
The students began to urge Lin Chen to continue reasoning. After Lin Chen took his eyes away from Liu Xiaojing, he said, "You can kill the two dead people because they accidentally drank medicines such as Menghan medicine, and waited until they fell into a coma. , you crawl out from under the chuang, then cut their throats and bleed them."

When Lin Chen said this, he walked to the computer, clicked the mouse a few times, and then a picture was projected.

This is a photo of a piece of corpse meat, the photo has been mosaicked, and only a small part has not been beaten.

Lin Chen pointed to the photo and said, "This is one of the body parts after the body was dismembered. Let's look at the cross-section of the bone. Judging from the cross-section, it was sawed with a hacksaw blade with a tooth pitch of 0.1 mm."

"A hacksaw blade is so strong-hard that it can cut through iron, but it also has the property of being brittle."

"Liu Xiaojing, there is a vise in your dormitory. You should have used the vise to break the hacksaw blade of the crime tool into small sections, and then threw it into the toilet and flushed it away."

"Woooooo..." Liu Xiaojing, who was slumped on the ground, couldn't hold it any longer, and burst into tears.

Seeing this, Lin Chen sighed, "It seems that my inference is not wrong."

"Bitch, damn it, you still have the face to cry, you return my daughter, you return my daughter..." Zhou Dayong, the father of the deceased, was stopped by two criminal policemen, his face flushed red, and he was so angry .

The other students and teachers, as well as the detectives on stage, were all convinced by Lin Chen's series of inferences.

The old detectives behind Lin Chen, their faces were solemn at this moment, and they changed their previous views on Lin Chen from the bottom of their hearts.

Lin Chen's ability to solve cases far surpassed them, and they admired them from the bottom of their hearts.

Fang Xinzhou was in a daze, Wang Tao kept scratching his hair, a little unbelievable, but the facts were in front of him again, Lin Chen... solved the case of the corpse at Donglin University.

Liu Xiaojing cried so hard that her body was trembling non-stop. It could be seen that she was desperate at the moment.

Lin Chen said calmly: "Liu Xiaojing, it's hard to imagine, what kind of deep hatred can make you do such cruel things, bloodletting... dismembering the body, and daring to sleep at the crime scene for one night..."

Everyone looked at Liu Xiaojing in unison, wondering why she was killing her roommate.

"It's him, it's because of him!" Liu Xiaojing suddenly shouted and pointed to the father of the deceased, Zhou Dayong.

When Zhou Dayong heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Bitch, what are you talking about, because of me? It's not enough for you to kill my daughter, you still want to slander me, right?"


PS: The flowers did not reach [-] yesterday, but there are so many brothers who voted, and I will add more today. Thank you for liking this book. I will try my best to write it.


014 Liu Xiaojing's Past【For Collection】

Hearing Liu Xiaojing say that she killed two roommates because of one of the roommates' father, Zhou Dayong, everyone was very puzzled, why Liu Xiaojing's spearhead would point to Zhou Dayong, an irrelevant person.

Zhou Dayong was very excited, but his strength was no match for the two detectives, so he could only point out Liu Xiaojing and curse.

Lin Chen said to Liu Xiaojing, "Because of the father of the deceased?"

"Yes." Liu Xiaojing looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, the detective said just now that my mother died in a car accident when I was eleven years old. Did you hear that?"

Lin Chen nodded slightly, indicating that he understood. After Zhang Tianan heard the words, he asked, "Do you want to say that your mother's death in a car accident is related to the deceased's father, Zhou Dayong?"

"That's right." Liu Xiaojing said.

"Isn't it? We checked the car accident. The cause of the car accident was because your mother was walking carelessly and ran a red light. The driver of a truck didn't notice the road, and the truck took your mother's life." Zhang Tianai recalled that when Liu Xiaojing was investigated, she personally investigated these matters.

Liu Xiaojing sighed and said, "Officer, you're right, my mother ran a red light before she got into a car accident, but do you know why she ran a red light?"

"It's all because of him!"

Liu Xiaojing's hand once again pointed at Zhou Dayong.

Zhou Dayong gritted his teeth, not understanding why this bitch was biting himself so hard, he simply asked: "Mom, bitch woman, you said your mother died because of me, huh, this is really ridiculous , then tell me, how did I kill your mother-"

Liu Xiaojing looked at Zhou Dayong's eyes, full of hatred, and then she slowly told the story.

When Liu Xiaojing was eleven years old, her mother went from her hometown in the countryside to the county seat so that she could go to a better school. In order to save rent, she rented a house in a remote place in the county seat.

Liu Xiaojing's mother accompanies Liu Xiaojing to school while working and earning money. Although the mother and daughter have a hard life, they both feel very happy.

But one night, late at night, an uninvited guest broke into the room where the mother and daughter were.

The uninvited guest was very strong, and jumped directly on the chuang, pressing Liu Xiaojing's mother under him.

Liu Xiaojing, who was eleven years old at the time, was lying beside her mother and was awakened by the huge movement.

Although she is young, she also understands that it is dangerous, so she shouted, trying to use the cry for help to attract other neighbors in the rental house.

In the room, there is a small night light that emits a faint light.

When Liu Xiaojing was helping her mother against the man, she saw a tattoo of a cross next to the man's ear.

It was a tattoo that Liu Xiaojing would never forget in her life. She was knocked unconscious afterward. When she woke up, she saw her mother hiding in chuang's head, holding her legs and her body shivering. Her eyes were shaking. Crying blood red.

Liu Xiaojing was very frightened, so she got up crying and asked her mother what happened.

Liu Xiaojing's mother didn't say anything at the time. She was afraid that she would not be able to raise her head in her relatives, friends and the village, so she chose to remain silent and did not call the police.

But since then, she has been unhappy, often alone in a daze, and finally encountered a car accident on her way to the vegetable market.

Liu Xiaojing knew that it was the man who broke into the house that night that killed her mother. She would never forget the cross tattoo on the man's ear.

She has always kept this hatred in her heart. After she came to the university, she met two roommates, the deceased Li Mou and Zhou Mou.

The family conditions of these two people are good. Liu Xiaojing is very poor with the hundreds of dollars that her grandmother gives each month.

After Li and Zhou lived in the same dormitory with Liu Xiaojing, they often bullied her, abused her, and asked Liu Xiaojing to help them clean, wash their clothes, and wash their underwear.

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