Lin Chen stopped, nodded and said, "It's alright here, of course I'm going back now."

Zhang Tian'an sighed and said, "Don't leave in a hurry, go to my house for dinner at night."

"Why?" Lin Chen asked.

"It's not because of what happened last night. My parents misunderstood us. They insisted on asking you to go to the house for a meal to get to know you." Zhang Tian'an's voice was small and weak.

Miao Yunfei, who was standing by the side, was stunned for a moment after hearing this, turned her head to look at Lin Chen, and said subconsciously, "What happened to you two last night?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tian'an looked at Miao Yunfei a little embarrassed. She couldn't tell Miao Yunfei that Lin Chen accidentally touched Xiong while she was walking last night, and she accidentally kissed Lin Chen when she was walking up the stairs. Bar?


After Zhang Tian'an was lying on the chuang last night, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Why is he so stupid? People who don't know, really thought that he was deliberately letting Lin Chen take advantage.

And when Lin Chen heard Miao Yunfei's question, his response was simple: "What's your business?"

Miao Yunfei was choked by Lin Chen, she was speechless and couldn't say a word.

The others in the serious crime team were all beside them, and after seeing Lin Chen embarrassed Miao Yunfei saying that it was about you, they all looked at each other in dismay.

They have been with Miao Yunfei's colleagues for so long, only to see that Lin Chen doesn't give Miao Yunfei any face like this.

"Hmph." Miao Yunfei snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the hotel, silver teeth lightly bite, scolding Lin Chen as a big bastard in her heart.

After Miao Yunfei left, Zhang Tianan said to Lin Chen, "At dinner tonight, please explain to my parents."

"What to explain, let them misunderstand." Lin Chen said.

Just after Lin Chen finished speaking, the cell phone in his pocket rang.


PS: This is the fifth update today, brothers, let me talk about the update of this book.

Generally, one or two chapters will be updated in the early morning, and then in the afternoon or evening, the chapters of the day will be updated in one go.

Update them all, watch them together, it will be better.

Thank you brothers for your support, there will be an update in the early morning. .


139 Go to Zhang Tian's house 【Subscription】

After hearing the ringing of the phone, Lin Chen immediately took out his phone.

On the screen of the mobile phone, three words were displayed: Xia Miaoyan.

Lin Chen pressed the answer button, Zhang Tianai, who was beside him, was going to continue talking, but stopped when he saw Lin Chen answering the phone.

"Master." Xia Miaoyan's voice came from the receiver: "I will help you find the employees you need. When will you be back?"

"I'll be back in the afternoon." Lin Chen said, "I'll go to the school to find you after I come back, and I'll call those students you've identified by the way."

"Well, good." Xia Miaoyan agreed.

Now the number of users of Penguin Chat has begun to increase rapidly. Lin Chen's 'Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd.' needs a lot of talents. Just let them go to work.

The salary is, of course, twice as high as that of the peers.

After Lin Chen put down his phone, Zhang Tianan walked up to Lin Chen and said, "Don't go back in the afternoon. In the evening, go to my house for dinner and let's go back to the city together."

Lin Chen looked up and down at Zhang Tianan, a beautiful police officer, and said, "Yesterday, I deliberately took advantage of you twice, and today I want to go to your house for dinner, go and explain to your parents. "

"Let me reiterate." Zhang Tian'an said in a deep tone, word by word: "Yesterday I fell twice, it was really, really accidental, I didn't do it on purpose, how can a girl be so shameless and fall on purpose Come on, let you take advantage of it twice."

"Yes." Lin Chen said seriously: "Isn't it you?"


Zhang Tiannan's pink fists were tightly squeezed, and a cold face appeared on her fair-faced melon seeds. She stared at Lin Chen badly, and said, "You're going to be mad at me, aren't you?"

Lin Chen laughed and said, "I'll go back to the room to get my things, so you can calm down here yourself."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked towards the hotel and went back to the room to get his things.

Zhang Tianai stood at the door of the hotel, looked at Lin Chen's departing back, and sighed a long time.

This guy, Lin Chen, really can't do anything about him by himself.

Lin Chen didn't have many things left in the hotel room. After taking the things, he went out, and just bumped into Miao Yunfei, and she just took out her own things.

Miao Yunfei was very concerned about Lin Chen's sentence 'what's your business' just now, but this time she didn't look at Lin Chen, turned around and walked towards the aisle.

The two came to the elevator door one after another and took the elevator downstairs without saying a word.

After returning to the door of the hotel, Miao Yunfei said to Zhang Tianyu, "Your vacation is coming to an end, so you have to go back, right?"


Zhang Tiannan understood that Miao Yunfei meant to ask herself if she wanted to go back with them, so she pointed at Lin Chen and said, "I will go back to the city with Lin Chen at night and take his car."

Hearing that Zhang Tiannan was going to be alone with Lin Chen again, Miao Yunfei nodded calmly, and then got into the car.

Zhang Tianan asked Lin Chen to go to her house to help explain what happened last night. Lin Chen said that you can explain it yourself. What are you doing with me.

Zhang Tianan had no choice but to say: "I explained to my parents, they think I'm talking to someone, and they're embarrassed to say that, I've talked too much, and they're not happy... Tonight, please explain it with me, so that they won't misunderstood."

At Zhang Tian'an's request, Lin Chen had no choice but to leave immediately, and leave after dinner at Zhang Tian'an's house in the evening.

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