Lin Chen seemed to realize Zhang Tiannuan's abnormality, so Wang Shi turned Zhang Tiannuan over and turned his back to the car.And said to Zhang Tiannuan, "Don't worry, I'm here. Don't be afraid." With Lin Chen's comfort, Zhang Tiannuan seemed to be calmer, but he was still a little scared.

After Zhang Tian'an turned around... for a little while for two seconds... and then turned back again.Zhang Yunuan understands _ (bcfe) Lin Chen did this for her own good.But the situation is so critical now._Zhang Tiannuan must turn around to help Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen opened the car door 1. He helped the man inside to try not to let his injuries [ ] be torn apart.

L, but the man was still moaning in pain.


on the spectrum

Lin Chen said to the man: _ "If you persist, we will rescue you immediately."



Lin Chen constantly encouraged the man to let her stick to it and not give up.


I have to admire Lin Chen's ability to be so calm and rational in any situation.Not only can I find a way to solve any difficulties, but I am also responsible for taking care of everyone's feelings.

Lin Chen was going to drag the man out of the car door and send him to the hospital. This way he would be relatively safer.

But Lin Chen's strength alone is limited.Couldn't move the heavy man at all.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu'an turned around to help Lin Chen, Zhang Tiannuan grabbed the man's shoulders. _ And Lin Chen hugged the man's legs. _ wanted to pull him out of the car.

But when the two people just pulled out = down. .The man immediately screamed very loudly, and he kept calling: _""It hurts, it hurts."_"

So Lin Chen said to Zhang Wuhen: "Stop for a moment. His foot seems to be stuck"3

Zhang Tianai stopped what he was doing and Lin Chen squatted down, carefully observing the man's stuck foot.

Yu Wang had hit so hard just now that the car had been deformed, and the man's right foot was tightly stuck.

Fortunately, Lin Chen found out in time. If they forcibly dragged the man out, it would definitely cause irreparable damage.Zhang Tiannuan said to Lin Chen, "What should I do? If I forcibly pull him out... he will definitely be injured. But it would be too much time to wait for professional people to come and rescue him."

Lin Chen also knows the current situation _ they must not be allowed to delay any longer.Lin Chen said to Zhang Tiannuan, "don't worry, I'll find a way."

Lin Chen has been squatting on it... carefully studying the stuck foot.

Suddenly, Lin Chen realized something was wrong, and Wang Shi immediately pushed Zhang Tiannuan back = down.

It turned out that Shaohua rushed up a lot just now, but thanks to Lin Chen's timely response, Zhang Tiannuan was not burned.Zhang Tiannuan was very moved. In a critical moment, Lin Chen thought of not himself but her for the first time.

Don't worry, even if this is the case... Zhang Tian'an still thinks that Lin Chen is very good to him. _But Zhang Tiannuan thought about it again.Lin Chen is a very kind person.Even if it's not that she is by Lin Chen's side today, it's others who believe it.Lin Chen will definitely save him as soon as possible.

But Zhang Yunuan still felt that Lin Chen was very good to him, and Zhang Tianan was very happy to be by his side.

Zhang Tiannuan hurried over to see if Lin Chen was injured.It was just too scary.Lin Chen smiled and said to Zhang Tiannuan, "It's okay. Don't worry._In fact, the fire almost came to Lin Chen's side just now. Lin Chen pushed Zhang Tiannuan to a safe place for the first time, but he Didn't have time to escape.

But Lin Chen doesn't regret it at all. He is willing to unconditionally protect Zhang Yunuan's safety. In fact, this time Lin Chen is really injured and he won't have any complaints._Because he is such a particularly selfless person.Fortunately, nothing happened to Lin Chen._Otherwise.Zhang Tiannuan would definitely feel guilty Lin Chen said to Zhang Tiannuan, "We have to hurry up_ The fire has changed too much.,

Now the car [outside] must have reached the knees, so when the two of them move, they are also extra careful.

The men in the car also seemed to be aware of the danger, so he said to them in a weak voice: "You don't have to worry about me... let's go."

_But how could Lin Chen be the kind of person who can't be saved?

Lin Chen said to him: _ "Don't worry. _ We will definitely rescue you." After that, Lin Chen & continued to squat down and observed his stuck foot.At this time, the flames danced around Lin Chen and slowly rose.

And in this picture of insects.. Lin Chen is the beautiful scenery inside.Lin Chen's strong sense of responsibility and extraordinary ability.Always make him have a strong aura.

After Lin Chen carefully observed the foot, he found that the foot was so stuck that it couldn't move at all.

And Lin Chen didn't dare to be hard. He was afraid that his feet would be hurt.

Lin Chen was caught in a dilemma and must be getting more and more vigilant at all times. Lin Chen must hurry up.



085 Bandaging the wound

Zhang Tiannuan was also anxious. He said to Lin Chen: _ "Let's find a way. Otherwise, there will be danger."

After Zhang Yunuan said this sentence_the whole air exudes a tense atmosphere_the wind seems to be blowing more violently.The fire kept shaking.

At the most critical time, Lin Chen finally thought of a way to understand the trick.

I saw Lin Chen forcefully push the seat back twice, leaving room for the man's feet.

The situation at that time was so critical that the man's foot was stuck inside. _I couldn't get it out anyway.

However, Lin Chen immediately realized that the seat should be able to be adjusted backwards, so he quickly adjusted the position of the seat... and took out the man's feet smoothly.

Then Lin Chen took the man's foot out of the gap.

Lin Chen's series of actions._ are all done perfectly and quickly.No hesitation at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yunuan couldn't help but applaud Lin Chen.

Lin Chen can always think of a way to deal with it at the most critical time. ,

After Lin Chen took out the man's feet, he said to Zhang Tiannuan, "Quick... let's take him out together."

Zhang Tiannuan was also very nervous, and supported the man's shoulder with her trembling hand._ The two rescued the man together.After they pulled the man out of the car, they ran into the distance.

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