Lin Chen said to Zhang Tiannuan, "Run, this car is about to explode." Zhang Tiannuan didn't understand why Lin Chen suddenly said such a sentence.So I can only run forward desperately.

Sure enough, as Lin Chen said... They just left the car three meters away.I only heard the sound of the car, and the whole car was reduced to ashes, and there was a raging fire.Fortunately, they moved quickly. If they were a few seconds later, they would have been burned to ashes by the fire.

Zhang Yunuan slumped on the ground and clutched his heart, saying, "'s too thrilling. Fortunately, nothing happened, but Lin Chen seemed very calm. He laid the man flat on the ground.. Then he walked in the direction of the car. Zhang Yunuan didn't know what Lin Chen was in the car. But since Lin Chen did this, there must be his reason.

This series of actions is like a bug, thanks to Lin Chen's constant encouragement by Zhang Tiannuan's her.She could have persisted until now, and completed such a magnificent and arduous task with Lin Chen.

Moreover, Zhang Yunuan is very confident now. In fact, she will not be afraid if Lin Chen is by her side in the face of difficulties in the future.

Suddenly, Zhang Tiannuan seemed to think about it and said, "By the way, Shan should give Wang Tao a loyal word, and he must be worried to death."



So Zhang Tiannuan sat up all of a sudden and prepared to go to the car to get his mobile phone.


But Lin Chen stopped her on the way. It turned out that Lin Chen had long thought that Zhang Tiannuan was going to carry the phone to Ping Tao... Afraid that he would be worried, he deliberately took the sheep machine out of the car for him.

Zhang Tiannuan took over the phone_I felt that he and Lin Chen had a very tacit understanding... Lin Chen always knew what she was going to do in the next second, and helped her plan it in advance.And Lin Chen also took out his mobile phone and called 120. _

Now the wounded is bleeding too much, _ urgently needs treatment, so after Lin Chen told the ambulance, he vomited repeatedly.. Let them come as soon as possible.

After making the emergency call, Lin Chen tore off his clothes.Bandage the wounded wound and help him stop the bleeding.

Lin Chen knew that if the blood kept flowing like this, even if an ambulance came... it might cause irreparable damage.Therefore, in the process of taking preventive measures in advance to bandage the wounds of the injured, Lin Chener kept telling him.Let him endure -- come down, because the bandaging process is a little painful.Thanks to Lin Chen's encouragement.This man can keep gritting his teeth and persevering. _ But she still had a chill on her head with the pain...a pained cry came out of her mouth.

Lin Chen picked up a stick from the side and put it in the man's mouth._This way he wouldn't bite his tongue when he was in pain.

After bandaging the wound, Lin Chen continued to encourage the man to not give up hope of life. The ambulance arrived immediately. Lin Chen knew that a person's consciousness is very important. .If he has a strong sense of survival.Then it's easier for him to stick with it.

Lin Chen saw that the man's injuries were relatively serious, so he wanted to carry the phone to urge the ambulance to see where he was. But he was afraid of affecting the ambulance's journey.So they didn't bother them.

:_: Ask for flowers, _ :__ Zhang Yunuan picked up the phone and _ saw the contents inside. . are moved to cry.The phone was full of missed calls from Wang Tao, voice messages on WeChat, and various text messages.

.Wang Tao really cares about her too much_ But also. They often work together to solve cases.Feelings are bound to be better.Zhang Yunuan hurriedly called Wang Tao to tell him not to worry.

As expected by Zhang Yunuan, Wang Tao was in the police station. Zhang Tiannuan never waited.She was also anxious like an ant on a hot pan, worried that something would happen to Zhang Tiannuan. Because Wang Tao knew Zhang Wunuan's character, she would definitely arrive at the police station at the first time.

But after so long... I still haven't seen Zhang Yunuan. Wang Tao is naturally worried about her.

Wang Shi Wang Tao called Zhang Tianan repeatedly to confirm her current situation.Both Zhang Yunuan and Lin Chen's mobile phones were in the car, so they didn't hear it.And they were busy saving people here. He didn't realize that the phone rang and Wang Tao called and no one answered. His heart was even more anxious.

So Wang Tao quickly took a few of his men and went out to find Zhang Tiannuan.

