Li and Zhou knew the miscellaneous people outside the school, and they threatened Liu Xiaojing that if she was disobedient, they would find those people to beat her.

Originally, Liu Xiaojing was going to endure all this silently. Her grandmother offered her to go to university, and she cherished this opportunity very much.

But one day, Zhou Dayong, the father of the deceased Zhou Mou, came to give food to his daughter, and Liu Xiaojing saw the cross tattoo that made her unforgettable next to Zhou Dayong's ear.

The exact same tattoo and her unchanging voice made Liu Xiaojing instantly identify Zhou Dayong as the man who insulted her mother back then.

The flame of revenge in her heart was burning brightly. While being bullied by Li and Zhou, Liu Xiaojing thought about the method of revenge.

Finally one day, a girl who looks exactly like Liu Xiaojing found her.

Liu Xiaojing was so surprised that she couldn't say a word. Looking at the girl, Liu Xiaojing seemed to be looking in a mirror.

That girl is Liu Xiaojing's twin sister. Back then, her mother went to work in another place, and she and her father were pregnant with twins.

Because of lack of money, they did not get married and did not get a certificate. After giving birth to two twins, the two finally chose to separate because of their relationship.

The mother took Liu Xiaojing, and the father took away the younger sister.

After his sister grew up, his father became seriously ill, and he had one wish, that is, to see Liu Xiaojing and her mother again.

The sister tried her best to find Liu Xiaojing in Tianhai City. Liu Xiaojing told her sister that her mother had been killed, and the person who killed her mother was by her side.

The two sisters began to figure out that they could not kill Zhou Dayong quietly, so they shifted their target and created the 311 dormitory corpse case.

"Dong dong dong..."

Liu Xiaojing knelt in front of Lin Chen and slammed her head on the ground, she begged: "Officer Lin, I admit all my crimes, what kind of punishment will I receive is what I deserve, you are a detective, I beg you, beg Please, please help me to discipline that bastard Zhou Dayong, he was the one who insulted my mother, not him, my mother will not die..."

Liu Xiaojing's head slammed hard on the concrete floor, and within a few moments, her forehead was bruised, and it was about to burst and bleed.

"Hurry up and stop her." Zhang Tianan rushed up immediately, afraid that Liu Xiaojing's crazy kowtow would kill him.

Zhou Dayong's face was ugly at the moment, Liu Xiaojing was pulled by Zhang Tianan and the others, but she still tried her best to kowtow to Lin Chen.


PS: There will be two chapters to update in a while.


015 Be a friend [for collection]

Lin Chen looked at the crazy Liu Xiaojing, and his eyes turned to Zhou Dayong over there.

After Zhou Dayong felt Lin Chen's gaze, he trembled and his expression was extremely serious.

"Zhou Dayong, you raped a child's mother in the rental house." Lin Chen said.

"No, I didn't?" Zhou Dayong waved his hand vigorously and used a large movement to indicate that he had not done it.

"That night, you knocked Liu Xiaojing unconscious and raped her mother." Lin Chen continued to repeat this sentence.

The big gold chain on Zhou Dayong's neck swayed, and he said hoarsely: "No, I don't, don't listen to her side words."

"No, that night, you rushed into the room, knocked Liu Xiaojing unconscious, and raped her mother." This sentence was still repeated in Lin Chen's mouth.

"No, no, she spit out blood, this is nothing at all, Officer Lin, you have to believe me..." Zhou Dayong seemed calmer when he said this.

Lin Chen stared at Zhou Dayong, shook his head slightly, turned around, and said to Deputy Bureau Sun, who was standing beside him: "Old Sun, in the three questions I just asked, Zhou Dayong had some signs of lying. Here's to you."

When Deputy Bureau Sun heard the words, he hummed and responded, "Okay, leave it to me. I'll let you know if there is any result."

After Deputy Bureau Sun finished speaking, he winked at the two old detectives next to him, who immediately walked to Zhou Dayong and controlled him.

"Mr. Zhou, we now suspect that you have something to do with a rape case. Please come back to the Public Security Bureau with us to assist in the investigation." An old criminal policeman said to Zhou Dayong.

The muscles on Zhou Dayong's face were trembling. He said, "Okay, let's go. I didn't lie just now, and I didn't do anything wrong. I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door."

Liu Xiaojing's forehead seeped blood, and she said, "Thank you, Detective Lin, with you here, I will definitely be able to find evidence that he raped my mother, thank you..."

Lin Chen looked at her and said, "You hurt yourself and your sister too."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he glanced at the audience, and he was about to leave.

Seeing this, Deputy Bureau Sun immediately said to Zhang Tianan: "Xiao Ai, help me take Mr. Lin back, and by the way, treat Mr. Lin for a meal on my behalf."

"Okay." Zhang Tianyi agreed.

Fang Xinzhou, the leader of the serious crime team, heard the words and immediately said, "Deputy Bureau, let me send him back."

Fang Xinzhou loves Zhang Tiannan, but he doesn't want his goddess and Lin Chen to get too close.

"No." Deputy Director Sun said rudely.

After Fang Xinzhou heard Deputy Director Sun's tone, he shrank his neck and did not dare to speak any more.

Lin Chen walked to Deputy Director Sun, put his hand on Deputy Director Sun's shoulder, and said, "Old Sun, this Fang Xinzhou under your hands has no skills, but he has a lot of words, I don't know how to sit in the group. long position."

Without waiting for Deputy Bureau Sun to speak, Lin Chen put down such a sentence, turned around and left.

"Officer Lin, don't go, we still have something to ask."

"Officer Lin, can we take a photo together?"

When some students saw that Lin Chen was about to leave, they immediately gathered around and questioned.

The police immediately stopped the students and prevented them from blocking Lin Chen's way.

Under the gaze of one or two hundred pairs of eyes, Lin Chen got into a police car. Zhang Tianan drove the car and quickly drove away from Donglin University.

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