Lin Chen nodded and replied:

"in case

Guess correctly. .should be so._And I think the killer may have done it more than once. "

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, Zhang Tiannuan received a call.

It turned out that the little policeman found the police station next door after returning the inspection report to the police station.Received an alarm some time ago.. The deceased has been thrown into the worm of the forest.

And the injured part of the woman is almost the same as the injured part of the current woman, _ and the modus operandi.Zhang Yunuan immediately sighed when he heard the police officer say this: "Lin Chen's guess. It's not bad at all."

It seems that, as Lin Chen said, the murderer committed a series of crimes.Lin Chen said to Zhang Tiannuan: "We have to find the murderer quickly. I doubt that he will continue to look for the next person as his target."

Zhang Yunuan nodded and said: "Don't worry, I must not let him hurt anyone again."

Lin Chen said to Zhang Tiannuan, "General criminals have a thought, that killing one person is also a capital offense, and killing a group of people is also a crime... So now the murderer doesn't have any mental burden. We have to make good preparations for the next step."

Zhang Tiannuan also realized the seriousness of the matter. _ ,


095 Serial crime

Lin Chen said to Zhang Tiannuan: "Hurry up and ask the people in the police station to count the commonalities of the two cases. The more commonalities they find, the better."

Zhang Tiannuan said: "The two cases are handled by different police stations. If they are carried out together. Will it be more chaotic?"

Lin Chen replied, "These two cases should be committed by the same murderer. Let's combine these two cases to investigate. Zhang Tiannuan nodded, just now Zhang Tianan heard the police say to her. The injured parts of the two deceased are the same and they were both placed in the woods. Indeed, as Lin Chen said, it may also be the same murderer. Lin Chen continued: "If we collect all these common points. _If you make a comprehensive judgment, you may be able to infer who the murderer's next target will be. "

Zhang Tiannuan said: _ "Yes.. If we can successfully deduce who the next target is, we can ambush him. On the other hand, we can protect him from harm. On the other hand, we can also find the murderer. ." Zhang Yunuan had to admire in his heart.Lin Chen's plan is so perfect. Lin Chen said to Zhang Tiannuan, "Then we will wait for the investigation results~ Let's get the results out."

Zhang Yunuan nodded _. Sitting on the stone beside the worker.

Lin Chen also sat with her.Zhang Tiannuan said to Lin Chen, "You said that the murderer's it particularly terrifying?"

Lin Chen replied: "That's not necessarily very obstructive and terrifying. It's also possible that he has been hurt before. So there is a flaw in character."

Zhang Yu'ai understood what Lin Chen meant by saying this.Sometimes the murderer confesses to them after being caught.

Zhang Tianai can also realize the pain and discomfort in the murderer's heart. Sometimes he is often awakened by nightmares at night.

And they are criminals.In childhood or a certain period... Maybe they have been frustrated by the giants, so that their nerves are about to collapse.

If a person who truly loves life.He probably won't go down the road of crime.

Every happy person in the world. _ will not push themselves on the road of crime.Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help but feel very salty when he thought of these.I hope the world can also become a better place and everyone is so happy.But Lin Chen added: "For whatever reason.. The murderer hurt other people who are not kings. Then he is unforgivable and he will be punished for what he did."

Zhang Tiannuan nodded.She understood what Lin Chen meant.

No matter what the reasons are for the murderer, he should not arbitrarily deprive Jinzhong.

undermine the rights of others.


Lin Chen said to Zhang Tianni, "The law serves people, and we must strictly abide by every requirement of the law. Only in this way can we ensure social fairness and justice."


Zhang Xinuan also nodded firmly._Neng Leng

Enough to become a police officer Cai 6o to serve the people Zhang Tiannuan has always felt that it is her honor.Call the police station.Zhang Tiannuan received the call.. very excited.Zhang Tiannuan is very excited now, she just wants to solve the case quickly... catch the murderer and stop him from persecuting others.The police department came over the phone this time.. just to tell them what the two cases have in common.

Both women are in their 20s.. unmarried.And the leftmost has in common.Just work in the same hospital.The wounds of the two were strangled by the back of the neck, resulting in suffocation and death. The modus operandi was exactly the same.

Except for the scar on the neck.. no other scars.

And looking at the expressions on their faces, there should be painful moans and struggles, so the crime scene may be a relatively hidden place.

If it is a public place._Then the voices of these two women...will definitely attract the attention of others.

Lin Chen heard the police say this. _ He immediately told the police __ "Hurry up and lock the hospital, it is very likely that the murderer will continue to target that hospital."

Zhang Yunuan also nodded.And come to see the words.That hospital is the focus of the investigation.Lin Chen added: _ "And the location of the crime is definitely not in the hospital... So how did the murderer lead the two women to other places, and then start again?" Zhang Yunuan heard Lin Chen say this._ Just suddenly realized.

If they start at the hospital, the struggle of these two women will definitely attract the attention of other protectors or patients. The murderer will definitely not alarm others like this.

Asking for flowers:_ :_ :_ Go. Go..., Lin Chen immediately arranged for the police: _ "Strictly watch over the female doctors in the hospital. Any female doctors who leave the hospital must follow closely and protect them. Lin Chen said to Zhang Tian'an: "Don't worry too much. These doctors should not be threatened in the hospital. The hospital is a public place where the murderer will not start here," Zhang Wunuan said: "Then we are here directly." Propaganda in the hospital _ Let these female doctors not go to dangerous places with other people casually, and meeting people is also in public places, but Lin Chen said to Zhang Tiannuan, _ "It can't be announced like this directly. . = Zhi Qianyou is in this hospital.. Find an opportunity to attack at any time. If we promote it like this, it will be shocking. The May [-] murderer will move to another hospital to start. It will be even more dangerous e”


Although Zhang Yunuan has been in the police station for so long.But sometimes when thinking about the problem, it is not very comprehensive.Thanks to Liao, Lin Chen was by Zhang Wunuan's side, reminding her at any time.These cases were able to proceed so smoothly.

It's not that Zhang Tiannuan is not good enough, but if he wants to solve the case... there are too many details to pay attention to.

Zhang Wu'an noticed this, but he may have overlooked another point. _I want to do it perfectly and thoroughly.It's really not an easy thing.

Zhang Tianai and Lin Chen immediately arrived at the hospital, and when they arrived, the hospital found that everything went smoothly.

Mingyu first contacted the dean and listed all the female doctors and nurses in the hospital as key protection objects.Since this is a children's hospital.. so the doctors here are relatively young.Only some senior doctors are too old

Therefore, there are still many female doctors. ,

Zhang Wunuan showed a somewhat sad and depressed expression at this time, but Zhang Tiannan didn't say anything, perhaps because he was afraid that Lin Chen would be worried.But Lin Chen saw Zhang Tian'an's worry and understood what she was worried about. Lin Chen said to Zhang Tian'an, "There are too many people who need to be protected here. You must be worried that the protection is not in place to let them go. What kind of accident happened. And if the police station is dispatched on such a large scale... it is easy to attract the attention of the murderer."


096 Return to the place where the corpse was thrown

Lin Chen really can guess the hearts of others, that's what Zhang Yunuan thought.Lin Chen touched Zhang Tiannuan's head and said to her, "don't worry...don't worry about it. I will solve these problems."

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