But where is he going to look for such a place? _You can only look for nearby places first.

When Wang Tao went out to look for it, he even arranged for someone outside the door if Zhang Tiannian came over.The second must inform him immediately that Wang Tao does not understand why he is so worried about a person.

Now Wang Tao's mood is very complicated, if Zhang Tian'an will have another accident. . Maybe he will feel guilty too.After all, she told Zhang Yunuan that the situation was urgent and asked her to arrive as soon as possible.Wang Tao also checked all nearby hospitals to see if Zhang Tiannuan's name was there.The current Wang Tao... feels very helpless, and I don't know how I can really help Zhang Tiannuan_. I don't understand what Zhang Yunuan's situation is now.

Until Zhang Yunuan carried the phone to Wang Tao, Wang Tao was very excited when he saw the familiar phone number and answered the call.I heard Zhang Tiannuan's familiar voice.And confirm that he is very safe.. Wang Tao just put down that hanging heart. -: ..two


086 Clues of the Zhao Family

Wang Tao could hear it... Zhang Tiannuan's voice was trembling.Obviously just cried.

Wang Taomin Zhang Tiannuan:_"Are you okay? Why do I hear that your voice is not right? Zhang Tiannuan said:_"It's okay.I'm fine. It's just that you care so much about me __I'm very touched __Thank you. "Wang Tao smiled __ and said: _ "It's all teammates.Caring for each other is what it should be. You'll be fine. "

Zhang Tianan said to Wang Tao, "Thanks to Lin Chen by my side... I can be so safe, and we solved all kinds of difficulties together and saved a person in a car accident. Wang Tao heard that Lin Chen was in Zhang When the weather is warm, I feel relieved.

With Lin Chen accompanying Zhang Yunuan, Zhang Tiannuan will definitely not be in any danger or suffer any grievances.

Lin Chen always has the ability to "zero soil and soil" beyond ordinary people, and is good at discovering the main points of the case. ,

Moreover, Lin Chen has a strong sense of responsibility and will protect everyone around him.Zhang Tiannuan had already carried the phone to Wang Tao and reported that it was safe.So he hung up the phone and took care of the injured with Lin Chen.This man was seriously injured. His whole body was covered in blood, which made people feel distressed when he saw Du Shifen.While waiting for the ambulance._The man held Lin Chen's hand tightly..repeatedly said to him:_"Thank you..Thank you." Lin Chen knew that this man escaped from death, for sure Five points in my heart.Lin Chen said to the man: _ "Don't talk for now. The ambulance will be here soon, let's go. You will be fine." The man heard Lin Chen's words. _ It seemed that he was really relieved .. he Nodding.. smiling at Lin Chen.

Said to Zhang Tiannuan, "This person must have taken drugs."

. Zhang Tiannuan was shocked to hear Lin Chen say this.

If the person is really on drugs.Then they have to do a good job of investigating = maybe they can find any drug dens.Zhang Yunuan asked Lin Chen, "How did you see that he was taking drugs?"

Lin Chen replied: _ "When I saw him for the second time, I felt something was wrong with him. When I rescued him just now. _ I realized that he was taking drugs."

After listening to Lin Chen's answer, Zhang Tiannuan glanced at the man subconsciously.Although Zhang Yunuan has seen many drug addicts.But there was no sign of him taking drugs.

Wang Shilin Chen explained to Zhang Tianai: "Your lips are particularly white when you hold him. And it reveals that Zikong's body is still trembling. This sign is obviously drug use." "Shuowang




Zhang Yunuan recalled that there seemed to be such a reaction on the drug addicts for the past two days. log

However, Zhang Tiannuan glanced at the man again.He was covered in blood?] His lips were pale and looked weak.So Zhang Tiannuan continued to ask: _ "Maybe it was because he was injured just now that he is very weak now. His lips were white and his whole body was shaking."

What Zhang Tiannuan said also makes sense._But Lin Chen continued:

"He's really just injured

Yes, but Xun Bai's reaction after the injury is definitely different from his current reaction. We have to focus on this man.Zhang Yunuan nodded. . Said to Lin Chen: "Okay. I will leave this matter to me. I will definitely check it out." Lin Chen touched Zhang Tiannuan's little head and said to her:

"For work.. you always

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