But Lin Chen said to Wang Tao, "__" If he really invested that much money directly into the company, it would definitely be obvious, and other competitors would also find out._Take a look at whether their company's stock has changed. ?. Maybe he'll put that money into stocks."

Hearing what Lin Chen said, _ Yutao immediately checked the stock of Mr. Zhang's company. _ It was exactly as Lin Chen said.

During this period of time, Mr. Zhang's stock has increased a lot.

However, these stocks were bought by others, not by Mr. Zhang himself in bulk.

So this is the case. . Or Pi can be used as direct evidence .. Mr. Zhang will not admit it.

Lin Chen said:

"It's okay.. now

Certainly there is a problem with the stock.We only need to check whether those who have recently approved the shares (Zhao Zhao's) have any contact with Mr. Zhang, and then we can determine the bloodshed of the funds. "

So Wang Tao immediately investigated = the following shareholders are indeed closely related to Mr. Wang.

But their chat records were deleted. After a lot of hard work, Wang Tao still got their records back.It was indeed Mr. Zhang who asked them to buy his own stock and then gave them some money.Now everything is out.Wang Tao couldn't help but sigh: "Thanks to Lin Chen this time, otherwise the case wouldn't be so smooth."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Since the case has been solved, then let's go out and have a good meal. Let's celebrate." Zhang Tiannuan and Wang Tao both nodded and said, "Then this time, we must Let us treat you.. I used to treat you every time I ate. I'm so sorry. And you helped our police station so much. It's time to thank you."_


094 Criminal Minds

Lin Chen said: _ "It's okay. _ It's up to me to invite you. Eat whatever you want. I don't need to care about these small money, but these money have nothing to do with Lin Chen _ As long as everyone can be happy and go to Lin Chen is satisfied.

Lin Chen took them to a five-star Tai Hotel. . Ordered a table of delicacies from the mountains and seas.

Zhang Yu'ai said to Lin Chen, "We don't need to order so much, there are only three of us. If you order too much, it will be a waste."

Lin Chen said: "It doesn't matter, I see that there are some stray cats at the door, so let's feed them if they can't finish it."

Zhang Tianai knew that Lin Chen was a very kind person.

Moreover, Lin Chen is very righteous to his friends. Now the three of them rarely come out to eat together. Of course, Lin Chen will entertain them. Wang Tao saw the deliciousness of the second table. _ repeatedly praised Lin Chen, _ "These meals are my My favorite food. Thank you so much. Go. Lin Chen."

People from several companies were very happy to eat here and chatted. A lot.

During the chat, _Wang Tao saw a different side of Lin Chen.Lin Chen has a wide range of knowledge and a broad vision. . No matter what topic is involved. He can talk to each other eloquently.

Wang Tao often admires Lin Chen for this point.During this meal, Wang Tao frequently looked at Lin Chen.

Wang Tao's eyes shone with admiration.

sometimes.Lin Chen saw Wang Tao's kindness.All a little embarrassed.They haven't finished their meal yet.. The police station called again.

Zhang Tiannuan received the call and rushed to the police station immediately.

On the way, Zhang Tiannuan said to Lin Chen and Wang Tao. _"On the road next to the police station. Two more female corpses were found. Let's go back and investigate."

After arriving at the police station, Zhang Tian'an hurried to what happened.The police took them to the scene of the incident, where the body was dumped in two woods.

According to the casualty identification of the deceased, _ this is a female, about 25 years old, who was strangled by a rope before she stood upright.It has been five hours since the deceased died.It was a passerby who occasionally saw the deceased... and only called the police on the phone.

Lin Chen hurriedly asked: _ "Is that passerby still there just now?. I'll ask him something." The police told Lin Chen, _ The passerby just now may have left after my police officer.Original


^ said,

(bhff)_.When the police arrived at __




The police heard Lin Chen again: _"Is there any news for you to find that passerby?" tb3q

*0> ;

Lin Chen said: 186 is not heavy p25

The thing I want.. just want to ask the situation of Sanwu at that time. "

The police told Lin Chen, "The passerby from Gangtu called from a landline... so I can't contact him now._" Lin Chen said: _ "We should hurry up and send this person for a DNA test. Make sure_ The identity of the deceased."

The policeman nodded. .Said: _ "We will do it right away."

After the police sent the deceased to the hospital, Lin Chen observed the situation here.

This is a very remote wood.Usually no one comes here. The murderer put the body here so that it is not easy to be found.But Lin Chen added: "If the murderer puts the murderer here. It should wrap the body with something or cover it with some leaves, and let people discover that the body is lying here naked._Very It's easy to be discovered... The murderer shouldn't be as stupid as the king."

Wang Tao said: "Yeah, it's really not in line with common sense."

Lin Chen continued to watch the position of the next throw.

The location at that time was also chosen not very far from the road. If the corpse was to be thrown, it should also be hidden in the depths of the woods so that it would be more difficult to be found.

All this made Wang Tao very incomprehensible.

Looking at Wang Tao's puzzled expression, Lin Chen deduced, "Looking at the current state, there are probably two situations e_one is that Fierce Mao was too nervous at the time, so he didn't think about it so thoroughly. The other two is that when the murderer committed the crime, he was very proud, so he deliberately left the victim in this obvious place. _Let the police call the police in time."

When Wang Tao heard Lin Chen's inference, he was even more puzzled. Wang Tao could understand Lin Chen's first inference.But Lin Chen's second inference._Wang Tao has two points that he can't understand.Wang Tao said, _ "Ordinary people will still be very nervous after killing others, _ are you afraid?. How can you still feel proud." Lin Chen said: _ "You don't know that. This is a special kind of Criminal minds, I feel that I have cleared up all kinds of professional clues that compare their modus operandi. Seeing that the police can't catch them. They can't solve the case. _Thinking about what Lin Chen said.And Lin Chen continued to explain: _ "I think the second possibility is more likely. According to normal people's thinking, even in a state of extreme tension, there are two common senses. Hide the body in a special place. Hidden places, never to be discovered. So the murderer shouldn't make such a big mistake."

At this time, Wang Tao understood Lin Chen's analysis_.

Wang Tao nodded.Reply. _ "Yes, we have investigated the fierce hairs before. When they hurt others, they will be very afraid. The first thing that came to mind at the time was to hurry up and hide the body. _ Not to be found Wang Tao continued to ask Lin Chen: "Then according to your analysis. .is this murderer the second kind of person you said?"

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