In many cases before, Lin Chen was Zhang Zhijin

The most heavenly pillar of Tiannuan anyway, no matter what I can't think of.She asked Lin Chen to help for a long time. Zhang Tiannuan formed a kind of dependence on Lin Chen.


"The case is too boring, I don't want to say anything. Check it out for yourself." Lin Chen responded to Zhang Tiannuan with a serious attitude.



Zhang Yunuan was a little cold and unexpected

From the time I came here to now._Lin Chen-Xun did not say a word, but the first ten words he said turned out to be the result, and it was only after I asked him to speak. "You're so naive x_You're giving the answer. Don't be so mysterious all day long. I look at it all... Wang Tao replied to Zhang Tiannuan when he heard Lin Chen's attitude _= I couldn't help it. _ He yelled at Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen heard Wang Tao say these words, he was not on the same side.My ears are blistered.But every time Wang Tao entered and exited the sentence, the result was the same. The second case was solved by Lin Chen.Lin Chen didn't pay attention to Wang Tao._Just glanced at the place where the water was placed and then pointed there.

"Why didn't you make a sound _31_ Can't think of it_ ?. I knew that you would only play tricks. Show off the mystery, and I don't know why Team Zhang and the others trust you so much... Still want to rely on you?"

Wang Tao's head... still couldn't understand what Lin Chen meant. . Continuing to scold Zhang Tiannuan as if he understood what Lin Chen wanted to express. Then he took over Wang Tao. Just as he was about to go to the place where the water was released, suddenly the fitness room became too noisy...

"Ah!_...Ah!_Brother Hai!_.....Brother Hai""

Two beautiful women with beautiful body were crying at Zhao Hai's corpse. "It's you.. It's definitely you, you just don't think I'm good with Brother Hai. I keep telling you that it's impossible for me and you. I thought you would give up, so I won't tell Brother Hai that you bothered me during that time. My business. I didn't expect you to be so cruel. You actually murdered your own cousin""

The floating woman pointed at Zhao Yang at the front desk fiercely and cursed angrily.

Wang Tao saw that the woman was committing a crime so ignorant of the rules. Just as he was about to stop the woman, he was stopped by Lin Chen.Wang Tao was very unconvinced.Just when I was about to enter, I was stopped by Zhang Tiannuan again. This is why he just stood there obediently...

Seeing the woman say this, Zhao Yang hurriedly walked there to stop the woman's shouting and explained: "___Xiaoyu. Pi is like this. Let's go back first, please tell me if you have something to say, don't be next to my cousin's body. It would be disrespectful to my cousin." Xiaoyu roared loudly: _ "You are disrespectful. 21 What did you think when you killed him? Today I'm going to tell the police officer what happened. Let them put you to death so that Brother Hai can rest in peace!_". "Why don't you believe me when you are an official? What did I do wrong~ What did I do wrong? Make you hate me so much 3. Know you the longest The person is me, don't you have any feelings for me?" Zhao Yang responded 3 Yu. Then he continued: _ "You know my character and courage. I don't even think about murdering a person. I don't even dare to think.. let alone that this person is such a good cousin to me!_"_"I don't have the courage to meet you_ But I know that you love me more than your heart, you just want to get from Brother Hai took me back. Because you are such a person!_You have always been at ease and embarrassed that I only belong to you (Zhao Lehao) alone!" Xiaoyu said and got up .He sat down on the ground. Very heartbroken... At this time, Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan came over and helped Xiaoyu who was crying.. and took him to the chair at the front desk and handed it to her = - glass of water. ,

Zhang Yunuan looked at 4 Yu seriously and said:__"Have you calmed down? Could you please tell us clearly what you said just now 1? If what you entered is true._We will help you solve the trick of."

"Zhao Yang and I are high school classmates. We are also classmates from Taixue. He likes me. He didn't even go to the key Taixue in order to chase me. I signed up for my Taixue. I know he likes me very much, but I have always Treat him as a good friend. When I was in Taixue, I was very sad for a while because of family reasons. He has been with me all the time. I think he is really good to me, so I promised to be his girlfriend... ... ?

Xiaoyu went in and cried again.


079 Goodbye

Zhang Yu'an handed it to ~ Xiaoyu again = a glass of water and paper.

Xiaoyu paused and continued, "After that, Zhao Yang took me back to his hometown. There I met his cousin Zhao Hai and we fell in love. I really fell in love with Zhao Hai. He also loved him. But I only have mercy and pity for Zhao Yang"

After hearing this, Wang Tao whispered to Zhang Tiannuan and said gossip: "I don't think this woman is a good thing. She's a bit watery. Zhang Yunuan agreed with Wang Tao... just looked at Lin Chen for a second, and then continued Zhao Yangxin's small talk. Yu Jin fell to his knees on the ground and slammed his head against the ground. He roared angrily: _ "Why! Why, Xiaoyu, I love you so much. But you fell in love with me. The best cousin!_" Zhao Yang is now full of cursing. He continued to cry, "There is only sympathy...haha"....hahaha"_" Everyone present could feel Zhao The despair and grief in Yang's heart. Everyone present except Lin Chen and the Tai family were immersed in Zhao Yang's heartfelt cry. While waiting for Zhang Tiannuan and the others to relax, Zhao Yang picked up Wang Tao's trousers and buckled himself. His hands were locked and he turned himself in.

"I am a murderer. You arrest me. I have nothing left to nostalgize in this world. I thought that killing my cousin would bring Xiao Yu's heart back to me. , but I was wrong, at the moment of my cousin's death.. I experienced the most regretful choice in my life.. I'm really sorry for my cousin who loves me so much, you can do whatever you want with me. .."

Zhao Yang returned to his usual calm and told his reason. . But this peacefulness was marked by obvious remorse.

"Dou>Yu, if I hadn't brought you back to my hometown. Let you know my cousin. Would you really love me?_"

Zhao Yang interjected with Xiaoyu, but Xiao>yu did not speak, but just waved his hand to indicate that he would never again...

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